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iLight Fieldview 12
iLight Fieldview 12
FieldView is powerful post processing
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flow features and characteristics in your
simulations. It allows interactive
exploration for thorough understanding
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BUY iLight Fieldview 12 35$
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FieldView is powerful post processing
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duminică, 23 noiembrie 1975
ZappTek IPresent IT 2 4 for Mac
ZappTek IPresent IT 2 4 for Mac
iPresent It is the easy to use slideshow to iPod utility for
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iPresent It is the easy to use slideshow to iPod utility for
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iPresent It particularly suited for doing presentations on
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vineri, 21 noiembrie 1975
YoutubeGet 4 9 10
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BUY YoutubeGet 4 9 10 10$
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YouTubeGet is an all in one software designed to make quick and easy work
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marți, 18 noiembrie 1975
YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5
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WinUtilities is a collection of tools
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and to remove unneeded files and
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WinUtilities allows you to delete
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registry entries, manage your cookies
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With a startup Cleaner and manager
you can also see what programs start
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Furthermore, WinUtilities includes
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BUY YL Computing WinUtilities 6 5 10$
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WinUtilities is a collection of tools
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and to remove unneeded files and
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WinUtilities allows you to delete
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registry entries, manage your cookies
and more.
With a startup Cleaner and manager
you can also see what programs start
automatically with windows and
optionally disable selected items.
Furthermore, WinUtilities includes
options to find true duplicate files,
fix or remove broken shortcuts and
safely uninstall software.
Other features include secure file
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sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 1975
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162
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Xenocode Virtual Application Studio allows you to virtualize and
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Delivery, Xenocode Virtual Desktop, or USB drives.
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Xenocode Virtual Application Studio allows you to virtualize and
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Delivery, Xenocode Virtual Desktop, or USB drives.
BUY Xenocode Virtual Application Studio 2009 Enterprise Edition 7 0 162 25$
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joi, 13 noiembrie 1975
Xenocode Postbuild 2009 for NET 7 0 162 Beta
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Xenocode Postbuild is the powerful, reliable, and easy to use code
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Xenocode Postbuild is the powerful, reliable, and easy to use code
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luni, 10 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
Social computing is a fast moving technology, and many of the concepts
grow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research for
how you will implement any of the social computing applications, but
also use online research for keeping updated on new changes to this
exciting area of software today. Although social computing applications
can be written on any framework or even on their own, we have taken a
unique approach to help you understand the landscape of social computing
as it relates to SharePoint 2007. Each chapter introduces you to the
concept of the chapter, for example, the RSS chapter gives a brief
overview of what RSS is and the history behind it. Then the chapter
provides a section of how this is possible with SharePoint 2007.
Finally, if there are any extensions that would make it easier to work
with social computing and SharePoint, such as open source code or
products you can buy, we briefly discuss these options so you are aware
of them for your organization. This book was written for anyone who is
approaching social computing applications for an enterprise. This would
include developers, managers, directors, and even C level executives.
This book is designed to help decision makers lea about the concepts
and understand how they might implement them in their own company.
Although this book does reach out to developers, most of the chapters
give examples with either built in options and configuration or show how
to use code already installed on SharePoint. Anyone interested in social
computing and the topics covered in each chapter could read this book to
get an understanding of what each concept has. The You Try It sections
do require having SharePoint 2007 and some of the features installed to
actually attempt them. If you are not an IT professional or developer,
this is the perfect opportunity for you to start a discussion with your
technology group to try out some of these wonderful tools. The book is
designed to allow the reader to start from not knowing about social
computing to being able to have an understanding of the concepts and how
he or she would use them in his or her company. To accomplish this, you
can read the book from front cover to back, or you can pick the specific
chapter that your organization is interested in. Because so many people
want to know exactly what the topics are and what they are about, we
have organized the book into chapters that work together, but stand
alone and provide complete coverage of a topic. We have also used a very
simple and direct naming of each chapter so you can quickly recognize
what the chapter is about and what it covers. This book covers the major
concepts, applications, and implementations of social computing and
shows how they are built with SharePoint 2007 today. As you noticed
earlier, this is a fast moving area of computing. Where SharePoint 2007
does not have the capability today, we made sure and explained how you
could extend SharePoint 2007 with open source or products you can
purchase. We did not cover every product on the market, but we gave you
any idea of what you can look for when you are trying to extend
SharePoint. The first two chapters provide the introduction for people
new to social computing and how people will have to manage a social
computing project. The following chapters break out each concept into a
chapter to make it easy to get up to speed and understand what the topic
is about.
Social computing is a fast moving technology, and many of the concepts
grow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research for
how you will implement any of the social computing applications, but
also use online research for keeping updated on new changes to this
exciting area of software today. Although social computing applications
can be written on any framework or even on their own, we have taken a
unique approach to help you understand the landscape of social computing
as it relates to SharePoint 2007. Each chapter introduces you to the
concept of the chapter, for example, the RSS chapter gives a brief
overview of what RSS is and the history behind it. Then the chapter
provides a section of how this is possible with SharePoint 2007.
Finally, if there are any extensions that would make it easier to work
with social computing and SharePoint, such as open source code or
products you can buy, we briefly discuss these options so you are aware
of them for your organization. This book was written for anyone who is
approaching social computing applications for an enterprise. This would
include developers, managers, directors, and even C level executives.
This book is designed to help decision makers lea about the concepts
and understand how they might implement them in their own company.
Although this book does reach out to developers, most of the chapters
give examples with either built in options and configuration or show how
to use code already installed on SharePoint. Anyone interested in social
computing and the topics covered in each chapter could read this book to
get an understanding of what each concept has. The You Try It sections
do require having SharePoint 2007 and some of the features installed to
actually attempt them. If you are not an IT professional or developer,
this is the perfect opportunity for you to start a discussion with your
technology group to try out some of these wonderful tools. The book is
designed to allow the reader to start from not knowing about social
computing to being able to have an understanding of the concepts and how
he or she would use them in his or her company. To accomplish this, you
can read the book from front cover to back, or you can pick the specific
chapter that your organization is interested in. Because so many people
want to know exactly what the topics are and what they are about, we
have organized the book into chapters that work together, but stand
alone and provide complete coverage of a topic. We have also used a very
simple and direct naming of each chapter so you can quickly recognize
what the chapter is about and what it covers. This book covers the major
concepts, applications, and implementations of social computing and
shows how they are built with SharePoint 2007 today. As you noticed
earlier, this is a fast moving area of computing. Where SharePoint 2007
does not have the capability today, we made sure and explained how you
could extend SharePoint 2007 with open source or products you can
purchase. We did not cover every product on the market, but we gave you
any idea of what you can look for when you are trying to extend
SharePoint. The first two chapters provide the introduction for people
new to social computing and how people will have to manage a social
computing project. The following chapters break out each concept into a
chapter to make it easy to get up to speed and understand what the topic
is about.
Chapter 1 provides the introduction to what social computing is and
the concepts behind social computing applications and discusses some of
the technologies your organization might use to implement these
Chapter 2 describes how to build a successful project around social
computing. This chapter takes you through steps that can make your team
more successful, discusses the adoption of the application, and points
out pitfalls that may get in your way to avoid them.
Chapter 3 discusses content tagging as one of the fundamental pieces
of social computing. This chapter shows what content tagging is and how
to use it to effectively build a solution with more visibility.
Chapter 4 demonstrates how to use wikis to build solutions for your
organization and gives you hands on examples of what the wiki can do for
your company.
Chapter 5 covers the popular topic of blogs. This chapter shows you
how to set up your own blog for your organization as well as discuss why
you would even want a blog.
Chapter 6 delves into RSS and shows you what the XML is all about.
This chapter covers what RSS is and how to consume it in your
organization to successfully increase communication.
Chapter 7 gives an overview of social networking and SharePoint 2007
My Sites and what is required for social computing in a company.
Chapter 8 demonstrates what podcasting is and how you might
implement this concept in your organization. Podcasting is a
fast growing concept that many people are using for communication and
entertainment. This chapter will show how to use SharePoint 2007 to
enhance the communication in your organization.
Chapter 9 explains what mashups are and how you might use them
today. Mashups are still growing in organizations and still need some
customizations to make them powerful, but you will understand the
concepts and an overview of how to create these powerful applications.
Chapter 10 covers presence and OCS/Windows Live as a central part of
social computing. This chapter helps to understand how you might enhance
your projects just by including a valuable part of social computing and
being connected to other people.
Chapter11 discusses some of the forward looking technologies such as
interactive media, video, and communication. These technologies are
still being transformed from the general use applications to powerful
implements that include pieces of many of the social computing concepts.
Chapter 12 talks about social computing search and how to use search
to find the information you are looking for. In social computing
applications, finding data is critical to the success of the
application, and this chapter introduces how to accomplish that with
SharePoint 2007.
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BUY Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook 10$
TAGS oem Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook, discount Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook, download Wrox Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 February 2009 eBook
sâmbătă, 8 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook
Silverlight is a cross browser, cross platform, and cross device plug in
for delivering the next generation of .NET based rich interactive
applications RIAs for the Web; SharePoint is Microsofts portal
development platform and the fastest growing server product at
Microsoft. If you are seeking to leverage Silverlight 2.0 to optimize
SharePoint 2007, you will find what you need in this advanced guide from
a well known author team of Microsoft insiders. The book shows you how
to build integrated solutions step by step; how to integrate Silverlight
applications with different SharePoint objects such as lists, Web parts,
and others; and provides source code, so you can replicate and test the
code on your own.
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 March 2009 eBook 10$
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Silverlight is a cross browser, cross platform, and cross device plug in
for delivering the next generation of .NET based rich interactive
applications RIAs for the Web; SharePoint is Microsofts portal
development platform and the fastest growing server product at
Microsoft. If you are seeking to leverage Silverlight 2.0 to optimize
SharePoint 2007, you will find what you need in this advanced guide from
a well known author team of Microsoft insiders. The book shows you how
to build integrated solutions step by step; how to integrate Silverlight
applications with different SharePoint objects such as lists, Web parts,
and others; and provides source code, so you can replicate and test the
code on your own.
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miercuri, 5 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Teaches solution architects, designers, and developers how to use
Microsofts reporting platform to create reporting and business
intelligence BI solutions
Updated with new information about holistic BI solutions,
comprehensive OLAP/Analysis Services reporting, and complete production
deployment scenarios
Includes programming examples focused on specific, scenario based
Explains reporting services architecture and business intelligence,
teaches the fundamentals of designing reports through the use of careful
planning considerations, and covers advanced report design and filtering
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS low price Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook, oem Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services December 2008 eBook
Teaches solution architects, designers, and developers how to use
Microsofts reporting platform to create reporting and business
intelligence BI solutions
Updated with new information about holistic BI solutions,
comprehensive OLAP/Analysis Services reporting, and complete production
deployment scenarios
Includes programming examples focused on specific, scenario based
Explains reporting services architecture and business intelligence,
teaches the fundamentals of designing reports through the use of careful
planning considerations, and covers advanced report design and filtering
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luni, 3 noiembrie 1975
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
SQL Server 2008 represents a sizable jump forward in scalability,
performance, and usability for the DBA, developer, and business
intelligence BI developer. It is no longer unheard of to have
20 terabyte databases running on a SQL Server. SQL Server administration
used to just be the job of a database administrator DBA, but as SQL
Server proliferates throughout smaller companies, many developers have
begun to act as administrators as well. Additionally, some of the new
features in SQL Server are more developer centric, and poor
configuration of these features can result in poor performance. SQL
Server now enables you to manage the policies on hundreds of SQL Servers
in your environment as if you were managing a single instance.
provided a comprehensive, tutorial based book to get you over the
leaing curve of how to configure and administer SQL Server 2008.
Whether an administrator or developer using SQL Server, you can.t
avoid wearing a DBA hat at some point. Developers often have SQL Server
on their own workstations and must provide guidance to the administrator
about how they.d like the production configured. Oftentimes,
responsible for creating the database tables and indexes. Administrators
or DBAs support the production servers and often inherit the database
from the developer. This book is intended for developers, DBAs, and
casual users who hope to administer or may already be administering a
SQL Server 2008 system and its business intelligence features, such as
Integration Services. This book is a professional book, meaning the
authors assume that you know the basics about how to query a SQL Server
and have some rudimentary concepts of SQL Server already. For example,
this book does not show you how to create a database or walk you through
the installation of SQL Server using the wizard. Instead, the author of
the installation chapter may provide insight into how to use some of the
more advanced concepts of the installation. Although this book does not
cover how to query a SQL Server database, it does cover how to tune the
queries already written. The first ten chapters of the book are
about administering the various areas of SQL Server, including the
developer and business intelligence features.
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook 10$
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SQL Server 2008 represents a sizable jump forward in scalability,
performance, and usability for the DBA, developer, and business
intelligence BI developer. It is no longer unheard of to have
20 terabyte databases running on a SQL Server. SQL Server administration
used to just be the job of a database administrator DBA, but as SQL
Server proliferates throughout smaller companies, many developers have
begun to act as administrators as well. Additionally, some of the new
features in SQL Server are more developer centric, and poor
configuration of these features can result in poor performance. SQL
Server now enables you to manage the policies on hundreds of SQL Servers
in your environment as if you were managing a single instance.
provided a comprehensive, tutorial based book to get you over the
leaing curve of how to configure and administer SQL Server 2008.
Whether an administrator or developer using SQL Server, you can.t
avoid wearing a DBA hat at some point. Developers often have SQL Server
on their own workstations and must provide guidance to the administrator
about how they.d like the production configured. Oftentimes,
responsible for creating the database tables and indexes. Administrators
or DBAs support the production servers and often inherit the database
from the developer. This book is intended for developers, DBAs, and
casual users who hope to administer or may already be administering a
SQL Server 2008 system and its business intelligence features, such as
Integration Services. This book is a professional book, meaning the
authors assume that you know the basics about how to query a SQL Server
and have some rudimentary concepts of SQL Server already. For example,
this book does not show you how to create a database or walk you through
the installation of SQL Server using the wizard. Instead, the author of
the installation chapter may provide insight into how to use some of the
more advanced concepts of the installation. Although this book does not
cover how to query a SQL Server database, it does cover how to tune the
queries already written. The first ten chapters of the book are
about administering the various areas of SQL Server, including the
developer and business intelligence features.
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BUY Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook 10$
TAGS order Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, download Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook, low cost Wrox Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration November 2008 eBook
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