Noesis 3D Content Creation with Softimage XSI 1 dvd
3D Content Creation with SOFTIMAGEXSI., part one of the MOD Your World. training series
from Noesis Interactive., focuses on teaching how to "Build Your Character". Lea the nuts
and bolts of the SOFTIMAGEXSI interface, polygon modeling, texture application, generate
props from scratch, and follow step by step instructions for creating biped characters.
The DVD covers the basics of SOFTIMAGEXSI 3D software including 3D layout, modeling, texturing,
prop and character modeling and provides you with all the short cuts and tips you need to know
to get to the ultimate goal integrating your own characters, props, and maps into video games.
DVD topics covered include:
Introduction to modeling
Basic texture application
Modeling from reference imagery
Step by step construction of biped characters
Software used:
Adobe Photoshop.
BUY Noesis 3D Content Creation with Softimage XSI 1 dvd 20$
TAGS discount Noesis 3D Content Creation with Softimage XSI 1 dvd, order Noesis 3D Content Creation with Softimage XSI 1 dvd, oem Noesis 3D Content Creation with Softimage XSI 1 dvd
marți, 31 martie 1981
duminică, 29 martie 1981
Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd
Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd
Das Training fuer den perfekten Videoschnitt
Von der Aufnahme zum perfekten Film
Spezialeffekte wie in Hollywoodfilmen
Auch fuer MAGIX Versionen Plus Premium
Willkommen in der Videoschnitt Schule mit MAGIX Experte Holger Haarmeyer!
In diesem Video Training leen Sie, was Sie in MAGIX Video deluxe 15 alles
mit Ihren Filmen machen koennen. Lehnen Sie sich zurueck und erleben Sie,
wie Sie Videos auf den PC uebertragen, einen Film perfekt zusammenschneiden,
Ueberblendungen, Titel und Effekte einbauen und alles auf CD, DVD oder
Blu ray brennen. Holger Haarmeyer greift auch tief in die Trickkiste und
zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie MAGIX Video deluxe in der Standard , Plus und
Premium Version fuer Ihre Filme ausreizen koennen. Der Live Modus ermoeglicht
es Ihnen, gleich mitzumachen, direkt unter Anleitung des Trainers und mit
Videomaterial auf DVD.
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 6:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 80
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
BUY Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd, download Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd, discount Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd
Das Training fuer den perfekten Videoschnitt
Von der Aufnahme zum perfekten Film
Spezialeffekte wie in Hollywoodfilmen
Auch fuer MAGIX Versionen Plus Premium
Willkommen in der Videoschnitt Schule mit MAGIX Experte Holger Haarmeyer!
In diesem Video Training leen Sie, was Sie in MAGIX Video deluxe 15 alles
mit Ihren Filmen machen koennen. Lehnen Sie sich zurueck und erleben Sie,
wie Sie Videos auf den PC uebertragen, einen Film perfekt zusammenschneiden,
Ueberblendungen, Titel und Effekte einbauen und alles auf CD, DVD oder
Blu ray brennen. Holger Haarmeyer greift auch tief in die Trickkiste und
zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie MAGIX Video deluxe in der Standard , Plus und
Premium Version fuer Ihre Filme ausreizen koennen. Der Live Modus ermoeglicht
es Ihnen, gleich mitzumachen, direkt unter Anleitung des Trainers und mit
Videomaterial auf DVD.
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 6:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 80
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
BUY Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd, download Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd, discount Galileo Design MAGIX Video deluxe 15 German 1 dvd
joi, 26 martie 1981
Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd
Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd
Webseiten erstellen
Schnell und sicher zur eigenen Website
Der einfache Weg zur eigenen Webseite
Webseiten konzipieren, programmieren und gestalten
Praxisnahe Einfuehrung in modees Webdesign
Mit Uebungsmaterial und Software Tools
Rundum sorglos in die Webprogrammierung mit diesem Video Training von
Galileo Press!
Sie wissen nicht, wo Sie beim Webdesign anfangen wollen? Ihr Trainer
Behard Stockmann, Webdesigner und programmierer, zeigt Ihnen
unterhaltsam und einpraegsam, wie Sie eine Website erstellen, gestalten
und veroeffentlichen. Bei jedem Schritt sind Sie live dabei, vom Konzept
bis hin zur Veroeffentlichung im Inteet.
Suchen Sie sich die Themen heraus, die Sie interessieren, z. B. Formulare
erstellen und auswerten, Bildergalerien gestalten, modee Webgrafiken
erstellen, Bilder fuers Web aufbereiten und Websites strukturieren. Sie
erhalten mit diesem Video Training eine anschauliche Einfuehrung in HTML
und CSS und leen, wie Sie Ihr Webdesign in HTML und CSS umsetzen, ohne
auf teure WYSIWYG Editoren zurueckgreifen zu muessen.
Diese Video Trainings DVD liefert Ihnen ausserdem alles, was Sie fuer die
Erstellung Ihrer Website benoetigen, angefangen vom Editor ueber die
Bildbearbeitung GIMP bis hin zu ausfuehrlichen HTML und CSS Referenzen.
Zusaetzlich erhalten Sie noch wichtige Tipps fuer benutzerfreundliche
Websites, damit sich die Anwender gee auf Ihrer Website aufhalten.
Laufzeit und Schwierigkeitsgrad
Laufzeit: 9 Stunden, Lektionen: 90
Ideal fШr: Einsteiger
PC mit Linux oder Windows Vista, XP, 2000 und 98
bzw. Mac OS X ab 10.1, G4, mind. 800 MHz, 512 MB RAM,
DVD Laufwerk, Lautsprecher, Aufloesung mind. 1024 x 768 Pixel.
Das Training ist lauffaehig ohne Installation.
BUY Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS download Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd, low price Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd, download Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd
Webseiten erstellen
Schnell und sicher zur eigenen Website
Der einfache Weg zur eigenen Webseite
Webseiten konzipieren, programmieren und gestalten
Praxisnahe Einfuehrung in modees Webdesign
Mit Uebungsmaterial und Software Tools
Rundum sorglos in die Webprogrammierung mit diesem Video Training von
Galileo Press!
Sie wissen nicht, wo Sie beim Webdesign anfangen wollen? Ihr Trainer
Behard Stockmann, Webdesigner und programmierer, zeigt Ihnen
unterhaltsam und einpraegsam, wie Sie eine Website erstellen, gestalten
und veroeffentlichen. Bei jedem Schritt sind Sie live dabei, vom Konzept
bis hin zur Veroeffentlichung im Inteet.
Suchen Sie sich die Themen heraus, die Sie interessieren, z. B. Formulare
erstellen und auswerten, Bildergalerien gestalten, modee Webgrafiken
erstellen, Bilder fuers Web aufbereiten und Websites strukturieren. Sie
erhalten mit diesem Video Training eine anschauliche Einfuehrung in HTML
und CSS und leen, wie Sie Ihr Webdesign in HTML und CSS umsetzen, ohne
auf teure WYSIWYG Editoren zurueckgreifen zu muessen.
Diese Video Trainings DVD liefert Ihnen ausserdem alles, was Sie fuer die
Erstellung Ihrer Website benoetigen, angefangen vom Editor ueber die
Bildbearbeitung GIMP bis hin zu ausfuehrlichen HTML und CSS Referenzen.
Zusaetzlich erhalten Sie noch wichtige Tipps fuer benutzerfreundliche
Websites, damit sich die Anwender gee auf Ihrer Website aufhalten.
Laufzeit und Schwierigkeitsgrad
Laufzeit: 9 Stunden, Lektionen: 90
Ideal fШr: Einsteiger
PC mit Linux oder Windows Vista, XP, 2000 und 98
bzw. Mac OS X ab 10.1, G4, mind. 800 MHz, 512 MB RAM,
DVD Laufwerk, Lautsprecher, Aufloesung mind. 1024 x 768 Pixel.
Das Training ist lauffaehig ohne Installation.
BUY Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS download Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd, low price Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd, download Galileo Computing Webseiten erstellen German 1 dvd
marți, 24 martie 1981
Evermotion ArchModels Vol 59
Evermotion ArchModels Vol 59
This collection comes with 116 models and 25 sets of mode fuitures.
This collection is prepared for 3ds max 2008 or higher
Formats of this collection:
.3ds simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.obj simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.fbx simple object without materials with mapping and textures included
.dxf simple object without materials
.mxs object prepared for Maxwell Studio Renderer v.1.7
Scanline .max object prepared for Scanline renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
V Ray .max object prepared for V Ray renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Mental Ray .max object prepared for Mental Ray 3.5 and 3ds max 2008 renderer with textures and shaders
Maxwell .max object prepared for Maxwell renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Fryrender .max object prepared for fry renderer 1.0 and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
BUY Evermotion ArchModels Vol 59 19$
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This collection comes with 116 models and 25 sets of mode fuitures.
This collection is prepared for 3ds max 2008 or higher
Formats of this collection:
.3ds simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.obj simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.fbx simple object without materials with mapping and textures included
.dxf simple object without materials
.mxs object prepared for Maxwell Studio Renderer v.1.7
Scanline .max object prepared for Scanline renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
V Ray .max object prepared for V Ray renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Mental Ray .max object prepared for Mental Ray 3.5 and 3ds max 2008 renderer with textures and shaders
Maxwell .max object prepared for Maxwell renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Fryrender .max object prepared for fry renderer 1.0 and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
BUY Evermotion ArchModels Vol 59 19$
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sâmbătă, 21 martie 1981
Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58
Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58
This collection comes with 58 models of very realistic plants.
Formats of this collection:
.obj simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.fbx simple object without materials with mapping and textures included
.mxs object prepared for Maxwell Studio Renderer v.1.7
Scanline .max object prepared for Scanline renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
V Ray .max object prepared for V Ray renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Mental Ray .max object prepared for Mental Ray 3.5 and 3ds max 2008 renderer with textures and shaders
Maxwell .max object prepared for Maxwell renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Fryrender .max object prepared for fry renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
BUY Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58 19$
TAGS download Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58, low price Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58, order Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58
This collection comes with 58 models of very realistic plants.
Formats of this collection:
.obj simple object without textures and materials with mapping included
.fbx simple object without materials with mapping and textures included
.mxs object prepared for Maxwell Studio Renderer v.1.7
Scanline .max object prepared for Scanline renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
V Ray .max object prepared for V Ray renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Mental Ray .max object prepared for Mental Ray 3.5 and 3ds max 2008 renderer with textures and shaders
Maxwell .max object prepared for Maxwell renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
Fryrender .max object prepared for fry renderer and 3ds max 2008 or higher with textures and shaders
BUY Evermotion ArchModels Vol 58 19$
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miercuri, 18 martie 1981
Siemens Simatic WinCC 7 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Siemens Simatic WinCC 7 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd
WinCC is designed on a non technology and industry specific basis, it
is modular and you can extend it in a flexible way;
WinCC makes possible both demanding single user applications in mechanical
engineering as well as complex multi user solutions or even distributed
systems including several servers and clients also inteet based
in plant visualization
WinCC combines both production and process automation numerous references
across any number of applications and branches of industry prove this.
WinCC has established as an industry standard in the field of process
visualization, no matter if you look at it as an autonomous SCADA System
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or the HMI component of Control
systems like SIMATIC PCS 7 or Spectrum Power CC for energy management.
A large number of WinCC Options and Add ons allows industry specific solution,
e.g. in pharmaceutical industry or water treatment applications.
Process visualization for global deployment WinCCs configuration interface
was designed from the ground up for deployment on an inteational basis: you
can switch between German, English, French, Spanish and Italian at the push
of a button .
Process visualization for any company All of the essential communication
channels for connecting to the SIMATIC S5/ S7/ 505 Controllers, and for
AllenBradley Etheet IP and Modubus TCP/IP and cross manufacturer channels such
as PROFIBUS/PROFINET and OPC are included in the delivery kit of WinCC. Because
every controller manufacturer also provides related OPC servers, almost no
limits are placed on the coupling capabilities of WinCC. SIMATIC WinCC integrates
powerful, scalable data archiving on the basis of the Microsoft SQL Server in the
basic system, which you can use as a central information hub. Open interfaces and
options for effective IT Business Integration form the basis for Plant
Intelligence. This also provides a connection to Manufacturing Execution
Systems MES and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ERP.
This DVD includes:
WinCC V7.0 SP1
WinCC/WebNavigator V7.0
WinCC/DataMonitor V7.0
WinCC/Connectivity Pack V7.0
2005 Service Pack 2 for WinCC V7.0
Automation License Manager V3.0 incl. SP1
SIMATIC Logon V1.4 incl. SP1
Hotfix Windows XP SP2
BUY Siemens Simatic WinCC 7 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd 30$
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WinCC is designed on a non technology and industry specific basis, it
is modular and you can extend it in a flexible way;
WinCC makes possible both demanding single user applications in mechanical
engineering as well as complex multi user solutions or even distributed
systems including several servers and clients also inteet based
in plant visualization
WinCC combines both production and process automation numerous references
across any number of applications and branches of industry prove this.
WinCC has established as an industry standard in the field of process
visualization, no matter if you look at it as an autonomous SCADA System
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or the HMI component of Control
systems like SIMATIC PCS 7 or Spectrum Power CC for energy management.
A large number of WinCC Options and Add ons allows industry specific solution,
e.g. in pharmaceutical industry or water treatment applications.
Process visualization for global deployment WinCCs configuration interface
was designed from the ground up for deployment on an inteational basis: you
can switch between German, English, French, Spanish and Italian at the push
of a button .
Process visualization for any company All of the essential communication
channels for connecting to the SIMATIC S5/ S7/ 505 Controllers, and for
AllenBradley Etheet IP and Modubus TCP/IP and cross manufacturer channels such
as PROFIBUS/PROFINET and OPC are included in the delivery kit of WinCC. Because
every controller manufacturer also provides related OPC servers, almost no
limits are placed on the coupling capabilities of WinCC. SIMATIC WinCC integrates
powerful, scalable data archiving on the basis of the Microsoft SQL Server in the
basic system, which you can use as a central information hub. Open interfaces and
options for effective IT Business Integration form the basis for Plant
Intelligence. This also provides a connection to Manufacturing Execution
Systems MES and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ERP.
This DVD includes:
WinCC V7.0 SP1
WinCC/WebNavigator V7.0
WinCC/DataMonitor V7.0
WinCC/Connectivity Pack V7.0
2005 Service Pack 2 for WinCC V7.0
Automation License Manager V3.0 incl. SP1
SIMATIC Logon V1.4 incl. SP1
Hotfix Windows XP SP2
BUY Siemens Simatic WinCC 7 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd 30$
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luni, 16 martie 1981
Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd
Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd
MAGIX Soundpool DVD Collection 15 offers high quality audio material for
any music production, the perfect remix, websites, and more.
Over 6.000 sound files directly from the studios of inteationally
successful star producers stand out thanks to their authentic sound design
and exceptional quality. The ideal companion to your music and multimedia
Genres: Instruments:
Rock/Alteative Drums 1200+
Hip Hop Guitars 700+
RnB/Soul Synthesizers 1000+
Latin Strings 600+
Disco House Bass 900+
Techno/Trance Vocals 700+
Chillout FX 100+
Minimal/Electro Brass 400+
Ambient Keys 400+
Movie Score
BUY Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd, order Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd, discount Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd
MAGIX Soundpool DVD Collection 15 offers high quality audio material for
any music production, the perfect remix, websites, and more.
Over 6.000 sound files directly from the studios of inteationally
successful star producers stand out thanks to their authentic sound design
and exceptional quality. The ideal companion to your music and multimedia
Genres: Instruments:
Rock/Alteative Drums 1200+
Hip Hop Guitars 700+
RnB/Soul Synthesizers 1000+
Latin Strings 600+
Disco House Bass 900+
Techno/Trance Vocals 700+
Chillout FX 100+
Minimal/Electro Brass 400+
Ambient Keys 400+
Movie Score
BUY Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low price Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd, order Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd, discount Magix Soundpool Collection 15 WAV 1 dvd
vineri, 13 martie 1981
Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd
Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
Das Training fuer den digitalen Foto Workflow
Von Bestseller Trainerin Maike Jarsetz
Ueber 11 Stunden Lightroom Praxis
Spezial: Alle Werkzeuge per Klick erklaert
In diesem umfassenden Video Training fuehrt die beliebte Bestsellerautorin
und trainerin Maike Jarsetz .Das Photoshop Buch fuer digitale Fotografie.
vor, wie man seinen digitalfotografischen Alltag mit Adobe Photoshop
Lightroom am besten meistert. Entdecken Sie die vielfaeltigen Werkzeuge,
Regler und Funktionen ganz einfach per Klick oder schauen Sie zu, wie
Maike Jarsetz fotografische Aufgaben mit Adobe Photoshop Lightroom loest.
Das Training bietet nicht nur Einsatz , sonde auch Spezialwissen etwa
zum Umgang mit Metadaten, zum Arbeiten mit mehreren Lightroom
Katalogen oder zu fortgeschrittenen Entwicklungs und Synchronisierungs
Workflows. In diesem Video Training finden Sie Loesungen, wenn Sie sie
brauchen, ganz einfach zum Nachmachen!
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 11:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 82 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene 1931
BUY Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd, order Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd, order Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
Das Training fuer den digitalen Foto Workflow
Von Bestseller Trainerin Maike Jarsetz
Ueber 11 Stunden Lightroom Praxis
Spezial: Alle Werkzeuge per Klick erklaert
In diesem umfassenden Video Training fuehrt die beliebte Bestsellerautorin
und trainerin Maike Jarsetz .Das Photoshop Buch fuer digitale Fotografie.
vor, wie man seinen digitalfotografischen Alltag mit Adobe Photoshop
Lightroom am besten meistert. Entdecken Sie die vielfaeltigen Werkzeuge,
Regler und Funktionen ganz einfach per Klick oder schauen Sie zu, wie
Maike Jarsetz fotografische Aufgaben mit Adobe Photoshop Lightroom loest.
Das Training bietet nicht nur Einsatz , sonde auch Spezialwissen etwa
zum Umgang mit Metadaten, zum Arbeiten mit mehreren Lightroom
Katalogen oder zu fortgeschrittenen Entwicklungs und Synchronisierungs
Workflows. In diesem Video Training finden Sie Loesungen, wenn Sie sie
brauchen, ganz einfach zum Nachmachen!
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 11:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 82 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene 1931
BUY Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd 15$
TAGS buy Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd, order Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd, order Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 German 1 dvd
miercuri, 11 martie 1981
duminică, 8 martie 1981
onOne Phototools 2 1 cd
onOne Phototools 2 1 cd
Professional Editions and Standard Editions Compared
PhotoTools 2 plug in for Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4 comes in two editions Professional and Standard.
The Standard Edition includes 181 effects developed by onOne Software and Photoshop Hall of Fame
member Jack Davis. The Professional edition adds 50 type and graphic effects from Jack Davis and 62
portrait effects from Kevin Kubota, voted one of the Top 10 Wedding Photographers in the World by
American Photo Magazine. Additionally, PhotoTools 2 Professional Edition now works in Lightroom 2 and
Apple Aperture 2.1.
PhotoTools 2 Feature Comparison Standard Edition:
Preview Photoshop action effects before applying to original
Combine multiple effects together in a layered stack
Adjust the strength or opacity for each layer in a stack
Save layer stacks as presets for future use
Batch process effects on multiple photos
Apply effect with a layer mask for additional editing
Selectively apply effects with the masking brush
Apply effects on short video clips in
Photoshop CS3 Extended and CS4 Extended
Base set of 181 effects from onOne and Jack Davis
Additional 50 effects from Jack Davis
Additional 62 effects from Kevin Kubota
Integrates with Photoshop Lightroom 2
Integrates with Apple Aperture 2.1
Customer Testimonials:
"I have a photo job I am trying to get out and PhotoTune 2.2 makes it faster than manually correcting
color. I teach Photoshop at the college level and I tell EVERYONE about your software. Most plug ins
are a waste of money and take as much time as leaing the manual method, but PhotoTune is great." . Ruth H.
"I just used Genuine Fractals for the first time and I LOVE IT! I have many older images that were
scanned in at a small size, thus when I enlarge them they fall apart. Now they look great! Thanks so much
for a great product." . Richard S.
BUY onOne Phototools 2 1 cd 30$
TAGS order onOne Phototools 2 1 cd, buy onOne Phototools 2 1 cd, download onOne Phototools 2 1 cd
Professional Editions and Standard Editions Compared
PhotoTools 2 plug in for Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4 comes in two editions Professional and Standard.
The Standard Edition includes 181 effects developed by onOne Software and Photoshop Hall of Fame
member Jack Davis. The Professional edition adds 50 type and graphic effects from Jack Davis and 62
portrait effects from Kevin Kubota, voted one of the Top 10 Wedding Photographers in the World by
American Photo Magazine. Additionally, PhotoTools 2 Professional Edition now works in Lightroom 2 and
Apple Aperture 2.1.
PhotoTools 2 Feature Comparison Standard Edition:
Preview Photoshop action effects before applying to original
Combine multiple effects together in a layered stack
Adjust the strength or opacity for each layer in a stack
Save layer stacks as presets for future use
Batch process effects on multiple photos
Apply effect with a layer mask for additional editing
Selectively apply effects with the masking brush
Apply effects on short video clips in
Photoshop CS3 Extended and CS4 Extended
Base set of 181 effects from onOne and Jack Davis
Additional 50 effects from Jack Davis
Additional 62 effects from Kevin Kubota
Integrates with Photoshop Lightroom 2
Integrates with Apple Aperture 2.1
Customer Testimonials:
"I have a photo job I am trying to get out and PhotoTune 2.2 makes it faster than manually correcting
color. I teach Photoshop at the college level and I tell EVERYONE about your software. Most plug ins
are a waste of money and take as much time as leaing the manual method, but PhotoTune is great." . Ruth H.
"I just used Genuine Fractals for the first time and I LOVE IT! I have many older images that were
scanned in at a small size, thus when I enlarge them they fall apart. Now they look great! Thanks so much
for a great product." . Richard S.
BUY onOne Phototools 2 1 cd 30$
TAGS order onOne Phototools 2 1 cd, buy onOne Phototools 2 1 cd, download onOne Phototools 2 1 cd
vineri, 6 martie 1981
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd 15$
TAGS oem Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd, low cost Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd, oem Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 2 1 dvd 15$
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marți, 3 martie 1981
Dennis Chambers Master Drummer Tutorial 1 dvd
Dennis Chambers Master Drummer Tutorial 1 dvd
Imagine getting to hang out in a world class
recording studio with one of the most talented
drummers alive. Dennis Chambers has worked with some
of the biggest names in all genres of the music world
including Santana, Dr Dre, Steely Dan, P Funk, Snoop
Dog, Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock to name a few.
Additionally he has played on over 400 records.
In this DVD you will get an insiders look at the
life of a man Carlos Santana called a Master Drummer.
Dennis Chambers started playing drums at the age of
4, and began performing in clubs at the age of 6.
From there he went on to work with some of the
biggest names in music. From being asked to play with
James Brown at the age of 13 his mom wouldnt let
him! to joining P Funk, Dennis has played and
recorded with professional groups that span the
different categories of music from funk to fusion,
rock to reggae, jazz to Latin, Dennis Chambers has
played them all with an extremely rare level of
If you are a fan of music, a musician, songwriter, DJ
and especially if you are a drummer this DVD is a
must. You will see a rare interview and musical
performances that will blow you away!
This DVD also features bass player Benny Rietveld,
who plays with Santana and has played with Miles
Davis, John Lee Hooker, Booker T Jones, Sheila E and
more. Youll love the drum and bass jams these two
make up on the spot
drummercafe/reviews/dvd/dennis chambers master drummer
BUY Dennis Chambers Master Drummer Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
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Imagine getting to hang out in a world class
recording studio with one of the most talented
drummers alive. Dennis Chambers has worked with some
of the biggest names in all genres of the music world
including Santana, Dr Dre, Steely Dan, P Funk, Snoop
Dog, Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock to name a few.
Additionally he has played on over 400 records.
In this DVD you will get an insiders look at the
life of a man Carlos Santana called a Master Drummer.
Dennis Chambers started playing drums at the age of
4, and began performing in clubs at the age of 6.
From there he went on to work with some of the
biggest names in music. From being asked to play with
James Brown at the age of 13 his mom wouldnt let
him! to joining P Funk, Dennis has played and
recorded with professional groups that span the
different categories of music from funk to fusion,
rock to reggae, jazz to Latin, Dennis Chambers has
played them all with an extremely rare level of
If you are a fan of music, a musician, songwriter, DJ
and especially if you are a drummer this DVD is a
must. You will see a rare interview and musical
performances that will blow you away!
This DVD also features bass player Benny Rietveld,
who plays with Santana and has played with Miles
Davis, John Lee Hooker, Booker T Jones, Sheila E and
more. Youll love the drum and bass jams these two
make up on the spot
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BUY Dennis Chambers Master Drummer Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
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