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Datacraft Sozaijiten Vol 213 Health and Healthcare 1 cd
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Classic Country and New Country Rock
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Cisco 1861 IOS 12 4 24T Advanced Enterprise Services 1 cd
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marți, 9 decembrie 1975
CBT NUGGETS Cisco CCVP Exam Pack 642 426 1 dvd
CBT NUGGETS Cisco CCVP Exam Pack 642 426 1 dvd
This training is a "best of" series that combines all
the other VoIP series into one. Jeremy provides you with
practical scenarios demonstrating real world problems
and solutions. He also demonstrates troubleshooting in
both CallManager 4 the Windows version and 6 the Linux
version. Plus, he explains many concepts that fill in the
gaps if you dont have experience with some of the
prerequisite information.
BUY CBT NUGGETS Cisco CCVP Exam Pack 642 426 1 dvd 20$
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This training is a "best of" series that combines all
the other VoIP series into one. Jeremy provides you with
practical scenarios demonstrating real world problems
and solutions. He also demonstrates troubleshooting in
both CallManager 4 the Windows version and 6 the Linux
version. Plus, he explains many concepts that fill in the
gaps if you dont have experience with some of the
prerequisite information.
BUY CBT NUGGETS Cisco CCVP Exam Pack 642 426 1 dvd 20$
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sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 1975
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Major Roads of Europe DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Major Roads of Europe DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Blaupunkt Tele Atlas Major Roads of Europe DX 2008 2009 allows the route guidance
on the borders from 15 countries. ~ 100 for main roadsof Andorra, Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands,
Portugal, San Marino, Spain including the Canary Islands and Switzerland.
About 13,300 kilometers of roads with this additional product included!
Updated official TMC code lists for Austria, Denmark, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
TMC codes for Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands also available .
In total ~ 122,400 POIs including ~ 71,800 including inner cities, about 5,300 ~ 33,000
roadhouses and service stations. Gas stations with compressed natural gas CNG and
liquefied petroleum gas LPG are also included.
Many news update guarantee best possible routing!
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Blaupunkt Tele Atlas Major Roads of Europe DX 2008 2009 allows the route guidance
on the borders from 15 countries. ~ 100 for main roadsof Andorra, Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands,
Portugal, San Marino, Spain including the Canary Islands and Switzerland.
About 13,300 kilometers of roads with this additional product included!
Updated official TMC code lists for Austria, Denmark, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
TMC codes for Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands also available .
In total ~ 122,400 POIs including ~ 71,800 including inner cities, about 5,300 ~ 33,000
roadhouses and service stations. Gas stations with compressed natural gas CNG and
liquefied petroleum gas LPG are also included.
Many news update guarantee best possible routing!
BUY Blaupunkt Teleatlas Major Roads of Europe DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd 10$
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miercuri, 3 decembrie 1975
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd
Neueste TeleAtlas Navigation CD fuer Ihr Blaupunkt DX
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Deutschland erhaeltlich.
Ausserdem detailliertes Strassennetz fuer die Schweizer
Grenzstadt Basel und die Region Schaffhausen mitgeliefert.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Deutschland, Basel und Schaffhausen:
~100 der Bevoelkerung koennen durch Auswahl von
Hausnummebereichen erreicht werden!
Rund 873.000 Kilometer Strassennetz abgedeckt.
Aktualisierte amtliche TMC Codeliste fuer Deutschland verbessert
die dynamische Zielfuehrung auf deutschen Autobahnen.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~278.000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere
Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35 000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich
der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
CNG Druck Erdgas
LPG Fluessiggas
Landesdetails Detailstrassennetz Hausnumme TMC
D Deutschland ~100 ~100 ?
Sonderziele: ~278.000 +1 500
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01]
Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01, MFD 01.01] Honda
[TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX] Maserati Quattroporte M139
Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04,
CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК 12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03,
E Class 04.99 . 11.03, G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00
02.05, S Class 12.99 . 01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for
use in Auto
Pilot System or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS
4] Seat [DX DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD
>01.00, MFD Touareg, T5 Multivan]
BUY Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd 10$
TAGS low price Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd, oem Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd, low price Blaupunkt Teleatlas Deutschland DX 2009 2010 German 1 dvd
Neueste TeleAtlas Navigation CD fuer Ihr Blaupunkt DX
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Deutschland erhaeltlich.
Ausserdem detailliertes Strassennetz fuer die Schweizer
Grenzstadt Basel und die Region Schaffhausen mitgeliefert.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Deutschland, Basel und Schaffhausen:
~100 der Bevoelkerung koennen durch Auswahl von
Hausnummebereichen erreicht werden!
Rund 873.000 Kilometer Strassennetz abgedeckt.
Aktualisierte amtliche TMC Codeliste fuer Deutschland verbessert
die dynamische Zielfuehrung auf deutschen Autobahnen.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~278.000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere
Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35 000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich
der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
CNG Druck Erdgas
LPG Fluessiggas
Landesdetails Detailstrassennetz Hausnumme TMC
D Deutschland ~100 ~100 ?
Sonderziele: ~278.000 +1 500
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01]
Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01, MFD 01.01] Honda
[TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX] Maserati Quattroporte M139
Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04,
CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК 12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03,
E Class 04.99 . 11.03, G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00
02.05, S Class 12.99 . 01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for
use in Auto
Pilot System or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS
4] Seat [DX DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD
>01.00, MFD Touareg, T5 Multivan]
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Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Neueste TeleAtlas Navigation CD fuer Ihr Blaupunkt DX
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Belgien, die Niederlande und
Luxemburg. Die mitgelieferten Grenzregionen von Frankreich und
Deutschland machen das Reisen in Grenzgebieten einfacher.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Belgien, den Niederlanden und der
Grenzregion moeglich.
Rund 631 000 Kilometer Strassennetz abgedeckt.
Dynamische Zielfuehrung auf Autobahnen in Belgien und den
Niederlanden sowie in den Grenzregionen Frankreichs und
Deutschlands moeglich. Aktualisierte offizielle TMCCodeliste
fuer Deutschland, Frankreich und Belgien mitgeliefert.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~186 000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35
000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01]
Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01, MFD 01.01] Honda
[TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX] Maserati Quattroporte M139
Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04,
CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК 12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03,
E Class 04.99 . 11.03, G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00
02.05, S Class 12.99 . 01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for
use in Auto
Pilot System or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS
4] Seat [DX DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD
>01.00, MFD Touareg, T5 Multivan]
BUY Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd 10$
TAGS low price Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd, download Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd, low cost Blaupunkt Teleatlas Benelux DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Neueste TeleAtlas Navigation CD fuer Ihr Blaupunkt DX
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Belgien, die Niederlande und
Luxemburg. Die mitgelieferten Grenzregionen von Frankreich und
Deutschland machen das Reisen in Grenzgebieten einfacher.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Belgien, den Niederlanden und der
Grenzregion moeglich.
Rund 631 000 Kilometer Strassennetz abgedeckt.
Dynamische Zielfuehrung auf Autobahnen in Belgien und den
Niederlanden sowie in den Grenzregionen Frankreichs und
Deutschlands moeglich. Aktualisierte offizielle TMCCodeliste
fuer Deutschland, Frankreich und Belgien mitgeliefert.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~186 000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35
000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01]
Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01, MFD 01.01] Honda
[TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX] Maserati Quattroporte M139
Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04,
CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК 12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03,
E Class 04.99 . 11.03, G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00
02.05, S Class 12.99 . 01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for
use in Auto
Pilot System or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS
4] Seat [DX DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD
>01.00, MFD Touareg, T5 Multivan]
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vineri, 28 noiembrie 1975
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Detailstrassennetz fuer den gesamten Alpenraum ermoeglicht eine
Routenfuehrung, z. B. von Muenchen nach Verona oder von Nizza
ueber Grenoble nach Mailand.
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Oesterreich, die Schweiz und
Liechtenstein sowie fuer das Grenzgebiet Sueddeutschland,
Norditalien und Suedostfrankreich erhaeltlich.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Oesterreich, der Schweiz und der
Grenzregion moeglich.
Ueber 25 000 Kilometer zusaetzliches Strassennetz mitgeliefert!
Aktualisierte TMC Codelisten fuer Oesterreich, die Schweiz und
Deutschland. TMC Codes fuer die Grenzregionen von Frankreich und
Italien ebenfalls erhaeltlich.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~270 000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35
000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
270 000 +2 800
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
CNG Druck Erdgas
LPG Fluessiggas
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01] Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01,
MFD 01.01] Honda [TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX]
Maserati Quattroporte M139 Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND
APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04, CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК
12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03, E Class 04.99 . 11.03,
G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00 . 02.05, S Class 12.99
01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for use in Auto Pilot System
or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS 4] Seat [DX
DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD >01.00, MFD
Touareg, T5 Multivan]
BUY Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd 10$
TAGS low cost Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd, download Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd, oem Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd
Detailstrassennetz fuer den gesamten Alpenraum ermoeglicht eine
Routenfuehrung, z. B. von Muenchen nach Verona oder von Nizza
ueber Grenoble nach Mailand.
100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Oesterreich, die Schweiz und
Liechtenstein sowie fuer das Grenzgebiet Sueddeutschland,
Norditalien und Suedostfrankreich erhaeltlich.
Tuer zu Tuer Routenfuehrung in Oesterreich, der Schweiz und der
Grenzregion moeglich.
Ueber 25 000 Kilometer zusaetzliches Strassennetz mitgeliefert!
Aktualisierte TMC Codelisten fuer Oesterreich, die Schweiz und
Deutschland. TMC Codes fuer die Grenzregionen von Frankreich und
Italien ebenfalls erhaeltlich.
Sie moechten etwas essen, suchen eine Parkmoeglichkeit oder
muessen tanken? Es stehen Ihnen ~270 000 Sonderziele POI wie
z. B. Restaurants, Parkplaetze und Tankstellen einschliesslich
solcher mit Erdgas und Autogas zur Verfuegung.
Die ersten Bosch DX Navigations CDs mit Gemeinde Feedback
ermoeglichen nun noch bessere Navigation: Europaweit jetzt 35
000 Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Verkehrsrichtungen enthalten.
270 000 +2 800
Die Verfuegbarkeit haengt vom verw. Navigationssystem ab
CNG Druck Erdgas
LPG Fluessiggas
Geeignet fuer
DX V, DX N, DX R 5, DX R 52, DX R 70, DX R 4, RNS 4
Alfa Romeo [DX] Audi [Navigation Plus RNS4.X
>12.99/Navigation BNS4.X in A2/A3/TT>07.01, A4>11.00,
A6>05.01, A8>01.01] Fiat [DX] Ford [TravelPilot 03.01,
MFD 01.01] Honda [TravelPilot DX N] Lancia [DX]
Maserati Quattroporte M139 Mercedes Benz [COMAND DX/COMAND
APS in: C Class 07.99 . 11.04, CLS 04.99 . 11.03, CL CoupК
12.99 . 01.04, CLK 04.99 . 10.03, E Class 04.99 . 11.03,
G Class 06.00 . 06.06, M Class 04.00 . 02.05, S Class 12.99
01.04, SL 08.00 . 09.04/ not for use in Auto Pilot System
or Audio 30/50 APS] Peugeot [TravelPilot DX RNS 4] Seat [DX
DNS] Skoda [DX] Volkswagen [MCD 11.00, MFD >01.00, MFD
Touareg, T5 Multivan]
BUY Blaupunkt Teleatlas Alpen DX 2009 2010 German 1 cd 10$
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miercuri, 26 noiembrie 1975
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FieldView is powerful post processing
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ZappTek IPresent IT 2 4 for Mac
ZappTek IPresent IT 2 4 for Mac
iPresent It is the easy to use slideshow to iPod utility for
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iPresent It is the easy to use slideshow to iPod utility for
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YoutubeGet 4 9 10
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YouTubeGet is an all in one software designed to make quick and easy work
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YouTubeGet is an all in one software designed to make quick and easy work
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marți, 18 noiembrie 1975
YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5
YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5
WinUtilities is a collection of tools
to optimize your system performance
and to remove unneeded files and
inteet tracks.
WinUtilities allows you to delete
your application and inteet
history, find and remove invalid
registry entries, manage your cookies
and more.
With a startup Cleaner and manager
you can also see what programs start
automatically with windows and
optionally disable selected items.
Furthermore, WinUtilities includes
options to find true duplicate files,
fix or remove broken shortcuts and
safely uninstall software.
Other features include secure file
deletion, Application Protect, Parent
Control and Monitoring, Files Tools
and more.
BUY YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5 10$
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WinUtilities is a collection of tools
to optimize your system performance
and to remove unneeded files and
inteet tracks.
WinUtilities allows you to delete
your application and inteet
history, find and remove invalid
registry entries, manage your cookies
and more.
With a startup Cleaner and manager
you can also see what programs start
automatically with windows and
optionally disable selected items.
Furthermore, WinUtilities includes
options to find true duplicate files,
fix or remove broken shortcuts and
safely uninstall software.
Other features include secure file
deletion, Application Protect, Parent
Control and Monitoring, Files Tools
and more.
BUY YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5 10$
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sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 1975
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio allows you to virtualize and
pre configure your applications for instant deployment using Xenocode Web
Delivery, Xenocode Virtual Desktop, or USB drives.
BUY Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162 25$
TAGS buy Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162, low cost Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162, download Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio allows you to virtualize and
pre configure your applications for instant deployment using Xenocode Web
Delivery, Xenocode Virtual Desktop, or USB drives.
BUY Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162 25$
TAGS buy Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162, low cost Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162, download Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162
joi, 13 noiembrie 1975
Xenocode Postbuild 2009 for NET 7 0 162 Beta
Xenocode Postbuild 2009 for NET 7 0 162 Beta
Xenocode Postbuild is the powerful, reliable, and easy to use code
protection and deployment solution for .NET developers.
BUY Xenocode Postbuild 2009 for NET 7 0 162 Beta 20$
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Xenocode Postbuild is the powerful, reliable, and easy to use code
protection and deployment solution for .NET developers.
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luni, 10 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
Social computing is a fast moving technology, and many of the concepts
grow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research for
how you will implement any of the social computing applications, but
also use online research for keeping updated on new changes to this
exciting area of software today. Although social computing applications
can be written on any framework or even on their own, we have taken a
unique approach to help you understand the landscape of social computing
as it relates to SharePoint 2007. Each chapter introduces you to the
concept of the chapter, for example, the RSS chapter gives a brief
overview of what RSS is and the history behind it. Then the chapter
provides a section of how this is possible with SharePoint 2007.
Finally, if there are any extensions that would make it easier to work
with social computing and SharePoint, such as open source code or
products you can buy, we briefly discuss these options so you are aware
of them for your organization. This book was written for anyone who is
approaching social computing applications for an enterprise. This would
include developers, managers, directors, and even C level executives.
This book is designed to help decision makers lea about the concepts
and understand how they might implement them in their own company.
Although this book does reach out to developers, most of the chapters
give examples with either built in options and configuration or show how
to use code already installed on SharePoint. Anyone interested in social
computing and the topics covered in each chapter could read this book to
get an understanding of what each concept has. The You Try It sections
do require having SharePoint 2007 and some of the features installed to
actually attempt them. If you are not an IT professional or developer,
this is the perfect opportunity for you to start a discussion with your
technology group to try out some of these wonderful tools. The book is
designed to allow the reader to start from not knowing about social
computing to being able to have an understanding of the concepts and how
he or she would use them in his or her company. To accomplish this, you
can read the book from front cover to back, or you can pick the specific
chapter that your organization is interested in. Because so many people
want to know exactly what the topics are and what they are about, we
have organized the book into chapters that work together, but stand
alone and provide complete coverage of a topic. We have also used a very
simple and direct naming of each chapter so you can quickly recognize
what the chapter is about and what it covers. This book covers the major
concepts, applications, and implementations of social computing and
shows how they are built with SharePoint 2007 today. As you noticed
earlier, this is a fast moving area of computing. Where SharePoint 2007
does not have the capability today, we made sure and explained how you
could extend SharePoint 2007 with open source or products you can
purchase. We did not cover every product on the market, but we gave you
any idea of what you can look for when you are trying to extend
SharePoint. The first two chapters provide the introduction for people
new to social computing and how people will have to manage a social
computing project. The following chapters break out each concept into a
chapter to make it easy to get up to speed and understand what the topic
is about.
Social computing is a fast moving technology, and many of the concepts
grow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research for
how you will implement any of the social computing applications, but
also use online research for keeping updated on new changes to this
exciting area of software today. Although social computing applications
can be written on any framework or even on their own, we have taken a
unique approach to help you understand the landscape of social computing
as it relates to SharePoint 2007. Each chapter introduces you to the
concept of the chapter, for example, the RSS chapter gives a brief
overview of what RSS is and the history behind it. Then the chapter
provides a section of how this is possible with SharePoint 2007.
Finally, if there are any extensions that would make it easier to work
with social computing and SharePoint, such as open source code or
products you can buy, we briefly discuss these options so you are aware
of them for your organization. This book was written for anyone who is
approaching social computing applications for an enterprise. This would
include developers, managers, directors, and even C level executives.
This book is designed to help decision makers lea about the concepts
and understand how they might implement them in their own company.
Although this book does reach out to developers, most of the chapters
give examples with either built in options and configuration or show how
to use code already installed on SharePoint. Anyone interested in social
computing and the topics covered in each chapter could read this book to
get an understanding of what each concept has. The You Try It sections
do require having SharePoint 2007 and some of the features installed to
actually attempt them. If you are not an IT professional or developer,
this is the perfect opportunity for you to start a discussion with your
technology group to try out some of these wonderful tools. The book is
designed to allow the reader to start from not knowing about social
computing to being able to have an understanding of the concepts and how
he or she would use them in his or her company. To accomplish this, you
can read the book from front cover to back, or you can pick the specific
chapter that your organization is interested in. Because so many people
want to know exactly what the topics are and what they are about, we
have organized the book into chapters that work together, but stand
alone and provide complete coverage of a topic. We have also used a very
simple and direct naming of each chapter so you can quickly recognize
what the chapter is about and what it covers. This book covers the major
concepts, applications, and implementations of social computing and
shows how they are built with SharePoint 2007 today. As you noticed
earlier, this is a fast moving area of computing. Where SharePoint 2007
does not have the capability today, we made sure and explained how you
could extend SharePoint 2007 with open source or products you can
purchase. We did not cover every product on the market, but we gave you
any idea of what you can look for when you are trying to extend
SharePoint. The first two chapters provide the introduction for people
new to social computing and how people will have to manage a social
computing project. The following chapters break out each concept into a
chapter to make it easy to get up to speed and understand what the topic
is about.
Chapter 1 provides the introduction to what social computing is and
the concepts behind social computing applications and discusses some of
the technologies your organization might use to implement these
Chapter 2 describes how to build a successful project around social
computing. This chapter takes you through steps that can make your team
more successful, discusses the adoption of the application, and points
out pitfalls that may get in your way to avoid them.
Chapter 3 discusses content tagging as one of the fundamental pieces
of social computing. This chapter shows what content tagging is and how
to use it to effectively build a solution with more visibility.
Chapter 4 demonstrates how to use wikis to build solutions for your
organization and gives you hands on examples of what the wiki can do for
your company.
Chapter 5 covers the popular topic of blogs. This chapter shows you
how to set up your own blog for your organization as well as discuss why
you would even want a blog.
Chapter 6 delves into RSS and shows you what the XML is all about.
This chapter covers what RSS is and how to consume it in your
organization to successfully increase communication.
Chapter 7 gives an overview of social networking and SharePoint 2007
My Sites and what is required for social computing in a company.
Chapter 8 demonstrates what podcasting is and how you might
implement this concept in your organization. Podcasting is a
fast growing concept that many people are using for communication and
entertainment. This chapter will show how to use SharePoint 2007 to
enhance the communication in your organization.
Chapter 9 explains what mashups are and how you might use them
today. Mashups are still growing in organizations and still need some
customizations to make them powerful, but you will understand the
concepts and an overview of how to create these powerful applications.
Chapter 10 covers presence and OCS/Windows Live as a central part of
social computing. This chapter helps to understand how you might enhance
your projects just by including a valuable part of social computing and
being connected to other people.
Chapter11 discusses some of the forward looking technologies such as
interactive media, video, and communication. These technologies are
still being transformed from the general use applications to powerful
implements that include pieces of many of the social computing concepts.
Chapter 12 talks about social computing search and how to use search
to find the information you are looking for. In social computing
applications, finding data is critical to the success of the
application, and this chapter introduces how to accomplish that with
SharePoint 2007.
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BUY Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS oem Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook, discount Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook, download Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
sâmbătă, 8 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
Silverlight is a cross browser, cross platform, and cross device plug in
for delivering the next generation of .NET based rich interactive
applications RIAs for the Web; SharePoint is Microsofts portal
development platform and the fastest growing server product at
Microsoft. If you are seeking to leverage Silverlight 2.0 to optimize
SharePoint 2007, you will find what you need in this advanced guide from
a well known author team of Microsoft insiders. The book shows you how
to build integrated solutions step by step; how to integrate Silverlight
applications with different SharePoint objects such as lists, Web parts,
and others; and provides source code, so you can replicate and test the
code on your own.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470434007/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook, discount Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook, order Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
Silverlight is a cross browser, cross platform, and cross device plug in
for delivering the next generation of .NET based rich interactive
applications RIAs for the Web; SharePoint is Microsofts portal
development platform and the fastest growing server product at
Microsoft. If you are seeking to leverage Silverlight 2.0 to optimize
SharePoint 2007, you will find what you need in this advanced guide from
a well known author team of Microsoft insiders. The book shows you how
to build integrated solutions step by step; how to integrate Silverlight
applications with different SharePoint objects such as lists, Web parts,
and others; and provides source code, so you can replicate and test the
code on your own.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470434007/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook, discount Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook, order Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
miercuri, 5 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Teaches solution architects, designers, and developers how to use
Microsofts reporting platform to create reporting and business
intelligence BI solutions
Updated with new information about holistic BI solutions,
comprehensive OLAP/Analysis Services reporting, and complete production
deployment scenarios
Includes programming examples focused on specific, scenario based
Explains reporting services architecture and business intelligence,
teaches the fundamentals of designing reports through the use of careful
planning considerations, and covers advanced report design and filtering
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470242019/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS low price Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Teaches solution architects, designers, and developers how to use
Microsofts reporting platform to create reporting and business
intelligence BI solutions
Updated with new information about holistic BI solutions,
comprehensive OLAP/Analysis Services reporting, and complete production
deployment scenarios
Includes programming examples focused on specific, scenario based
Explains reporting services architecture and business intelligence,
teaches the fundamentals of designing reports through the use of careful
planning considerations, and covers advanced report design and filtering
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS low price Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
luni, 3 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
SQL Server 2008 represents a sizable jump forward in scalability,
performance, and usability for the DBA, developer, and business
intelligence BI developer. It is no longer unheard of to have
20 terabyte databases running on a SQL Server. SQL Server administration
used to just be the job of a database administrator DBA, but as SQL
Server proliferates throughout smaller companies, many developers have
begun to act as administrators as well. Additionally, some of the new
features in SQL Server are more developer centric, and poor
configuration of these features can result in poor performance. SQL
Server now enables you to manage the policies on hundreds of SQL Servers
in your environment as if you were managing a single instance.
provided a comprehensive, tutorial based book to get you over the
leaing curve of how to configure and administer SQL Server 2008.
Whether an administrator or developer using SQL Server, you can.t
avoid wearing a DBA hat at some point. Developers often have SQL Server
on their own workstations and must provide guidance to the administrator
about how they.d like the production configured. Oftentimes,
responsible for creating the database tables and indexes. Administrators
or DBAs support the production servers and often inherit the database
from the developer. This book is intended for developers, DBAs, and
casual users who hope to administer or may already be administering a
SQL Server 2008 system and its business intelligence features, such as
Integration Services. This book is a professional book, meaning the
authors assume that you know the basics about how to query a SQL Server
and have some rudimentary concepts of SQL Server already. For example,
this book does not show you how to create a database or walk you through
the installation of SQL Server using the wizard. Instead, the author of
the installation chapter may provide insight into how to use some of the
more advanced concepts of the installation. Although this book does not
cover how to query a SQL Server database, it does cover how to tune the
queries already written. The first ten chapters of the book are
about administering the various areas of SQL Server, including the
developer and business intelligence features.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470247967/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, download Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, low cost Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
SQL Server 2008 represents a sizable jump forward in scalability,
performance, and usability for the DBA, developer, and business
intelligence BI developer. It is no longer unheard of to have
20 terabyte databases running on a SQL Server. SQL Server administration
used to just be the job of a database administrator DBA, but as SQL
Server proliferates throughout smaller companies, many developers have
begun to act as administrators as well. Additionally, some of the new
features in SQL Server are more developer centric, and poor
configuration of these features can result in poor performance. SQL
Server now enables you to manage the policies on hundreds of SQL Servers
in your environment as if you were managing a single instance.
provided a comprehensive, tutorial based book to get you over the
leaing curve of how to configure and administer SQL Server 2008.
Whether an administrator or developer using SQL Server, you can.t
avoid wearing a DBA hat at some point. Developers often have SQL Server
on their own workstations and must provide guidance to the administrator
about how they.d like the production configured. Oftentimes,
responsible for creating the database tables and indexes. Administrators
or DBAs support the production servers and often inherit the database
from the developer. This book is intended for developers, DBAs, and
casual users who hope to administer or may already be administering a
SQL Server 2008 system and its business intelligence features, such as
Integration Services. This book is a professional book, meaning the
authors assume that you know the basics about how to query a SQL Server
and have some rudimentary concepts of SQL Server already. For example,
this book does not show you how to create a database or walk you through
the installation of SQL Server using the wizard. Instead, the author of
the installation chapter may provide insight into how to use some of the
more advanced concepts of the installation. Although this book does not
cover how to query a SQL Server database, it does cover how to tune the
queries already written. The first ten chapters of the book are
about administering the various areas of SQL Server, including the
developer and business intelligence features.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470247967/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, download Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, low cost Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
vineri, 31 octombrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook
With Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you
can master all aspects of using Share Point Designer in an
Enterprise environment to enhance Microsoft SharePoint Products and
Technologies. Review key integration points, how to use CSS editing
tools to create and modify SharePoint themes, how to supplement
SharePoint Designer functionality by using Microsoft Visual Studio,
and how to create a rich interactive experience. If you need to
connect SharePoint with other enterprise resources or create
components to integrate into the SharePoint framework, this book
will show you how to accomplish these tasks.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470287616/
BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS cheap Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook, download Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook, cheap Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook
With Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you
can master all aspects of using Share Point Designer in an
Enterprise environment to enhance Microsoft SharePoint Products and
Technologies. Review key integration points, how to use CSS editing
tools to create and modify SharePoint themes, how to supplement
SharePoint Designer functionality by using Microsoft Visual Studio,
and how to create a rich interactive experience. If you need to
connect SharePoint with other enterprise resources or create
components to integrate into the SharePoint framework, this book
will show you how to accomplish these tasks.
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS cheap Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook, download Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook, cheap Wrox Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 January 2009 eBook
miercuri, 29 octombrie 1975
Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook
Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook
This book was written to provide insight into the development techniques
needed and the options available to work within the DotNetNuke
framework. Emphasis is placed on the available methods to extend the
framework, as well as the situations and rules goveing when each
respective extension model should be used. Along with this emphasis on
selecting the right extension method, the book stresses the importance
of leveraging the framework in as many areas as possible, and ultimately
using the framework to the advantage of the developer, rather than
merely working with it. One current weakness of the DotNetNuke framework
is developer documentation. The framework provides developers with
numerous amazing methods to extend the framework and build truly robust
applications, but as of this writing, minimal API documentation exists,
and overall development topics are scattered all over the Inteet. Many
community members have helped to supplement this lack of developer
content by writing blog articles and technical tutorials to help teach
the individual concepts, but because there is no central repository, it
can be tedious and difficult to find just what you need. This book helps
truly identify and document some excellent new features that are
supported starting with DotNetNuke 5.0. The inclusion of jQuery exposes
developers to a great JavaScript library that will enable interactive
and animated interfaces to be created easily. The new Module Packaging
system discussed in detail in Appendix D provides module developers
and skin designers with many much needed options when it comes to
deploying applications. This book was written to expose this
information, and to function as a key resource for the development
community. This book assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of
standard ASP.NET development techniques and terminologies. Samples in
the book are provided in both C and Visual Basic VB to enable readers
with diverse backgrounds to fully understand the concepts presented.
Users do not need to have a comprehensive understanding of DotNetNuke
prior to using this book because the early chapters discuss the
configuration of both DotNetNuke and the development environment, and
careful consideration has been taken to ensure that DotNetNuke specific
terminology is explained as the book progresses. Readers already
familiar with DotNetNuke 4.x development will find this book valuable
because it introduces many of the new features of the latest software
version, although some of the beginning chapters for these readers will
be redundant because the overall concepts of environment configuration
and basic interface elements have not changed from 4.x to 5.x.
Differences between versions 4.x and 5.x are pointed out as appropriate.
As the title implies, this book primarily covers development techniques
within the DotNetNuke 5.x platform. The chapters point out similarities
and differences between the 4.x and 5.x platforms, enabling readers to
apply some newer concepts to the older technology. Although this book
primarily focuses on the concept of module development, it discusses
other extension models as well, such as skin objects and authentication
providers. Also covered in this book are recommended practices for
successful integration with the framework. This book begins with an
introduction to development within DotNetNuke. The discussions walk you
through DotNetNuke setup, terminology, development environment setup,
and options for .NET project setup. The book then presents a
scenario based model to introduce basic concepts of module development.
This is accomplished by building a simple guestbook module that
demonstrates how individual portions interact with one another. The
discussion lays the foundation for the most basic elements of
development within DotNetNuke. Later in the book, you lea about the
more advanced module programming concepts, such as optional interfaces
and DotNetNuke user controls. This discussion additionally introduces
other extension methods, such as authentication providers and skin
objects, as well as best practices. In short, the main content of the
book creates a working model that guides you through the most common
development scenarios; at the same time, it provides the detail needed
to tightly integrate custom code with the framework. The appendixes
provide supplemental information to what is contained in the chapters.
This is material that, while not critical to an understanding of the
individual chapters, is nonetheless important. The appendixes include
items such as community resources and general DotNetNuke configuration
items, as well as a detailed look at the new module manifest and a few
key integration API points that are not well documented overall.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470171162/
BUY Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS low cost Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook, low cost Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook, buy Wrox Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming February 2009 eBook
This book was written to provide insight into the development techniques
needed and the options available to work within the DotNetNuke
framework. Emphasis is placed on the available methods to extend the
framework, as well as the situations and rules goveing when each
respective extension model should be used. Along with this emphasis on
selecting the right extension method, the book stresses the importance
of leveraging the framework in as many areas as possible, and ultimately
using the framework to the advantage of the developer, rather than
merely working with it. One current weakness of the DotNetNuke framework
is developer documentation. The framework provides developers with
numerous amazing methods to extend the framework and build truly robust
applications, but as of this writing, minimal API documentation exists,
and overall development topics are scattered all over the Inteet. Many
community members have helped to supplement this lack of developer
content by writing blog articles and technical tutorials to help teach
the individual concepts, but because there is no central repository, it
can be tedious and difficult to find just what you need. This book helps
truly identify and document some excellent new features that are
supported starting with DotNetNuke 5.0. The inclusion of jQuery exposes
developers to a great JavaScript library that will enable interactive
and animated interfaces to be created easily. The new Module Packaging
system discussed in detail in Appendix D provides module developers
and skin designers with many much needed options when it comes to
deploying applications. This book was written to expose this
information, and to function as a key resource for the development
community. This book assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of
standard ASP.NET development techniques and terminologies. Samples in
the book are provided in both C and Visual Basic VB to enable readers
with diverse backgrounds to fully understand the concepts presented.
Users do not need to have a comprehensive understanding of DotNetNuke
prior to using this book because the early chapters discuss the
configuration of both DotNetNuke and the development environment, and
careful consideration has been taken to ensure that DotNetNuke specific
terminology is explained as the book progresses. Readers already
familiar with DotNetNuke 4.x development will find this book valuable
because it introduces many of the new features of the latest software
version, although some of the beginning chapters for these readers will
be redundant because the overall concepts of environment configuration
and basic interface elements have not changed from 4.x to 5.x.
Differences between versions 4.x and 5.x are pointed out as appropriate.
As the title implies, this book primarily covers development techniques
within the DotNetNuke 5.x platform. The chapters point out similarities
and differences between the 4.x and 5.x platforms, enabling readers to
apply some newer concepts to the older technology. Although this book
primarily focuses on the concept of module development, it discusses
other extension models as well, such as skin objects and authentication
providers. Also covered in this book are recommended practices for
successful integration with the framework. This book begins with an
introduction to development within DotNetNuke. The discussions walk you
through DotNetNuke setup, terminology, development environment setup,
and options for .NET project setup. The book then presents a
scenario based model to introduce basic concepts of module development.
This is accomplished by building a simple guestbook module that
demonstrates how individual portions interact with one another. The
discussion lays the foundation for the most basic elements of
development within DotNetNuke. Later in the book, you lea about the
more advanced module programming concepts, such as optional interfaces
and DotNetNuke user controls. This discussion additionally introduces
other extension methods, such as authentication providers and skin
objects, as well as best practices. In short, the main content of the
book creates a working model that guides you through the most common
development scenarios; at the same time, it provides the detail needed
to tightly integrate custom code with the framework. The appendixes
provide supplemental information to what is contained in the chapters.
This is material that, while not critical to an understanding of the
individual chapters, is nonetheless important. The appendixes include
items such as community resources and general DotNetNuke configuration
items, as well as a detailed look at the new module manifest and a few
key integration API points that are not well documented overall.
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duminică, 26 octombrie 1975
Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook
Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook
Language Integrated Query LINQ, as well as the C 3.0 and VB 9.0
language extensions to support it, is the most import single new feature
of Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.x. LINQ is Microsoft.s
first attempt to define a universal query language for a diverse set of
in memory collections of generic objects, entities persisted in
relational database tables, and element and attributes of XML documents
or fragments, as well as a wide variety of other data types, such as RSS
and Atom syndication feeds. Microsoft invested millions of dollars in
Anders Hejlsberg and his C design and development groups to add new
features to C 3.0.such as lambda expressions, anonymous types, and
extension methods.specifically to support LINQ Standard Query Operators
SQOs and query expressions as a part of the language itself.
Corresponding additions to VB 9.0 followed the C team.s lead, but VB.s
implementation of LINQ to XML offers a remarkable new addition to the
language: XML literals. VB.s LINQ to XML implementation includes XML
literals, which treat well formed XML documents or fragments as part of
the VB language, rather than requiring translation of element and
attribute names and values from strings to XML DOM nodes and values.
This book concentrates on hands on development of practical Windows and
Web applications that demonstrate C and VB programming techniques to
bring you up to speed on LINQ technologies. The first half of the book
covers LINQ Standard Query Operators SQOs and the concrete
implementations of LINQ for querying collections that implement generic
IEnumerable, IQueryable, or both interfaces. The second half is
devoted to the ADO.NET Entity Framework, Entity Data Model, Entity SQL
eSQL and LINQ to Entities. Most code examples emulate real world data
sources, such as the Northwind sample database running on SQL Server
2005 or 2008 Express Edition, and collections derived from its tables.
Code examples are C and VB Windows form or Web site/application
projects not, except in the first chapter, simple command line projects.
You can.t gain a feel for the behavior or performance of LINQ queries
with .Hello World. projects that process arrays of a few integers or a
few first and last names. This book is intended for experienced .NET
developers using C or VB who want to gain the maximum advantage from
the query processing capabilities of LINQ implementations in Visual
Studio 2008.LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to DataSets, and LINQ to well as the object/relational mapping O/RM features of VS 2008
SP1.s Entity Framework/Entity Data Model and LINQ to Entities and the
increasing number of open source LINQ implementations by third party
developers. Basic familiarity with generics and other language features
introduced by .NET 2.0, the Visual Studio integrated development
environment IDE, and relational database management systems RDBMSs,
especially Microsoft SQL Server 200x, is assumed. Experience with SQL
Server.s Transact SQL T SQL query language and stored procedures will
be helpful but is not required. Proficiency with VS 2005, .NET 2.0, C
2.0, or VB 8.0 will aid your initial understanding of the book.s C 3.0
or VB 9.0 code samples but isn.t a prerequisite.
.Taking a New Approach to Data Access in ADO.NET 3.5,. uses simple
C and VB code examples to demonstrate LINQ to Objects queries against
in memory objects and databinding with LINQ populated generic List
collections, object/relational mapping O/RM with LINQ to SQL, joining
DataTables with LINQ to DataSets, creating EntitySets with LINQ to
Entities, querying and manipulating XML InfoSets with LINQ to XML, and
performing queries against strongly typed XML documents with LINQ to
.Understanding LINQ Architecture and Implementation,. begins with
the namespaces and C and VB language extensions to support LINQ, LINQ
Standard Query Operators SQOs, expression trees and compiled queries,
and a preview of domain specific implementations. C and VB sample
projects demonstrate object, array, and collection initializers,
extension methods, anonymous types, predicates, lambda expressions, and
simple query expressions.
.Executing LINQ Query Expressions with LINQ to Objects,. classifies
the 50 SQOs into operator groups: Restriction, Projection, Partitioning,
Join, Concatenation, Ordering, Grouping, Set, Conversion, and Equality,
and then lists their keywords in C and VB. VS 2008 SP1 includes C and
VB versions of the LINQ Project Sample Query Explorer, but the two
Explorers don.t use real world collections as data sources. This
describes a LINQ in memory object generator LIMOG utility program that
writes C 3.0 or VB 9.0 class declarations for representative business
objects that are more complex than those used by the LINQ Project Sample
Query Explorers. Sample C and VB queries with these business objects as
data sources are more expressive than those using a arrays of a few
integers or last names.
.Working with Advanced Query Operators and Expressions,. introduces
LINQ queries against object graphs with entities that have related
associated entities. This begins with examples of aggregate operators,
explains use of the Let temporary local variable operator, shows you how
to use Group By with aggregate queries, conduct the equivalent of left
outer joins, and take advantage of the Contains SQO to emulate SQL.s
IN function. You lea how to compile queries for improved
performance, and create mock object classes for testing without the
overhead of queries against relational persistence stores.
.Using LINQ to SQL and the LinqDataSource,. introduces LINQ to SQL
as Microsoft.s first O/RM tool to reach released products status and
shows you how to autogenerate class files for entity types with the
graphical O/R Designer or command line SqlMetal.exe. This also explains
how to edit .dbml mapping files in the Designer or XML Editor,
instantiate DataContext objects, and use LINQ to SQL as a Data Access
Layer DAL with T SQL queries or stored procedures. Closes with a
tutorial for using the ASP.NET LinqDataSource control with Web sites or
.Querying DataTables with LINQ to DataSets,. begins with a
comparison of DataSet and DataContext objects and features, followed by
a description of the DataSetExtensions. Next comes querying untyped and
typed DataSets, creating lookup lists, and generating LinqDataViews for
databinding with the AsDataView method. This ends with a tutorial that
shows you how to copy LINQ query results to DataTables.
.Manipulating Documents with LINQ to XML,. describes one of LINQ
most powerful capabilities: managing XML Infosets. This demonstrates
that LINQ to XML has query and navigation capabilities that equal or
surpasses XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0. It also shows LINQ to XML document
transformation can replace XQuery and XSLT 1.0+ in the majority of
common use cases. You lea how to use VB 9.0.s XML literals to
constructs XML documents, use GroupJoin to produce hierarchical
documents, and work with XML namespaces in C and VB.
.Exploring Third Party and Emerging LINQ Implementations,. describes
Microsoft.s Parallel LINQ also called PLINQ for taking advantage of
multiple CPU cores in LINQ to Objects queries, LINQ to REST for
translating LINQ queries into Representational State Transfer s that
define requests to a Web service with the HTML GET, POST, PUT, and
DELETE methods, and Bart De Smet.s LINQ to Active Directory and LINQ to
SharePoint third party implementations.
.Raising the Level of Data Abstraction with the Entity Data Model,.
starts with a guided tour of the development of EDM and EF as an O/RM
tool and heir apparent to ADO.NET DataSets, provides a brief description
of the entity relationship E R data model and diagrams, and then
delivers a detailed analysis of EF architecture. Next comes an
introduction to the Entity SQL eSQL language, eSQL queries, client
views, and Object Services, including the ObjectContext,
MetadataWorkspace, and ObjectStateManager. Later chapters describe eSQL
and these objects in greater detail. Two C and VB sample projects
expand on the eSQL query and Object Services sample code.
.Defining Conceptual, Mapping, and Storage Schema Layers,. provides
detailed insight into the structure of the .edmx file that generates
the .ssdl storage schema data language, .msl mapping schema
language, and .csdl files at runtime. You lea how to edit the .edmx
file manually to accommodate modifications that the graphic EDM Designer
can.t handle. You lea how to implement the Table per Hierarchy TPH
inheritance model and traverse the MetadataWorkspace to obtain property
values. Four C and VB sample projects de...
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /047018261X/
BUY Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook, order Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook, buy Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook
Language Integrated Query LINQ, as well as the C 3.0 and VB 9.0
language extensions to support it, is the most import single new feature
of Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.x. LINQ is Microsoft.s
first attempt to define a universal query language for a diverse set of
in memory collections of generic objects, entities persisted in
relational database tables, and element and attributes of XML documents
or fragments, as well as a wide variety of other data types, such as RSS
and Atom syndication feeds. Microsoft invested millions of dollars in
Anders Hejlsberg and his C design and development groups to add new
features to C 3.0.such as lambda expressions, anonymous types, and
extension methods.specifically to support LINQ Standard Query Operators
SQOs and query expressions as a part of the language itself.
Corresponding additions to VB 9.0 followed the C team.s lead, but VB.s
implementation of LINQ to XML offers a remarkable new addition to the
language: XML literals. VB.s LINQ to XML implementation includes XML
literals, which treat well formed XML documents or fragments as part of
the VB language, rather than requiring translation of element and
attribute names and values from strings to XML DOM nodes and values.
This book concentrates on hands on development of practical Windows and
Web applications that demonstrate C and VB programming techniques to
bring you up to speed on LINQ technologies. The first half of the book
covers LINQ Standard Query Operators SQOs and the concrete
implementations of LINQ for querying collections that implement generic
devoted to the ADO.NET Entity Framework, Entity Data Model, Entity SQL
eSQL and LINQ to Entities. Most code examples emulate real world data
sources, such as the Northwind sample database running on SQL Server
2005 or 2008 Express Edition, and collections derived from its tables.
Code examples are C and VB Windows form or Web site/application
projects not, except in the first chapter, simple command line projects.
You can.t gain a feel for the behavior or performance of LINQ queries
with .Hello World. projects that process arrays of a few integers or a
few first and last names. This book is intended for experienced .NET
developers using C or VB who want to gain the maximum advantage from
the query processing capabilities of LINQ implementations in Visual
Studio 2008.LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to DataSets, and LINQ to well as the object/relational mapping O/RM features of VS 2008
SP1.s Entity Framework/Entity Data Model and LINQ to Entities and the
increasing number of open source LINQ implementations by third party
developers. Basic familiarity with generics and other language features
introduced by .NET 2.0, the Visual Studio integrated development
environment IDE, and relational database management systems RDBMSs,
especially Microsoft SQL Server 200x, is assumed. Experience with SQL
Server.s Transact SQL T SQL query language and stored procedures will
be helpful but is not required. Proficiency with VS 2005, .NET 2.0, C
2.0, or VB 8.0 will aid your initial understanding of the book.s C 3.0
or VB 9.0 code samples but isn.t a prerequisite.
.Taking a New Approach to Data Access in ADO.NET 3.5,. uses simple
C and VB code examples to demonstrate LINQ to Objects queries against
in memory objects and databinding with LINQ populated generic List
collections, object/relational mapping O/RM with LINQ to SQL, joining
DataTables with LINQ to DataSets, creating EntitySets with LINQ to
Entities, querying and manipulating XML InfoSets with LINQ to XML, and
performing queries against strongly typed XML documents with LINQ to
.Understanding LINQ Architecture and Implementation,. begins with
the namespaces and C and VB language extensions to support LINQ, LINQ
Standard Query Operators SQOs, expression trees and compiled queries,
and a preview of domain specific implementations. C and VB sample
projects demonstrate object, array, and collection initializers,
extension methods, anonymous types, predicates, lambda expressions, and
simple query expressions.
.Executing LINQ Query Expressions with LINQ to Objects,. classifies
the 50 SQOs into operator groups: Restriction, Projection, Partitioning,
Join, Concatenation, Ordering, Grouping, Set, Conversion, and Equality,
and then lists their keywords in C and VB. VS 2008 SP1 includes C and
VB versions of the LINQ Project Sample Query Explorer, but the two
Explorers don.t use real world collections as data sources. This
describes a LINQ in memory object generator LIMOG utility program that
writes C 3.0 or VB 9.0 class declarations for representative business
objects that are more complex than those used by the LINQ Project Sample
Query Explorers. Sample C and VB queries with these business objects as
data sources are more expressive than those using a arrays of a few
integers or last names.
.Working with Advanced Query Operators and Expressions,. introduces
LINQ queries against object graphs with entities that have related
associated entities. This begins with examples of aggregate operators,
explains use of the Let temporary local variable operator, shows you how
to use Group By with aggregate queries, conduct the equivalent of left
outer joins, and take advantage of the Contains SQO to emulate SQL.s
IN function. You lea how to compile queries for improved
performance, and create mock object classes for testing without the
overhead of queries against relational persistence stores.
.Using LINQ to SQL and the LinqDataSource,. introduces LINQ to SQL
as Microsoft.s first O/RM tool to reach released products status and
shows you how to autogenerate class files for entity types with the
graphical O/R Designer or command line SqlMetal.exe. This also explains
how to edit .dbml mapping files in the Designer or XML Editor,
instantiate DataContext objects, and use LINQ to SQL as a Data Access
Layer DAL with T SQL queries or stored procedures. Closes with a
tutorial for using the ASP.NET LinqDataSource control with Web sites or
.Querying DataTables with LINQ to DataSets,. begins with a
comparison of DataSet and DataContext objects and features, followed by
a description of the DataSetExtensions. Next comes querying untyped and
typed DataSets, creating lookup lists, and generating LinqDataViews for
databinding with the AsDataView method. This ends with a tutorial that
shows you how to copy LINQ query results to DataTables.
.Manipulating Documents with LINQ to XML,. describes one of LINQ
most powerful capabilities: managing XML Infosets. This demonstrates
that LINQ to XML has query and navigation capabilities that equal or
surpasses XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0. It also shows LINQ to XML document
transformation can replace XQuery and XSLT 1.0+ in the majority of
common use cases. You lea how to use VB 9.0.s XML literals to
constructs XML documents, use GroupJoin to produce hierarchical
documents, and work with XML namespaces in C and VB.
.Exploring Third Party and Emerging LINQ Implementations,. describes
Microsoft.s Parallel LINQ also called PLINQ for taking advantage of
multiple CPU cores in LINQ to Objects queries, LINQ to REST for
translating LINQ queries into Representational State Transfer s that
define requests to a Web service with the HTML GET, POST, PUT, and
DELETE methods, and Bart De Smet.s LINQ to Active Directory and LINQ to
SharePoint third party implementations.
.Raising the Level of Data Abstraction with the Entity Data Model,.
starts with a guided tour of the development of EDM and EF as an O/RM
tool and heir apparent to ADO.NET DataSets, provides a brief description
of the entity relationship E R data model and diagrams, and then
delivers a detailed analysis of EF architecture. Next comes an
introduction to the Entity SQL eSQL language, eSQL queries, client
views, and Object Services, including the ObjectContext,
MetadataWorkspace, and ObjectStateManager. Later chapters describe eSQL
and these objects in greater detail. Two C and VB sample projects
expand on the eSQL query and Object Services sample code.
.Defining Conceptual, Mapping, and Storage Schema Layers,. provides
detailed insight into the structure of the .edmx file that generates
the .ssdl storage schema data language, .msl mapping schema
language, and .csdl files at runtime. You lea how to edit the .edmx
file manually to accommodate modifications that the graphic EDM Designer
can.t handle. You lea how to implement the Table per Hierarchy TPH
inheritance model and traverse the MetadataWorkspace to obtain property
values. Four C and VB sample projects de...
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /047018261X/
BUY Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook, order Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook, buy Wrox Professional ADO NET 3 5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework February 2009 eBook
joi, 23 octombrie 1975
Wrox Design Build Run February 2009 eBook
Wrox Design Build Run February 2009 eBook
This unique and critical book shares no fail secrets for building
software and offers tried and true practices and principles for software
design, development, and testing for mission critical systems that must
not fail. A veteran software architect walks you through the lifecycle
of a project as well as each area of production readiness.functionality,
availability, performance and scalability, operability, maintainability,
and extensibility, and highlights their key concepts.
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This unique and critical book shares no fail secrets for building
software and offers tried and true practices and principles for software
design, development, and testing for mission critical systems that must
not fail. A veteran software architect walks you through the lifecycle
of a project as well as each area of production readiness.functionality,
availability, performance and scalability, operability, maintainability,
and extensibility, and highlights their key concepts.
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marți, 21 octombrie 1975
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WinMend Registry Cleaner 1 3
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vineri, 3 octombrie 1975
WinMend History Cleaner 1 2
WinMend History Cleaner 1 2
WinMend History Cleaner is a utility that can comprehensively
clean histories produced by various programs in the system.
It can effectively scan and clean histories generated by more
than 100 programs. These histories include cookies, browsing
histories and cache files by browsers such as Inteet
Explorer, Firefox and histories by a great number of other
applications such as Microsoft Office, WinRAR, Windows Media
Player and RealPlayer.
Clearing these histories not only can boost system speed, but
can also effectively prevent your privacy from being
disclosed. WinMend History Cleaner can give you a cleaner and
safer operating system!
BUY WinMend History Cleaner 1 2 10$
TAGS low cost WinMend History Cleaner 1 2, low cost WinMend History Cleaner 1 2, download WinMend History Cleaner 1 2
WinMend History Cleaner is a utility that can comprehensively
clean histories produced by various programs in the system.
It can effectively scan and clean histories generated by more
than 100 programs. These histories include cookies, browsing
histories and cache files by browsers such as Inteet
Explorer, Firefox and histories by a great number of other
applications such as Microsoft Office, WinRAR, Windows Media
Player and RealPlayer.
Clearing these histories not only can boost system speed, but
can also effectively prevent your privacy from being
disclosed. WinMend History Cleaner can give you a cleaner and
safer operating system!
BUY WinMend History Cleaner 1 2 10$
TAGS low cost WinMend History Cleaner 1 2, low cost WinMend History Cleaner 1 2, download WinMend History Cleaner 1 2
marți, 30 septembrie 1975
WinMend Disk Cleaner 1 2
WinMend Disk Cleaner 1 2
WinMend Disk Cleaner is a quick and safe junk file cleaner.
With a powerful scan engine, it safely and quickly locates
junk files in your system. By deleting junk files, it
increases available disk space and improves system
performance. You can specify the content to include or
exclude in the scan and select drives to scan. The scan
results will be displayed with subtotals. Its Disk Analyzer
module enables you to see the types of files in graphs or lists.
BUY WinMend Disk Cleaner 1 2 10$
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WinMend Disk Cleaner is a quick and safe junk file cleaner.
With a powerful scan engine, it safely and quickly locates
junk files in your system. By deleting junk files, it
increases available disk space and improves system
performance. You can specify the content to include or
exclude in the scan and select drives to scan. The scan
results will be displayed with subtotals. Its Disk Analyzer
module enables you to see the types of files in graphs or lists.
BUY WinMend Disk Cleaner 1 2 10$
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duminică, 28 septembrie 1975
Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook
Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook
Responding to requests from industry for a program to ensure consistency
and excellence among wireless technical professionals, the IEEE
Communications Society ComSoc created its Wireless Communication
Engineering Technologies WCET Certification. Beginning in September
2008, ComSoc is holding the WCET testing twice a year at locations
worldwide. The WEBOK is organized according to the areas of expertise in
the WCET Delineation, namely RF Engineering; Propagation Antennas;
Wireless Access Technologies; Network Service Architecture; Network
Management Security; Facilities Infrastructure; Agreements, Standards,
Policies Regulations; and Fundamental Knowledge. Included in the WEBOK
is a large list of additional publications and documents that candidates
should review to become completely prepared for the WCET exam. The book
is also a valuable reference for any wireless professional.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470433663/
BUY Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook, order Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook, low price Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook
Responding to requests from industry for a program to ensure consistency
and excellence among wireless technical professionals, the IEEE
Communications Society ComSoc created its Wireless Communication
Engineering Technologies WCET Certification. Beginning in September
2008, ComSoc is holding the WCET testing twice a year at locations
worldwide. The WEBOK is organized according to the areas of expertise in
the WCET Delineation, namely RF Engineering; Propagation Antennas;
Wireless Access Technologies; Network Service Architecture; Network
Management Security; Facilities Infrastructure; Agreements, Standards,
Policies Regulations; and Fundamental Knowledge. Included in the WEBOK
is a large list of additional publications and documents that candidates
should review to become completely prepared for the WCET exam. The book
is also a valuable reference for any wireless professional.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470433663/
BUY Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook, order Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook, low price Wiley Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge April 2009 eBook
joi, 25 septembrie 1975
Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook
Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook
This book provides an in depth guide to security in wireless ad hoc
and sensor networks
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks introduces the
reader to the fundamentals and key issues related to wireless ad
hoc networking, with an emphasis on security. It discusses the
security attacks and counter measures in wireless ad hoc, sensor
and mesh networks, and briefly presents the standards on related
topics. The authors offer a clear exposition of various challenges
and solutions in this field including bootstrapping, key
distribution and exchange, authentication issues, privacy,
anonymity and tamper resilience.
Key Features:
Introduces the fundamentals and key issues of the new
technologies followed by comprehensive presentation on security
attacks and counter measures
Covers Denial of Service DoS attacks, hardware aspects of
secure wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and secure routing
Contains information on cryptographic primitives and electronic
Includes problems at the end of each chapter to enhance
This book is well suited for graduate students in computer,
electrical and communications engineering and computer science
departments, researchers in academia and industry, as well as C4I
engineers and officers in the military. Wireless network designers
for inteet service providers and mobile communications operators
will also find this book very useful.
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BUY Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook, oem Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook, oem Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook
This book provides an in depth guide to security in wireless ad hoc
and sensor networks
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks introduces the
reader to the fundamentals and key issues related to wireless ad
hoc networking, with an emphasis on security. It discusses the
security attacks and counter measures in wireless ad hoc, sensor
and mesh networks, and briefly presents the standards on related
topics. The authors offer a clear exposition of various challenges
and solutions in this field including bootstrapping, key
distribution and exchange, authentication issues, privacy,
anonymity and tamper resilience.
Key Features:
Introduces the fundamentals and key issues of the new
technologies followed by comprehensive presentation on security
attacks and counter measures
Covers Denial of Service DoS attacks, hardware aspects of
secure wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and secure routing
Contains information on cryptographic primitives and electronic
Includes problems at the end of each chapter to enhance
This book is well suited for graduate students in computer,
electrical and communications engineering and computer science
departments, researchers in academia and industry, as well as C4I
engineers and officers in the military. Wireless network designers
for inteet service providers and mobile communications operators
will also find this book very useful.
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BUY Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook, oem Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook, oem Wiley Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks March 2009 eBook
marți, 23 septembrie 1975
Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook
Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook
A serious source of information for those looking to reverse engineer
business deals It.s clear from the current turbulence on Wall Street
that the inner workings of its most complex transactions are poorly
understood. Wall Street deals parse risk using intricate legal
terminology that is difficult to translate into an analytical model.
Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street: A Step By Step Guide takes
readers through a detailed methodology of deconstructing the public deal
documentation of a mode Wall Street transaction and applying the
deconstructed elements to create a fully dynamic model that can be used
for risk and investment analysis. Appropriate for the current market
climate, an actual residential mortgage backed security RMBS
transaction is taken from prospectus to model by the end of the book.
Step by step, Allman walks the reader through the reversing process with
textual excerpts from the prospectus and discussions on how it directly
transfers to a model. Each chapter begins with a discussion of concepts
with exact references to an example prospectus, followed by a section
called "Model Builder," in which Allman translates the theory into a
fully functioning model for the example deal. Also included is valuable
VBA code and detailed explanation that shows proper valuation methods
including loan level amortization and full trigger modeling. Aside from
investment analysis this text can help anyone who wants to keep track of
the competition, lea from others public transactions, or set up a
system to audit one.s own models. Keith A. Allman New York, NY is a
structured finance professional with a specialization in analytics and
modeling, and the author of Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with
Microsoft Excel 978 0 470 04290 8, from Wiley.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470242051/
BUY Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS download Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook, oem Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook, low price Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook
A serious source of information for those looking to reverse engineer
business deals It.s clear from the current turbulence on Wall Street
that the inner workings of its most complex transactions are poorly
understood. Wall Street deals parse risk using intricate legal
terminology that is difficult to translate into an analytical model.
Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street: A Step By Step Guide takes
readers through a detailed methodology of deconstructing the public deal
documentation of a mode Wall Street transaction and applying the
deconstructed elements to create a fully dynamic model that can be used
for risk and investment analysis. Appropriate for the current market
climate, an actual residential mortgage backed security RMBS
transaction is taken from prospectus to model by the end of the book.
Step by step, Allman walks the reader through the reversing process with
textual excerpts from the prospectus and discussions on how it directly
transfers to a model. Each chapter begins with a discussion of concepts
with exact references to an example prospectus, followed by a section
called "Model Builder," in which Allman translates the theory into a
fully functioning model for the example deal. Also included is valuable
VBA code and detailed explanation that shows proper valuation methods
including loan level amortization and full trigger modeling. Aside from
investment analysis this text can help anyone who wants to keep track of
the competition, lea from others public transactions, or set up a
system to audit one.s own models. Keith A. Allman New York, NY is a
structured finance professional with a specialization in analytics and
modeling, and the author of Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with
Microsoft Excel 978 0 470 04290 8, from Wiley.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470242051/
BUY Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS download Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook, oem Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook, low price Wiley Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel December 2008 eBook
sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 1975
Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook
Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook
The ultimate comprehensive reference to Adobe now updated and revised to
cover the CS4 release!
As the industry standard image editing software for print and
digital media, Photoshop has a phenomenally broad reach and, if a
user, then anxious to get started with CS4!
This authoritative guide to Photoshop CS4 shows you how to retouch,
color correct, manipulate, and combine images
Sheds light on optimal ways to create cutting edge special effects
for digital or film based images, and then use them on the Web or in
More than 1,200 pages are packed with advice that demystifies even
the most complex Photoshop tasks
Covers everything from image editing basics to techniques for
working with camera raw images
Also discusses the file browser, histogram palette, lens blur,
customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more
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BUY Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook, download Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook, cheap Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook
The ultimate comprehensive reference to Adobe now updated and revised to
cover the CS4 release!
As the industry standard image editing software for print and
digital media, Photoshop has a phenomenally broad reach and, if a
user, then anxious to get started with CS4!
This authoritative guide to Photoshop CS4 shows you how to retouch,
color correct, manipulate, and combine images
Sheds light on optimal ways to create cutting edge special effects
for digital or film based images, and then use them on the Web or in
More than 1,200 pages are packed with advice that demystifies even
the most complex Photoshop tasks
Covers everything from image editing basics to techniques for
working with camera raw images
Also discusses the file browser, histogram palette, lens blur,
customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more
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BUY Wiley Photoshop CS4 Bible January 2009 eBook 10$
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miercuri, 17 septembrie 1975
Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook
Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook
SharePoint Designer allows you to design your own collaborative systems
and processes across your enterprises inside the SharePoint platform.
This in depth Bible takes you from the basics through advanced features
of SharePoint Designer, from application development to ongoing
management after the systems are in place. Written by a SharePoint
Designer expert, this guide makes Designer accessible for newcomers but
is also full of insight, tips, and techniques for veterans who want to
improve their system designs and increase productivity.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470386444/
BUY Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook, order Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook, download Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook
SharePoint Designer allows you to design your own collaborative systems
and processes across your enterprises inside the SharePoint platform.
This in depth Bible takes you from the basics through advanced features
of SharePoint Designer, from application development to ongoing
management after the systems are in place. Written by a SharePoint
Designer expert, this guide makes Designer accessible for newcomers but
is also full of insight, tips, and techniques for veterans who want to
improve their system designs and increase productivity.
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BUY Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook, order Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook, download Wiley Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Bible January 2009 eBook
luni, 15 septembrie 1975
Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook
Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook
The Genius is in.
You dont have to be a genius to use a MacBook. But if you want
to get the very most out of yours, put this savvy Portable Genius
guide to work. Want to connect your MacBook to other Macs? Use
Expose to its fullest potential? Troubleshoot? Youll find cool and
useful Genius tips, insider secrets, full color screenshots, and
pages of easy to access shortcuts and tools that will save you
loads of time and make your MacBook IQ soar.
Portable GENIUS
Fun, hip, and straightforward, the new Portable Genius series
gives forward thinking Apple users useful information in handy,
compact books that are easy to navigate and dont skimp on the
essentials. Collect the whole series and make the most of your
Apple digital lifestyle.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470291699/
BUY Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS buy Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook, download Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook, order Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook
The Genius is in.
You dont have to be a genius to use a MacBook. But if you want
to get the very most out of yours, put this savvy Portable Genius
guide to work. Want to connect your MacBook to other Macs? Use
Expose to its fullest potential? Troubleshoot? Youll find cool and
useful Genius tips, insider secrets, full color screenshots, and
pages of easy to access shortcuts and tools that will save you
loads of time and make your MacBook IQ soar.
Portable GENIUS
Fun, hip, and straightforward, the new Portable Genius series
gives forward thinking Apple users useful information in handy,
compact books that are easy to navigate and dont skimp on the
essentials. Collect the whole series and make the most of your
Apple digital lifestyle.
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BUY Wiley MacBook Portable Genius November 2008 eBook 10$
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vineri, 12 septembrie 1975
Wiley Java and Flex Integration Bible March 2009 eBook
Wiley Java and Flex Integration Bible March 2009 eBook
Providing you with invaluable information for delivering rich,
cross platform Inteet applications within the enterprise and across
the web, this book shows you how to fully integrate Java and Flex. Pages
of examples, step by step instructions, and from the field techniques
guide you through the creation of your first Java/Flex applications.
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BUY Wiley Java and Flex Integration Bible March 2009 eBook 10$
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Providing you with invaluable information for delivering rich,
cross platform Inteet applications within the enterprise and across
the web, this book shows you how to fully integrate Java and Flex. Pages
of examples, step by step instructions, and from the field techniques
guide you through the creation of your first Java/Flex applications.
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BUY Wiley Java and Flex Integration Bible March 2009 eBook 10$
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miercuri, 10 septembrie 1975
Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook
Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook
In this book, experts from Symbian, Nokia and Sun Microsystems expose
the power of Java ME on Symbian OS. The book introduces programming with
Java ME on Symbian OS, and also reveals what is found under the hood.
It is logically divided into four main sections:
Introduction to Java ME and programming fundamentals
Java ME on Symbian OS core and advanced chapters
Drill down into MSA, DoJa and MIDP game development
Under the hood of the Java ME platform
The book also includes two appendixes onSNAP Mobile technology and
WidSets. With over ten years experience in Java technologies and over
four years experience at Symbian, the lead author Roy Ben Hayun now
works for Sun Microsystems as a systems architect in the Engineering
Services group, which leads the development, marketing and productizing
of Java ME CLDC and CDC on different platforms.
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470743182/
BUY Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS buy Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook, buy Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook, order Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook
In this book, experts from Symbian, Nokia and Sun Microsystems expose
the power of Java ME on Symbian OS. The book introduces programming with
Java ME on Symbian OS, and also reveals what is found under the hood.
It is logically divided into four main sections:
Introduction to Java ME and programming fundamentals
Java ME on Symbian OS core and advanced chapters
Drill down into MSA, DoJa and MIDP game development
Under the hood of the Java ME platform
The book also includes two appendixes onSNAP Mobile technology and
WidSets. With over ten years experience in Java technologies and over
four years experience at Symbian, the lead author Roy Ben Hayun now
works for Sun Microsystems as a systems architect in the Engineering
Services group, which leads the development, marketing and productizing
of Java ME CLDC and CDC on different platforms.
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BUY Wiley Java ME on Symbian OS Inside the Smartphone Model March 2009 eBook 10$
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duminică, 7 septembrie 1975
Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook
Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook
A completely revised and updated edition of the all time bestselling
Flash title
Written by two of the world.s leading Flash experts, this
comprehensive reference provides you with undocumented techniques, tips,
and tricks on the CS4 release of Flash, the popular tool that allows you
to create animations and build interactive Web sites
In depth coverage on more than one thousand pages includes something
for everyone.whether a Web novice or an accomplished Web
professional.this resource will be your guide to the inner workings and
capabilities of Flash CS4
Two of the world.s leading Flash experts offer more coverage than
any other book on the market
The accompanying CD ROM includes trial software, addons, plugins,
shareware, templates, and examples
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470379189/
BUY Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook, cheap Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook, order Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook
A completely revised and updated edition of the all time bestselling
Flash title
Written by two of the world.s leading Flash experts, this
comprehensive reference provides you with undocumented techniques, tips,
and tricks on the CS4 release of Flash, the popular tool that allows you
to create animations and build interactive Web sites
In depth coverage on more than one thousand pages includes something
for everyone.whether a Web novice or an accomplished Web
professional.this resource will be your guide to the inner workings and
capabilities of Flash CS4
Two of the world.s leading Flash experts offer more coverage than
any other book on the market
The accompanying CD ROM includes trial software, addons, plugins,
shareware, templates, and examples
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470379189/
BUY Wiley Flash CS4 Professional Bible February 2009 eBook 10$
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vineri, 5 septembrie 1975
WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise 6 0 2
WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise 6 0 2
OmniPeek Enterprise is WildPackets flagship product. It combines all of
the features of the OmniPeek product line in one product, including support
for local captures from multiple interfaces and connections to an unlimited
number of distributed OmniEngines. It supports data collection from any
network topology, including 10 Gigabit and Gigabit networks, WAN links and
local matrix switches. OmniPeek Enterprise also provides advanced Voice and
Video over IP functionality including signaling and Media analyses of voice
and video, VoIP playback, voice and video Expert Analysis, Visual Expert,
and more. OmniPeek Enterprise is ideal for IT organizations responsible for
network analysis and network service level agreements SLAs for the entire
BUY WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise 6 0 2 28$
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OmniPeek Enterprise is WildPackets flagship product. It combines all of
the features of the OmniPeek product line in one product, including support
for local captures from multiple interfaces and connections to an unlimited
number of distributed OmniEngines. It supports data collection from any
network topology, including 10 Gigabit and Gigabit networks, WAN links and
local matrix switches. OmniPeek Enterprise also provides advanced Voice and
Video over IP functionality including signaling and Media analyses of voice
and video, VoIP playback, voice and video Expert Analysis, Visual Expert,
and more. OmniPeek Enterprise is ideal for IT organizations responsible for
network analysis and network service level agreements SLAs for the entire
BUY WildPackets OmniPeek Enterprise 6 0 2 28$
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marți, 2 septembrie 1975
WildPackets OmniEngine Enterprise 6 0 2
WildPackets OmniEngine Enterprise 6 0 2
OmniEngine Enterprise extends the network analysis capabilities to remote
locations, performing data capture and network analysis on multiple network
interfaces, and over all network topologies, including wireless 802.11.,
Gigabit networks and WAN links. This product is best deployed in workgroups
or at remote locations, providing continuous network monitoring and analysis
without the need for local network engineering support. To completely cover
your network analysis needs, one or more OmniEngines should be deployed at
each remote location, with every server farm, and within the network
operations core.
BUY WildPackets OmniEngine Enterprise 6 0 2 20$
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OmniEngine Enterprise extends the network analysis capabilities to remote
locations, performing data capture and network analysis on multiple network
interfaces, and over all network topologies, including wireless 802.11.,
Gigabit networks and WAN links. This product is best deployed in workgroups
or at remote locations, providing continuous network monitoring and analysis
without the need for local network engineering support. To completely cover
your network analysis needs, one or more OmniEngines should be deployed at
each remote location, with every server farm, and within the network
operations core.
BUY WildPackets OmniEngine Enterprise 6 0 2 20$
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sâmbătă, 30 august 1975
Wide Angle Software TouchCopy 09 9 0
Wide Angle Software TouchCopy 09 9 0
Transfer Music, Playlists, Photos and Videos from any iPod
or iPhone to your PC or Mac.
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Transfer Music, Playlists, Photos and Videos from any iPod
or iPhone to your PC or Mac.
BUY Wide Angle Software TouchCopy 09 9 0 5$
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joi, 28 august 1975
Whisper of a Rose 1 045
Whisper of a Rose 1 045
Whisper of a Rose is a unique and moving game.
It features a strong cast of characters that
will stay with you for years, and many puzzles
and quests.
Follow the story of Melrose as she enters
the realm of dreams! Melrose is an intro
verted girl who seems to be only unlucky
with life. Seeking happiness, she one day
steals a gadget that draws her into a
happy dreamworld.
But once she is there, the dreamworld is
revealed to be a dangerous place instead.
A mysterious fairy godmother appears and
offers to help Melrose leave.
Suddenly the fairy is kidnapped, and
Melrose must set out on a jouey to find
her. This jouey takes her from treetrop
villages and magic castles to valentine
towns and even underwater cities.
Explore over 40 magical lands! 30+ hours
of gameplay! Mouse controls!
Summon dream creatures! Enjoy 50 original
and beautiful music tracks!
BUY Whisper of a Rose 1 045 5$
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Whisper of a Rose is a unique and moving game.
It features a strong cast of characters that
will stay with you for years, and many puzzles
and quests.
Follow the story of Melrose as she enters
the realm of dreams! Melrose is an intro
verted girl who seems to be only unlucky
with life. Seeking happiness, she one day
steals a gadget that draws her into a
happy dreamworld.
But once she is there, the dreamworld is
revealed to be a dangerous place instead.
A mysterious fairy godmother appears and
offers to help Melrose leave.
Suddenly the fairy is kidnapped, and
Melrose must set out on a jouey to find
her. This jouey takes her from treetrop
villages and magic castles to valentine
towns and even underwater cities.
Explore over 40 magical lands! 30+ hours
of gameplay! Mouse controls!
Summon dream creatures! Enjoy 50 original
and beautiful music tracks!
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luni, 25 august 1975
WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac
WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac
WhatSize was one of the top selling utilities in the past year on
MUPromo. Especially if your Mac starts to get a lot of "stuff" on
it, WhatSize helps find out what files are taking up all of that
space. Then it makes it really easy to remove or move those files.
Youd be surprised how many useless files are lying around on your
Macs hard disk. The files and folders are automatically sorted by
size, with the biggest sizes first.
While the app is measuring a folder the user can browse the files
within that folder and immediately see the size in bytes. Hidden
files, cache files, directories will all show up with their
corresponding size. This application is similar to the ancient
NeXTSTEP, DarkForest.
Once the measuring of a folder has ended the user can also view
the information by filtering for particular file sizes or types.
The user can also move unwanted files and folder in the
corresponding Trash bin similar to the Finders Delete button.
id design/software/whatsize/
BUY WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac 5$
TAGS cheap WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac, low cost WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac, low cost WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac
WhatSize was one of the top selling utilities in the past year on
MUPromo. Especially if your Mac starts to get a lot of "stuff" on
it, WhatSize helps find out what files are taking up all of that
space. Then it makes it really easy to remove or move those files.
Youd be surprised how many useless files are lying around on your
Macs hard disk. The files and folders are automatically sorted by
size, with the biggest sizes first.
While the app is measuring a folder the user can browse the files
within that folder and immediately see the size in bytes. Hidden
files, cache files, directories will all show up with their
corresponding size. This application is similar to the ancient
NeXTSTEP, DarkForest.
Once the measuring of a folder has ended the user can also view
the information by filtering for particular file sizes or types.
The user can also move unwanted files and folder in the
corresponding Trash bin similar to the Finders Delete button.
id design/software/whatsize/
BUY WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac 5$
TAGS cheap WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac, low cost WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac, low cost WhatSize 4 6 0 for Mac
sâmbătă, 23 august 1975
Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94
Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94
Love is in the air as Cupid visits DinerTown. and Quinn starts
planning her OWN wedding. With the magic of Cupids love arrows,
anything can happen! Match the right guests together at the new
cocktail tables to ea a love bonus, but watch out for the
wedding crashers or they will ruin the party. Play the most
romantic Wedding Dash. game yet!
55 levels of romantic wedding reception antics
All new Cupid mini game to spice things up
Expanded wedding planning stage with more customization options
Ea online medals and compete for high scores at PlayFirst
Minimum System Requirements
Windows Vista, XP SP1 2
Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz processor or faster
256 MB RAM
800 x 600 minimum screen resolution
27 MB available hard drive space
playfirst/game/wedding dash ready aim love
BUY Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94 5$
TAGS discount Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94, cheap Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94, low cost Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94
Love is in the air as Cupid visits DinerTown. and Quinn starts
planning her OWN wedding. With the magic of Cupids love arrows,
anything can happen! Match the right guests together at the new
cocktail tables to ea a love bonus, but watch out for the
wedding crashers or they will ruin the party. Play the most
romantic Wedding Dash. game yet!
55 levels of romantic wedding reception antics
All new Cupid mini game to spice things up
Expanded wedding planning stage with more customization options
Ea online medals and compete for high scores at PlayFirst
Minimum System Requirements
Windows Vista, XP SP1 2
Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz processor or faster
256 MB RAM
800 x 600 minimum screen resolution
27 MB available hard drive space
playfirst/game/wedding dash ready aim love
BUY Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94 5$
TAGS discount Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94, cheap Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94, low cost Wedding Dash Ready Aim Love 1 0 0 94
miercuri, 20 august 1975
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64
Use ABCpdf to create Adobe PDF documents on the fly. You wont believe how
simple yet how powerful it truly is.
If youve been using Version 6 youll love Version 7. It includes many
powerful new features designed to make your life easier.
or check out our Feature Chart...
ABCpdf .NET is a .NET Native product encapsulated in an easy to deploy set
of DLLs. It also offers a virtualized COM interface designed for backwards
compatibility with ABCpdf ASP and Classic ASP/COM.
BUY WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64 15$
TAGS cheap WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64
Use ABCpdf to create Adobe PDF documents on the fly. You wont believe how
simple yet how powerful it truly is.
If youve been using Version 6 youll love Version 7. It includes many
powerful new features designed to make your life easier.
or check out our Feature Chart...
ABCpdf .NET is a .NET Native product encapsulated in an easy to deploy set
of DLLs. It also offers a virtualized COM interface designed for backwards
compatibility with ABCpdf ASP and Classic ASP/COM.
BUY WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64 15$
TAGS cheap WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 x64
luni, 18 august 1975
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2
Use ABCpdf to create Adobe PDF documents on the fly. You wont believe how
simple yet how powerful it truly is.
If youve been using Version 6 youll love Version 7. It includes many
powerful new features designed to make your life easier.
or check out our Feature Chart...
ABCpdf .NET is a .NET Native product encapsulated in an easy to deploy set
of DLLs. It also offers a virtualized COM interface designed for backwards
compatibility with ABCpdf ASP and Classic ASP/COM.
BUY WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 15$
TAGS low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2, low price WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2
Use ABCpdf to create Adobe PDF documents on the fly. You wont believe how
simple yet how powerful it truly is.
If youve been using Version 6 youll love Version 7. It includes many
powerful new features designed to make your life easier.
or check out our Feature Chart...
ABCpdf .NET is a .NET Native product encapsulated in an easy to deploy set
of DLLs. It also offers a virtualized COM interface designed for backwards
compatibility with ABCpdf ASP and Classic ASP/COM.
BUY WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2 15$
TAGS low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2, low cost WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2, low price WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 7 0 1 2
vineri, 15 august 1975
WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40
WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40
The RIAA Plugin allows you to perform a RIAA decompression
of vinyl equalization by software. So you can direct conect
your record player to the soundcard without using an
expensiv Phono PreAmp . The usage of RIAA Plugin depends on
some technical specifications too.
BUY WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40 15$
TAGS order WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40, order WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40, buy WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40
The RIAA Plugin allows you to perform a RIAA decompression
of vinyl equalization by software. So you can direct conect
your record player to the soundcard without using an
expensiv Phono PreAmp . The usage of RIAA Plugin depends on
some technical specifications too.
BUY WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40 15$
TAGS order WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40, order WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40, buy WavePurity RIAA Plugin 6 40
marți, 12 august 1975
WavePurity Professional 6 40
WavePurity Professional 6 40
Professional audio recondition for old vinyl records and
music tapes.
BUY WavePurity Professional 6 40 15$
TAGS discount WavePurity Professional 6 40, order WavePurity Professional 6 40, discount WavePurity Professional 6 40
Professional audio recondition for old vinyl records and
music tapes.
BUY WavePurity Professional 6 40 15$
TAGS discount WavePurity Professional 6 40, order WavePurity Professional 6 40, discount WavePurity Professional 6 40
duminică, 10 august 1975
WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB
WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB
The ultimate channel strip plug in, now better than ever! TrackPlug 5
is an all in one processor which features a 10 band EQ with several
filter types, spectral analysis, a brickwall filter section, dual
compressors, a gate, sidechain EQs, clean/vintage compression modes,
and a peak limiter. Still incorporating Wave Arts impressive CPU
efficiency, you can bring out the best in all of your tracks.
Go from small rooms to vast spaces create the perfect ambience.
MasterVerb 5 is a multiple algorithm reverb that covers all the bases.
Now includes early reflection controls, multiple late reverb
algorithms including a true plate reverb and envelope control. Still
the best sounding, most efficient software reverb, now with a vast
palette of sounds.
Tame the peaks in your mix a bit, or squeeze as much volume as
possible out if it. FinalPlug 5 provides peak limiting and volume
maximizing as well as comprehensive dithering options to make this
plug in specially suited for mastering a final mix. Features a brand
new limiting algorithm with auto release control for greater sonic
Powerful multi band dynamics: use up to six compressors/expanders,
each operating in a different frequency range. MultiDynamics 5 has a
variety of uses including mastering, noise reduction, volume
maximization, and sound design. Now includes clean and vintage
compression modes.
The powerful binaural spatial processor, now available with Power
Suite! With Panorama 5 you can create stunning 3 D effects over
conventional stereo headphones and speakers. Features sophisticated
HRTF, crosstalk cancelling and room modeling DSP technology.
Version 5.47 update:
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
TrackPlug dynamics meter fixed Windows.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Presets located in user area on Windows to avoid permissions problems
for user accounts.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB 20$
TAGS cheap WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB, buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB, low cost WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB
The ultimate channel strip plug in, now better than ever! TrackPlug 5
is an all in one processor which features a 10 band EQ with several
filter types, spectral analysis, a brickwall filter section, dual
compressors, a gate, sidechain EQs, clean/vintage compression modes,
and a peak limiter. Still incorporating Wave Arts impressive CPU
efficiency, you can bring out the best in all of your tracks.
Go from small rooms to vast spaces create the perfect ambience.
MasterVerb 5 is a multiple algorithm reverb that covers all the bases.
Now includes early reflection controls, multiple late reverb
algorithms including a true plate reverb and envelope control. Still
the best sounding, most efficient software reverb, now with a vast
palette of sounds.
Tame the peaks in your mix a bit, or squeeze as much volume as
possible out if it. FinalPlug 5 provides peak limiting and volume
maximizing as well as comprehensive dithering options to make this
plug in specially suited for mastering a final mix. Features a brand
new limiting algorithm with auto release control for greater sonic
Powerful multi band dynamics: use up to six compressors/expanders,
each operating in a different frequency range. MultiDynamics 5 has a
variety of uses including mastering, noise reduction, volume
maximization, and sound design. Now includes clean and vintage
compression modes.
The powerful binaural spatial processor, now available with Power
Suite! With Panorama 5 you can create stunning 3 D effects over
conventional stereo headphones and speakers. Features sophisticated
HRTF, crosstalk cancelling and room modeling DSP technology.
Version 5.47 update:
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
TrackPlug dynamics meter fixed Windows.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Presets located in user area on Windows to avoid permissions problems
for user accounts.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB 20$
TAGS cheap WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB, buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB, low cost WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 VST MAS RTAS AU MAC OSX UB
joi, 7 august 1975
WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS
WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS
Power Suite 5 Feature Highlights
Our critically acclaimed audio plug ins are now the top of their class,
featuring outstanding sound quality, exceptional CPU efficiency,
stunning visual interface design, world class customer support, and
tremendous value for the money.
These new v5 plug ins cover the essential aspects of sound design,
tracking, mixing and mastering. They are available in various bundle
configurations and individually, so you can choose the combination that
best suits your audio needs.
These plug ins run within any Mac OS X AU/VST/MAS/RTAS or Windows
DX/VST/RTAS based music production or audio editing application.
Power Suite consists of the following plug ins:
TrackPlug 5 . The ultimate channel strip plug in
MasterVerb 5 . Silky smooth multi algorithm reverb
FinalPlug 5 . Professional peak limiter and volume maximizer
MultiDynamics 5 . Powerful multi band dynamics control
Panorama 5 . Go beyond the limitations of conventional stereo, without
using a surround system!
BUY WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS 20$
TAGS buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS, low cost WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS, buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS
Power Suite 5 Feature Highlights
Our critically acclaimed audio plug ins are now the top of their class,
featuring outstanding sound quality, exceptional CPU efficiency,
stunning visual interface design, world class customer support, and
tremendous value for the money.
These new v5 plug ins cover the essential aspects of sound design,
tracking, mixing and mastering. They are available in various bundle
configurations and individually, so you can choose the combination that
best suits your audio needs.
These plug ins run within any Mac OS X AU/VST/MAS/RTAS or Windows
DX/VST/RTAS based music production or audio editing application.
Power Suite consists of the following plug ins:
TrackPlug 5 . The ultimate channel strip plug in
MasterVerb 5 . Silky smooth multi algorithm reverb
FinalPlug 5 . Professional peak limiter and volume maximizer
MultiDynamics 5 . Powerful multi band dynamics control
Panorama 5 . Go beyond the limitations of conventional stereo, without
using a surround system!
BUY WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS 20$
TAGS buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS, low cost WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS, buy WaveArts Power Suite 5 47 DX VST RTAS
marți, 5 august 1975
WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47
WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47
Master Restoration: Professional Audio Recording Cleanup.
Master Restoration Suite is a comprehensive set of restoration plug ins for
cleaning up tape, vinyl, and acoustic recordings. The tools give extremely
high quality results with minimal tweaking, hence they sound great and are
easy to use.
MR NoiseStellar sounding broadband noise reduction
MR Click Click and crackle filter for vinyl or digital sources
MR HumPrecise hum and buzz removal
MR Gate Expander/gate for quick and simple background attenuation
Master Restoration The ultimate all in one cleanup tool Changes in v5.47
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47 20$
TAGS oem WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47, discount WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47, cheap WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47
Master Restoration: Professional Audio Recording Cleanup.
Master Restoration Suite is a comprehensive set of restoration plug ins for
cleaning up tape, vinyl, and acoustic recordings. The tools give extremely
high quality results with minimal tweaking, hence they sound great and are
easy to use.
MR NoiseStellar sounding broadband noise reduction
MR Click Click and crackle filter for vinyl or digital sources
MR HumPrecise hum and buzz removal
MR Gate Expander/gate for quick and simple background attenuation
Master Restoration The ultimate all in one cleanup tool Changes in v5.47
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47 20$
TAGS oem WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47, discount WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47, cheap WaveArts Master Restoration VST DX RTAS 5 47
sâmbătă, 2 august 1975
WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB
WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB
Master Restoration: Professional Audio Recording Cleanup.
Master Restoration Suite is a comprehensive set of restoration plug ins for
cleaning up tape, vinyl, and acoustic recordings. The tools give extremely
high quality results with minimal tweaking, hence they sound great and are
easy to use.
MR NoiseStellar sounding broadband noise reduction
MR Click Click and crackle filter for vinyl or digital sources
MR HumPrecise hum and buzz removal
MR Gate Expander/gate for quick and simple background attenuation
Master Restoration The ultimate all in one cleanup tool Changes in v5.47
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB 20$
TAGS discount WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB, oem WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB, discount WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB
Master Restoration: Professional Audio Recording Cleanup.
Master Restoration Suite is a comprehensive set of restoration plug ins for
cleaning up tape, vinyl, and acoustic recordings. The tools give extremely
high quality results with minimal tweaking, hence they sound great and are
easy to use.
MR NoiseStellar sounding broadband noise reduction
MR Click Click and crackle filter for vinyl or digital sources
MR HumPrecise hum and buzz removal
MR Gate Expander/gate for quick and simple background attenuation
Master Restoration The ultimate all in one cleanup tool Changes in v5.47
Fixed AU crashes with certain mono/stereo/aux configurations.
MasterVerb envelope meter fixed.
MR Gate meter display fixed.
Displayed TrackPlug attenuation range corrected.
Text entry fixed for MAS versions.
Pro Tools Audio Suite delay compensation fixed.
BUY WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB 20$
TAGS discount WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB, oem WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB, discount WaveArts Master Restoration Suite VST AU MAS RTAS 5 47 MAC OSX UB
joi, 31 iulie 1975
Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15
Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15
Will the perfect holiday tu into the perfect crime?
When unrelenting rain ruins their holiday plans, Wallace Gromit
bring the beach to 62 West Wallaby with a makeshift resort . in
their basement. Keeping customers satisfied is tricky business,
especially when one of them is clocked on the head by an unknown
assailant. Whodunnit? Find out... with a little help from
Wallaces latest invention, the Deduct o matic!
Key features:
Interact with a charismatic cast of friends and foes
Embark on ambitious ventures with unexpected complications
Make and break a bevy of creative contraptions
Marvel at a beautifully rendered world
Play a brand new Wallace Gromit episode each month four in all
System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista Vista64 unsupported
Processor: 2.0 GHz or better 3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended
Memory: 512MB 1GB recommended
Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compliant video card 128MB recommended
Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device
DirectX.: Version 9.0c or better
BUY Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15 10$
TAGS discount Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15, low cost Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15, download Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15
Will the perfect holiday tu into the perfect crime?
When unrelenting rain ruins their holiday plans, Wallace Gromit
bring the beach to 62 West Wallaby with a makeshift resort . in
their basement. Keeping customers satisfied is tricky business,
especially when one of them is clocked on the head by an unknown
assailant. Whodunnit? Find out... with a little help from
Wallaces latest invention, the Deduct o matic!
Key features:
Interact with a charismatic cast of friends and foes
Embark on ambitious ventures with unexpected complications
Make and break a bevy of creative contraptions
Marvel at a beautifully rendered world
Play a brand new Wallace Gromit episode each month four in all
System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista Vista64 unsupported
Processor: 2.0 GHz or better 3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended
Memory: 512MB 1GB recommended
Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compliant video card 128MB recommended
Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device
DirectX.: Version 9.0c or better
BUY Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15 10$
TAGS discount Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15, low cost Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15, download Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 15
luni, 28 iulie 1975
Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1
Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1
Will the perfect holiday tu into the perfect crime?
When unrelenting rain ruins their holiday plans, Wallace Gromit
bring the beach to 62 West Wallaby with a makeshift resort . in
their basement. Keeping customers satisfied is tricky business,
especially when one of them is clocked on the head by an unknown
assailant. Whodunnit? Find out... with a little help from
Wallaces latest invention, the Deduct o matic!
Key features:
Interact with a charismatic cast of friends and foes
Embark on ambitious ventures with unexpected complications
Make and break a bevy of creative contraptions
Marvel at a beautifully rendered world
Play a brand new Wallace Gromit episode each month four in all
System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista Vista64 unsupported
Processor: 2.0 GHz or better 3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended
Memory: 512MB 1GB recommended
Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compliant video card 128MB recommended
Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device
DirectX.: Version 9.0c or better
BUY Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1 10$
TAGS oem Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1, buy Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1, cheap Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1
Will the perfect holiday tu into the perfect crime?
When unrelenting rain ruins their holiday plans, Wallace Gromit
bring the beach to 62 West Wallaby with a makeshift resort . in
their basement. Keeping customers satisfied is tricky business,
especially when one of them is clocked on the head by an unknown
assailant. Whodunnit? Find out... with a little help from
Wallaces latest invention, the Deduct o matic!
Key features:
Interact with a charismatic cast of friends and foes
Embark on ambitious ventures with unexpected complications
Make and break a bevy of creative contraptions
Marvel at a beautifully rendered world
Play a brand new Wallace Gromit episode each month four in all
System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista Vista64 unsupported
Processor: 2.0 GHz or better 3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended
Memory: 512MB 1GB recommended
Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compliant video card 128MB recommended
Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device
DirectX.: Version 9.0c or better
BUY Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1 10$
TAGS oem Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1, buy Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1, cheap Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Episode 2 The Last Resort 1 0 0 1
vineri, 25 iulie 1975
Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook
Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook
Are you anxious to get started with the new release of Photoshop?
If you lea best visually, then youll love the updated and
expanded coverage found in this tutorial.
Full color throughout, this book offers newly revised design
features that allow for larger screen shots for better navigation
and a more detailed look at each tasks step by step instructions
Packed with additional pages and expanded coverage of cool new
tasks for you to accomplish
An approachable teaching style makes Photoshop CS4 accessible
for beginners and instructs visual leaers of how to put this
application to work for them
Covers the most important features of Photoshop, including
importing photos from a digital camera, retouching and repairing
damaged photos, enhancing digital images, adding custom 3D effects,
and editing images for posting on the Web
Walks you through creating a Web photo gallery, incorporating
graphics into desktop publishing programs, using palettes and
layers, compositing, applying gradients, and setting type and
amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0470339470/
BUY Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook, cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook, cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook
Are you anxious to get started with the new release of Photoshop?
If you lea best visually, then youll love the updated and
expanded coverage found in this tutorial.
Full color throughout, this book offers newly revised design
features that allow for larger screen shots for better navigation
and a more detailed look at each tasks step by step instructions
Packed with additional pages and expanded coverage of cool new
tasks for you to accomplish
An approachable teaching style makes Photoshop CS4 accessible
for beginners and instructs visual leaers of how to put this
application to work for them
Covers the most important features of Photoshop, including
importing photos from a digital camera, retouching and repairing
damaged photos, enhancing digital images, adding custom 3D effects,
and editing images for posting on the Web
Walks you through creating a Web photo gallery, incorporating
graphics into desktop publishing programs, using palettes and
layers, compositing, applying gradients, and setting type and
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BUY Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook, cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook, cheap Visual Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop CS4 December 2008 eBook
miercuri, 23 iulie 1975
Visual Rules 4 4 2
Visual Rules 4 4 2
The Visual Rules Business Rules Management Platform covers
all requirements of Enterprise Decision Management EDM.
The essential business decisions can be automated and
continuously optimized completely independent of the
software release cycles.
Due to its easy integration, Visual Rules is perfectly
suited for decisions in enterprise applications as well as
embedded applications. The Dynamic Application Framework
of the Visual Rules Platform can be used to generate UIs
from the rules and integrate them into portals.
Innovations Enterprise Decision Management maximizes your
enterprise agility. Our methodical approach guarantees
your successful and efficient implementation.
visual rules
BUY Visual Rules 4 4 2 20$
TAGS low cost Visual Rules 4 4 2, low cost Visual Rules 4 4 2, download Visual Rules 4 4 2
The Visual Rules Business Rules Management Platform covers
all requirements of Enterprise Decision Management EDM.
The essential business decisions can be automated and
continuously optimized completely independent of the
software release cycles.
Due to its easy integration, Visual Rules is perfectly
suited for decisions in enterprise applications as well as
embedded applications. The Dynamic Application Framework
of the Visual Rules Platform can be used to generate UIs
from the rules and integrate them into portals.
Innovations Enterprise Decision Management maximizes your
enterprise agility. Our methodical approach guarantees
your successful and efficient implementation.
visual rules
BUY Visual Rules 4 4 2 20$
TAGS low cost Visual Rules 4 4 2, low cost Visual Rules 4 4 2, download Visual Rules 4 4 2
duminică, 20 iulie 1975
VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac
VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac
VirtualKeyboard is an on screen keyboard that offers
point and click typing using pointing devices such as a head
pointer, mouse, graphic tablet, trackball, etc. This program is
designed primarily for disabled person but it can be used also to
teach the children to write, to prepare kiosk environments, etc.
To use VirtualKeyboard simply click on the keys of the on screen
keyboard and each keypress will be sent to the active application.
It works seamlessly with all standard Mac applications allowing
you to type virtually anywhere a hardware keyboard can be used. As
with a real keyboard, to get uppercase characters you click Shift
first, or to type in all uppercase, click Lock. Similarly, it
handles command key combinations, dead keys, and modifier key
click combinations.
BUY VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac 5$
TAGS discount VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac, cheap VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac, buy VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac
VirtualKeyboard is an on screen keyboard that offers
point and click typing using pointing devices such as a head
pointer, mouse, graphic tablet, trackball, etc. This program is
designed primarily for disabled person but it can be used also to
teach the children to write, to prepare kiosk environments, etc.
To use VirtualKeyboard simply click on the keys of the on screen
keyboard and each keypress will be sent to the active application.
It works seamlessly with all standard Mac applications allowing
you to type virtually anywhere a hardware keyboard can be used. As
with a real keyboard, to get uppercase characters you click Shift
first, or to type in all uppercase, click Lock. Similarly, it
handles command key combinations, dead keys, and modifier key
click combinations.
BUY VirtualKeyboard 3 6 4 for Mac 5$
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