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vineri, 28 septembrie 1984
miercuri, 26 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB
NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB
Visualizer is a comprehensive and flexible FFT audio analyser designed to
allow access to a full range of audio analysis views via a single resizable
interface, using a unique intelligent window system to manage the controls and
screen layout.
Features include:
Multiple level meters Peak/RMS/K12/K14/K20 etc..
FFT Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrogram.
Vector Scope.
Stereo Bias meter.
Correlation Meter.
Stats and Parameters module.
Resizable Interface.
Intelligent window optimisation.
Optimized control selection.
Frequency zoom and scroll.
dB Zoom and scroll.
Peak hold control.
Colour selection.
FFT window selection.
RMS window adjustment.
A/B snapshots.
Multiple freeze options.
Control "link" facility.
Optimized resource use.
BUY NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB 10$
TAGS discount NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB, oem NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB
Visualizer is a comprehensive and flexible FFT audio analyser designed to
allow access to a full range of audio analysis views via a single resizable
interface, using a unique intelligent window system to manage the controls and
screen layout.
Features include:
Multiple level meters Peak/RMS/K12/K14/K20 etc..
FFT Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrogram.
Vector Scope.
Stereo Bias meter.
Correlation Meter.
Stats and Parameters module.
Resizable Interface.
Intelligent window optimisation.
Optimized control selection.
Frequency zoom and scroll.
dB Zoom and scroll.
Peak hold control.
Colour selection.
FFT window selection.
RMS window adjustment.
A/B snapshots.
Multiple freeze options.
Control "link" facility.
Optimized resource use.
BUY NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB 10$
TAGS discount NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB, oem NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio Visualizer VST AU 1 7 Mac OSX UB
duminică, 23 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7
NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7
Visualizer is a comprehensive and flexible FFT audio
analyser designed to allow access to a full range of
audio analysis views via a single resizable
interface, using anique intelligent window system
to manage the controls and screen layout.
Features include:
Multiple level meters Peak/RMS/K12/K14/K20 etc..
FFT Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrogram.
Vector Scope.
Stereo Bias meter.
Correlation Meter.
Stats and Parameters module.
Resizable Interface.
Intelligent window optimisation.
Optimized control selection.
Frequency zoom and scroll.
dB Zoom and scroll.
Peak hold control.
Colour selection.
FFT window selection.
RMS window adjustment.
A/B snapshots.
Multiple freeze options.
Control "link" facility.
Optimized resource use.
BUY NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7 10$
TAGS low cost NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7, buy NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7, buy NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7
Visualizer is a comprehensive and flexible FFT audio
analyser designed to allow access to a full range of
audio analysis views via a single resizable
interface, using anique intelligent window system
to manage the controls and screen layout.
Features include:
Multiple level meters Peak/RMS/K12/K14/K20 etc..
FFT Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrum Analysis.
Stereo Spectrogram.
Vector Scope.
Stereo Bias meter.
Correlation Meter.
Stats and Parameters module.
Resizable Interface.
Intelligent window optimisation.
Optimized control selection.
Frequency zoom and scroll.
dB Zoom and scroll.
Peak hold control.
Colour selection.
FFT window selection.
RMS window adjustment.
A/B snapshots.
Multiple freeze options.
Control "link" facility.
Optimized resource use.
BUY NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7 10$
TAGS low cost NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7, buy NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7, buy NuGen Audio Visualizer VST 1 7
vineri, 21 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4
NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4
Stereoplacer is designed for direct manipulation of
frequencies in the stereo image. Each of the four
channels can be tuned to affect a specific frequency
as with a traditional parametric EQ. Once tuned, the
frequencies can be moved within the stereo field.
Useful for adjusting an existing stereo signal or
adding stereo depth to a mono signal. The tunable
nature makes this especially suited to adjusting
percussion signals.
pan a sound in a loop
re balance percussion
fully independent parametric EQ
move problem frequencies
adjust existing stereo spectrum
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4 10$
TAGS low cost NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4, oem NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4, low price NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4
Stereoplacer is designed for direct manipulation of
frequencies in the stereo image. Each of the four
channels can be tuned to affect a specific frequency
as with a traditional parametric EQ. Once tuned, the
frequencies can be moved within the stereo field.
Useful for adjusting an existing stereo signal or
adding stereo depth to a mono signal. The tunable
nature makes this especially suited to adjusting
percussion signals.
pan a sound in a loop
re balance percussion
fully independent parametric EQ
move problem frequencies
adjust existing stereo spectrum
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4 10$
TAGS low cost NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4, oem NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4, low price NuGen Audio Stereoplacer VST 2 4
marți, 18 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB
NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB
Stereoizer is designed for adding adjustable stereo spread to mono or stereo
input signals. Stereoizer can generate the full range of stereo enhancement,
from subtle depth control to full dynamic shifting and phase realignment.
Great for percussion parts, lifeless pads, static lead sounds anything that
needs that little bit extra.
Master process fully mono compatible stereo enhancement: With Width and
Resolution controls for adding fully mono compatible stereo enhancement.
Phase Shift / Invert: Looking to go super wide, engage in some phase
collapsing techniques, or simply re align an existing relationship, stereoizer
gives you the tools to dive in.
Dynamics: Stereoizers dynamics control allows you to bring automatic
animation to the settings, shifting and morphing the stereo spectrum.
Linear width: Control the width of the whole process, expanding further up to
200 or reducing to reign in subtle or beyond, you decide.
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS oem NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB, low cost NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB, discount NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB
Stereoizer is designed for adding adjustable stereo spread to mono or stereo
input signals. Stereoizer can generate the full range of stereo enhancement,
from subtle depth control to full dynamic shifting and phase realignment.
Great for percussion parts, lifeless pads, static lead sounds anything that
needs that little bit extra.
Master process fully mono compatible stereo enhancement: With Width and
Resolution controls for adding fully mono compatible stereo enhancement.
Phase Shift / Invert: Looking to go super wide, engage in some phase
collapsing techniques, or simply re align an existing relationship, stereoizer
gives you the tools to dive in.
Dynamics: Stereoizers dynamics control allows you to bring automatic
animation to the settings, shifting and morphing the stereo spectrum.
Linear width: Control the width of the whole process, expanding further up to
200 or reducing to reign in subtle or beyond, you decide.
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS oem NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB, low cost NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB, discount NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST AU 2 7 MAC OSX UB
sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7
NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7
Stereoizer is designed for adding adjustable stereo
spread to mono or stereo input signals. Stereoizer
can generate the full range of stereo enhancement,
from subtle depth control to full dynamic shifting
and phase realignment. Great for percussion parts,
lifeless pads, static lead sounds anything that
needs that little bit extra.
Master process fully mono compatible stereo
enhancement: With Width and Resolution controls for
adding fully mono compatible stereo enhancement.
Phase Shift / Invert: Looking to go super wide,
engage in some phase collapsing techniques, or simply
re align an existing relationship, stereoizer gives
you the tools to dive in.
Dynamics: Stereoizers dynamics control allows you to
bring automatic animation to the settings, shifting
and morphing the stereo spectrum.
Linear width: Control the width of the whole process,
expanding further up to 200 or reducing to reign
in subtle or beyond, you decide.
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7 10$
TAGS download NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7, buy NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7, download NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7
Stereoizer is designed for adding adjustable stereo
spread to mono or stereo input signals. Stereoizer
can generate the full range of stereo enhancement,
from subtle depth control to full dynamic shifting
and phase realignment. Great for percussion parts,
lifeless pads, static lead sounds anything that
needs that little bit extra.
Master process fully mono compatible stereo
enhancement: With Width and Resolution controls for
adding fully mono compatible stereo enhancement.
Phase Shift / Invert: Looking to go super wide,
engage in some phase collapsing techniques, or simply
re align an existing relationship, stereoizer gives
you the tools to dive in.
Dynamics: Stereoizers dynamics control allows you to
bring automatic animation to the settings, shifting
and morphing the stereo spectrum.
Linear width: Control the width of the whole process,
expanding further up to 200 or reducing to reign
in subtle or beyond, you decide.
BUY NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7 10$
TAGS download NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7, buy NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7, download NuGen Audio Stereoizer VST 2 7
joi, 13 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver transparent, scaleable, connective
EQ without the phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and sharper transients.
Precise, complex EQ curve construction has never been simpler grab the mouse
and draw in the shape you need. With built in spectrum analysis imported from
our acclaimed Visualizer technology, indentifiying and applying detailed EQ
can be achieved far more rapidly and to a level of complexity difficult to
achieve using traditional EQ methodology. And of course, there is the SEQ
sound clear and effective an ideal mix mastering solution.
SEQ2 removes an entire thought process from important process of fine tuning
an EQ profile. No longer do you need to compromise with the final curve, trade
one band off against another or puzzle over how to contruct the shape you need
without disrupting an established range. Free your creative processes try
SEQ2 today and discover a different path.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ2 Master Edition features includes:
Linear phase multi band spline EQ.
Spectral analysis feedback.
Adjustable quality settings.
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS buy NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, cheap NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver transparent, scaleable, connective
EQ without the phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and sharper transients.
Precise, complex EQ curve construction has never been simpler grab the mouse
and draw in the shape you need. With built in spectrum analysis imported from
our acclaimed Visualizer technology, indentifiying and applying detailed EQ
can be achieved far more rapidly and to a level of complexity difficult to
achieve using traditional EQ methodology. And of course, there is the SEQ
sound clear and effective an ideal mix mastering solution.
SEQ2 removes an entire thought process from important process of fine tuning
an EQ profile. No longer do you need to compromise with the final curve, trade
one band off against another or puzzle over how to contruct the shape you need
without disrupting an established range. Free your creative processes try
SEQ2 today and discover a different path.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ2 Master Edition features includes:
Linear phase multi band spline EQ.
Spectral analysis feedback.
Adjustable quality settings.
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS buy NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, cheap NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
luni, 10 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2
NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver
transparent, scaleable, connective EQ without the
phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and
sharper transients.
Precise, complex EQ curve construction has never been
simpler grab the mouse and draw in the shape you
need. With built in spectrum analysis imported from
our acclaimed Visualizer technology, indentifiying
and applying detailed EQ can be achieved far more
rapidly and to a level of complexity difficult to
achievesing traditional EQ methodology. And of
course, there is the SEQ sound clear and effective
an ideal mix mastering solution.
SEQ2 removes an entire thought process from important
process of fine tuning an EQ profile. No longer do
you need to compromise with the final curve, trade
one band off against another or puzzle over how to
contruct the shape you need without disrupting an
established range. Free your creative processes try
SEQ2 today and discover a different path.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ2 Master Edition features includes:
Linear phase multi band spline EQ.
Spectral analysis feedback.
Adjustable quality settings.
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
Precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2 10$
TAGS low price NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2, low cost NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2, buy NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver
transparent, scaleable, connective EQ without the
phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and
sharper transients.
Precise, complex EQ curve construction has never been
simpler grab the mouse and draw in the shape you
need. With built in spectrum analysis imported from
our acclaimed Visualizer technology, indentifiying
and applying detailed EQ can be achieved far more
rapidly and to a level of complexity difficult to
achievesing traditional EQ methodology. And of
course, there is the SEQ sound clear and effective
an ideal mix mastering solution.
SEQ2 removes an entire thought process from important
process of fine tuning an EQ profile. No longer do
you need to compromise with the final curve, trade
one band off against another or puzzle over how to
contruct the shape you need without disrupting an
established range. Free your creative processes try
SEQ2 today and discover a different path.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ2 Master Edition features includes:
Linear phase multi band spline EQ.
Spectral analysis feedback.
Adjustable quality settings.
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
Precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2 10$
TAGS low price NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2, low cost NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2, buy NuGen Audio SEQ2 Master Edition VST 1 2
sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver transparent, scaleable, connective
EQ without the phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and sharper transients.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ1 Master Edition features includes:
7 band linear phase EQ.
Fully parametric bell curves.
HPF, LPF filters.
High and low shelving filters.
Optional visual feedback.
64 bit dither options
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS buy NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, download NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver transparent, scaleable, connective
EQ without the phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and sharper transients.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ1 Master Edition features includes:
7 band linear phase EQ.
Fully parametric bell curves.
HPF, LPF filters.
High and low shelving filters.
Optional visual feedback.
64 bit dither options
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS buy NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, low price NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB, download NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST AU 1 2 MAC OSX UB
miercuri, 5 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2
NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver
transparent, scaleable, connective EQ without the
phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and
sharper transients.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ1 Master Edition features includes:
7 band linear phase EQ.
Fully parametric bell curves.
HPF, LPF filters.
High and low shelving filters.
Optional visual feedback.
64 bit dither options
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2 10$
TAGS cheap NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2, cheap NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2, oem NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2
The SEQ Series EQs are designed to deliver
transparent, scaleable, connective EQ without the
phase warping and phase smearing artefacts common in
traditional digital EQ, giving a clearer sound and
sharper transients.
The SEQ Series includes:
Analogue shaped curves.
Fully independent or Mid side operation.
64 bit signal path.
Dual core optimisations.
All sample rates supported.
Scaleable connective technology.
Comprehensive global utility controls.
The SEQ1 Master Edition features includes:
7 band linear phase EQ.
Fully parametric bell curves.
HPF, LPF filters.
High and low shelving filters.
Optional visual feedback.
64 bit dither options
Frequency Range 10Hz 30kHz
precise WYSIWYG visualization option
Inteal configuration reporting
Adjustable Keel Size Up to 24576
BUY NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2 10$
TAGS cheap NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2, cheap NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2, oem NuGen Audio SEQ1 Master Edition VST 1 2
luni, 3 septembrie 1984
NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB
NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB
Monofilter is designed to provide a comprehensive interface for narrowing a
stereo signal towards or to mono below a specified frequency. Useful for
ensuring that sounds are suitable for mastering to vinyl and keeping a check
on LF signals in general, especially where stereo effects processing has been
applied. Can also be used in live Laptop applications to make sure you get the
tightest bass.
Monofilter 3 now includes:
Exact WYSIWYG graphical display including filter slopes.
Phase Alignment manual and auto.
Level Trim manual and auto.
Listen Modes.
Digital Full Scale level meter with peak hold.
Left and Right Clip margin.
Filter slope adjustment.
L/R balance control.
Cut off frequency adjustment.
High Quality mode, where filter performance is critical.
BUY NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS cheap NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB, order NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB, discount NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB
Monofilter is designed to provide a comprehensive interface for narrowing a
stereo signal towards or to mono below a specified frequency. Useful for
ensuring that sounds are suitable for mastering to vinyl and keeping a check
on LF signals in general, especially where stereo effects processing has been
applied. Can also be used in live Laptop applications to make sure you get the
tightest bass.
Monofilter 3 now includes:
Exact WYSIWYG graphical display including filter slopes.
Phase Alignment manual and auto.
Level Trim manual and auto.
Listen Modes.
Digital Full Scale level meter with peak hold.
Left and Right Clip margin.
Filter slope adjustment.
L/R balance control.
Cut off frequency adjustment.
High Quality mode, where filter performance is critical.
BUY NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB 10$
TAGS cheap NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB, order NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB, discount NuGen Audio Monofilter VST AU 3 2 MAC OSX UB
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