Toyota Navigation System South Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd
Toyota Navigation System 310plus version
BUY Toyota Navigation System South Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd 15$
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miercuri, 30 septembrie 1981
duminică, 27 septembrie 1981
Toyota Navigation System North Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd
Toyota Navigation System North Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd
Toyota Navigation System 310plus version
BUY Toyota Navigation System North Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd 15$
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Toyota Navigation System 310plus version
BUY Toyota Navigation System North Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd 15$
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vineri, 25 septembrie 1981
Toyota Navigation System East Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd
Toyota Navigation System East Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd
Toyota Navigation System 310plus version
BUY Toyota Navigation System East Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd 15$
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Toyota Navigation System 310plus version
BUY Toyota Navigation System East Europe 2008 2009 1 dvd 15$
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marți, 22 septembrie 1981
Stash Issue 55 1 dvd
Stash Issue 55 1 dvd
Stash 55 delivers 84 minutes of unpredictable inspiration
with 34 head snapping clips plus behind the scenes extras
and six bonus MP3 tracks.
The main program opens with Smith Foulkes. isometric and
musical tribute to the convenient life for Comcast, Daniel Kleinman
and Framestore put a new edge on the streets of San Francisco
for Audi, Fin Design demonstrate the strange and wonderful potency
of Tasmanian water for Lion Nathan, Buck Stepps up for a pair of
nightmarish anti smoking spots, Psyop takes a tu to the dark
side and reveal a few inner demons for Electronic Arts,
before Sehsucht unfolds a surprising little Rorschach experiment
for German erotic channel Beate Uhse.
BUY Stash Issue 55 1 dvd 15$
TAGS order Stash Issue 55 1 dvd, download Stash Issue 55 1 dvd, oem Stash Issue 55 1 dvd
Stash 55 delivers 84 minutes of unpredictable inspiration
with 34 head snapping clips plus behind the scenes extras
and six bonus MP3 tracks.
The main program opens with Smith Foulkes. isometric and
musical tribute to the convenient life for Comcast, Daniel Kleinman
and Framestore put a new edge on the streets of San Francisco
for Audi, Fin Design demonstrate the strange and wonderful potency
of Tasmanian water for Lion Nathan, Buck Stepps up for a pair of
nightmarish anti smoking spots, Psyop takes a tu to the dark
side and reveal a few inner demons for Electronic Arts,
before Sehsucht unfolds a surprising little Rorschach experiment
for German erotic channel Beate Uhse.
BUY Stash Issue 55 1 dvd 15$
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duminică, 20 septembrie 1981
Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop CS4 die Grundlagen German 1 dvd
Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop CS4 die Grundlagen German 1 dvd
Alles ueber Auswahlen, Ebenen, Effekte, Fotokorrekturen und alle Werkzeuge
Der anschauliche Einstieg in Photoshop
Fuer jedes Werkzeug ein eigener Film
Mit Live Modus fuer direktes Mitmachen
Marc Wolf ist Ihr persoenlicher Trainer und fuehrt Sie ein in die Welt von
Photoshop CS4. Er praesentiert Ihnen alle Themen, die Sie als Einsteiger
interessieren, gibt aber auch einen Einblick in fortgeschrittene Funktionen:
Beginnend bei der Arbeitsoberflaeche erlaeutert er den Import von Bilde,
das Veraende der Bildgroesse, beschaeftigt sich mit Text und Farbe, den
Ebenen und Fuellmethoden, Auswahlen und Freistellungen. Er geht mit Ihnen
den richtigen Weg bei der Retusche und Korrektur von Digitalfotos und steht
Ihnen bei der Ausgabe Ihrer Fotos zur Seite. Marc Wolf legt in diesem Kurs
fuer Photoshop Einsteiger besonderen Wert auf eine logische Struktur und gut
verstaendliche Erklaerungen. Spezial: Das Kapitel .Werkzeuge per Klick
erklaert. zeigt Ihnen Film fuer Film, was die Werkzeuge von Photoshop koennen
und wie Sie sie ganz leicht in den Griff bekommen.
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 9:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 75 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
BUY Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop CS4 die Grundlagen German 1 dvd 15$
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Alles ueber Auswahlen, Ebenen, Effekte, Fotokorrekturen und alle Werkzeuge
Der anschauliche Einstieg in Photoshop
Fuer jedes Werkzeug ein eigener Film
Mit Live Modus fuer direktes Mitmachen
Marc Wolf ist Ihr persoenlicher Trainer und fuehrt Sie ein in die Welt von
Photoshop CS4. Er praesentiert Ihnen alle Themen, die Sie als Einsteiger
interessieren, gibt aber auch einen Einblick in fortgeschrittene Funktionen:
Beginnend bei der Arbeitsoberflaeche erlaeutert er den Import von Bilde,
das Veraende der Bildgroesse, beschaeftigt sich mit Text und Farbe, den
Ebenen und Fuellmethoden, Auswahlen und Freistellungen. Er geht mit Ihnen
den richtigen Weg bei der Retusche und Korrektur von Digitalfotos und steht
Ihnen bei der Ausgabe Ihrer Fotos zur Seite. Marc Wolf legt in diesem Kurs
fuer Photoshop Einsteiger besonderen Wert auf eine logische Struktur und gut
verstaendliche Erklaerungen. Spezial: Das Kapitel .Werkzeuge per Klick
erklaert. zeigt Ihnen Film fuer Film, was die Werkzeuge von Photoshop koennen
und wie Sie sie ganz leicht in den Griff bekommen.
Galileo Design
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 9:00 Stunden
Lektionen: 75 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
BUY Galileo Design Adobe Photoshop CS4 die Grundlagen German 1 dvd 15$
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joi, 17 septembrie 1981
Galileo Computing Visual C 2008 German 1 dvd
Galileo Computing Visual C 2008 German 1 dvd
Visual C 2008
Der umfassende Einstieg
Sprachgrundlagen anschaulich erklaert
GUI Design mit WPF und WinForms
Datenbanken und Webservices im Praxiseinsatz
Effizientes Arbeiten mit Visual Studio 2008
Mit diesem Video Training erhalten Sie einen praxisorientierten Einstieg
in die Programmierung mit C und dem .NET Framework. Ihr Trainer
Lars Keller zeigt Ihnen an praktischen Beispielen, wie Sie mit C grafische
Benutzeroberflaechen entwerfen und mit Programmlogik versehen. Laden
Sie den Beispielcode in Visual Studio 2008 und sehen Sie einem Profi bei
der Entwicklung zu. So erleen Sie auf unterhaltsame Weise die
Grundlagen der Sprache und erhalten Inspirationen fuer eigene Projekte.
Mit Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition auf DVD
Galileo Computing
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 8:30 Stunden
Lektionen: 78 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene 1943
BUY Galileo Computing Visual C 2008 German 1 dvd 15$
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Visual C 2008
Der umfassende Einstieg
Sprachgrundlagen anschaulich erklaert
GUI Design mit WPF und WinForms
Datenbanken und Webservices im Praxiseinsatz
Effizientes Arbeiten mit Visual Studio 2008
Mit diesem Video Training erhalten Sie einen praxisorientierten Einstieg
in die Programmierung mit C und dem .NET Framework. Ihr Trainer
Lars Keller zeigt Ihnen an praktischen Beispielen, wie Sie mit C grafische
Benutzeroberflaechen entwerfen und mit Programmlogik versehen. Laden
Sie den Beispielcode in Visual Studio 2008 und sehen Sie einem Profi bei
der Entwicklung zu. So erleen Sie auf unterhaltsame Weise die
Grundlagen der Sprache und erhalten Inspirationen fuer eigene Projekte.
Mit Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition auf DVD
Galileo Computing
DVD, Windows und Mac,
Laufzeit: 8:30 Stunden
Lektionen: 78 Lektionen
Ideal fuer: Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene 1943
BUY Galileo Computing Visual C 2008 German 1 dvd 15$
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luni, 14 septembrie 1981
Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd
Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd
Original FORD NAVIGATION DVD aktuellste Version !
2008 / 2009 inkl. Betreibssoftware Update CD
FШr Navigationssystem mit Touchscreen und farbigem Kartendisplay sowie der
7 Zoll TFT LCD Anzeige. Die Software enthДlt eine Systemupdate CD und die
neueste Karten DVD.
kompatibel mit DVD Systemen im :
Ford C Max,Ford Focus,Ford Mondeo,Ford S Max
Nur fШr DENSO Systeme geeignet
Dynamische Navigation auf Autobahnen und Bundesstraсen in: Belgien, DДnemark,
Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, die Niederlande, гsterreich, Schweden, Schweiz,
Spanien sowie kleinen Gebieten in Finnland, Norwegen und Tschechien verfШgbar.
Folgende LДnder sind verfШgbar:
гsterreich,Belgien,Schweiz, Lichtenstein,Deutschland,DДnemark,Spanien, Andorra
Frankreich, Monaco,Finnland,England, Schottland, Wales,Italien, San Marino,
Ford Part No. 5S7T 10E898 AG
DENSO Part No. 104632 9121
BUY Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd 20$
TAGS order Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd, buy Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd, discount Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd
Original FORD NAVIGATION DVD aktuellste Version !
2008 / 2009 inkl. Betreibssoftware Update CD
FШr Navigationssystem mit Touchscreen und farbigem Kartendisplay sowie der
7 Zoll TFT LCD Anzeige. Die Software enthДlt eine Systemupdate CD und die
neueste Karten DVD.
kompatibel mit DVD Systemen im :
Ford C Max,Ford Focus,Ford Mondeo,Ford S Max
Nur fШr DENSO Systeme geeignet
Dynamische Navigation auf Autobahnen und Bundesstraсen in: Belgien, DДnemark,
Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, die Niederlande, гsterreich, Schweden, Schweiz,
Spanien sowie kleinen Gebieten in Finnland, Norwegen und Tschechien verfШgbar.
Folgende LДnder sind verfШgbar:
гsterreich,Belgien,Schweiz, Lichtenstein,Deutschland,DДnemark,Spanien, Andorra
Frankreich, Monaco,Finnland,England, Schottland, Wales,Italien, San Marino,
Ford Part No. 5S7T 10E898 AG
DENSO Part No. 104632 9121
BUY Ford Navigation System Denso Europa 2009 1 dvd 20$
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sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 1981
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed
animated graphics that make it is easy to create a
professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains
matching elements in both SD and HD resolutions. This
allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough
variety and customization for a unique, signature look
that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd 20$
TAGS cheap Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd, buy Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd, low price Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed
animated graphics that make it is easy to create a
professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains
matching elements in both SD and HD resolutions. This
allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough
variety and customization for a unique, signature look
that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 84 Crayon Mix 1 dvd 20$
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miercuri, 9 septembrie 1981
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd 20$
TAGS buy Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd, download Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd, oem Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed animated graphics that make it is
easy to create a professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains matching elements
in both SD and HD resolutions. This allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough variety and customization for a unique,
signature look that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 74 Everything Pounds 1 dvd 20$
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luni, 7 septembrie 1981
Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd
Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd
A revolutionary addition to drum education, this DVD
presents the method created and used by
inteationally acclaimed drummer Benny Greb to
develop his awe inspiring creativity, musicality and
From the overture and opening credits to the movie
within a movie menu, viewers of The Language Of
Drumming will immediately sense that even though watching a drumming DVD they may well be
seeing the beginning of a new era in music education.
Beyond its amazingly clever concepts, beautiful sets
and Academy award worthy production values, this
groundbreaking two disc set also presents
extraordinary European drummer Benny Greb and his
advanced approach to making music that raises the art
of drumming to an entirely new level.
As Greb explains in his initial on camera comments,
leaing to play the drums is like leaing to speak
a language. Greb makes the point that knowing a few
basic drum beats and fills is like knowing only a few
standard phrases in a language; they won.t allow you
to communicate clearly or have a full, interactive
conversation in practical situations. Greb.s
carefully thought through solution. and a quantum
leap in drum education. is to lea the .language of
drumming. by starting with its smallest components:
the individual .letters. of the rhythmic alphabet.
Greb then introduces his revolutionary 24 character
system and shows how to use the basic binary and
teary rhythms to develop timing, technique, dynamic
control and speed. even the traditional drum
rudiments. Covering hands and feet, with and without
a practice pad, he quickly progresses from simple
alphabetical exercises to more intricate examples of
.words. rhythmic phrases and .syntax. sentences
and vocabulary on the full drumset.
The second disc goes on to include a vast amount of
additional information, from practical discussions
about the importance of listening, building fills and
solos using standard improvisational forms, and
developing better time and expanding rhythmic
fort zones. through creative use of a metronome
to somewhat more esoteric examples of finding new and
alteative sounds on the drumset. Throughout the
entire presentation, Greb flawlessly performs
exercises and pattes that illustrate his theories
while referring to the comprehensive archive of
printable PDF charts and exercises that are included
on the discs. The double DVD also features several
drum solos as well as Greb.s performances with master
percussionist Pete Lockett and the Benny Greb Brass
Band plus a wealth of bonus material and is
recommended for all drummers from beginners to
professionals and drum teachers.
Also includes a comprehensive archive of printable
PDF charts and exercises, additional drum solos,
performances with percussionist Pete Lockett and the
Benny Greb Brass Band, a full size poster, and more.
Running time: 3 hours, 12 minutes.
BUY Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd, low cost Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd, download Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd
A revolutionary addition to drum education, this DVD
presents the method created and used by
inteationally acclaimed drummer Benny Greb to
develop his awe inspiring creativity, musicality and
From the overture and opening credits to the movie
within a movie menu, viewers of The Language Of
Drumming will immediately sense that even though watching a drumming DVD they may well be
seeing the beginning of a new era in music education.
Beyond its amazingly clever concepts, beautiful sets
and Academy award worthy production values, this
groundbreaking two disc set also presents
extraordinary European drummer Benny Greb and his
advanced approach to making music that raises the art
of drumming to an entirely new level.
As Greb explains in his initial on camera comments,
leaing to play the drums is like leaing to speak
a language. Greb makes the point that knowing a few
basic drum beats and fills is like knowing only a few
standard phrases in a language; they won.t allow you
to communicate clearly or have a full, interactive
conversation in practical situations. Greb.s
carefully thought through solution. and a quantum
leap in drum education. is to lea the .language of
drumming. by starting with its smallest components:
the individual .letters. of the rhythmic alphabet.
Greb then introduces his revolutionary 24 character
system and shows how to use the basic binary and
teary rhythms to develop timing, technique, dynamic
control and speed. even the traditional drum
rudiments. Covering hands and feet, with and without
a practice pad, he quickly progresses from simple
alphabetical exercises to more intricate examples of
.words. rhythmic phrases and .syntax. sentences
and vocabulary on the full drumset.
The second disc goes on to include a vast amount of
additional information, from practical discussions
about the importance of listening, building fills and
solos using standard improvisational forms, and
developing better time and expanding rhythmic
fort zones. through creative use of a metronome
to somewhat more esoteric examples of finding new and
alteative sounds on the drumset. Throughout the
entire presentation, Greb flawlessly performs
exercises and pattes that illustrate his theories
while referring to the comprehensive archive of
printable PDF charts and exercises that are included
on the discs. The double DVD also features several
drum solos as well as Greb.s performances with master
percussionist Pete Lockett and the Benny Greb Brass
Band plus a wealth of bonus material and is
recommended for all drummers from beginners to
professionals and drum teachers.
Also includes a comprehensive archive of printable
PDF charts and exercises, additional drum solos,
performances with percussionist Pete Lockett and the
Benny Greb Brass Band, a full size poster, and more.
Running time: 3 hours, 12 minutes.
BUY Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd 15$
TAGS low cost Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd, low cost Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd, download Benny Greb The Language Of Drumming Tutorial 1 dvd
vineri, 4 septembrie 1981
Autodesk Vault Server For Civil Products 1 dvd
Autodesk Vault Server For Civil Products 1 dvd
Autodesk Vault is a data management tool integrated
with Autodesk Inventor Series, Autodesk Inventor Professional, AutoCAD
Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical, and Civil 3D products. It helps
design teams track work in progress and maintain version control in
multi user environments. It allows them to organize and reuse
designs by consolidating product information and reducing the need
to re create designs from scratch. Users can store and search both
CAD data such as Autodesk Inventor, DWG, and DWF files and
non CAD documents such as Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excelfiles.
You will need IIS, Sql Server ...
BUY Autodesk Vault Server For Civil Products 1 dvd 40$
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Autodesk Vault is a data management tool integrated
with Autodesk Inventor Series, Autodesk Inventor Professional, AutoCAD
Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical, and Civil 3D products. It helps
design teams track work in progress and maintain version control in
multi user environments. It allows them to organize and reuse
designs by consolidating product information and reducing the need
to re create designs from scratch. Users can store and search both
CAD data such as Autodesk Inventor, DWG, and DWF files and
non CAD documents such as Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excelfiles.
You will need IIS, Sql Server ...
BUY Autodesk Vault Server For Civil Products 1 dvd 40$
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miercuri, 2 septembrie 1981
Autodesk Vault Collaboration 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Collaboration 2010 2 dvds
Autodesk Vault Collaboration is part of the Autodesk Vault product line.
The Vault family of products helps design, engineering, and manufacturing
workgroups manage the Digital Prototyping process. Users can reduce time
organizing files, avoid costly mistakes, and more efficiently release and
revise designs. The revision process can be quickly deployed or tailored
to unique requirements.
Autodesk Vault Collaboration software includes all of the functionality
in Autodesk Vault Workgroup plus an advanced toolset to provide administrators
with the scalability needed to manage large workgroups.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Collaboration 2010 2 dvds 40$
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Autodesk Vault Collaboration is part of the Autodesk Vault product line.
The Vault family of products helps design, engineering, and manufacturing
workgroups manage the Digital Prototyping process. Users can reduce time
organizing files, avoid costly mistakes, and more efficiently release and
revise designs. The revision process can be quickly deployed or tailored
to unique requirements.
Autodesk Vault Collaboration software includes all of the functionality
in Autodesk Vault Workgroup plus an advanced toolset to provide administrators
with the scalability needed to manage large workgroups.
DVD1 : Client
DVD2 : Server
BUY Autodesk Vault Collaboration 2010 2 dvds 40$
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