Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 5 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabytesingle strike drum and cymbal sample library with highlyextensive velocity layering and articulation options,allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?We recommend using NDK in conjunction with NativeInstruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats areincluded, allowing users to take advantage of such featuresas random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wirechanges, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability tomix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers anddont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheapalteative is HALion Player v for the average user, thisis ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...The samples in this library are not embedded or locked inany way. This allows the user to create custom presets inthe sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy aspossible, the files have all been named in a logical way tomake mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of thislibrary, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drumreplacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making andwas recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in hisstudio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited aroundhalf a million start points, end points and fades, andmanually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many ofour single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat andcymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by productof the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on themarket.
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 5 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 5 1 dvd, order Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 5 1 dvd, discount Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 5 1 dvd
vineri, 31 decembrie 1976
marți, 28 decembrie 1976
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd, order Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd, download Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd, order Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd, download Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 4 1 dvd
sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 1976
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd 20$
TAGS low price Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd, oem Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd, buy Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd 20$
TAGS low price Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd, oem Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd, buy Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 3 1 dvd
joi, 23 decembrie 1976
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd
Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd 20$
TAGS download Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd, order Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd, buy Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd
NDK formely known as ns_kit7 is a multi gigabyte
single strike drum and cymbal sample library with highly
extensive velocity layering and articulation options,
allowing for the ultimate in realism and performance.
What other software is needed to use NDK?
We recommend using NDK in conjunction with Native
Instruments Kontakt 2 or Steinbergs HALion 3
soft sampler. Extensive presets for both formats are
included, allowing users to take advantage of such features
as random robin triggering, on the fly stick and snare wire
changes, direct from disk streaming, multiple outputs,
individual drum/cymbal panning velocity, the ability to
mix and match your own kits and loads more.
If you dont already own one of these soft samplers and
dont plan on investing in one any time soon a cheap
alteative is HALion Player v for the average user, this
is ideal and wont break the bank.
Unembedded unlocked v yours to do with as you wish...
The samples in this library are not embedded or locked in
any way. This allows the user to create custom presets in
the sampler format of their choice. To make this as easy as
possible, the files have all been named in a logical way to
make mapping a breeze.
Also, thanks to the exhaustive and varied nature of this
library, NDK is also an ideal candidate for use in drum
replacement software.
The most extensively sampled acoustic instrument ever created.
The NDK sample library has been 2 years in the making and
was recorded over several months by Douglas Whates in his
studio in Glasgow, Scotland. Douglas hand edited around
half a million start points, end points and fades, and
manually bounced down around 22,000 sound files. Many of
our single kits 6 piece shell pack, snare, hi hat and
cymbals have more individual hits, as a direct by product
of the sheer number of articulations and velocity layers,
than any other sampled acoustic instrument currently on the
BUY Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd 20$
TAGS download Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd, order Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd, buy Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit Multiformat Disk 2 1 dvd
luni, 20 decembrie 1976
Artbeats V Line Dolphins 1 dvd
Artbeats V Line Dolphins 1 dvd
Fall in love with these highly intelligent creatures as you watch them swim,
play and greet divers beneath the great blue sea. The dolphins interact with
divers, boats, or each other as singles or in groups, and several escort babies
through the crystal water. Product contains 24 clips.
BUY Artbeats V Line Dolphins 1 dvd 10$
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Fall in love with these highly intelligent creatures as you watch them swim,
play and greet divers beneath the great blue sea. The dolphins interact with
divers, boats, or each other as singles or in groups, and several escort babies
through the crystal water. Product contains 24 clips.
BUY Artbeats V Line Dolphins 1 dvd 10$
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sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 1976
Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd
Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd
Are you afraid of heights? This collection is all about the drama of some
of the steepest vertical drops in the country. Fly 100mph three feet above
the ground right off the edge of a canyon rim and look 1000ft below. Get
up close and personal to the Echo Cliffs, Marble Canyon, Little Colorado
Gorge and Hurricane Cliffs. Includes the most dramatic aerials weve ever
produced, all Gyron stabilized for ultra smooth rides. Collection contains
31 clips.
BUY Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd, low price Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd, low cost Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd
Are you afraid of heights? This collection is all about the drama of some
of the steepest vertical drops in the country. Fly 100mph three feet above
the ground right off the edge of a canyon rim and look 1000ft below. Get
up close and personal to the Echo Cliffs, Marble Canyon, Little Colorado
Gorge and Hurricane Cliffs. Includes the most dramatic aerials weve ever
produced, all Gyron stabilized for ultra smooth rides. Collection contains
31 clips.
BUY Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd, low price Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd, low cost Artbeats Southwest Cliff Aerials 1 dvd
miercuri, 15 decembrie 1976
Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd
Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd
For months, Artbeats developed techniques to damage film for the coolest
results possible, and the results are found here with all new footage of
countdowns, leaders, grain, scratches, light leaks and gate artifacts.
Many clips include mattes for layering over your existing footage for an
incredible look! This product explores a new category we call Gate Havoc
which includes threading film, de railed and twisted film, hair in the gate
and the highly requested FRAME BURN. This is some of the most useful effect
footage available! And if you dont find what you need here, be sure to see
the original Film Clutter for even more options. Collection contains 86 clips.
BUY Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd 10$
TAGS download Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd, cheap Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd, cheap Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd
For months, Artbeats developed techniques to damage film for the coolest
results possible, and the results are found here with all new footage of
countdowns, leaders, grain, scratches, light leaks and gate artifacts.
Many clips include mattes for layering over your existing footage for an
incredible look! This product explores a new category we call Gate Havoc
which includes threading film, de railed and twisted film, hair in the gate
and the highly requested FRAME BURN. This is some of the most useful effect
footage available! And if you dont find what you need here, be sure to see
the original Film Clutter for even more options. Collection contains 86 clips.
BUY Artbeats Film Clutter 2 1 dvd 10$
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luni, 13 decembrie 1976
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finalnd, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland,
Vatican Vity State.
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low cost Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finalnd, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland,
Vatican Vity State.
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low cost Volvo RTI Europe Disk 4 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
vineri, 10 decembrie 1976
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Czech Reoublik, Denmark, France, Germany,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands and Switzerland
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republik, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands and
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low cost Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Czech Reoublik, Denmark, France, Germany,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands and Switzerland
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republik, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands and
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low cost Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 3 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
marți, 7 decembrie 1976
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republik, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republik, Slovenia and
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Czech Republik and Germany.
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low price Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republik, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republik, Slovenia and
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
Austria, Czech Republik and Germany.
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, low price Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd, oem Volvo RTI Europe Disk 2 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
duminică, 5 decembrie 1976
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 1 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Volvo RTI Europe Disk 1 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd
This Disc contains the following countries:
Andorra, France, Ireland, Monaco, Portugal, Spain including the Canary
Islands, United Kingdom
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
France, Great Britain and Spain.
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 1 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
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This Disc contains the following countries:
Andorra, France, Ireland, Monaco, Portugal, Spain including the Canary
Islands, United Kingdom
Traffic Information RDS TMC
For some countries in Europe, traffic information is available via RDS TMC.
This traffic information enables motorists to avoid traffic disturbances,
such as temporary roadworks, traffic jams, accidents, etc.
TMC on this dvd is available in following countries:
France, Great Britain and Spain.
This DVD only works with S80 MY07 V70 MY08 XC60 MY09 XC70 MY08
BUY Volvo RTI Europe Disk 1 2008 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
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joi, 2 decembrie 1976
Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd
Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd
Venice Deluxe Sounds Mellotron Featuring over
3,900 24bit samples 196 Patches! More than 6.2 Gb
of New Sounds!
Features in Detail:
Massive 6.2 gig 24 bit core wav library
196 new patches
7 different formats EXS24, Kontakt 2.1, Kontakt 1.5,
Giga, SF2, Reason, Halion and Wav
All NEW Sounds developed by VDS sound designers.
Fully programmable
Sounds legendary instruments Sounds Banks Cello,
Viola, Violin, Bass, Guitars, Choir, Flute, Organs
and many others!
BUY Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd, order Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd, cheap Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd
Venice Deluxe Sounds Mellotron Featuring over
3,900 24bit samples 196 Patches! More than 6.2 Gb
of New Sounds!
Features in Detail:
Massive 6.2 gig 24 bit core wav library
196 new patches
7 different formats EXS24, Kontakt 2.1, Kontakt 1.5,
Giga, SF2, Reason, Halion and Wav
All NEW Sounds developed by VDS sound designers.
Fully programmable
Sounds legendary instruments Sounds Banks Cello,
Viola, Violin, Bass, Guitars, Choir, Flute, Organs
and many others!
BUY Venice Audio Mellotron Multiformat 1 dvd 15$
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