Precisionsound Weltmeister Accordion Multiformat 1 cd
The .Weltmeister Meteor. Piano Accordion was manufactured in Germany in
the early eighties or late seventies. Sold mostly in the east south
This item is bought in Greece in the mid eighties in perfect condition.
The complete SampleSet contains 567 individual 24 bit Mono WAV samples
17 programs, each for HALion 1., HALion 2.01 NI Kontakt.
Almost every note has been sampled with 2 velocity levels. It.s the bellow
in/out dragging that.s splitted into velocity zones.Release samples to get
the .air. of the Accordion.
This makes the difference between playing a sample of an accordion or
actually feel hear the presence of the "real" instrument.
BUY Precisionsound Weltmeister Accordion Multiformat 1 cd 10$
TAGS order Precisionsound Weltmeister Accordion Multiformat 1 cd, cheap Precisionsound Weltmeister Accordion Multiformat 1 cd, low price Precisionsound Weltmeister Accordion Multiformat 1 cd
miercuri, 31 decembrie 1980
luni, 29 decembrie 1980
Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd
Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd
Now that the iPhone SDK has officially been released and the Apple
App Store is open for business, it.s time to write killer mobile
applications! To do that, you.ll need to use several powerful and possibly
unfamiliar tools: Xcode, Interface Builder, Objective C, and then the iPhone
SDK itself. It can all be a little overwhelming at first. Lea how to write your
first table based iPhone application from Bill Dudney, an experienced iPhone developer.
Building iPhone applications is a visual process. These video tutorials
are a great way to lea by shoulder surfing with an expert, whether
thinking about getting into iPhone development or already well on your way.
You.ll lea his workflow, his development techniques, and the tricks of the trade.
And you.ll walk away with the confidence and resources to build your table based iPhone
application from scratch.
pragprog/screencasts/v bdiphone/writing your first iphone application
BUY Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd 8$
TAGS cheap Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd, download Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd, cheap Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd
Now that the iPhone SDK has officially been released and the Apple
App Store is open for business, it.s time to write killer mobile
applications! To do that, you.ll need to use several powerful and possibly
unfamiliar tools: Xcode, Interface Builder, Objective C, and then the iPhone
SDK itself. It can all be a little overwhelming at first. Lea how to write your
first table based iPhone application from Bill Dudney, an experienced iPhone developer.
Building iPhone applications is a visual process. These video tutorials
are a great way to lea by shoulder surfing with an expert, whether
thinking about getting into iPhone development or already well on your way.
You.ll lea his workflow, his development techniques, and the tricks of the trade.
And you.ll walk away with the confidence and resources to build your table based iPhone
application from scratch.
pragprog/screencasts/v bdiphone/writing your first iphone application
BUY Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd 8$
TAGS cheap Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd, download Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd, cheap Pragmatic Bookshelf Writing Your First iPhone Application 1 cd
vineri, 26 decembrie 1980
PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd
PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd
This course is a fun and interesting look at the CakePHP 1.2 Framework.
By the end youll have created a simple CMS that you will be able to extend and improve.
We build Controllers, Models, Views, Helpers, Components and Behaviors all on camera.
In the first 4 lessons we study CakePHP by following Study Guides.
These are not your typical Study Guides... you will see Austin Powers, Boobies, Skeletor and
other funny things. We use analogies and story telling to help build a database of information
in your mind quickly and easily.
The last 4 lessons are very practical and high intensity. This is where we code the CMS and
follow a treasure map to find Curleys Golden Chickens. If you are stuggling with CakePHP and
things are just not sinking in then this is the course for you. Its fun and highly detailed.
Installing CakePHP, MVC , Bake Tool, Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layouts, View Templates,
Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool, Validation, Behaviours, CakePHP OOP, Components, Routing,
Dry Controller, Create RedirectComponent, Create RecordingComponent, Create CookieHelper, Creating
RecordingHelper, Create TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext and Multiple Tag
Search, Create TypeableBehavior, Creating AttachableBehavior and much more!
BUY PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd 8$
TAGS cheap PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd, buy PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd, low price PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd
This course is a fun and interesting look at the CakePHP 1.2 Framework.
By the end youll have created a simple CMS that you will be able to extend and improve.
We build Controllers, Models, Views, Helpers, Components and Behaviors all on camera.
In the first 4 lessons we study CakePHP by following Study Guides.
These are not your typical Study Guides... you will see Austin Powers, Boobies, Skeletor and
other funny things. We use analogies and story telling to help build a database of information
in your mind quickly and easily.
The last 4 lessons are very practical and high intensity. This is where we code the CMS and
follow a treasure map to find Curleys Golden Chickens. If you are stuggling with CakePHP and
things are just not sinking in then this is the course for you. Its fun and highly detailed.
Installing CakePHP, MVC , Bake Tool, Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layouts, View Templates,
Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool, Validation, Behaviours, CakePHP OOP, Components, Routing,
Dry Controller, Create RedirectComponent, Create RecordingComponent, Create CookieHelper, Creating
RecordingHelper, Create TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext and Multiple Tag
Search, Create TypeableBehavior, Creating AttachableBehavior and much more!
BUY PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd 8$
TAGS cheap PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd, buy PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd, low price PhpVideoTutorials Com Building A CMS With CakePHP 1 2 1 cd
miercuri, 24 decembrie 1980
Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd
Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd
This powerful tool increases the efficiency of Windows based system administration.
Abundant functionalities such as system reconfiguration, deployment, backup, and
disaster recovery will guarantee optimized disk partitioning and maximum utilization
of your drives. Upon Hard disk failure, Partition Manager 10 Server Edition can even
help you restore your OS to bare metal drive in fraction of time it would take
otherwise rebuild a system thus, minimizing downtime and required technician resources!
paragon software/business/pm server/
BUY Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd 20$
TAGS cheap Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd, discount Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd, download Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd
This powerful tool increases the efficiency of Windows based system administration.
Abundant functionalities such as system reconfiguration, deployment, backup, and
disaster recovery will guarantee optimized disk partitioning and maximum utilization
of your drives. Upon Hard disk failure, Partition Manager 10 Server Edition can even
help you restore your OS to bare metal drive in fraction of time it would take
otherwise rebuild a system thus, minimizing downtime and required technician resources!
paragon software/business/pm server/
BUY Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd 20$
TAGS cheap Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd, discount Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd, download Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager 10 0 Server Edition 1 cd
duminică, 21 decembrie 1980
Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd
Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd
ORCA AVA ist das Komplettprogramm zur Kostenschaetzung, Ausschreibung,
Vergabe und Abrechnung von Bauleistungen. Zusaetzlich zu den Texten
der Ausschreibung werden begleitende Daten wie Adressen, Schriftverkehr
und Texte fuer Leistungsbeschreibungen verwaltet. .
Neben der komfortablen Bedienung zeichnet sich ORCA AVA vor allem durch
die zahlreichen Standards fuer den reibungslosen Datenaustausch aller
am Projekt Beteiligten aus.
Die Anwendung verfuegt ueber alle aktuellen GAEB Schnittstellen und
Schnittstellen zu allen fuehrenden Textherstelle, z.B. HeinzeBauOffice,
sirAdos, STLB Bau.
ORCA AVA bietet direkten Zugriff auf die kostenlosen Positions
beschreibungen des Inteetportals
Damit Sie Ihre Daten auch in der MS Office Umgebung verarbeiten koennen,
bietet ORCA AVA Schnittstellen zu MS Word, MS Excel und MS Access.
Adressen werden ueber das .csv Format z.B. Outlook ausgetauscht.
Alle Druckausgaben koennen sowohl im Format .PDF zum weiteren Versand
oder als HTML Seite fuer die eigene Homepage ausgegeben werden.
Angebote von Handwerke werden ueber die Digitale Angebotsanforderung
komfortabel eingeholt und fehlerfrei ins LV eingelesen.
BUY Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd 25$
TAGS low cost Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd, discount Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd, download Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd
ORCA AVA ist das Komplettprogramm zur Kostenschaetzung, Ausschreibung,
Vergabe und Abrechnung von Bauleistungen. Zusaetzlich zu den Texten
der Ausschreibung werden begleitende Daten wie Adressen, Schriftverkehr
und Texte fuer Leistungsbeschreibungen verwaltet. .
Neben der komfortablen Bedienung zeichnet sich ORCA AVA vor allem durch
die zahlreichen Standards fuer den reibungslosen Datenaustausch aller
am Projekt Beteiligten aus.
Die Anwendung verfuegt ueber alle aktuellen GAEB Schnittstellen und
Schnittstellen zu allen fuehrenden Textherstelle, z.B. HeinzeBauOffice,
sirAdos, STLB Bau.
ORCA AVA bietet direkten Zugriff auf die kostenlosen Positions
beschreibungen des Inteetportals
Damit Sie Ihre Daten auch in der MS Office Umgebung verarbeiten koennen,
bietet ORCA AVA Schnittstellen zu MS Word, MS Excel und MS Access.
Adressen werden ueber das .csv Format z.B. Outlook ausgetauscht.
Alle Druckausgaben koennen sowohl im Format .PDF zum weiteren Versand
oder als HTML Seite fuer die eigene Homepage ausgegeben werden.
Angebote von Handwerke werden ueber die Digitale Angebotsanforderung
komfortabel eingeholt und fehlerfrei ins LV eingelesen.
BUY Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd 25$
TAGS low cost Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd, discount Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd, download Orca AVA 16 00 000 08 German 1 cd
vineri, 19 decembrie 1980
Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd
Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd
Navigon Mobile Maps for Europe Q4 2008!
This is for Navigon devices running MN6.x
Maps included:
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
CZ Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary,
Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Monaco,
Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Republic of Ireland, Romania, San Marino,
Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, UK and Vatican City.
BUY Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd, buy Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd, order Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd
Navigon Mobile Maps for Europe Q4 2008!
This is for Navigon devices running MN6.x
Maps included:
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
CZ Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary,
Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Monaco,
Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Republic of Ireland, Romania, San Marino,
Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, UK and Vatican City.
BUY Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd, buy Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd, order Navigon Mobile Navigator MN6 Weste Europe Maps Q4 2008 1 dvd
marți, 16 decembrie 1980
McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd
McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd
Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle has completely updated this new edition to cover all
of the exam objectives for the latest version of the CCNA exam. Todd.s straightforward style
provides lively examples, easy to understand analogies, and real world scenarios that will
not only help you prepare for the exam, but also give you a solid foundation as a Cisco
networking professional.
Packed with updated topics that have been added to the 2007 version of the CCNA exam, this
updated study guide features expanded coverage of key topic areas plus new material on switching,
network address translation, and OSPF. Inside, find the complete instruction you need, including:
Full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident
getting the instruction you need for the exam
Practical hands on exercises and labs to reinforce critical skills,
Real world scenarios that put what leaed in the context of actual job roles
Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day
Exam Essentials, a key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become
proficient in before taking the exam
CD ROM Includes:
Chapter Review Questions
Four Full Length Practice Exams
200 Electronic Flashcards
Audio and Video Instruction from Todd Lammle
Full book in searchable PDF format
BUY McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd 10$
TAGS buy McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd, oem McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd, cheap McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd
Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle has completely updated this new edition to cover all
of the exam objectives for the latest version of the CCNA exam. Todd.s straightforward style
provides lively examples, easy to understand analogies, and real world scenarios that will
not only help you prepare for the exam, but also give you a solid foundation as a Cisco
networking professional.
Packed with updated topics that have been added to the 2007 version of the CCNA exam, this
updated study guide features expanded coverage of key topic areas plus new material on switching,
network address translation, and OSPF. Inside, find the complete instruction you need, including:
Full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident
getting the instruction you need for the exam
Practical hands on exercises and labs to reinforce critical skills,
Real world scenarios that put what leaed in the context of actual job roles
Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day
Exam Essentials, a key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become
proficient in before taking the exam
CD ROM Includes:
Chapter Review Questions
Four Full Length Practice Exams
200 Electronic Flashcards
Audio and Video Instruction from Todd Lammle
Full book in searchable PDF format
BUY McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd 10$
TAGS buy McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd, oem McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd, cheap McGraw Hill CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Exam 640 802 1 cd
sâmbătă, 13 decembrie 1980
Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd
Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd
Facebook is a terrific platform for sharing photos online, and
iPhoto .09 has the tools for organizing and editing the images
before publishing them. In iPhoto 09: 10 Things to Know About
Facebook, professional photographer Derrick Story shows how to
establish two way communication between these applications. He
demonstrates how to make changes on one side and have those
changes reflected in both places. Derrick covers editing
techniques in iPhoto, shows how to work with tagging images,
and offers troubleshooting tips for publishing photos on Facebook.
BUY Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd 10$
TAGS buy Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd, buy Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd, low cost Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd
Facebook is a terrific platform for sharing photos online, and
iPhoto .09 has the tools for organizing and editing the images
before publishing them. In iPhoto 09: 10 Things to Know About
Facebook, professional photographer Derrick Story shows how to
establish two way communication between these applications. He
demonstrates how to make changes on one side and have those
changes reflected in both places. Derrick covers editing
techniques in iPhoto, shows how to work with tagging images,
and offers troubleshooting tips for publishing photos on Facebook.
BUY Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd 10$
TAGS buy Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd, buy Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd, low cost Lynda iPhoto 09 10 Things to Know About Facebook 1 cd
joi, 11 decembrie 1980
Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd
Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd
JavaScript is essential in the creation of powerful web sites and
applications. In Practical and Effective JavaScript, instructor Joe Marini
presents the next level of features that experienced developers need to
streamline their workflows and introduce dynamic new functions to their
projects. Joe teaches tips for improving JavaScript performance, ways to
separate programming behavior from page content, and principles for
understanding the mode DOM event model. Finally, Joe introduces some of
the more advanced concepts recently built into JavaScript. An understanding
of the JavaScript language is a prerequisite for this course,
which includes exercise files.
BUY Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd 15$
TAGS cheap Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd, download Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd, download Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd
JavaScript is essential in the creation of powerful web sites and
applications. In Practical and Effective JavaScript, instructor Joe Marini
presents the next level of features that experienced developers need to
streamline their workflows and introduce dynamic new functions to their
projects. Joe teaches tips for improving JavaScript performance, ways to
separate programming behavior from page content, and principles for
understanding the mode DOM event model. Finally, Joe introduces some of
the more advanced concepts recently built into JavaScript. An understanding
of the JavaScript language is a prerequisite for this course,
which includes exercise files.
BUY Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd 15$
TAGS cheap Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd, download Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd, download Lynda Practical and Effective JavaScript 1 cd
luni, 8 decembrie 1980
Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd
Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd
After a photo shoot, the next step in fashion photography begins. In
Photoshop CS4 Retouching: Fashion Photography Projects, professional
photographer Chris Orwig demonstrates specific techniques for bringing
out the best in beauty and fashion images. Chris divides the course
into several practical projects, addressing the details of retouching
faces, adjusting color values, and much more. This course expands on the
skills introduced in Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential
Training, and aims to inspire photographers to achieve high end
professional results.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd 25$
TAGS cheap Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd, oem Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd, low cost Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd
After a photo shoot, the next step in fashion photography begins. In
Photoshop CS4 Retouching: Fashion Photography Projects, professional
photographer Chris Orwig demonstrates specific techniques for bringing
out the best in beauty and fashion images. Chris divides the course
into several practical projects, addressing the details of retouching
faces, adjusting color values, and much more. This course expands on the
skills introduced in Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential
Training, and aims to inspire photographers to achieve high end
professional results.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd 25$
TAGS cheap Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd, oem Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd, low cost Lynda Photoshop CS4 Retouching Fashion Photography Projects 1 dvd
sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 1980
Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd
Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd
Photography Video Workflow: Final Cut Pro + Canon 5D Mark II is designed for
anyone who wants to shoot high definition video with the Canon 5D Mark II
and create a finished product using Final Cut Pro. The course focuses on the
unique workflow that is used with the Canon 5D Mark II and Final Cut Pro.
Instructor Frank Rohmer teaches the steps required to take a project form
start to finish, imparting the basic and intermediate knowledge that will
allow users to comfortably edit HD footage.
BUY Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd 20$
TAGS order Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd, low price Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd, low price Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd
Photography Video Workflow: Final Cut Pro + Canon 5D Mark II is designed for
anyone who wants to shoot high definition video with the Canon 5D Mark II
and create a finished product using Final Cut Pro. The course focuses on the
unique workflow that is used with the Canon 5D Mark II and Final Cut Pro.
Instructor Frank Rohmer teaches the steps required to take a project form
start to finish, imparting the basic and intermediate knowledge that will
allow users to comfortably edit HD footage.
BUY Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd 20$
TAGS order Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd, low price Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd, low price Lynda Photography Video Workflow Final Cut Pro plus Canon 5D Mark II 1 dvd
miercuri, 3 decembrie 1980
Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd
Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd
Information on how to lea Flash is prevalent, but it can be
frustrating to understand how to make an entire working web site
using this unique technology. Heres a course that cuts through the
clutter and offers practical tools for creating a dynamic web site,
even for first time developers. In Creating a First Web Site with Flash
CS4 Professional, veteran Flash instructor Paul Trani simplifies the
process of integrating animation, video, audio, and user interactivity
to create a site that is dynamic and appealing. The goal of this hands on
workshop is to teach web site building skills for today.s demanding
interactive industry.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd 15$
TAGS download Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd, oem Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd, low price Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd
Information on how to lea Flash is prevalent, but it can be
frustrating to understand how to make an entire working web site
using this unique technology. Heres a course that cuts through the
clutter and offers practical tools for creating a dynamic web site,
even for first time developers. In Creating a First Web Site with Flash
CS4 Professional, veteran Flash instructor Paul Trani simplifies the
process of integrating animation, video, audio, and user interactivity
to create a site that is dynamic and appealing. The goal of this hands on
workshop is to teach web site building skills for today.s demanding
interactive industry.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd 15$
TAGS download Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd, oem Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd, low price Lynda Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional 1 cd
luni, 1 decembrie 1980
LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd
LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd
For any student or professional interested in leaing the fundamentals of Python
BUY LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd, oem LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd, low cost LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd
For any student or professional interested in leaing the fundamentals of Python
BUY LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd, oem LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd, low cost LiveLessons Python Fundamentals 1 dvd
vineri, 28 noiembrie 1980
Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd
Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd
In this unique video package, renowned Perl author and
speaker Peter Scott takes you through the fundamental elements of the
Perl 5 language so that you have a strong foundation for creating robust
Perl programs and leaing more advanced aspects of the language.
Even if youve never run a Perl program before, youll lea what you need
to know to get started on every popular platform. Scott advances through the
language in a logical progression, from the basics of printing strings to the
use of regular expressions for patte matching and text manipulation. In between,
he covers the core components of the language, demonstrating through many
examples exactly how each one works. In the final lesson, he shows the power
of Perls objects and modules for writing web programs. A uniquely valuable
aspect of this video is Scotts demonstrations of many common pitfalls and
how to avoid them. Youll lea a carefully crafted subset of the language
that enables you to create powerful, robust programs while avoiding the traps
that can result from leaing Perl in the wrong sequence.
These practical, easy to use videos allow you to get the multimedia experience of
a live instructor at your own pace whenever you want. You get the benefit of
Scotts expertise as a decade long Perl trainer and author of Perl Medic and
Perl Debugged at your fingertips, so you can get started on mastering Perl.
After a few hours with this DVD, you will be gaining entry into the market of
thousands of jobs managing millions of lines of Perl, the worlds most popular
scripting language.
Looking for a better way to master todays rapidly changing technologies?
Want expert help, but dont have the time or energy to read a book? Cant find
classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons: self paced, personal
video instruction from the worlds leading experts.
LiveLessons are video courses, on DVD with a book supplement, that are
organized into bite sized, self contained sessions youll lea key skills
in as little as 15 minutes!
Each session begins with well defined leaing objectives so you know
exactly what you will lea in the lesson.
Follow along as your instructor shows exactly how to get great results
in your real world environment.
BUY Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd, oem Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd, low cost Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd
In this unique video package, renowned Perl author and
speaker Peter Scott takes you through the fundamental elements of the
Perl 5 language so that you have a strong foundation for creating robust
Perl programs and leaing more advanced aspects of the language.
Even if youve never run a Perl program before, youll lea what you need
to know to get started on every popular platform. Scott advances through the
language in a logical progression, from the basics of printing strings to the
use of regular expressions for patte matching and text manipulation. In between,
he covers the core components of the language, demonstrating through many
examples exactly how each one works. In the final lesson, he shows the power
of Perls objects and modules for writing web programs. A uniquely valuable
aspect of this video is Scotts demonstrations of many common pitfalls and
how to avoid them. Youll lea a carefully crafted subset of the language
that enables you to create powerful, robust programs while avoiding the traps
that can result from leaing Perl in the wrong sequence.
These practical, easy to use videos allow you to get the multimedia experience of
a live instructor at your own pace whenever you want. You get the benefit of
Scotts expertise as a decade long Perl trainer and author of Perl Medic and
Perl Debugged at your fingertips, so you can get started on mastering Perl.
After a few hours with this DVD, you will be gaining entry into the market of
thousands of jobs managing millions of lines of Perl, the worlds most popular
scripting language.
Looking for a better way to master todays rapidly changing technologies?
Want expert help, but dont have the time or energy to read a book? Cant find
classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons: self paced, personal
video instruction from the worlds leading experts.
LiveLessons are video courses, on DVD with a book supplement, that are
organized into bite sized, self contained sessions youll lea key skills
in as little as 15 minutes!
Each session begins with well defined leaing objectives so you know
exactly what you will lea in the lesson.
Follow along as your instructor shows exactly how to get great results
in your real world environment.
BUY Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd, oem Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd, low cost Live Lessons Perl Fundamentals With Peter J Scott 1 dvd
marți, 25 noiembrie 1980
Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd
Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd
Very useful translator and dictionary english to czech and
back. Many words over 120 0000 with latest updates.
BUY Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd 10$
TAGS discount Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd, low cost Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd, cheap Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd
Very useful translator and dictionary english to czech and
back. Many words over 120 0000 with latest updates.
BUY Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd 10$
TAGS discount Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd, low cost Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd, cheap Lingea Lexicon 5 English Platinum 1 cd
duminică, 23 noiembrie 1980
Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd
Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd
Save hours of data entry by picking from over 48,200 complete
variety listings of stamps from the USA, US Possessions, Australia,
UK, Canada, Canadian Provinces, Germany, Cuba the UN. Including
sub varieties.
32,000 hi res images to help identify your stamps.
Liberty Street Software is Officially Licensed to use the SCOTT
stamp numbering system.
Numerous useful reports, including a Stamp Checklist and a Stamp
Album Page report that will let you print out Stamp Album pages
complete with identifying images.
How Much is your Collection Worth? Find out with our up to date
Market Valuations in several grades, including Plate Block and
Mint Sheets.
Use our amazing eBay. search feature to quickly search current
and completed auctions by SCOTT number...A great way to find
the recent selling prices.
BUY Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd 30$
TAGS buy Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd, download Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd, buy Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd
Save hours of data entry by picking from over 48,200 complete
variety listings of stamps from the USA, US Possessions, Australia,
UK, Canada, Canadian Provinces, Germany, Cuba the UN. Including
sub varieties.
32,000 hi res images to help identify your stamps.
Liberty Street Software is Officially Licensed to use the SCOTT
stamp numbering system.
Numerous useful reports, including a Stamp Checklist and a Stamp
Album Page report that will let you print out Stamp Album pages
complete with identifying images.
How Much is your Collection Worth? Find out with our up to date
Market Valuations in several grades, including Plate Block and
Mint Sheets.
Use our amazing eBay. search feature to quickly search current
and completed auctions by SCOTT number...A great way to find
the recent selling prices.
BUY Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd 30$
TAGS buy Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd, download Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd, buy Liberty Street Stampmanage Deluxe 2009 1 5 0 1 cd
joi, 20 noiembrie 1980
LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd
LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd
LMS Test.Xpress is a no compromise noise and vibration analyzer and recorder
that is designed to do all of this and much more. It combines the ease of use
of a traditional analyzer with the high speed performance and measurement
quality of an advanced noise and vibration measurement system.
LMS Test.Xpress integrates over 25 years of experience in noise" and vibration
engineering from LMS. It is part of a complete offering of scalable testing
and engineering solutions, that offer optimal scalability, openness and
investment protection. Start with a 4 channel analyzer today, and expand your
system to a multi channel, advanced engineering solution? It.·s all possible
with LMS Test.Xpress.
BUY LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd 25$
TAGS cheap LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd, oem LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd, discount LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd
LMS Test.Xpress is a no compromise noise and vibration analyzer and recorder
that is designed to do all of this and much more. It combines the ease of use
of a traditional analyzer with the high speed performance and measurement
quality of an advanced noise and vibration measurement system.
LMS Test.Xpress integrates over 25 years of experience in noise" and vibration
engineering from LMS. It is part of a complete offering of scalable testing
and engineering solutions, that offer optimal scalability, openness and
investment protection. Start with a 4 channel analyzer today, and expand your
system to a multi channel, advanced engineering solution? It.·s all possible
with LMS Test.Xpress.
BUY LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd 25$
TAGS cheap LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd, oem LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd, discount LMS Test Xpress V3A SL1 1 cd
marți, 18 noiembrie 1980
LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd
LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd
LMS TecWare drastically reduces the time required to analyze and document
large amounts of measurement data. With LMS TecWare ProcessBuilder, you can
easily set up repetitive data processing tasks. It is simple to consolidate
data, analyze it in different domains and create automated reports. Just
drag and drop the required method blocks, define the parameters according
to the type of input data and run it on a complete measurement campaign.
LMS TecWare ProcessBuilder can also help standardize according to corporate
procedures, improve data quality and significantly accelerate everyday data
processing tasks.
BUY LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd 25$
TAGS discount LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd, low price LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd, oem LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd
LMS TecWare drastically reduces the time required to analyze and document
large amounts of measurement data. With LMS TecWare ProcessBuilder, you can
easily set up repetitive data processing tasks. It is simple to consolidate
data, analyze it in different domains and create automated reports. Just
drag and drop the required method blocks, define the parameters according
to the type of input data and run it on a complete measurement campaign.
LMS TecWare ProcessBuilder can also help standardize according to corporate
procedures, improve data quality and significantly accelerate everyday data
processing tasks.
BUY LMS TecWare 3 5 1 cd 25$
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sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 1980
Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd
Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd
Extend the capabilities of your existing software. Whether youre using CAD such as CATIA or Pro E,
a finite element modeler such as PATRAN or FEMAP, or FEA such as NASTRAN or Abaqus, achieving
a realistic, fully optimized and manufactureable design requires virtually endless and costly hours of
manual calculations, offline spreadsheets, model re meshing, and long running batch jobs. HyperSizer.
begins where FEA ends, by verifying structural integrity with the required calculations to predict all
potential failure modes for all load cases, and identifying negative margins of safety.
To resolve these negative margins, or to simply find a lighter weight design, HyperSizer will optimize,
or .size., your design by surveying literally millions of candidate dimensions and laminates, and finding
optimum variables down to the ply level . in a matter of minutes.
BUY Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd 20$
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Extend the capabilities of your existing software. Whether youre using CAD such as CATIA or Pro E,
a finite element modeler such as PATRAN or FEMAP, or FEA such as NASTRAN or Abaqus, achieving
a realistic, fully optimized and manufactureable design requires virtually endless and costly hours of
manual calculations, offline spreadsheets, model re meshing, and long running batch jobs. HyperSizer.
begins where FEA ends, by verifying structural integrity with the required calculations to predict all
potential failure modes for all load cases, and identifying negative margins of safety.
To resolve these negative margins, or to simply find a lighter weight design, HyperSizer will optimize,
or .size., your design by surveying literally millions of candidate dimensions and laminates, and finding
optimum variables down to the ply level . in a matter of minutes.
BUY Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd 20$
TAGS oem Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd, cheap Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd, buy Hypersizer Pro 5 3 1 cd
joi, 13 noiembrie 1980
Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd
Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd
HAPAK unsere Auftragsbearbeitungs Software fШr Handwerker und Dienstleister
ist ein einfach zu erleendes Programm fШr Ihren Betrieb.
HAPAK besticht besonders durch seine intuitive Arbeitsweise mit den
Dokumenten. Sie arbeiten am Bildschirm wie auf einem Blatt Papier.
Mit seinem modeen, modularen Aufbau, gШnstigen Konditionen fШr Ein und
Umstieg, einem attraktiven Softwarepflegekonzept, sowie vielen Schnittstellen
bieten wir ein rundes Konzept, von dem sich bereits mehr als 4500 Firmen
Шberzeugt haben.
BUY Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd 15$
TAGS oem Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd, discount Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd, low price Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd
HAPAK unsere Auftragsbearbeitungs Software fШr Handwerker und Dienstleister
ist ein einfach zu erleendes Programm fШr Ihren Betrieb.
HAPAK besticht besonders durch seine intuitive Arbeitsweise mit den
Dokumenten. Sie arbeiten am Bildschirm wie auf einem Blatt Papier.
Mit seinem modeen, modularen Aufbau, gШnstigen Konditionen fШr Ein und
Umstieg, einem attraktiven Softwarepflegekonzept, sowie vielen Schnittstellen
bieten wir ein rundes Konzept, von dem sich bereits mehr als 4500 Firmen
Шberzeugt haben.
BUY Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd 15$
TAGS oem Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd, discount Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd, low price Hapak Pro 2008 8 0 3 German 1 cd
luni, 10 noiembrie 1980
Gehry Technologies Digital Project 1 R4 x86 1 dvd
Gehry Technologies Digital Project 1 R4 x86 1 dvd
Gehry Technologies Digital Project. is a suite of powerful 3D building
information modeling and management tools based on the power of Dassault
Systemes CATIA a comprehensive design and manufacturing platform. Digital
Project uses CATIA as a core engine.
The Digital Project suite of products includes two base products, Viewer and
Designer, and several add on products: Primavera Integration, MEP/Systems
Routing, Imagine Shape, Knowledgeware, Specialized Translators and Photo
Studio. Base products Designer and Viewer may be used as stand alone products;
Viewer or Designer is required for all add on products.
Contact us to lea more about our suite of Digital Project. software products,
our Digital Project. and a range of building information modeling consulting
services, and training courses.
BUY Gehry Technologies Digital Project 1 R4 x86 1 dvd 40$
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Gehry Technologies Digital Project. is a suite of powerful 3D building
information modeling and management tools based on the power of Dassault
Systemes CATIA a comprehensive design and manufacturing platform. Digital
Project uses CATIA as a core engine.
The Digital Project suite of products includes two base products, Viewer and
Designer, and several add on products: Primavera Integration, MEP/Systems
Routing, Imagine Shape, Knowledgeware, Specialized Translators and Photo
Studio. Base products Designer and Viewer may be used as stand alone products;
Viewer or Designer is required for all add on products.
Contact us to lea more about our suite of Digital Project. software products,
our Digital Project. and a range of building information modeling consulting
services, and training courses.
BUY Gehry Technologies Digital Project 1 R4 x86 1 dvd 40$
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vineri, 7 noiembrie 1980
Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins
Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins
You should be comfortable with doing the main jobs needed to run your websites.
If you lea these skills, you.ll avoid paying too much to any person or service
provider either now or when you decide to outsource later. So here are the 14 skills
you really need to lea so you don.t get ripped off by a web hosting company or webmaster.
Create and manage your own email account
Registering your own domains
Set up your web hosting account properly
Upload and manage your website files and images
Redirect users to different s
Install a blog, forum, Wiki.s and more, with Fantastico
Customize your 404 Error Pages
Create and manage SQL Databases
Add on multiple domains within one hosting account
Protect your directories from unauthorized snoopers
Create and manage Subdomains
Track your site visitors and errors with Statistics
Set up and manage Resell Rights products and sales pages for maximum profit
Install a PHP/MySQL Script properly
designates skills you ABSOLUTELY must know how to do
Each of our videos, including the free ones we.ll be giving you now, all include.
Easy to understand, live narration by Chris Morris or Bob Jenkins American English speakers .
two genuine inteet marketers made it their mission to help people from the start.
Clear video resolution so you don.t have to guess what.s being shown sensitive data is obscured
Strategic explanations of how to use the cPanel. features for marketing purposes, not just
technical prowess
Creative combinations of the different features within cPanel. so you can apply what you lea
to move your business forward.
We also feature an extensive members area where you.ll find additional resources for inteet business
building. Whether you market information products, or you want to get your website more traffic to
promote offline products, these tools and resources are an extra benefit others simply can.t or refuse to
provide to you.
BUY Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins 15$
TAGS discount Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins, oem Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins, cheap Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins
You should be comfortable with doing the main jobs needed to run your websites.
If you lea these skills, you.ll avoid paying too much to any person or service
provider either now or when you decide to outsource later. So here are the 14 skills
you really need to lea so you don.t get ripped off by a web hosting company or webmaster.
Create and manage your own email account
Registering your own domains
Set up your web hosting account properly
Upload and manage your website files and images
Redirect users to different s
Install a blog, forum, Wiki.s and more, with Fantastico
Customize your 404 Error Pages
Create and manage SQL Databases
Add on multiple domains within one hosting account
Protect your directories from unauthorized snoopers
Create and manage Subdomains
Track your site visitors and errors with Statistics
Set up and manage Resell Rights products and sales pages for maximum profit
Install a PHP/MySQL Script properly
designates skills you ABSOLUTELY must know how to do
Each of our videos, including the free ones we.ll be giving you now, all include.
Easy to understand, live narration by Chris Morris or Bob Jenkins American English speakers .
two genuine inteet marketers made it their mission to help people from the start.
Clear video resolution so you don.t have to guess what.s being shown sensitive data is obscured
Strategic explanations of how to use the cPanel. features for marketing purposes, not just
technical prowess
Creative combinations of the different features within cPanel. so you can apply what you lea
to move your business forward.
We also feature an extensive members area where you.ll find additional resources for inteet business
building. Whether you market information products, or you want to get your website more traffic to
promote offline products, these tools and resources are an extra benefit others simply can.t or refuse to
provide to you.
BUY Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins 15$
TAGS discount Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins, oem Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins, cheap Discover CPanel Video Tutorials with Chris Morris And Bob Jenkins
miercuri, 5 noiembrie 1980
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd 15$
TAGS discount Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd, buy Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd, low price Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd 15$
TAGS discount Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd, buy Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd, low price Digital Juice Editors Themekit 107 Metal Dollar 1 dvd
duminică, 2 noiembrie 1980
Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd
Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd
"Color of the sum makeup" series is a collection of background design
that expresses the sense of a new image of contemporary Japanese.
High quality material designed to match the atmosphere of a Japanese style
and Weste style, active in a variety of applications.
The MON, the patte of traditional motifs, such as wave and Oumi
has designed a new sensibility in a world of harmony. MEINBIJUARU as a
background image of the Japanese rich and refined to match the scene.
Media CD ROM Hybrid Photos 120
Data format JPEG / RGB 4175 Ъ 2976pixels 350dpi
JPEG/RGB674Ъ480pixels72dpi JPEG / RGB 674 Ъ 480pixels 72dpi
Windows Macintosh requires both application software that can open the file.
BUY Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd 10$
TAGS download Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd, oem Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd, oem Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd
"Color of the sum makeup" series is a collection of background design
that expresses the sense of a new image of contemporary Japanese.
High quality material designed to match the atmosphere of a Japanese style
and Weste style, active in a variety of applications.
The MON, the patte of traditional motifs, such as wave and Oumi
has designed a new sensibility in a world of harmony. MEINBIJUARU as a
background image of the Japanese rich and refined to match the scene.
Media CD ROM Hybrid Photos 120
Data format JPEG / RGB 4175 Ъ 2976pixels 350dpi
JPEG/RGB674Ъ480pixels72dpi JPEG / RGB 674 Ъ 480pixels 72dpi
Windows Macintosh requires both application software that can open the file.
BUY Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd 10$
TAGS download Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd, oem Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd, oem Datacraft Colors in Japanese Style Vol 5 Mon 1 cd
vineri, 31 octombrie 1980
Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd
Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd
Service Pack Only!!!!!!!!!!
CATIA 5 is the leading product development solution for all
manufacturing organizations, from OEMs through their supply chains to
small independent producers. The range of its capabilities allows
CATIA 5 to be applied in a wide variety of industries, such as
aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical, electronics,
shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, including design for
such diverse products as jewelry and clothing.
CATIA 5 is the only solution capable of addressing the complete
product development process, from product concept specifications
through product in service, in a fully integrated and associative
manner. It facilitates true collaborative engineering across the
multi disciplinary extended enterprise, including style and form
design, mechanical design and equipment and systems engineering,
managing digital mock up, machining, analysis, and simulation.
CATIA products are based on the open, scalable 5 architecture.
By enabling enterprises to reuse product design knowledge and
accelerate development cycles, CATIA 5 helps companies speed their
responses to market needs and helps free users to focus on creativity
and innovation.
BUY Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd 40$
TAGS buy Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd, discount Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd, order Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd
Service Pack Only!!!!!!!!!!
CATIA 5 is the leading product development solution for all
manufacturing organizations, from OEMs through their supply chains to
small independent producers. The range of its capabilities allows
CATIA 5 to be applied in a wide variety of industries, such as
aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical, electronics,
shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, including design for
such diverse products as jewelry and clothing.
CATIA 5 is the only solution capable of addressing the complete
product development process, from product concept specifications
through product in service, in a fully integrated and associative
manner. It facilitates true collaborative engineering across the
multi disciplinary extended enterprise, including style and form
design, mechanical design and equipment and systems engineering,
managing digital mock up, machining, analysis, and simulation.
CATIA products are based on the open, scalable 5 architecture.
By enabling enterprises to reuse product design knowledge and
accelerate development cycles, CATIA 5 helps companies speed their
responses to market needs and helps free users to focus on creativity
and innovation.
BUY Dassault Systemes Catia 5 R19 SP4 1 dvd 40$
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marți, 28 octombrie 1980
CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd
CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd
The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available for Exam CT0 101
With hundreds of practice questions and hands on exercises, CompTIA Convergence+
Certification Study Guide covers what you need to know and shows you how to
prepare for this challenging exam.
100 complete coverage of all official objectives for the CompTIA Convergence+ exam
Exam Readiness Checklist at the front of the book youre ready for the exam when
all objectives on the list are checked off
Two Minute Drills for quick review at the end of every chapter
Simulated exam questions match the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam
Covers all the exam topics, including: Networking Infrastructure and Design;
Network Protocols; Infrastructure Hardware; Client Devices; Telephony Fundamentals;
Telephony Hardware; Multimedia and Video; Quality of Service; Converged Network Management;
Troubleshooting Converged Networks; Security Vulnerabilities and Solutions
CD ROM includes:
Complete MasterExam practice testing engine, featuring: One full practice exam;
Detailed answers with explanations; Score Report performance assessment tool
Electronic book for studying on the go
BUY CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd 10$
TAGS low cost CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd, cheap CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd, buy CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd
The Best Fully Integrated Study System Available for Exam CT0 101
With hundreds of practice questions and hands on exercises, CompTIA Convergence+
Certification Study Guide covers what you need to know and shows you how to
prepare for this challenging exam.
100 complete coverage of all official objectives for the CompTIA Convergence+ exam
Exam Readiness Checklist at the front of the book youre ready for the exam when
all objectives on the list are checked off
Two Minute Drills for quick review at the end of every chapter
Simulated exam questions match the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam
Covers all the exam topics, including: Networking Infrastructure and Design;
Network Protocols; Infrastructure Hardware; Client Devices; Telephony Fundamentals;
Telephony Hardware; Multimedia and Video; Quality of Service; Converged Network Management;
Troubleshooting Converged Networks; Security Vulnerabilities and Solutions
CD ROM includes:
Complete MasterExam practice testing engine, featuring: One full practice exam;
Detailed answers with explanations; Score Report performance assessment tool
Electronic book for studying on the go
BUY CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd 10$
TAGS low cost CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd, cheap CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd, buy CompTIA Convergence Plus Certification Study Guide 1 cd
duminică, 26 octombrie 1980
Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd
Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd
This tutorial teaches how to use Actionscript 3 to Develop a Flash Based Content Management System
Setup an unlimited number of MySQL database driven text boxes...And your clients will be able to update
their own site! Plus they can edit their text while seeing the same layout and style as it would be live.
So theres no ugly backend.
Course Overview
Setup text boxes for useame, password, and the clients editable information
Write basic button functions for handling logging in, logging out and saving changes to the site text.
Setup a keypress event for making the useame and password boxes visible this is optional
Create a database and table in MySQL for storing the information that will appear in the text boxes
Use PHP to write Variables for Flash to load the site text
Create a database and table in MySQL for storing the clients login name and password
Use Flash and PHP to check the useame and password to enable site text editing
Save any changes the client makes to the Flash text to the MySQL database and reload the site.
All code is written in Actionscript 3.
Cool Features...
The demo files use Arial for the font in the text boxes, but you can use ANY font.
You client can edit their site using the same Flash file that their viewers see. So theres no ugly
HTML based backend to this setup. Once logged in, the sites dynamic text boxes become editable input boxes.
The database populated text boxes can be shared among multiple files. So updating text in one page could
be used to update multiple text boxes throughout the site.
You can publish out a .swf file that only your client knows about to be used for logging into the site,
OR you can hide the useame and password boxes onstage until they press an uncommon keyboard key like the
tilda, ESC, tab, etc, which would then make the client login buttons visible.
BUY Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd 5$
TAGS buy Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd, low price Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd, cheap Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd
This tutorial teaches how to use Actionscript 3 to Develop a Flash Based Content Management System
Setup an unlimited number of MySQL database driven text boxes...And your clients will be able to update
their own site! Plus they can edit their text while seeing the same layout and style as it would be live.
So theres no ugly backend.
Course Overview
Setup text boxes for useame, password, and the clients editable information
Write basic button functions for handling logging in, logging out and saving changes to the site text.
Setup a keypress event for making the useame and password boxes visible this is optional
Create a database and table in MySQL for storing the information that will appear in the text boxes
Use PHP to write Variables for Flash to load the site text
Create a database and table in MySQL for storing the clients login name and password
Use Flash and PHP to check the useame and password to enable site text editing
Save any changes the client makes to the Flash text to the MySQL database and reload the site.
All code is written in Actionscript 3.
Cool Features...
The demo files use Arial for the font in the text boxes, but you can use ANY font.
You client can edit their site using the same Flash file that their viewers see. So theres no ugly
HTML based backend to this setup. Once logged in, the sites dynamic text boxes become editable input boxes.
The database populated text boxes can be shared among multiple files. So updating text in one page could
be used to update multiple text boxes throughout the site.
You can publish out a .swf file that only your client knows about to be used for logging into the site,
OR you can hide the useame and password boxes onstage until they press an uncommon keyboard key like the
tilda, ESC, tab, etc, which would then make the client login buttons visible.
BUY Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd 5$
TAGS buy Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd, low price Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd, cheap Cartoon Smart Flash CMS 1 cd
joi, 23 octombrie 1980
Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd
Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd
After Effects Expressions Tutorial. Use Simple Code in After Effects to Create Various Animated FX:
This tutorial will give you a comprehensive understanding of using expressions in After Effects.
Expressions are code applied to a Layer that can simplify animating by using math to transform a
property or by connecting the transformations of one object to another.
You dont need any prior coding knowledge to take this course. Most expression code is one line, and
after you lea the basic structure, writing lines from scratch will become obvious. Plus After Effects
has an amazing tool to use the mouse to connect layers together which will write the Expression for you.
By the end of this course, you should be comfortable writing expressions for any number of uses.
The course focuses on creating a caleidoscope effect, but the code you lea can be used for anything.
BUY Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd 5$
TAGS oem Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd, low price Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd, buy Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd
After Effects Expressions Tutorial. Use Simple Code in After Effects to Create Various Animated FX:
This tutorial will give you a comprehensive understanding of using expressions in After Effects.
Expressions are code applied to a Layer that can simplify animating by using math to transform a
property or by connecting the transformations of one object to another.
You dont need any prior coding knowledge to take this course. Most expression code is one line, and
after you lea the basic structure, writing lines from scratch will become obvious. Plus After Effects
has an amazing tool to use the mouse to connect layers together which will write the Expression for you.
By the end of this course, you should be comfortable writing expressions for any number of uses.
The course focuses on creating a caleidoscope effect, but the code you lea can be used for anything.
BUY Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd 5$
TAGS oem Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd, low price Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd, buy Cartoon Smart After Effects Expressions 1 cd
marți, 21 octombrie 1980
Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd
Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd
You.ll Lea Actionscript 3 Code for.
Enter Frame Listeners
Mouse Event Listeners
Scoring Math
Positioning Scaling
If Statements
While Loops
Hitting Targets
Adding/Removing Children
Event Timers
Slider Components
And general coding principals behind every other Flash game out there!
Add various levels of difficulty to the game. Speed up, alter gravity, do whatever you want!
Once you lea the code, its easy to speed things up, alter gravity, or do whatever you want!
Swap out the artwork to brand the look and style to your site.
BUY Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd 5$
TAGS oem Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd, buy Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd, cheap Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd
You.ll Lea Actionscript 3 Code for.
Enter Frame Listeners
Mouse Event Listeners
Scoring Math
Positioning Scaling
If Statements
While Loops
Hitting Targets
Adding/Removing Children
Event Timers
Slider Components
And general coding principals behind every other Flash game out there!
Add various levels of difficulty to the game. Speed up, alter gravity, do whatever you want!
Once you lea the code, its easy to speed things up, alter gravity, or do whatever you want!
Swap out the artwork to brand the look and style to your site.
BUY Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd 5$
TAGS oem Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd, buy Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd, cheap Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Missile War Game 1 cd
sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 1980
Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds
Track, manage, and reuse your digital design data without disrupting
your natural workflow with Autodesk. Vault Workgroup data management software,
part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping. Improve productivity
and speed design cycle times by making it easier to create and share digital
prototyping information across workgroups without disrupting your natural workflow.
Administrate access and control from a central location and quickly find the when,
why, and who of design changes.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds 40$
TAGS buy Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds, oem Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds, download Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds
Track, manage, and reuse your digital design data without disrupting
your natural workflow with Autodesk. Vault Workgroup data management software,
part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping. Improve productivity
and speed design cycle times by making it easier to create and share digital
prototyping information across workgroups without disrupting your natural workflow.
Administrate access and control from a central location and quickly find the when,
why, and who of design changes.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds 40$
TAGS buy Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds, oem Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds, download Autodesk Vault Workgroup 2010 2 dvds
miercuri, 15 octombrie 1980
Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Manufacturing data management software, previously known
as Autodesk Productstream, securely stores and manages engineering
information, design data, and documents.
Vault Manufacturing data management helps design, engineering, and
manufacturing teams improve reuse of design data, as well as collaborate
and share digital prototyping information. It provides multisite tools
to connect workgroups across locations. Advanced functionality help design
departments track engineering change orders, manage bills of materials
and promote earlier collaboration through integration to manufacturing
business systems.
Reduce time spent organizing files and avoid costly mistakes with Autodesk
Vault Manufacturing data management software . providing a more efficient
design revision and release process that can be quickly deployed or tailored
to your company.s unique requirements.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds 40$
TAGS low cost Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds, cheap Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds, cheap Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Manufacturing data management software, previously known
as Autodesk Productstream, securely stores and manages engineering
information, design data, and documents.
Vault Manufacturing data management helps design, engineering, and
manufacturing teams improve reuse of design data, as well as collaborate
and share digital prototyping information. It provides multisite tools
to connect workgroups across locations. Advanced functionality help design
departments track engineering change orders, manage bills of materials
and promote earlier collaboration through integration to manufacturing
business systems.
Reduce time spent organizing files and avoid costly mistakes with Autodesk
Vault Manufacturing data management software . providing a more efficient
design revision and release process that can be quickly deployed or tailored
to your company.s unique requirements.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds 40$
TAGS low cost Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds, cheap Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds, cheap Autodesk Vault Manufacturing 2010 2 dvds
luni, 13 octombrie 1980
Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd
Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd
Sure, music video games are fun. But nothing is more authentic than leaing to play a
real song on a real instrument. And who better to teach you that song than the artist
who made it famous? Introducing Artist Lessons in GarageBand .09 sold separately.
Have Sting teach you how to play .Roxanne,. Colbie Caillat teach you how to play .Bubbly.,
Fall Out Boy teach you how to play .I Don.t Care,. and many more. Browse, preview, and
purchase Artist Lessons from the Lesson Store inside GarageBand. Then get step by step
instructions for chords, finger positions, and techniques from the people who know your
favorite songs best.
Play along with your artist/instructor or take your skills to the next level and jam with
the original band. You can even select and listen to individual instruments from multitrack
recordings available only on GarageBand. Want to hear what Sting.s guitar sounds like on
its own? Think ready to sit in for Colbie Caillat? Artist Lessons let you control
the mix and instrumentation, so you can hear or play whatever you want . even slow things
down to make leaing easier.
Artist Lessons also give you something you won.t find anywhere else: the story behind the
song. Sit back and listen to each artist tell you how the song was written and what inspired
it. The Artist Lessons library keeps growing, so you.ll always have songs to lea.
BUY Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd 20$
TAGS low cost Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd, buy Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd, oem Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd
Sure, music video games are fun. But nothing is more authentic than leaing to play a
real song on a real instrument. And who better to teach you that song than the artist
who made it famous? Introducing Artist Lessons in GarageBand .09 sold separately.
Have Sting teach you how to play .Roxanne,. Colbie Caillat teach you how to play .Bubbly.,
Fall Out Boy teach you how to play .I Don.t Care,. and many more. Browse, preview, and
purchase Artist Lessons from the Lesson Store inside GarageBand. Then get step by step
instructions for chords, finger positions, and techniques from the people who know your
favorite songs best.
Play along with your artist/instructor or take your skills to the next level and jam with
the original band. You can even select and listen to individual instruments from multitrack
recordings available only on GarageBand. Want to hear what Sting.s guitar sounds like on
its own? Think ready to sit in for Colbie Caillat? Artist Lessons let you control
the mix and instrumentation, so you can hear or play whatever you want . even slow things
down to make leaing easier.
Artist Lessons also give you something you won.t find anywhere else: the story behind the
song. Sit back and listen to each artist tell you how the song was written and what inspired
it. The Artist Lessons library keeps growing, so you.ll always have songs to lea.
BUY Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd 20$
TAGS low cost Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd, buy Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd, oem Apple Garageband Private Lesson Sting Roxanne for Mac 1 cd
vineri, 10 octombrie 1980
Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd
Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd
Sure, music video games are fun. But nothing is more authentic than leaing to play a
real song on a real instrument. And who better to teach you that song than the artist
who made it famous? Introducing Artist Lessons in GarageBand .09 sold separately.
Have Sting teach you how to play .Roxanne,. Colbie Caillat teach you how to play .Bubbly.,
Fall Out Boy teach you how to play .I Don.t Care,. and many more. Browse, preview, and
purchase Artist Lessons from the Lesson Store inside GarageBand. Then get step by step
instructions for chords, finger positions, and techniques from the people who know your
favorite songs best.
Play along with your artist/instructor or take your skills to the next level and jam with
the original band. You can even select and listen to individual instruments from multitrack
recordings available only on GarageBand. Want to hear what Sting.s guitar sounds like on
its own? Think ready to sit in for Colbie Caillat? Artist Lessons let you control
the mix and instrumentation, so you can hear or play whatever you want . even slow things
down to make leaing easier.
Artist Lessons also give you something you won.t find anywhere else: the story behind the
song. Sit back and listen to each artist tell you how the song was written and what inspired
it. The Artist Lessons library keeps growing, so you.ll always have songs to lea.
BUY Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd 20$
TAGS cheap Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd, cheap Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd, discount Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd
Sure, music video games are fun. But nothing is more authentic than leaing to play a
real song on a real instrument. And who better to teach you that song than the artist
who made it famous? Introducing Artist Lessons in GarageBand .09 sold separately.
Have Sting teach you how to play .Roxanne,. Colbie Caillat teach you how to play .Bubbly.,
Fall Out Boy teach you how to play .I Don.t Care,. and many more. Browse, preview, and
purchase Artist Lessons from the Lesson Store inside GarageBand. Then get step by step
instructions for chords, finger positions, and techniques from the people who know your
favorite songs best.
Play along with your artist/instructor or take your skills to the next level and jam with
the original band. You can even select and listen to individual instruments from multitrack
recordings available only on GarageBand. Want to hear what Sting.s guitar sounds like on
its own? Think ready to sit in for Colbie Caillat? Artist Lessons let you control
the mix and instrumentation, so you can hear or play whatever you want . even slow things
down to make leaing easier.
Artist Lessons also give you something you won.t find anywhere else: the story behind the
song. Sit back and listen to each artist tell you how the song was written and what inspired
it. The Artist Lessons library keeps growing, so you.ll always have songs to lea.
BUY Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd 20$
TAGS cheap Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd, cheap Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd, discount Apple Garageband Private Lesson John Fogerty Fortunate Son for Mac 1 dvd
miercuri, 8 octombrie 1980
Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd
Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd
Maxwell. is the leading electromagnetic field simulation software used for the design
and analysis of 3D/2D structures, such as motors, actuators, transformers and other electric
and electromechanical devices common to automotive, military/aerospace, and industrial systems.
Based on the Finite Element Method FEM, Maxwell accurately solves static, frequency domain
and time varying electromagnetic and electric fields.
Maxwell v12 improves engineering productivity, reduces development time, and assures first pass
design success. New Distributed Analysis and multi processing enhancements allow users to solve
very complex, electromagnetically large geometry faster and to expand beyond what they ever
thought possible with simulation technology. Additionally, Maxwell v12 includes new automation
features, user interface refinement, and data linking capability, making it easy to design,
simulate, and validate complex, high performance electromechanical and electromagnetic devices.
3D electric transient solver
Revised interface for Maxwell 2D:
Improved 2D modeling with editable geometry history
Extended undo/redo history
Complete scripting capability
Enhanced post processing
RZ support for AC conduction
Animated field plots of parametric solutions
Multiple designs in a single project
Multiple projects in a single desktop
Advanced product coupling capability with Simplorer., HFSS. and ePhysics.
New report editor for better usability
New Genetic Algorithm in Optimetrics.
Microsoft Windows. Server 2003 x64 Edition support
BUY Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd 35$
TAGS low cost Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd, low price Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd, oem Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd
Maxwell. is the leading electromagnetic field simulation software used for the design
and analysis of 3D/2D structures, such as motors, actuators, transformers and other electric
and electromechanical devices common to automotive, military/aerospace, and industrial systems.
Based on the Finite Element Method FEM, Maxwell accurately solves static, frequency domain
and time varying electromagnetic and electric fields.
Maxwell v12 improves engineering productivity, reduces development time, and assures first pass
design success. New Distributed Analysis and multi processing enhancements allow users to solve
very complex, electromagnetically large geometry faster and to expand beyond what they ever
thought possible with simulation technology. Additionally, Maxwell v12 includes new automation
features, user interface refinement, and data linking capability, making it easy to design,
simulate, and validate complex, high performance electromechanical and electromagnetic devices.
3D electric transient solver
Revised interface for Maxwell 2D:
Improved 2D modeling with editable geometry history
Extended undo/redo history
Complete scripting capability
Enhanced post processing
RZ support for AC conduction
Animated field plots of parametric solutions
Multiple designs in a single project
Multiple projects in a single desktop
Advanced product coupling capability with Simplorer., HFSS. and ePhysics.
New report editor for better usability
New Genetic Algorithm in Optimetrics.
Microsoft Windows. Server 2003 x64 Edition support
BUY Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd 35$
TAGS low cost Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd, low price Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd, oem Ansoft Maxwell 12 1 cd
duminică, 5 octombrie 1980
Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd
Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd
Ableton Suite is the XL version of Ableton Live. Suite 8 gives you all of the features
in Live 8 plus SOUND, with a radically new Library packed with beautiful new sounds
and a wealth of useful resources. Suite 8 contains 10 Ableton instruments including
synths, a sampler, electric and acoustic drums, mallets, numerous sampled instruments
and the new, reworked Operator. Two completely new instruments, Collision and Latin
Percussion, round off the set. Ableton Suite 8 is a complete package: tools and sounds.
ableton/suite 8
BUY Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd 65$
TAGS oem Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd, low price Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd, download Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd
Ableton Suite is the XL version of Ableton Live. Suite 8 gives you all of the features
in Live 8 plus SOUND, with a radically new Library packed with beautiful new sounds
and a wealth of useful resources. Suite 8 contains 10 Ableton instruments including
synths, a sampler, electric and acoustic drums, mallets, numerous sampled instruments
and the new, reworked Operator. Two completely new instruments, Collision and Latin
Percussion, round off the set. Ableton Suite 8 is a complete package: tools and sounds.
ableton/suite 8
BUY Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd 65$
TAGS oem Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd, low price Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd, download Ableton Suite 8 0 1 1 dvd
vineri, 3 octombrie 1980
Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd
Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd
Dieses Video Training liefert LГsungen fШr Motion Designer! Marc Pettersson
gestaltet aus Fotos perspektivisch ansprechende Fahrten, gaiert mit Linien,
Partikeleffekten und Textanimationen und liefert so professionelle Ergebnisse
mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Sie sehen, wie das Design fШr eine Fesehsendung
von A Z entsteht, erfahren alles zu den neuen Features in CS4 und erhalten
Einblick in das Leben eines Motion Designers.
BUY Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd
Dieses Video Training liefert LГsungen fШr Motion Designer! Marc Pettersson
gestaltet aus Fotos perspektivisch ansprechende Fahrten, gaiert mit Linien,
Partikeleffekten und Textanimationen und liefert so professionelle Ergebnisse
mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Sie sehen, wie das Design fШr eine Fesehsendung
von A Z entsteht, erfahren alles zu den neuen Features in CS4 und erhalten
Einblick in das Leben eines Motion Designers.
BUY Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Premiere Pro CS4 German 1 dvd
marți, 30 septembrie 1980
Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd
Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd
Lea the rhythm techniques that defined the Status Quo sound with
the legendary Rick Parfitt
Rick Parfitt has been rocking stadiums around the world for the
last 40 years as one half of the unmistakeable guitar duo that form
the classic riff driven powerhouse of Status Quo
This superb DVD is designed for guitarists of all levels, and will
teach you five tracks including;
Mystery Song
Whatever You Want
Hold Ya Back
BUY Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd, download Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd, discount Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd
Lea the rhythm techniques that defined the Status Quo sound with
the legendary Rick Parfitt
Rick Parfitt has been rocking stadiums around the world for the
last 40 years as one half of the unmistakeable guitar duo that form
the classic riff driven powerhouse of Status Quo
This superb DVD is designed for guitarists of all levels, and will
teach you five tracks including;
Mystery Song
Whatever You Want
Hold Ya Back
BUY Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd, download Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd, discount Lick Library Rick Parfitts Rhythm Method 1 dvd
sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 1980
John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd
John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd
John Blackwell Master Series John Blackwell brings
his RB/funk/pop drumming mastery to this
enlightening educational DVD.
Filmed in front of a live audience, John demonstrates
the musical skills that have made him the drummer of
choice for artists such as Prince, Patti LaBelle, and
Justin Timberlake.
John performs his original compositions with a
buing band: Gary Grainger on bass, Mike Scott on
guitar, and Corey Behard on keyboards. Interspersed
among the performances, John touches on topics
including grooving/playing in the pocket, foot
technique, and showmanship, along with extensive
commentary and demonstrations of the grooves and
concepts that have influenced him.
The three hour DVD is divided into two main sections.
In the first section, Blackwell performs with the
all star band and then explains and demonstrates the
drum parts. Not only does the master drummer discuss
the way the song and groove evolved along with the
specific techniques that are involved in the
performance, he demonstrates the pattes at normal
and slow speeds to provide students with a deeper,
fuller understanding of the parts and their musical
The second part of the program covers topics such as
playing musically, grooving and embellishing the
groove without over playing, fills and solos,
showmanship and independence as well as Blackwell.s
Jazz, RB and Hip Hop roots.
Also featured is special guest Marcus Williams,
John.s teacher, who leads an extensive master class
segment on his amazing foot technique and soloing
A PDF ebook containing transcriptions of John.s
grooves, as well as other educational material.
Running Time: 2 hours 53 minutes
BUY John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
TAGS discount John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd, download John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd, download John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd
John Blackwell Master Series John Blackwell brings
his RB/funk/pop drumming mastery to this
enlightening educational DVD.
Filmed in front of a live audience, John demonstrates
the musical skills that have made him the drummer of
choice for artists such as Prince, Patti LaBelle, and
Justin Timberlake.
John performs his original compositions with a
buing band: Gary Grainger on bass, Mike Scott on
guitar, and Corey Behard on keyboards. Interspersed
among the performances, John touches on topics
including grooving/playing in the pocket, foot
technique, and showmanship, along with extensive
commentary and demonstrations of the grooves and
concepts that have influenced him.
The three hour DVD is divided into two main sections.
In the first section, Blackwell performs with the
all star band and then explains and demonstrates the
drum parts. Not only does the master drummer discuss
the way the song and groove evolved along with the
specific techniques that are involved in the
performance, he demonstrates the pattes at normal
and slow speeds to provide students with a deeper,
fuller understanding of the parts and their musical
The second part of the program covers topics such as
playing musically, grooving and embellishing the
groove without over playing, fills and solos,
showmanship and independence as well as Blackwell.s
Jazz, RB and Hip Hop roots.
Also featured is special guest Marcus Williams,
John.s teacher, who leads an extensive master class
segment on his amazing foot technique and soloing
A PDF ebook containing transcriptions of John.s
grooves, as well as other educational material.
Running Time: 2 hours 53 minutes
BUY John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
TAGS discount John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd, download John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd, download John Blackwell Master Series Tutorial 1 dvd
joi, 25 septembrie 1980
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd, oem BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd, oem BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 5 MacBeth English Italian 1 dvd
luni, 22 septembrie 1980
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS low price BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd, low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS low price BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd, low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream English Italian 1 dvd
sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 1980
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd, low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS order BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd, cheap BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd, low cost BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 3 Romeo and Juliet English Italian 1 dvd
miercuri, 17 septembrie 1980
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd
BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS discount BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd, download BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd, low price BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd
The BBC Shakespeare is a unique collection of some of the
finest dramas in the English language, each production a
celebration of the greatest talents in contemporary British
Theatre and Television. These plays feature the cream of
the 20th Centurys acting talent. Some of the great actors
featured in these plays include:
Laurence Olivier, Brenda Blethyn, Colin Blakely, Leo McKe,
John Gielgud, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Horde, Felicity
Kendall, Cyril Cusack, Anthony Andrews, Diana Rigg, John Hurt,
Beard Hill, John Cleese, Trevor Peacock, William Hurt,
John Fortune, Robert Lindsay, John Bird, Julia Foster, Annette
Crosbie, Zo Wanamaker, Mark Wing Davey...
Note: This release has both English and Italian audio.
BUY BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd 10$
TAGS discount BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd, download BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd, low price BBC The Shakespeare Collection Vol 1 Othello English Italian 1 dvd
luni, 15 septembrie 1980
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds
Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, flexible features found in
AutoCAD. design and documentation software, one of the world.s leading 2D and 3D CAD
tools. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively
in 3D. With thousands of available add ons, AutoCAD software provides the ultimate in
flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It.s time to take design further.
It.s time for AutoCAD.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds 65$
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Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, flexible features found in
AutoCAD. design and documentation software, one of the world.s leading 2D and 3D CAD
tools. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively
in 3D. With thousands of available add ons, AutoCAD software provides the ultimate in
flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It.s time to take design further.
It.s time for AutoCAD.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds 65$
TAGS buy Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds, low cost Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds, low cost Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 2 dvds
vineri, 12 septembrie 1980
Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd
Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd
Dieses Video Training liefert LГsungen fШr Motion Designer! Marc Pettersson
gestaltet aus Fotos perspektivisch ansprechende Fahrten, gaiert mit Linien,
Partikeleffekten und Textanimationen und liefert so professionelle Ergebnisse
mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Sie sehen, wie das Design fШr eine Fesehsendung
von A Z entsteht, erfahren alles zu den neuen Features in CS4 und erhalten
Einblick in das Leben eines Motion Designers.
video2brain/de/products 315.htm
BUY Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd, buy Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd, low price Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd
Dieses Video Training liefert LГsungen fШr Motion Designer! Marc Pettersson
gestaltet aus Fotos perspektivisch ansprechende Fahrten, gaiert mit Linien,
Partikeleffekten und Textanimationen und liefert so professionelle Ergebnisse
mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Sie sehen, wie das Design fШr eine Fesehsendung
von A Z entsteht, erfahren alles zu den neuen Features in CS4 und erhalten
Einblick in das Leben eines Motion Designers.
video2brain/de/products 315.htm
BUY Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd, buy Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd, low price Video2Brain Power Workshops After Effects CS4 Teil1 German 1 dvd
marți, 9 septembrie 1980
Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd
Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd
Wer sich mit Joomla! basierten Websites von der Masse abheben will, entwickelt
eigene Templates oder passt vorhandene individuellen BedШrfnissen an. Hier
setzt Daniel Koch an und zeigt praxisnah, wie Sie mit Joomla Templates
modees Webdesign zeitsparend, individuell und suchmaschinenoptimiert
video2brain/de/products 372.htm
BUY Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd, low price Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd
Wer sich mit Joomla! basierten Websites von der Masse abheben will, entwickelt
eigene Templates oder passt vorhandene individuellen BedШrfnissen an. Hier
setzt Daniel Koch an und zeigt praxisnah, wie Sie mit Joomla Templates
modees Webdesign zeitsparend, individuell und suchmaschinenoptimiert
video2brain/de/products 372.htm
BUY Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd, oem Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd, low price Video2Brain Joomla Templates German 1 dvd
duminică, 7 septembrie 1980
VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd
VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd
Microsoft Office is the foundation of most business computer systems;
understanding its power and utilizing its productivity is crucial in today.s
environment. The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS certification
is a series of performance based exams of the Microsoft Office Suite. The exams
focus on the use of these programs in a "real world" enviroment:
Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Access 2007, Outlook 2007,
and Windows Vista. Acquiring MCAS Certification places a candidate above the rest
when searching for new positions and advancement opportunities. This course prepares
you for MCAS exams 77 600 through 77 605 by teaching the skills you need to master
in each of the programs to achieve the highest standards of performance and efficiency.
To begin leaing today, simply click on the movie links.
BUY VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd 15$
TAGS download VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd, download VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd, low cost VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd
Microsoft Office is the foundation of most business computer systems;
understanding its power and utilizing its productivity is crucial in today.s
environment. The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS certification
is a series of performance based exams of the Microsoft Office Suite. The exams
focus on the use of these programs in a "real world" enviroment:
Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Access 2007, Outlook 2007,
and Windows Vista. Acquiring MCAS Certification places a candidate above the rest
when searching for new positions and advancement opportunities. This course prepares
you for MCAS exams 77 600 through 77 605 by teaching the skills you need to master
in each of the programs to achieve the highest standards of performance and efficiency.
To begin leaing today, simply click on the movie links.
BUY VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd 15$
TAGS download VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd, download VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd, low cost VTC Microsoft Certified Application Specialist MCAS 1 cd
joi, 4 septembrie 1980
VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd
VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd
Flash is the world.s leading authoring tool for creating media rich web
sites, web applications, online games, streaming audio and video
presentations, animated greeting cards, and much, much more. With Flash,
it is easy to create sophisticated presentations incorporating pictures,
animation, sound, video, and special effects. In this course, author
James Gonzalez applies his many years of Flash training experience to
present step by step demonstrations and instructions covering a wide
range of Flash CS4 Professional animation and authoring techniques. At
the conclusion of this course, you will be well on your way to creating
the types engaging and interactive web content expected by today.s
sophisticated audiences. To begin leaing, simply click on the movie links.
BUY VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd 15$
TAGS low price VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd, oem VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd, low cost VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd
Flash is the world.s leading authoring tool for creating media rich web
sites, web applications, online games, streaming audio and video
presentations, animated greeting cards, and much, much more. With Flash,
it is easy to create sophisticated presentations incorporating pictures,
animation, sound, video, and special effects. In this course, author
James Gonzalez applies his many years of Flash training experience to
present step by step demonstrations and instructions covering a wide
range of Flash CS4 Professional animation and authoring techniques. At
the conclusion of this course, you will be well on your way to creating
the types engaging and interactive web content expected by today.s
sophisticated audiences. To begin leaing, simply click on the movie links.
BUY VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd 15$
TAGS low price VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd, oem VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd, low cost VTC Adobe Flash CS4 1 cd
marți, 2 septembrie 1980
VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd
VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd
Many people have opened and navigated PDF files, and maybe even created PDFs
on their own, but most often, Acrobats incredible and powerful arsenal of
tools remains overlooked. With Acrobat expert Geoff Blake as your guide,
youll lea about the many possibilities just waiting to be used within
Acrobat, including interactivity, multimedia, and a whole host of additional
tools. Youll be lead through practical, real world examples that you can
apply to your work right away. Work Files are included. To begin leaing
Adobe Acrobat 9 today, simply click on one of the video topics.
BUY VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd 15$
TAGS low cost VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd, buy VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd, low cost VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd
Many people have opened and navigated PDF files, and maybe even created PDFs
on their own, but most often, Acrobats incredible and powerful arsenal of
tools remains overlooked. With Acrobat expert Geoff Blake as your guide,
youll lea about the many possibilities just waiting to be used within
Acrobat, including interactivity, multimedia, and a whole host of additional
tools. Youll be lead through practical, real world examples that you can
apply to your work right away. Work Files are included. To begin leaing
Adobe Acrobat 9 today, simply click on one of the video topics.
BUY VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd 15$
TAGS low cost VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd, buy VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd, low cost VTC Adobe Acrobat 9 1 cd
sâmbătă, 30 august 1980
Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd
Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd
NX 6 can handle your most complex problems in CAD, CAM, and CAE. With
NX 6 your view is better and your process is better. As a result, your
products are better. NX 6 gives you the confidence that your products
will work as they were intended, meet key metrics, and delight the
With NX 6, you.ll have the ability to create innovative new products
and improve efficiency. NX 6 gives you Greater Powers.
Powers to innovate
Powers to be more productive
Powers to win in a competitive market.
BUY Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd 20$
TAGS buy Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd, oem Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd, discount Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd
NX 6 can handle your most complex problems in CAD, CAM, and CAE. With
NX 6 your view is better and your process is better. As a result, your
products are better. NX 6 gives you the confidence that your products
will work as they were intended, meet key metrics, and delight the
With NX 6, you.ll have the ability to create innovative new products
and improve efficiency. NX 6 gives you Greater Powers.
Powers to innovate
Powers to be more productive
Powers to win in a competitive market.
BUY Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd 20$
TAGS buy Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd, oem Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd, discount Siemens NX 6 0 2 x64 1 dvd
joi, 28 august 1980
Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds
Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds
Realtime Landscaping Pro helps you
visualize even the most demanding landscape
design projects. Using the latest advances
in 3D technology, even beginning designers
can plan and visualize their design ideas.
Includes all of the features in Realtime
Landscaping Plus and Photo, as well as
extensive support for water features such
as swimming pools, ponds, waterfalls, and
sprinkler systems.
8600 objects, including 4000
ultra realistic plants and 1200 accessories.
Version 5 Now Available.
Runs on Windows XP and Vista.
BUY Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds 15$
TAGS oem Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds, low cost Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds, buy Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds
Realtime Landscaping Pro helps you
visualize even the most demanding landscape
design projects. Using the latest advances
in 3D technology, even beginning designers
can plan and visualize their design ideas.
Includes all of the features in Realtime
Landscaping Plus and Photo, as well as
extensive support for water features such
as swimming pools, ponds, waterfalls, and
sprinkler systems.
8600 objects, including 4000
ultra realistic plants and 1200 accessories.
Version 5 Now Available.
Runs on Windows XP and Vista.
BUY Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds 15$
TAGS oem Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds, low cost Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds, buy Realtime Landscaping Pro 5 04 2 cds
luni, 25 august 1980
Realtime Landscaping Plus 5 04 2 cds
Realtime Landscaping Plus 5 04 2 cds
Use Realtime Landscaping Plus to create highly realistic 3D and photo based
landscape designs. This award winning software is perfect for both homeowners
and professional designers, and no CAD or design experience is required.
Includes all of the features in Realtime Landscaping Photo, and also the ability
to design landscapes in full 3D.
7600 objects, including 3600 ultra realistic plants and 1200 accessories.
Version 5 Now Available.
Runs on Windows XP and Vista
BUY Realtime Landscaping Plus 5 04 2 cds 15$
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Use Realtime Landscaping Plus to create highly realistic 3D and photo based
landscape designs. This award winning software is perfect for both homeowners
and professional designers, and no CAD or design experience is required.
Includes all of the features in Realtime Landscaping Photo, and also the ability
to design landscapes in full 3D.
7600 objects, including 3600 ultra realistic plants and 1200 accessories.
Version 5 Now Available.
Runs on Windows XP and Vista
BUY Realtime Landscaping Plus 5 04 2 cds 15$
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vineri, 22 august 1980
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd
Integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE Solutions for Any Size Design Challenge
Customer requirements may change and time pressures may continue to mount,
but your product design needs remain the same. Regardless of your projects
scope, you need a powerful, easy to use, affordable solution.
Pro/ENGINEER is the standard in 3D product design, featuring industry leading
productivity tools that promote best practices in design while ensuring
compliance with your industry and company standards. Integrated, parametric,
3D CAD/CAM/CAE solutions allow you to design faster than ever, while maximizing
innovation and quality to ultimately create exceptional products.
Powerful, parametric design capabilities allow superior product
differentiation and manufacturability
Fully integrated applications allow you to develop everything from
concept to manufacturing within one application
Automatic propagation of design changes to all downstream deliverables
allows you to design with confidence
Complete virtual simulation capabilities enable you to improve product
performance and exceed product quality goals
Automated generation of associative tooling design and manufacturing
BUY PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd 60$
TAGS low price PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd, cheap PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd, low price PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd
Integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE Solutions for Any Size Design Challenge
Customer requirements may change and time pressures may continue to mount,
but your product design needs remain the same. Regardless of your projects
scope, you need a powerful, easy to use, affordable solution.
Pro/ENGINEER is the standard in 3D product design, featuring industry leading
productivity tools that promote best practices in design while ensuring
compliance with your industry and company standards. Integrated, parametric,
3D CAD/CAM/CAE solutions allow you to design faster than ever, while maximizing
innovation and quality to ultimately create exceptional products.
Powerful, parametric design capabilities allow superior product
differentiation and manufacturability
Fully integrated applications allow you to develop everything from
concept to manufacturing within one application
Automatic propagation of design changes to all downstream deliverables
allows you to design with confidence
Complete virtual simulation capabilities enable you to improve product
performance and exceed product quality goals
Automated generation of associative tooling design and manufacturing
BUY PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x64 1 dvd 60$
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miercuri, 20 august 1980
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd
PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd
Integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE Solutions for Any Size Design Challenge
Customer requirements may change and time pressures may continue to mount,
but your product design needs remain the same. Regardless of your projects
scope, you need a powerful, easy to use, affordable solution.
Pro/ENGINEER is the standard in 3D product design, featuring industry leading
productivity tools that promote best practices in design while ensuring
compliance with your industry and company standards. Integrated, parametric,
3D CAD/CAM/CAE solutions allow you to design faster than ever, while maximizing
innovation and quality to ultimately create exceptional products.
Powerful, parametric design capabilities allow superior product
differentiation and manufacturability
Fully integrated applications allow you to develop everything from
concept to manufacturing within one application
Automatic propagation of design changes to all downstream deliverables
allows you to design with confidence
Complete virtual simulation capabilities enable you to improve product
performance and exceed product quality goals
Automated generation of associative tooling design and manufacturing
BUY PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd 60$
TAGS download PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd, low price PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd, oem PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd
Integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE Solutions for Any Size Design Challenge
Customer requirements may change and time pressures may continue to mount,
but your product design needs remain the same. Regardless of your projects
scope, you need a powerful, easy to use, affordable solution.
Pro/ENGINEER is the standard in 3D product design, featuring industry leading
productivity tools that promote best practices in design while ensuring
compliance with your industry and company standards. Integrated, parametric,
3D CAD/CAM/CAE solutions allow you to design faster than ever, while maximizing
innovation and quality to ultimately create exceptional products.
Powerful, parametric design capabilities allow superior product
differentiation and manufacturability
Fully integrated applications allow you to develop everything from
concept to manufacturing within one application
Automatic propagation of design changes to all downstream deliverables
allows you to design with confidence
Complete virtual simulation capabilities enable you to improve product
performance and exceed product quality goals
Automated generation of associative tooling design and manufacturing
BUY PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4 M080 x32 1 dvd 60$
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duminică, 17 august 1980
PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd
PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd
Todays top engineers use Mathcad to perform, document and share calculation
and design work. The unique Mathcad visual format and scratchpad interface
integrate live, standard mathematical notation, text б and graphs in a single
worksheet making Mathcad ideal for knowledge capture, calculation reuse, and
engineering collaboration.
Mathcad is engineering calculation software that drives innovation and offers
significant personal and process productivity advantages for product development
and enginee ring design projects. Unlike proprietary calculating tools and
spreadsheets, Mathcad lets engineers design and document engineering calculations
simultaneously with comprehensive applied math functionality and dynamic, unit
aware calculations.
Easy to lea and use no special
programming skills required
Increases productivity, saving engineers
time and reducing errors
Improves verification and validation of
critical calculations
Captures intellectual property and
promotes calculation best practices and
reuse of calculation content
Enables secure, robust management of
calculations when used with Windchill
Complete documentation of calculations
supports standards compliance
BUY PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd 26$
TAGS order PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd, discount PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd, order PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd
Todays top engineers use Mathcad to perform, document and share calculation
and design work. The unique Mathcad visual format and scratchpad interface
integrate live, standard mathematical notation, text б and graphs in a single
worksheet making Mathcad ideal for knowledge capture, calculation reuse, and
engineering collaboration.
Mathcad is engineering calculation software that drives innovation and offers
significant personal and process productivity advantages for product development
and enginee ring design projects. Unlike proprietary calculating tools and
spreadsheets, Mathcad lets engineers design and document engineering calculations
simultaneously with comprehensive applied math functionality and dynamic, unit
aware calculations.
Easy to lea and use no special
programming skills required
Increases productivity, saving engineers
time and reducing errors
Improves verification and validation of
critical calculations
Captures intellectual property and
promotes calculation best practices and
reuse of calculation content
Enables secure, robust management of
calculations when used with Windchill
Complete documentation of calculations
supports standards compliance
BUY PTC Mathcad 14 0 M030 1 cd 26$
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vineri, 15 august 1980
Materialise Magics 13 1 cd
Materialise Magics 13 1 cd
Magics is rapid prototyping software and is the key element of the
Magics e RP Suite, a full range of market leading software products
that will streamline, automate and boost almost every step in your
rapid prototyping and manufacturing RPM process.
Magics rapid prototyping software enables you to import a wide variety
of CAD formats and to export STL files ready for rapid prototyping,
tooling and manufacturing. Its applications include repairing and
optimizing 3D models; analyzing parts; making process related design
changes on your STL files; designing fixtures; documenting your
projects; production planning and much more.
materialise/materialise/view/en/92074 Magics
BUY Materialise Magics 13 1 cd 26$
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Magics is rapid prototyping software and is the key element of the
Magics e RP Suite, a full range of market leading software products
that will streamline, automate and boost almost every step in your
rapid prototyping and manufacturing RPM process.
Magics rapid prototyping software enables you to import a wide variety
of CAD formats and to export STL files ready for rapid prototyping,
tooling and manufacturing. Its applications include repairing and
optimizing 3D models; analyzing parts; making process related design
changes on your STL files; designing fixtures; documenting your
projects; production planning and much more.
materialise/materialise/view/en/92074 Magics
BUY Materialise Magics 13 1 cd 26$
TAGS download Materialise Magics 13 1 cd, download Materialise Magics 13 1 cd, low price Materialise Magics 13 1 cd
marți, 12 august 1980
Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd
Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd
Twitter Essential Training explains how to use Twitter; an
online microblogging service that offers a way to share short
bites of information instantly with others. Instructor Maria
Langer first explains what Twitter is and how its service is
used by individuals and businesses. She demonstrates how to
sign up, send and read Twitter updates also called "tweets",
and build a network of friends. The training describes how to
get the most out of Twitter by customizing an individual
profile, setting options, and tapping into third party
resources that make it easier to follow and send updates.
BUY Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd 15$
TAGS download Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd, discount Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd, buy Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd
Twitter Essential Training explains how to use Twitter; an
online microblogging service that offers a way to share short
bites of information instantly with others. Instructor Maria
Langer first explains what Twitter is and how its service is
used by individuals and businesses. She demonstrates how to
sign up, send and read Twitter updates also called "tweets",
and build a network of friends. The training describes how to
get the most out of Twitter by customizing an individual
profile, setting options, and tapping into third party
resources that make it easier to follow and send updates.
BUY Lynda Twitter Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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duminică, 10 august 1980
Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd
Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd
Whatever a database is being used for.web sites, bookkeeping, sales
and inventory, or even the lowly to do all about the data.
SQL Essential Training is designed to help users understand the most
common language for database wrangling.SQL. Instructor Bill Weinman
teaches the major features of SQL; he offers a solid working knowledge
of the language, and how to retrieve and manage data efficiently. He
also works through a real world example of building a CRUD Create,
Read, Update, and Delete application using SQL.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd 10$
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Whatever a database is being used for.web sites, bookkeeping, sales
and inventory, or even the lowly to do all about the data.
SQL Essential Training is designed to help users understand the most
common language for database wrangling.SQL. Instructor Bill Weinman
teaches the major features of SQL; he offers a solid working knowledge
of the language, and how to retrieve and manage data efficiently. He
also works through a real world example of building a CRUD Create,
Read, Update, and Delete application using SQL.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd 10$
TAGS cheap Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd, low price Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd, oem Lynda SQL Essential Training 1 cd
joi, 7 august 1980
Lynda Real World XML 1 cd
Lynda Real World XML 1 cd
XML technologies offer web developers and designers more flexibility
than ever before. In Real World XML, industry expert Joe Marini covers
the best programming practices with XML, including the tools needed to
build effective XML structures. He demonstrates the implementation of
XML formats, how these formats work in real world situations, and how
they can facilitate project planning and development.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Real World XML 1 cd 15$
TAGS order Lynda Real World XML 1 cd, low cost Lynda Real World XML 1 cd, buy Lynda Real World XML 1 cd
XML technologies offer web developers and designers more flexibility
than ever before. In Real World XML, industry expert Joe Marini covers
the best programming practices with XML, including the tools needed to
build effective XML structures. He demonstrates the implementation of
XML formats, how these formats work in real world situations, and how
they can facilitate project planning and development.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Real World XML 1 cd 15$
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luni, 4 august 1980
Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Scripts 1 cd
Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Scripts 1 cd
InDesign CS4 is filled with features that can save time and
trouble in the design process, but there is a more efficient
way to achieve results using scripts. In InDesign CS4: 10 Free
Must Have Scripts, David Blatner calls upon his comprehensive
experience as he demonstrates how scripts can automate
repetitive, time consuming tasks. David shows how to install
and run his top ten free scripts. These scripts have a wide
range of functionality, like building a year.s worth of
calendars in seconds, performing a dozen find/change queries
with one double click, and converting an imported InDesign file
back into editable objects. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Scripts 1 cd 15$
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InDesign CS4 is filled with features that can save time and
trouble in the design process, but there is a more efficient
way to achieve results using scripts. In InDesign CS4: 10 Free
Must Have Scripts, David Blatner calls upon his comprehensive
experience as he demonstrates how scripts can automate
repetitive, time consuming tasks. David shows how to install
and run his top ten free scripts. These scripts have a wide
range of functionality, like building a year.s worth of
calendars in seconds, performing a dozen find/change queries
with one double click, and converting an imported InDesign file
back into editable objects. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Scripts 1 cd 15$
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sâmbătă, 2 august 1980
Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Plugins 1 cd
Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Plugins 1 cd
For designers who want to get more out of InDesign CS4, plug ins offer
a great option for adding to the finished project. With InDesign CS4:
10 Free Must Have Plug ins, instructor and InDesign guru David Blatner
shows designers how to tap into some of the best free plug ins to boost
productivity and streamline page layout and workflow. From the practical
Keyboard Shortcuts to the engaging Tetris plug in, David introduces a
batch of quick solutions for getting more out of InDesign.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Plugins 1 cd 15$
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For designers who want to get more out of InDesign CS4, plug ins offer
a great option for adding to the finished project. With InDesign CS4:
10 Free Must Have Plug ins, instructor and InDesign guru David Blatner
shows designers how to tap into some of the best free plug ins to boost
productivity and streamline page layout and workflow. From the practical
Keyboard Shortcuts to the engaging Tetris plug in, David introduces a
batch of quick solutions for getting more out of InDesign.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda InDesign CS4 10 Free Must Have Plugins 1 cd 15$
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miercuri, 30 iulie 1980
Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd
Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd
A Flash heavy web site can really get viewers attention, but
if the right people cant find the site, it wont make any
difference. In Flash CS4 Professional: Building Search Engine
Friendly Sites, Todd Perkins dispels the belief that Flash
content hampers SEO. He shows how to use HTML, JavaScript, and
PHP to optimize applications and incorporate text that is easy
for search engines to find and accurately represents a sites
Flash content. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd 20$
TAGS low cost Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd, download Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd, download Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd
A Flash heavy web site can really get viewers attention, but
if the right people cant find the site, it wont make any
difference. In Flash CS4 Professional: Building Search Engine
Friendly Sites, Todd Perkins dispels the belief that Flash
content hampers SEO. He shows how to use HTML, JavaScript, and
PHP to optimize applications and incorporate text that is easy
for search engines to find and accurately represents a sites
Flash content. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Flash CS4 Professional Building Search Engine Friendly Sites 1 cd 20$
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luni, 28 iulie 1980
Lynda Dreamweaver CS4 Introduction to Spry 1 dvd
Lynda Dreamweaver CS4 Introduction to Spry 1 dvd
Web designers with no prior JavaScript experience can now easily add AJAX driven
functionality to their sites. Adobe Certified Master Instructor James Williamson
demonstrates how in Dreamweaver CS4: Introduction to Spry. This course covers the
three main focuses of Spry: creating interactive effects, using widgets to shape
the user experience, and populating pages with data. Exercise files accompany the
course. A working knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended for this course.
BUY Lynda Dreamweaver CS4 Introduction to Spry 1 dvd 20$
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Web designers with no prior JavaScript experience can now easily add AJAX driven
functionality to their sites. Adobe Certified Master Instructor James Williamson
demonstrates how in Dreamweaver CS4: Introduction to Spry. This course covers the
three main focuses of Spry: creating interactive effects, using widgets to shape
the user experience, and populating pages with data. Exercise files accompany the
course. A working knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended for this course.
BUY Lynda Dreamweaver CS4 Introduction to Spry 1 dvd 20$
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vineri, 25 iulie 1980
Lynda ASP NET Essential Training 1 cd
Lynda ASP NET Essential Training 1 cd
Thousands of businesses have used ASP.NET to build professional, dynamic web sites.
In ASP.NET Essential Training, web developer David Gassner demonstrates the tools
needed to build and deploy a dynamic site using ASP.NET 3.5. Covering everything
from installing and configuring Visual Web Developer 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Express,
to creating web form pages, this course is designed to give beginning and intermediate
developers hands on experience.
BUY Lynda ASP NET Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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Thousands of businesses have used ASP.NET to build professional, dynamic web sites.
In ASP.NET Essential Training, web developer David Gassner demonstrates the tools
needed to build and deploy a dynamic site using ASP.NET 3.5. Covering everything
from installing and configuring Visual Web Developer 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Express,
to creating web form pages, this course is designed to give beginning and intermediate
developers hands on experience.
BUY Lynda ASP NET Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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miercuri, 23 iulie 1980
LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB
LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB
RMV is a Drum Synthesizer Sampler, Loop Slicer and Librarian. It includes
more than 10,000 sampled and synthesized drum sounds, 2,600 MIDI grooves,
1,500 Loops as well as a comprehensive 150 page reference manual
Drum Synthesizer.
Drum Sampler.
Audio Loop Modules Slicer Player.
Drum Librarian.
32 voice polyphony.
Multiple instances of the RMV can be opened.
48 polyphonic Pads for the universal or specialized Drum Synthesizers or Drum Samplers.
Six independent Audio Loop Modules with up to 64 slices each.
Each Pad and each Slice features its own controls for:
Output Selection.
Tune + 24 semitones in 10 cent intervals.
Two independent Effects Send.
Each Pad and Slice can belong to one of 10 Edit Groups parameters for all
Pads or Slices in a Group can be adjusted simultaneously.
Each Pad and each Slice can have additional modules:
A 12x12 Modulation Matrix.
3 independent LFOs.
A Distortion and BitCrusher.
A multimode AHDSR controlled filter.
A four band parametric equalizer.
Three insert effects racks each of which can be set to one of nine different
effects units.
A "Varizer" for unbeaten realistic humanizing.
Each Pad additionally features its own controls for loading and saving Pad
files, Choke Group 12 groups are available including prev/next and self
mute, Trigger Key, Polyphony mono... 8, full, Mute and Solo.
Almost all instrument parameters are MIDI controllable.
Audio Module Features:
Pads and Audio Loop Modules provide mono and true stereo sample playback and
Pads can hold either a Sampler or Synth Audio module:
A percussion sampler module.
2 different kick drum modules.
2 different snare drum modules.
Open and closed hihat modules.
A Tom module.
A Clap module.
Two cymbal modules.
A simple and easy FM percussion module.
A flexible, universal purpose drum synthesizer.
Each Sampler module can hold up to 30 samples that can be layered, velocity
switched or crossfaded and with parameters for start, end, reverse, volume
and delay.
Sampler also features:
A Pitch Envelope with two successive Pitch and Time phases.
An AHDSR Envelope for controlling Amplitude.
Sample Waveform Display additionally shows Pitch , Amplitude and Filter
Samples can also be opened and edited in an exteal editor and then reloaded
into the RMV right from RMV user interface.
Switchable response to MIDI Note Off.
Supported sample formats:
WAV 8 32 bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
AIF 8 24 bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
REX and REX 2.
Library Features:
RMV comes with a vast selection of partly multi sampled acoustic and
electronic kits and synthesized kits and MIDI and Audio Loops:
10,000 Drum Sounds Sampled and Synthesized.
2600 MIDI Grooves.
1500 Audio Loops.
Four specialized "Librarians" are now incorporated into the RMV. Each
Librarian has sophisticated search capabilities and is used for the storage
and retrieval of various types of data that the RMV supports. The Librarians
can be used with Pads individual drum sounds, Kits, MIDI Grooves and Loops.
Samples can be imported using the RMV Sample Browser supporting favourite
folders and pre listening.
The Kit Librarian features a "Live" control that enables setup of different
Kits to be loaded using MIDI program change messages.
Samples, Pads, Kits, Grooves and Loops can be browsed while the RMV is
Effects features:
Each Pad and each Slice has access to three individual Insert Effects, a four
band EQ and two out of three Send Effects Racks.
Each Send Effect Rack can hold up to 3 individual effects and a final 4 band
2 bands parametric EQ.
Each Insert / Send can hold one of these Effects Units: Stereo Delay, Filter
Delay, Reverb, WahWah, Flanger, Compressor, Multimode Filter, Bit Crusher,
Audio Loop Features:
6 fully independent Audio Loop Slicers / Players are available.
Each Audio Loop Module with up to 64 Slices.
Each Loop Player can be used to load and playback audio loops in WAV, AIF, REX
and REX2 format. Samples can be automatically sliced.
Slice start and end points, as well as automatic slicing sensitivity are user
Each slice has vast editing capabilities like Filters, Envelopes,
Modulations, Effects etc., see Main Features.
BUY LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB 25$
TAGS cheap LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB, discount LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB, discount LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB
RMV is a Drum Synthesizer Sampler, Loop Slicer and Librarian. It includes
more than 10,000 sampled and synthesized drum sounds, 2,600 MIDI grooves,
1,500 Loops as well as a comprehensive 150 page reference manual
Drum Synthesizer.
Drum Sampler.
Audio Loop Modules Slicer Player.
Drum Librarian.
32 voice polyphony.
Multiple instances of the RMV can be opened.
48 polyphonic Pads for the universal or specialized Drum Synthesizers or Drum Samplers.
Six independent Audio Loop Modules with up to 64 slices each.
Each Pad and each Slice features its own controls for:
Output Selection.
Tune + 24 semitones in 10 cent intervals.
Two independent Effects Send.
Each Pad and Slice can belong to one of 10 Edit Groups parameters for all
Pads or Slices in a Group can be adjusted simultaneously.
Each Pad and each Slice can have additional modules:
A 12x12 Modulation Matrix.
3 independent LFOs.
A Distortion and BitCrusher.
A multimode AHDSR controlled filter.
A four band parametric equalizer.
Three insert effects racks each of which can be set to one of nine different
effects units.
A "Varizer" for unbeaten realistic humanizing.
Each Pad additionally features its own controls for loading and saving Pad
files, Choke Group 12 groups are available including prev/next and self
mute, Trigger Key, Polyphony mono... 8, full, Mute and Solo.
Almost all instrument parameters are MIDI controllable.
Audio Module Features:
Pads and Audio Loop Modules provide mono and true stereo sample playback and
Pads can hold either a Sampler or Synth Audio module:
A percussion sampler module.
2 different kick drum modules.
2 different snare drum modules.
Open and closed hihat modules.
A Tom module.
A Clap module.
Two cymbal modules.
A simple and easy FM percussion module.
A flexible, universal purpose drum synthesizer.
Each Sampler module can hold up to 30 samples that can be layered, velocity
switched or crossfaded and with parameters for start, end, reverse, volume
and delay.
Sampler also features:
A Pitch Envelope with two successive Pitch and Time phases.
An AHDSR Envelope for controlling Amplitude.
Sample Waveform Display additionally shows Pitch , Amplitude and Filter
Samples can also be opened and edited in an exteal editor and then reloaded
into the RMV right from RMV user interface.
Switchable response to MIDI Note Off.
Supported sample formats:
WAV 8 32 bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
AIF 8 24 bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
REX and REX 2.
Library Features:
RMV comes with a vast selection of partly multi sampled acoustic and
electronic kits and synthesized kits and MIDI and Audio Loops:
10,000 Drum Sounds Sampled and Synthesized.
2600 MIDI Grooves.
1500 Audio Loops.
Four specialized "Librarians" are now incorporated into the RMV. Each
Librarian has sophisticated search capabilities and is used for the storage
and retrieval of various types of data that the RMV supports. The Librarians
can be used with Pads individual drum sounds, Kits, MIDI Grooves and Loops.
Samples can be imported using the RMV Sample Browser supporting favourite
folders and pre listening.
The Kit Librarian features a "Live" control that enables setup of different
Kits to be loaded using MIDI program change messages.
Samples, Pads, Kits, Grooves and Loops can be browsed while the RMV is
Effects features:
Each Pad and each Slice has access to three individual Insert Effects, a four
band EQ and two out of three Send Effects Racks.
Each Send Effect Rack can hold up to 3 individual effects and a final 4 band
2 bands parametric EQ.
Each Insert / Send can hold one of these Effects Units: Stereo Delay, Filter
Delay, Reverb, WahWah, Flanger, Compressor, Multimode Filter, Bit Crusher,
Audio Loop Features:
6 fully independent Audio Loop Slicers / Players are available.
Each Audio Loop Module with up to 64 Slices.
Each Loop Player can be used to load and playback audio loops in WAV, AIF, REX
and REX2 format. Samples can be automatically sliced.
Slice start and end points, as well as automatic slicing sensitivity are user
Each slice has vast editing capabilities like Filters, Envelopes,
Modulations, Effects etc., see Main Features.
BUY LinPlug RMV Drum Addiction VSTi AU 5 0 4 MAC OSX UB 25$
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duminică, 20 iulie 1980
Lea Rock Guitar Advanced Program 1 dvd
Lea Rock Guitar Advanced Program 1 dvd
Prepare to be challenged with the most advanced riffs and tricks for guitar. Advanced scales,
pivoting, sweep arpeggios. A work out programme designed for advanced players that will make
your fingers scream, Mozart sonatas for rock guitar, ... Full Descriptionand complete rhythms
and leads with bass and drum backing tracks. Lea the styles and secrets of some of the best
guitarists to ever play!
A comprehensive instructional program for advanced guitar students. ROCK GUITAR ADVANCED goes
beyond the basics with expert instructors teaching advanced scales, riffs, sweeps, pivots, and
all the tricks of the trade that are employed by some of the best rock guitarists
BUY Lea Rock Guitar Advanced Program 1 dvd 15$
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Prepare to be challenged with the most advanced riffs and tricks for guitar. Advanced scales,
pivoting, sweep arpeggios. A work out programme designed for advanced players that will make
your fingers scream, Mozart sonatas for rock guitar, ... Full Descriptionand complete rhythms
and leads with bass and drum backing tracks. Lea the styles and secrets of some of the best
guitarists to ever play!
A comprehensive instructional program for advanced guitar students. ROCK GUITAR ADVANCED goes
beyond the basics with expert instructors teaching advanced scales, riffs, sweeps, pivots, and
all the tricks of the trade that are employed by some of the best rock guitarists
BUY Lea Rock Guitar Advanced Program 1 dvd 15$
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joi, 17 iulie 1980
ILight FieldView 12 Unix 1 cd
ILight FieldView 12 Unix 1 cd
It allows interactive exploration for thorough understanding of your results.
Examine and compare cases, extract critical values, and make compelling presentations.
FieldView lets you easily interrogate your CFD, CAE, and miltiphysics simulation data
to see the behavior of fluid flows naturally and accurately. It makes you more productive.
FieldView handles datasets of any size seamlessly even simulations with billions of nodes.
Work with transient and steady state data. Work with structured, unstructured, and hybrid
grids. And FieldViews client server architecture lets you work on huge, server class
problems at your desk, without moving solution data files.
FieldView ATViewer image of a turbine.
Aachen Turbine reference case post processed using FieldView 12.1. Solution from Fine/Turbo
BUY ILight FieldView 12 Unix 1 cd 30$
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It allows interactive exploration for thorough understanding of your results.
Examine and compare cases, extract critical values, and make compelling presentations.
FieldView lets you easily interrogate your CFD, CAE, and miltiphysics simulation data
to see the behavior of fluid flows naturally and accurately. It makes you more productive.
FieldView handles datasets of any size seamlessly even simulations with billions of nodes.
Work with transient and steady state data. Work with structured, unstructured, and hybrid
grids. And FieldViews client server architecture lets you work on huge, server class
problems at your desk, without moving solution data files.
FieldView ATViewer image of a turbine.
Aachen Turbine reference case post processed using FieldView 12.1. Solution from Fine/Turbo
BUY ILight FieldView 12 Unix 1 cd 30$
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marți, 15 iulie 1980
Gnomon Intro to ZBrush 3 Interface And Workflow 1 dvd
Gnomon Intro to ZBrush 3 Interface And Workflow 1 dvd
Introduction to ZBrush 3 covers everything you need to know to get started working in ZBrush.
ZBrush 3 is the industry standard application for digital sculpting and has been used in nearly
every recent blockbuster film and video game that has visual effects. Ryan Kingslien was part of
the development team responsible for creating ZBrush, and in this DVD he covers each essential
feature in depth and from a practical and accessible point of view. Ryan also provides a detailed
understanding of how each ZBrush feature builds upon the others to allow artists to sculpt without
limitations. This DVD is aimed at beginning leaers and is designed to quickly get them up to
speed with ZBrush 3.
BUY Gnomon Intro to ZBrush 3 Interface And Workflow 1 dvd 15$
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Introduction to ZBrush 3 covers everything you need to know to get started working in ZBrush.
ZBrush 3 is the industry standard application for digital sculpting and has been used in nearly
every recent blockbuster film and video game that has visual effects. Ryan Kingslien was part of
the development team responsible for creating ZBrush, and in this DVD he covers each essential
feature in depth and from a practical and accessible point of view. Ryan also provides a detailed
understanding of how each ZBrush feature builds upon the others to allow artists to sculpt without
limitations. This DVD is aimed at beginning leaers and is designed to quickly get them up to
speed with ZBrush 3.
BUY Gnomon Intro to ZBrush 3 Interface And Workflow 1 dvd 15$
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sâmbătă, 12 iulie 1980
Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering in Maya 2009 1 cd
Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering in Maya 2009 1 cd
Sketch and Cell Rendering Tutorial
In this video Christophe Desse show us his workflow for the creation of his sketch and
cell rendering in Maya 2009. This tutorial includes setting up the shaders and all the
steps necessary to render them in Maya. He also details the compositing and finaling
stages in Photoshop CSDownload the video tutorial here.
BUY Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering in Maya 2009 1 cd 10$
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Sketch and Cell Rendering Tutorial
In this video Christophe Desse show us his workflow for the creation of his sketch and
cell rendering in Maya 2009. This tutorial includes setting up the shaders and all the
steps necessary to render them in Maya. He also details the compositing and finaling
stages in Photoshop CSDownload the video tutorial here.
BUY Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering in Maya 2009 1 cd 10$
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joi, 10 iulie 1980
GibbsCAM 2009 9 3 3 1 cd
GibbsCAM 2009 9 3 3 1 cd
GibbsCAM is a state of the art, PC based computer aided
manufacturing CAM system for programming computer
numerically controlled CNC machine tools. GibbsCAM is
organized as a single application. The base packages
capabilities can be optionally extended through the addition
of seamlessly integrated modules. This way the system can be
configured for your initial needs and be gradually expanded
as your needs grow, protecting your investment.
GibbsCAMs graphical user interface was designed for
machinists by machinists, resulting in a user environment
that is both familiar and efficient. This manufacturing
orientation ensures that GibbsCAMs powerful functionality
is also extremely easy to lea and use. GibbsCAMs
free form interaction style allows you to move easily
between geometry creation, toolpath creation, process
visualization and post processing. GibbsCAMs ease to use,
programming efficiency, speed and short training time makes
GibbsCAM, the CAM industrys ease of use leader, the best
tool for programming your parts. powerful tool for most CNC
programming applications. "Ease of Use" is one of our main
differentiators. Get up to speed in as little as one
BUY GibbsCAM 2009 9 3 3 1 cd 50$
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GibbsCAM is a state of the art, PC based computer aided
manufacturing CAM system for programming computer
numerically controlled CNC machine tools. GibbsCAM is
organized as a single application. The base packages
capabilities can be optionally extended through the addition
of seamlessly integrated modules. This way the system can be
configured for your initial needs and be gradually expanded
as your needs grow, protecting your investment.
GibbsCAMs graphical user interface was designed for
machinists by machinists, resulting in a user environment
that is both familiar and efficient. This manufacturing
orientation ensures that GibbsCAMs powerful functionality
is also extremely easy to lea and use. GibbsCAMs
free form interaction style allows you to move easily
between geometry creation, toolpath creation, process
visualization and post processing. GibbsCAMs ease to use,
programming efficiency, speed and short training time makes
GibbsCAM, the CAM industrys ease of use leader, the best
tool for programming your parts. powerful tool for most CNC
programming applications. "Ease of Use" is one of our main
differentiators. Get up to speed in as little as one
BUY GibbsCAM 2009 9 3 3 1 cd 50$
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luni, 7 iulie 1980
Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds
Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds
Lea an artist friendly workflow to sculpting caricatures and an array of
practical techniques for exaggerating key characteristics, working with art
direction, and capturing believable likenesses of your subjects in ZBrush.
Provides over 6 hours of project driven training for artists using ZBrush
for sculpting and illustration.
Popular highlights include:
Exaggerating Key Features
Working with Subtool Master
Posing Models with Transpose Master
Merging Subtools
Creating Clothing using Topology
Redrawing Facial Topology
Blocking Out Geometry with ZSpheres
Creating Adaptive Skins
Projecting Detail into Adaptive Skins
Extracting Geometry to Create Accessories
Creating Layered Compositions
Painting with Depth
Painting over Composition
Sculpting Facial Features
Changing ZSphere Resolution
Working from Reference Art
Building Teeth and Eyes from Primitives
Appending Subtools
Painting Hair
Baking and Merging Layers
BUY Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds 15$
TAGS download Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds, download Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds, cheap Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds
Lea an artist friendly workflow to sculpting caricatures and an array of
practical techniques for exaggerating key characteristics, working with art
direction, and capturing believable likenesses of your subjects in ZBrush.
Provides over 6 hours of project driven training for artists using ZBrush
for sculpting and illustration.
Popular highlights include:
Exaggerating Key Features
Working with Subtool Master
Posing Models with Transpose Master
Merging Subtools
Creating Clothing using Topology
Redrawing Facial Topology
Blocking Out Geometry with ZSpheres
Creating Adaptive Skins
Projecting Detail into Adaptive Skins
Extracting Geometry to Create Accessories
Creating Layered Compositions
Painting with Depth
Painting over Composition
Sculpting Facial Features
Changing ZSphere Resolution
Working from Reference Art
Building Teeth and Eyes from Primitives
Appending Subtools
Painting Hair
Baking and Merging Layers
BUY Digital Tutors Sculpting Caricatures in ZBrush 3 2 cds 15$
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sâmbătă, 5 iulie 1980
Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd 20$
TAGS download Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, order Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, download Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd 20$
TAGS download Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, order Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, download Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
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