Autodesk Autocad Architecture 2010 German 2 dvds
AutoCAD. Architecture 2010 verbindet Werkzeuge im Architekturbereich mit der
vertrauten Arbeitsumgebung von AutoCAD. und sorgt somit fШr eine hГhere
ProduktivitДt bei Entwurf und Konstruktion und Zusammenarbeit.
Arbeiten Sie in der vertrauten AutoCAD Umgebung mit Werkzeugen, die speziell
fШr Entwurf und Konstruktionszeichnungen im Architekturbereich konzipiert wurden.
Nutzen Sie Ihre AutoCAD Kenntnisse und profitieren Sie sofort von einer
Steigerung der ProduktivitДt. Arbeiten Sie bereits nach einer minimalen
Einarbeitungsphase produktiv mit AutoCAD Architecture und erstellen Sie
schneller fehlerfreie PlДne, Bauteillisten und Dokumentationsunterlagen
in einer Softwareumgebung, die Ihnen bereits vertraut ist.
Reibungslose Zusammenarbeit. Einfacher Informationsaustausch zwischen
GebДudetechnike und Ingenieuren Шber das bewДhrte DWG Dateiformat.
Klare Kommunikation mit Kunden Шber realistische Entwurfsvisualisierung
mit integrierten Rendering Werkzeugen.
Optimierte BenutzeroberflДche
AutoCAD Architecture 2010 bietet eine neue, schlankere BenutzeroberflДche mit
optimierter Desktop Organisation, einem grГсeren Zeichenbereich und schnellerem
Zugriff auf Werkzeuge und Befehle. Sie haben somit noch schneller Zugriff auf
Ihre hДufig verwendeten wie auch auf selten genutzte Werkzeuge und entdecken
praktisch von selbst immer neue MГglichkeiten. Die optimierte BenutzeroberflДche
wird in zahlreiche Autodesk Produkte integriert und hilft Ihnen, die
Einarbeitungszeit beim Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen Autodesk Anwendungen zu
Schnelleres Dokumentieren und Beschriften mit der robusten Bibliothek der
Detailkomponenten und den leistungsstarken Werkzeugen fШr BauelementschlШssel.
Dazu steht Ihnen ein umfassendes Funktions Set fШr die automatische Detail
erstellung und durchgДngig konsistente Beschriftungen zur VerfШgung. Sobald
Sie die Detailgenerierung abgeschlossen haben, kГnnen Sie mit nur wenigen
Mausklicks entsprechende BauelementschlШssellegenden anfertigen.
Zeichnen und dokumentieren Sie mit Hilfe von WДnden, TШren und Fenste,
die das Verhalten und die Konstruktion aus der realen Welt exakt nachbilden.
Sie haben jetzt die MГglichkeit, WДnde und WandabschlШsse auf einer
Komponentenebene zu Дnde. Dies verbessert die Verarbeitung typischer
Wandbedingungen wie beispielsweise Neigungen, Ecken und geschnittener
BrandschutzwДnde. TШren und Fenster werden mit kompletter Positionskontrolle
automatisch eingefШgt und platziert. Wenn Sie eine Wand verschieben, werden
die дnderungen an angrenzende Elemente wie WДnde und RДume automatisch
mitgefШhrt. Nutzen Sie die vertrauten AutoCAD Befehle wie z. B. Abrunden und
Fasen mit flexiblen Wandkomponenten.
Beschriften Sie automatisch alle RДume in der Zeichnung zusammen mit den
Raumbereichen. RДume werden beim дnde der Begrenzungselemente automatisch
aktualisiert; so sparen Sie Zeit und kГnnen eine exaktere Dokumentation
erstellen. Raumdefinitionen kГnnen einen Versatz von Begrenzungselementen
auf der Basis voreingestellter oder benutzerdefinierter Regeln enthalten;
dies ermГglicht FlДchenberechnungen auf der Basis verschiedener
Industriestandards einschlieсlich DIN 277.
Erzeugen Sie 2D Schnitte und Ansichten mit Materialschraffuren direkt aus
Ihren Grundrissen. Wenn sich der Entwurf Дndert, werden vollstДndig
aktualisierte Schnitt und Ansichtsgrafiken erzeugt, unter Beibehaltung
von Laye, Farben, Linientypen und anderen Eigenschaften.
Das Erscheinungsbild der schlШsselfertigen Bauteillisten lДsst sich sehr
einfach an Ihre Unteehmensstandards anpassen. Sie kГnnen aber auch
vollstДndig neue Bauteillisten zusammen mit den erforderlichen Berechnungen
erstellen. Die Bauteillisten sind direkt mit den EntwШrfen verknШpft, sodass
Sie sie sofort aktualisieren und alle дnderungen am Entwurf in den Plan
Шbeehmen kГnnen.
Mit AutoCAD Architecture AEC Bemaсungen kГnnen Sie beliebige WДnde und alle
ihre Komponenten gemДс Ihren eigenen Bemaсungsstandards bemaсen, einschlieсlich
Bolzenmittellinien und kanten. Assoziative Bemaсungen werden bei der дnderung
des Entwurfs automatisch aktualisiert, sodass keine manuellen Aktualisierungen
erforderlich sind.
Hauchen Sie Ihren EntwШrfen Leben ein und gewДhrleisten Sie so eindrucksvolle
KundenprДsentationen in jeder Phase des Entwurfs. Die leistungsfДhigen
Visualisierungsfunktionen sind vollstДndig in die ArbeitsablДufe von AutoCAD
Architecture 2010 integriert. Beschleunigen Sie die Architektur PrШfzyklen,
indem Sie die Daten direkt in den Formaten DWF oder DWFx verГffentlichen.
DVD1 32 Bit Version
DVD2 64 Bit Version
BUY Autodesk Autocad Architecture 2010 German 2 dvds 85$
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joi, 30 iulie 1981
marți, 28 iulie 1981
Autodesk AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2010 x86 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2010 x86 1 dvd
Design and shape the world around you with
the powerful, flexible features found in
AutoCAD. design and documentation software,
one of the world.s leading 2D and 3D CAD
tools. Speed documentation, share ideas
seamlessly, and explore ideas more
intuitively in 3D. With thousands of
available add ons, AutoCAD software
provides the ultimate in flexibility,
customized for your specific needs. It.s
time to take design further.
It.s time for AutoCAD.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2010 x86 1 dvd 65$
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Design and shape the world around you with
the powerful, flexible features found in
AutoCAD. design and documentation software,
one of the world.s leading 2D and 3D CAD
tools. Speed documentation, share ideas
seamlessly, and explore ideas more
intuitively in 3D. With thousands of
available add ons, AutoCAD software
provides the ultimate in flexibility,
customized for your specific needs. It.s
time to take design further.
It.s time for AutoCAD.
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sâmbătă, 25 iulie 1981
Autodesk AutoCAD PID x64 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD PID x64 1 dvd
Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation
diagrams with AutoCAD PID software. Built on the latest AutoCAD
platform, AutoCAD PID is easy to use and familiar to process
plant designers and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD PID x64 1 dvd 50$
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Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation
diagrams with AutoCAD PID software. Built on the latest AutoCAD
platform, AutoCAD PID is easy to use and familiar to process
plant designers and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD PID x64 1 dvd 50$
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miercuri, 22 iulie 1981
Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 1 dvd
Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation
diagrams with AutoCAD PID software. Built on the latest AutoCAD
platform, AutoCAD PID is easy to use and familiar to process
plant designers and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 1 dvd 50$
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Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation
diagrams with AutoCAD PID software. Built on the latest AutoCAD
platform, AutoCAD PID is easy to use and familiar to process
plant designers and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
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Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 2 dvds
x32 and x64 ver.
Create, modify, and manage piping and
instrumentation diagrams with AutoCAD. PID software.
Built on the latest AutoCAD. platform, AutoCAD PID
is easy to use and familiar to process plant designers
and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 2 dvds 55$
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x32 and x64 ver.
Create, modify, and manage piping and
instrumentation diagrams with AutoCAD. PID software.
Built on the latest AutoCAD. platform, AutoCAD PID
is easy to use and familiar to process plant designers
and engineers so design teams can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD PID 2010 2 dvds 55$
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Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 x64 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 x64 1 dvd
AutoCAD Mechanical design and drafting software is AutoCAD. software for
manufacturing, purpose built to accelerate the mechanical design process.
It includes all the functionality of AutoCAD, the world.s leading CAD software,
plus comprehensive libraries of standards based parts and tools for automating
common design tasks. AutoCAD Mechanical offers significant productivity gains
and saves hours of design time.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 x64 1 dvd 25$
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AutoCAD Mechanical design and drafting software is AutoCAD. software for
manufacturing, purpose built to accelerate the mechanical design process.
It includes all the functionality of AutoCAD, the world.s leading CAD software,
plus comprehensive libraries of standards based parts and tools for automating
common design tasks. AutoCAD Mechanical offers significant productivity gains
and saves hours of design time.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 x64 1 dvd 25$
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Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 1 dvd
AutoCAD Mechanical design and drafting software is AutoCAD. software for
manufacturing, purpose built to accelerate the mechanical design process.
It includes all the functionality of AutoCAD, the world.s leading CAD software,
plus comprehensive libraries of standards based parts and tools for automating
common design tasks. AutoCAD Mechanical offers significant productivity gains
and saves hours of design time.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 1 dvd 89$
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AutoCAD Mechanical design and drafting software is AutoCAD. software for
manufacturing, purpose built to accelerate the mechanical design process.
It includes all the functionality of AutoCAD, the world.s leading CAD software,
plus comprehensive libraries of standards based parts and tools for automating
common design tasks. AutoCAD Mechanical offers significant productivity gains
and saves hours of design time.
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Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 x64 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 x64 1 dvd
AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010
Helps you create accurate digital prototypes and bring better products to market faster and at less cost.
The Inventor model is an accurate digital prototype that can be used to validate a design.s form, fit,
and function before it is built.
AutoCAD Inventor Tooling Suite 2010
Helps automate the design of injection molds for plastic parts. It offers all the core functionality
of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automation tools that helps you leverage a digital prototype
to quickly create and validate complete mold designs.
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010
Offers all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automated tools for designing
routed systems, including complex tube and pipe runs as well as electrical cable and haess design.
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Contains everything you need to produce, validate, and document complete 3D digital prototypes.
It offers all core featuresof AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 with the extended routed systems design,
tooling creation, and simulation features.
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010
Includes all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus motion simulation and stress analysis.
This makes it easier to predict how the design will work under real world conditions before the product is built.
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AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010
Helps you create accurate digital prototypes and bring better products to market faster and at less cost.
The Inventor model is an accurate digital prototype that can be used to validate a design.s form, fit,
and function before it is built.
AutoCAD Inventor Tooling Suite 2010
Helps automate the design of injection molds for plastic parts. It offers all the core functionality
of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automation tools that helps you leverage a digital prototype
to quickly create and validate complete mold designs.
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010
Offers all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automated tools for designing
routed systems, including complex tube and pipe runs as well as electrical cable and haess design.
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Contains everything you need to produce, validate, and document complete 3D digital prototypes.
It offers all core featuresof AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 with the extended routed systems design,
tooling creation, and simulation features.
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010
Includes all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus motion simulation and stress analysis.
This makes it easier to predict how the design will work under real world conditions before the product is built.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 x64 1 dvd 99$
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Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 1 dvd
AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010
Helps you create accurate digital prototypes and bring better products to market faster and at less cost.
The Inventor model is an accurate digital prototype that can be used to validate a design.s form, fit,
and function before it is built.
AutoCAD Inventor Tooling Suite 2010
Helps automate the design of injection molds for plastic parts. It offers all the core functionality
of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automation tools that helps you leverage a digital prototype
to quickly create and validate complete mold designs.
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010
Offers all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automated tools for designing
routed systems, including complex tube and pipe runs as well as electrical cable and haess design.
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Contains everything you need to produce, validate, and document complete 3D digital prototypes.
It offers all core featuresof AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 with the extended routed systems design,
tooling creation, and simulation features.
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010
Includes all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus motion simulation and stress analysis.
This makes it easier to predict how the design will work under real world conditions before the product is built.
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AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010
Helps you create accurate digital prototypes and bring better products to market faster and at less cost.
The Inventor model is an accurate digital prototype that can be used to validate a design.s form, fit,
and function before it is built.
AutoCAD Inventor Tooling Suite 2010
Helps automate the design of injection molds for plastic parts. It offers all the core functionality
of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automation tools that helps you leverage a digital prototype
to quickly create and validate complete mold designs.
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010
Offers all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus automated tools for designing
routed systems, including complex tube and pipe runs as well as electrical cable and haess design.
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Contains everything you need to produce, validate, and document complete 3D digital prototypes.
It offers all core featuresof AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 with the extended routed systems design,
tooling creation, and simulation features.
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010
Includes all the core functionality of AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 plus motion simulation and stress analysis.
This makes it easier to predict how the design will work under real world conditions before the product is built.
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marți, 7 iulie 1981
Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 x64 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 x64 1 dvd
AutoCAD Electrical software is AutoCAD for controls designers. Purpose built
to create and modify electrical control systems, it includes all the functionality
of AutoCAD plus a complete set of electrical CAD features. Comprehensive symbol
libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks help save hours
of effort, so you can spend more time innovating.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 x64 1 dvd 65$
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AutoCAD Electrical software is AutoCAD for controls designers. Purpose built
to create and modify electrical control systems, it includes all the functionality
of AutoCAD plus a complete set of electrical CAD features. Comprehensive symbol
libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks help save hours
of effort, so you can spend more time innovating.
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Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 1 dvd
AutoCAD Electrical software is AutoCAD for controls designers. Purpose built
to create and modify electrical control systems, it includes all the functionality
of AutoCAD plus a complete set of electrical CAD features. Comprehensive symbol
libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks help save hours
of effort, so you can spend more time innovating.
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AutoCAD Electrical software is AutoCAD for controls designers. Purpose built
to create and modify electrical control systems, it includes all the functionality
of AutoCAD plus a complete set of electrical CAD features. Comprehensive symbol
libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks help save hours
of effort, so you can spend more time innovating.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Elecrtical 2010 1 dvd 65$
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Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D 1 dvd
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D 1 dvd
AutoCAD Civil 3D helps civil engineers optimize project performance with geospatial
analysis to identify the best project site, stormwater analysis for more sustainable
designs, quantity takeoff and dynamic earthwork calculations to optimize material usage,
and 3D visualizations to better understand project impacts on environment.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D 1 dvd 85$
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AutoCAD Civil 3D helps civil engineers optimize project performance with geospatial
analysis to identify the best project site, stormwater analysis for more sustainable
designs, quantity takeoff and dynamic earthwork calculations to optimize material usage,
and 3D visualizations to better understand project impacts on environment.
BUY Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D 1 dvd 85$
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