Agilent 89600 Vector Signal Analyzer 10 01 1 cd
The 89600 VSA software is powerful, PC based software offering the industry?s
most sophisticated general purpose and standards specific signal evaluation
and troubleshooting tools for the RD engineer. Reach deeper into signals,
gather more data on signal problems, and gain greater insight...
General purpose and standards specific modulation analysis including:
Cell: cdma2000, WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+, LTE, TD SCDMA and more
Wireless networking: 802.11a/b/g, 802.11n, 802.16 WiMax fixed/mobile, UWB
Digital satellite video and other satellite signals, radar, LMDS
For more details see 89600 Series VSA software Measurement Options
BUY Agilent 89600 Vector Signal Analyzer 10 01 1 cd 25$
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miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009
Ansys Products 12 1 dvd
Ansys Products 12 1 dvd
ANSYS 12.0 delivers innovative, dramatic simulation technology advances
in every major physics discipline, along with improvements in computing
speed and enhancements to enabling technologies such as geometry
handling, meshing and post processing. These advancements alone represent
a major step forward on the path forward in Simulation Driven Product
ansys/products/ansys12 new features.asp
BUY Ansys Products 12 1 dvd 60$
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ANSYS 12.0 delivers innovative, dramatic simulation technology advances
in every major physics discipline, along with improvements in computing
speed and enhancements to enabling technologies such as geometry
handling, meshing and post processing. These advancements alone represent
a major step forward on the path forward in Simulation Driven Product
ansys/products/ansys12 new features.asp
BUY Ansys Products 12 1 dvd 60$
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Aperture 2 1 3 for Mac 1 cd
Aperture 2 1 3 for Mac 1 cd
Pop a memory card filled with new images into your card reader and Aperture gets
right to work, instantly displaying thumbnails and offering intelligent ways to
add copyright, captions, keywords, and other metadata as you import them. You can
also import images from hard drives, optical media, even iPhoto.
Shoot tethered.
Connect a camera to your Mac via USB or FireWire and save the photos directly in
an Aperture project.
Store your images wherever and however you like . directly in Aperture, on exteal
drives, even on huge network storage devices. Aperture keeps track of every photo.
Organize photos logically in projects, folders, albums, and Smart Albums. Aperture
also provides powerful tools for adding metadata to images, making them easy to find
long after you import them.
The value of metadata.
Use powerful tools to add ratings, copyright, captions, and other metadata to images.
With Aperture, you can search for virtually anything . even specific image adjustments.
BUY Aperture 2 1 3 for Mac 1 cd 59$
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Pop a memory card filled with new images into your card reader and Aperture gets
right to work, instantly displaying thumbnails and offering intelligent ways to
add copyright, captions, keywords, and other metadata as you import them. You can
also import images from hard drives, optical media, even iPhoto.
Shoot tethered.
Connect a camera to your Mac via USB or FireWire and save the photos directly in
an Aperture project.
Store your images wherever and however you like . directly in Aperture, on exteal
drives, even on huge network storage devices. Aperture keeps track of every photo.
Organize photos logically in projects, folders, albums, and Smart Albums. Aperture
also provides powerful tools for adding metadata to images, making them easy to find
long after you import them.
The value of metadata.
Use powerful tools to add ratings, copyright, captions, and other metadata to images.
With Aperture, you can search for virtually anything . even specific image adjustments.
BUY Aperture 2 1 3 for Mac 1 cd 59$
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Audi Navteq EUROPE Audi Navigation MMI 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Audi Navteq EUROPE Audi Navigation MMI 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Dieses Produkt enthaelt 1DVD, die Navigationsdaten fuer folgende
Laender soweit digitalisiert beinhaltet:
Deutschland, Oesterreich, Schweiz, Andorra, Belgien, Frankreich,
Grossbritanien, Irland, Italien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco,
Niederlande, Portugal, San Marino, Spanien, Vatikanstadt Daenemark,
Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Norwegen,
Polen, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik, Unga
Die Menuesprache, Sprachausgabe und Informationen sind in 7 Sprachen
verfuegbar: Deutsch, Englisch, Franzoesisch, Italienisch, Niederlaendisch,
Portugiesisch, Spanisch.
Informationen zu 749.000 Points of Interest wie Hotels, Restaurants,
Parkplaetze, Tankstellen, Flughaefen, Bahnhoefe, Sehenswuerdigkeiten
Dynamische Navigation ueber TMC soweit verfuegbar ist in folgenden
Laende moeglich: Belgien, Daenemark, Deutschland, Frankreich
ї Mediamobile, Grossbritannien ї RAC Trafficmaster, Italien,
Niederlande, Oesterreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Tschechische
Was befindet sich auf Ihrer DVD:
Geografische Merkmale und Strassenattribute Das heisst das eigentliche
Strassennetz mit allen Attributen, die sie bei jeder Strasse finden:
Einbahnstrassen, Geschwindigkeitsbeschraenkungen, Verkehrsschilder und
deren Aussagen, Adressen und vieles mehr.
Wichtige oder interessante Punkte entlang der Strecke Damit erhalten
sie eine vielzahl von Informationen wie beispielsweise Flughaefen, Hotels,
Restaurants, Krankenhaeuser, Tankstellen, Parkplaetze, P + R Plaetze,
Touristenattraktionen und vieles mehr. Wenn sie zum Beispiel ein
bestimmtes Hotel als Zielort angeben, so fuehrt sie Ihre Navigations
DVD direkt vor deren Eingangstuer.
Compatible with / Compatible avec / Kompatibel mit /
Compatibel met / Compatibile con / Compatible con:
Passend fuer folgende Modelle mit AUDI Navigation MMI DVD System: /
compatible for the following models with AUDI Navigation MMI DVD System: /
Compatible pour les modЙles suivantes avec SystЙme AUDI Navigation MMI DVD
A4 Avant seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2009
A4 Limousine seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
A5 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
S5 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
A6 allroad quattro seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2007
A6 Avant seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2005
A6 Limousine seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2005
A8 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2003 bis / until / jusquБ / fino a / hasta 2007
Q7 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2007
BUY Audi Navteq EUROPE Audi Navigation MMI 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
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Dieses Produkt enthaelt 1DVD, die Navigationsdaten fuer folgende
Laender soweit digitalisiert beinhaltet:
Deutschland, Oesterreich, Schweiz, Andorra, Belgien, Frankreich,
Grossbritanien, Irland, Italien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco,
Niederlande, Portugal, San Marino, Spanien, Vatikanstadt Daenemark,
Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Norwegen,
Polen, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik, Unga
Die Menuesprache, Sprachausgabe und Informationen sind in 7 Sprachen
verfuegbar: Deutsch, Englisch, Franzoesisch, Italienisch, Niederlaendisch,
Portugiesisch, Spanisch.
Informationen zu 749.000 Points of Interest wie Hotels, Restaurants,
Parkplaetze, Tankstellen, Flughaefen, Bahnhoefe, Sehenswuerdigkeiten
Dynamische Navigation ueber TMC soweit verfuegbar ist in folgenden
Laende moeglich: Belgien, Daenemark, Deutschland, Frankreich
ї Mediamobile, Grossbritannien ї RAC Trafficmaster, Italien,
Niederlande, Oesterreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Tschechische
Was befindet sich auf Ihrer DVD:
Geografische Merkmale und Strassenattribute Das heisst das eigentliche
Strassennetz mit allen Attributen, die sie bei jeder Strasse finden:
Einbahnstrassen, Geschwindigkeitsbeschraenkungen, Verkehrsschilder und
deren Aussagen, Adressen und vieles mehr.
Wichtige oder interessante Punkte entlang der Strecke Damit erhalten
sie eine vielzahl von Informationen wie beispielsweise Flughaefen, Hotels,
Restaurants, Krankenhaeuser, Tankstellen, Parkplaetze, P + R Plaetze,
Touristenattraktionen und vieles mehr. Wenn sie zum Beispiel ein
bestimmtes Hotel als Zielort angeben, so fuehrt sie Ihre Navigations
DVD direkt vor deren Eingangstuer.
Compatible with / Compatible avec / Kompatibel mit /
Compatibel met / Compatibile con / Compatible con:
Passend fuer folgende Modelle mit AUDI Navigation MMI DVD System: /
compatible for the following models with AUDI Navigation MMI DVD System: /
Compatible pour les modЙles suivantes avec SystЙme AUDI Navigation MMI DVD
A4 Avant seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2009
A4 Limousine seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
A5 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
S5 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2008
A6 allroad quattro seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2007
A6 Avant seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2005
A6 Limousine seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2005
A8 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2003 bis / until / jusquБ / fino a / hasta 2007
Q7 seit / from / depuis / da / desde 2007
BUY Audi Navteq EUROPE Audi Navigation MMI 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd 15$
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KlickTel Routenplaner 2009 German 1 dvd
KlickTel Routenplaner 2009 German 1 dvd
Ihr grosser Reiseplaner fuer Europa !
Mit dem klickTel Routenplaner 2009 koennen Sie Ihre Routen schnell, praezise
und komfortabel planen und Autofahrten bis hin zu kompletten Reiserouten
NEU: Jetzt mit Radarfallen Waung! Lassen Sie sich stationaere Blitzer
direkt bei Ihrer Routenplanung anzeigen in Deutschland.
Topaktuelles Kartenmaterial fuer Deutschland und 26 weitere Laender in Europa.
StraРengenaues Routing bis auf Hausnumme Bereiche fuer ueber 99 der
Bevoelkerung in Deutschland, Oesterreich, Schweiz, Daenemark, Finnland, Unga,
Niederlande, GroРbritannien und Benelux
Mehr als 7,1 Mio. StraРenkilometer und ueber 92.000 Stadtplaene
Besonders einfache Routenplanung ueber Eingabe Assistent
Tagesaktuelle Verkehrsinfos zu Staus und Baustellen fuer die Routenplanung in
Deutschland ueber integrierten Online Zugriff
Optimierte Routen bei mehreren Zwischenstationen mit einem Klick
Ueber 1,5 Mio. Sonderziele in allen Laende, wie Parkplaetze, Hotels,
Sehensw.rdigkeiten, Tankstellen etc.
Versand von Weglisten und Kartenausschnitten per E Mail
Uebersichtliche, klar strukturierte Karten und Anfahrtsbeschreibungen
Und viele weitere Funktionen!
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Ihr grosser Reiseplaner fuer Europa !
Mit dem klickTel Routenplaner 2009 koennen Sie Ihre Routen schnell, praezise
und komfortabel planen und Autofahrten bis hin zu kompletten Reiserouten
NEU: Jetzt mit Radarfallen Waung! Lassen Sie sich stationaere Blitzer
direkt bei Ihrer Routenplanung anzeigen in Deutschland.
Topaktuelles Kartenmaterial fuer Deutschland und 26 weitere Laender in Europa.
StraРengenaues Routing bis auf Hausnumme Bereiche fuer ueber 99 der
Bevoelkerung in Deutschland, Oesterreich, Schweiz, Daenemark, Finnland, Unga,
Niederlande, GroРbritannien und Benelux
Mehr als 7,1 Mio. StraРenkilometer und ueber 92.000 Stadtplaene
Besonders einfache Routenplanung ueber Eingabe Assistent
Tagesaktuelle Verkehrsinfos zu Staus und Baustellen fuer die Routenplanung in
Deutschland ueber integrierten Online Zugriff
Optimierte Routen bei mehreren Zwischenstationen mit einem Klick
Ueber 1,5 Mio. Sonderziele in allen Laende, wie Parkplaetze, Hotels,
Sehensw.rdigkeiten, Tankstellen etc.
Versand von Weglisten und Kartenausschnitten per E Mail
Uebersichtliche, klar strukturierte Karten und Anfahrtsbeschreibungen
Und viele weitere Funktionen!
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Autodesk Topobase 2009 Client 1 dvd
Autodesk Topobase 2009 Client 1 dvd
Autodesk TopobaseT software integrates infrastructure design and
management, providing easy access to accurate design, GIS and asset
information throughout your organization. Built on AutoCAD Map 3D,
Autodesk MapGuide, and Oracle software licensed separately by the
customer, Topobase is an open solution with industry specific
workflows that allow you to see the big picture and make better
decisions, reduce backlogs, and improve operational efficiency.
BUY Autodesk Topobase 2009 Client 1 dvd 25$
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Autodesk TopobaseT software integrates infrastructure design and
management, providing easy access to accurate design, GIS and asset
information throughout your organization. Built on AutoCAD Map 3D,
Autodesk MapGuide, and Oracle software licensed separately by the
customer, Topobase is an open solution with industry specific
workflows that allow you to see the big picture and make better
decisions, reduce backlogs, and improve operational efficiency.
BUY Autodesk Topobase 2009 Client 1 dvd 25$
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BMW Road Map Europe Professional 2009 02 Multilanguage 1 dvd
BMW Road Map Europe Professional 2009 02 Multilanguage 1 dvd
BMW Road Map Europe Professional 2009 2 E81, E82, E88, E87 to 3er E90, E91,
E92, E93, to 5er E60, E61, to 6er E63+E64, X5 E70, X6 E71 WITH the
RADARS INCLUDING this dvd road map europe professional has information the
highways of the following countries: Spain, Germany, Denmark, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Holland, lichtenstein, Swiss, Austria, chechenia, Norwegian,
Sweden, Finland, France, ingraterra, Ireland, Italy, San Marino, Slovakia,
the Vatican, Monaco, Andorra, Greece, and Portugal. in addition it includes
the new version for the reception of the traffic information: rds/tmc 4,0.
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BMW Road Map Europe Professional 2009 2 E81, E82, E88, E87 to 3er E90, E91,
E92, E93, to 5er E60, E61, to 6er E63+E64, X5 E70, X6 E71 WITH the
RADARS INCLUDING this dvd road map europe professional has information the
highways of the following countries: Spain, Germany, Denmark, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Holland, lichtenstein, Swiss, Austria, chechenia, Norwegian,
Sweden, Finland, France, ingraterra, Ireland, Italy, San Marino, Slovakia,
the Vatican, Monaco, Andorra, Greece, and Portugal. in addition it includes
the new version for the reception of the traffic information: rds/tmc 4,0.
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Big Fish Audio Hip Hop Mood Swings Multiformat 1 dvd
Big Fish Audio Hip Hop Mood Swings Multiformat 1 dvd
Fresh out the box, the bangin beats of Hip Hop Mood Swings are paving
their own path in the Hip Hop and RnB world! Producer BigChris Flores
delivers these edgy, stylistic beats that will take you to a place
youve never been before and breathe a little Hip Hop nirvana into
your tracks. Mood Swings is jam packed with nearly 4GB of Hip Hop in
todays most sought after loop formats, WAV, Apple Loops, REX, and
RMX. With tempos ranging from 74 to 160 BPM, these moody kits are
infused with flavors like West Coast, Reggaeton, Spanish guitar, and
rock, to name a few. This product is sure to keep your tracks swinging
right onto the charts. Some killer add ons include extra guitar licks
and one shots to keep things spicy. No matter what mood youre in, Hip
Hop Mood Swings has something for you.
BUY Big Fish Audio Hip Hop Mood Swings Multiformat 1 dvd 20$
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Fresh out the box, the bangin beats of Hip Hop Mood Swings are paving
their own path in the Hip Hop and RnB world! Producer BigChris Flores
delivers these edgy, stylistic beats that will take you to a place
youve never been before and breathe a little Hip Hop nirvana into
your tracks. Mood Swings is jam packed with nearly 4GB of Hip Hop in
todays most sought after loop formats, WAV, Apple Loops, REX, and
RMX. With tempos ranging from 74 to 160 BPM, these moody kits are
infused with flavors like West Coast, Reggaeton, Spanish guitar, and
rock, to name a few. This product is sure to keep your tracks swinging
right onto the charts. Some killer add ons include extra guitar licks
and one shots to keep things spicy. No matter what mood youre in, Hip
Hop Mood Swings has something for you.
BUY Big Fish Audio Hip Hop Mood Swings Multiformat 1 dvd 20$
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Bold And Simple The Light Of Marc Hauser 1 dvd
Bold And Simple The Light Of Marc Hauser 1 dvd
Marc Hauser is a mode master who billed his
first million dollars in shooting jobs before he was 21
years old. With a classic touch that bridges the span
between commercial, portrait and art photography, Marc
reveals the secrets behind three of his most captivating
black and white lighting setups, the creative inspiration
behind his work, and even a look at Marc in action during
a photo session in his Chicago studio.
This video will appeal to professionals and students
alike seeking insight into Marcs unique and incredibly
successful approach to commercial and advertising portraiture.
Nothing held back straight from the hip bold and simple
just like Marc!
BUY Bold And Simple The Light Of Marc Hauser 1 dvd 15$
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Marc Hauser is a mode master who billed his
first million dollars in shooting jobs before he was 21
years old. With a classic touch that bridges the span
between commercial, portrait and art photography, Marc
reveals the secrets behind three of his most captivating
black and white lighting setups, the creative inspiration
behind his work, and even a look at Marc in action during
a photo session in his Chicago studio.
This video will appeal to professionals and students
alike seeking insight into Marcs unique and incredibly
successful approach to commercial and advertising portraiture.
Nothing held back straight from the hip bold and simple
just like Marc!
BUY Bold And Simple The Light Of Marc Hauser 1 dvd 15$
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CMIVFX SpeedSix Tutorials 1 cd
CMIVFX SpeedSix Tutorials 1 cd
Includes next tutorials:
SpeedSix: Aurora Luna and Smoke
SpeedSix: Lightning Rain And Beam
SpeedSix: Puddle3D And Texture
SpeedSix: Snow And Ripple3D
BUY CMIVFX SpeedSix Tutorials 1 cd 5$
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Includes next tutorials:
SpeedSix: Aurora Luna and Smoke
SpeedSix: Lightning Rain And Beam
SpeedSix: Puddle3D And Texture
SpeedSix: Snow And Ripple3D
BUY CMIVFX SpeedSix Tutorials 1 cd 5$
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CST Studio Suite 2009 1 dvd
CST Studio Suite 2009 1 dvd
The electromagnetic simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE. is the culmination
of many years of research and development into the most efficient and
accurate computational solutions to electromagnetic design. It comprises the
following modules:
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. CST MWS is a specialist tool for the fast and accurate
3D EM simulation of high frequency problems. Along with a broad application
range, CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. offers considerable product to market advantages:
Shorter development cycles Virtual prototyping before physical trials
Optimisation instead of experimentation.
CST DESIGN STUDIO. CST DS provides a powerful design environment in which
the results from diverse simulators can be combined and analysed.
CST EM STUDIO. CST EMS is an easy to use tool for the analysis and design
of static and low frequency structures.
CST PARTICLE STUDIO. CST PS for simulation of free moving charged particles
as in electron guns, cathode ray tubes,...
CST PCB STUDIO. CST PCBS for the simulation of SI/PI and EMC/EMI on
printed circuit boards.
CST CABLE STUDIO. CST CS for the simulation and analysis of SI and EMC/EMI
on cable haesses
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The electromagnetic simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE. is the culmination
of many years of research and development into the most efficient and
accurate computational solutions to electromagnetic design. It comprises the
following modules:
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. CST MWS is a specialist tool for the fast and accurate
3D EM simulation of high frequency problems. Along with a broad application
range, CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. offers considerable product to market advantages:
Shorter development cycles Virtual prototyping before physical trials
Optimisation instead of experimentation.
CST DESIGN STUDIO. CST DS provides a powerful design environment in which
the results from diverse simulators can be combined and analysed.
CST EM STUDIO. CST EMS is an easy to use tool for the analysis and design
of static and low frequency structures.
CST PARTICLE STUDIO. CST PS for simulation of free moving charged particles
as in electron guns, cathode ray tubes,...
CST PCB STUDIO. CST PCBS for the simulation of SI/PI and EMC/EMI on
printed circuit boards.
CST CABLE STUDIO. CST CS for the simulation and analysis of SI and EMC/EMI
on cable haesses
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Corel Professional Photos World Religion 1 cd
Corel Professional Photos World Religion 1 cd
100 Images, 18MB, 6x10" 300dpi
BUY Corel Professional Photos World Religion 1 cd 10$
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100 Images, 18MB, 6x10" 300dpi
BUY Corel Professional Photos World Religion 1 cd 10$
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DMTS Jump Start Color 1 dvd
DMTS Jump Start Color 1 dvd
With Appleі.s new Color, color grading and color correction has never been
more versatile and easier to do. You can choose one of more than 20 looks
provided as custom effects in the Color FX Binx, modify and save it for later
use, and even reuse it on other projects. Editors will find Color easy to use as
it combines familiar features with intuitive new 3D Color Space.
BUY DMTS Jump Start Color 1 dvd 15$
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With Appleі.s new Color, color grading and color correction has never been
more versatile and easier to do. You can choose one of more than 20 looks
provided as custom effects in the Color FX Binx, modify and save it for later
use, and even reuse it on other projects. Editors will find Color easy to use as
it combines familiar features with intuitive new 3D Color Space.
BUY DMTS Jump Start Color 1 dvd 15$
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Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 1 1 dvd
Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed
animated graphics that make it is easy to create a
professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains
matching elements in both SD and HD resolutions. This
allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough
variety and customization for a unique, signature look
that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 1 1 dvd 15$
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Editors Themekits are matched collections of themed
animated graphics that make it is easy to create a
professional, coordinated look. Each Themekit contains
matching elements in both SD and HD resolutions. This
allows producers and designers to instantly create a
thematic look for a program, while still providing enough
variety and customization for a unique, signature look
that viewers will identify with, recognize and remember.
BUY Digital Juice Editors Themekit 70 World Premiere Disk 1 1 dvd 15$
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Digital Juice Editors Toolkit Pro Mega Library 8 Index 1 dvd
Digital Juice Editors Toolkit Pro Mega Library 8 Index 1 dvd
Network quality sets of matching graphics, animations and elements
200+ Animations Graphics
HD SD Animations Included
10 Matching Super Sets which include the following elements
varies per set:
Lower Thirds
Full Screen Swipes
Transitional Wipe
Overlay Mattes
Lower Third Mattes
Motion Design Elements
Juice Drops Layered Photoshop files
QuickTime format
Works with Free Juicer 3 Software
Convert to PAL, NTSC DV
Output to AVI, QT, image sequences native NLE codecs
Keyword searchable index
Compatible with any computer based non linear or linear editor
with DVD ROM drive
BUY Digital Juice Editors Toolkit Pro Mega Library 8 Index 1 dvd 15$
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Network quality sets of matching graphics, animations and elements
200+ Animations Graphics
HD SD Animations Included
10 Matching Super Sets which include the following elements
varies per set:
Lower Thirds
Full Screen Swipes
Transitional Wipe
Overlay Mattes
Lower Third Mattes
Motion Design Elements
Juice Drops Layered Photoshop files
QuickTime format
Works with Free Juicer 3 Software
Convert to PAL, NTSC DV
Output to AVI, QT, image sequences native NLE codecs
Keyword searchable index
Compatible with any computer based non linear or linear editor
with DVD ROM drive
BUY Digital Juice Editors Toolkit Pro Mega Library 8 Index 1 dvd 15$
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marți, 29 septembrie 2009
Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds
Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection One is the culmination of more than fifty
man years of artistic and programming effort on the part of our Digital Juice
development teams. It is also the harbinger of a whole new level of
customization in the Digital Juice product arsenal.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection One in the DJ Fonts product line contains 35 unique DJ Font
Families, over 1300 ready to use Standard DJ Fonts, over 200 Font Textures,
more than 20 Bitstream OpenType fonts, and an unlimited number of possibilites
to customize and make your own DJ Fonts.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds 30$
TAGS low price Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds, oem Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds, order Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection One is the culmination of more than fifty
man years of artistic and programming effort on the part of our Digital Juice
development teams. It is also the harbinger of a whole new level of
customization in the Digital Juice product arsenal.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection One in the DJ Fonts product line contains 35 unique DJ Font
Families, over 1300 ready to use Standard DJ Fonts, over 200 Font Textures,
more than 20 Bitstream OpenType fonts, and an unlimited number of possibilites
to customize and make your own DJ Fonts.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds 30$
TAGS low price Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds, oem Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds, order Digital Juice Fonts Collection One 3 dvds
Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd 20$
TAGS order Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, discount Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd, download Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
BUY Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd 20$
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Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd
Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd
This sequel volume picks up where Global Intentions I left off. With 25
additional high resolution, highly detailed animated globes to choose from,
you have even more choice when thinking of a unique way to represent the
world in your productions from a pin cushion sphere to an opaque glass
crystal ball, from the world on a textured golf ball to a glittering green
shell comprised of the earths land masses. The world isnt flat so why
represent it with the same old boring static globe image when you can evoke
a feeling or match an edgy style with one of the animated 3D globes from
this volume.
Package Contents:
25 Animations
The Juicer 3 processing software
Technical Specs:
Seamlessly Loopable
Average length 5 15 seconds
QuickTime format
1500 x 1500 to 2520 x 1645 at 30 fps
Juicer 3 resizes to NTSC D1, DV, PAL more
Juicer 3 uses an advanced algorithm to scale to PAL NTSC
Works on all computer based video editing systems that can read
an alpha channel in AVI, MOV, RTV or TGA/TIFF sequences
Must have a local DVD ROM drive
QuickTime 6.5.1 or greater required
Directly importable into After Effects or similar compositing software
DVD ROMs contain no region code and can be used worldwide
Juicer Settings Configurator
BUY Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd 16$
TAGS discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd, discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd, discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd
This sequel volume picks up where Global Intentions I left off. With 25
additional high resolution, highly detailed animated globes to choose from,
you have even more choice when thinking of a unique way to represent the
world in your productions from a pin cushion sphere to an opaque glass
crystal ball, from the world on a textured golf ball to a glittering green
shell comprised of the earths land masses. The world isnt flat so why
represent it with the same old boring static globe image when you can evoke
a feeling or match an edgy style with one of the animated 3D globes from
this volume.
Package Contents:
25 Animations
The Juicer 3 processing software
Technical Specs:
Seamlessly Loopable
Average length 5 15 seconds
QuickTime format
1500 x 1500 to 2520 x 1645 at 30 fps
Juicer 3 resizes to NTSC D1, DV, PAL more
Juicer 3 uses an advanced algorithm to scale to PAL NTSC
Works on all computer based video editing systems that can read
an alpha channel in AVI, MOV, RTV or TGA/TIFF sequences
Must have a local DVD ROM drive
QuickTime 6.5.1 or greater required
Directly importable into After Effects or similar compositing software
DVD ROMs contain no region code and can be used worldwide
Juicer Settings Configurator
BUY Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd 16$
TAGS discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd, discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd, discount Digital Juice Motion Design Elements 17 Global Intentions 2 Part 4 1 dvd
Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds
Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds
Create polished characters and more appealing scenes. Work creatively
using a step by step approach to character and scene development in
ZBrush and a time saving workflow to character interaction, sculpting,
texturing, composition, lighting, and rendering. Contains nearly 6
hours of self paced training for artists using ZBrush and Maya.
BUY Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds 15$
TAGS oem Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds, low cost Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds, oem Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds
Create polished characters and more appealing scenes. Work creatively
using a step by step approach to character and scene development in
ZBrush and a time saving workflow to character interaction, sculpting,
texturing, composition, lighting, and rendering. Contains nearly 6
hours of self paced training for artists using ZBrush and Maya.
BUY Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds 15$
TAGS oem Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds, low cost Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds, oem Digital Tutors Character and Scene Development in ZBrush 2 cds
Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd
Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd
The 2nd edition of the well loved series .8 Bit Family. is here, jam
packed with vintage videogame tones, loops, multi samples and sound
BUY Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd 10$
TAGS discount Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd, low price Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd, oem Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd
The 2nd edition of the well loved series .8 Bit Family. is here, jam
packed with vintage videogame tones, loops, multi samples and sound
BUY Discovery Sound 8 Bit Family 2 Multiformat 1 cd 10$
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EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd
EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd
Benefits any IT professional who plans, architects, deploys and/or manages an information and storage
infrastructure. You will lea to apply a combination of SAN, NAS, CAS, and IP SAN to case studies;
and address Backup, Archive, Information Availability, Virtualization and Security considerations.
BUY EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd 15$
TAGS oem EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd, low cost EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd, oem EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd
Benefits any IT professional who plans, architects, deploys and/or manages an information and storage
infrastructure. You will lea to apply a combination of SAN, NAS, CAS, and IP SAN to case studies;
and address Backup, Archive, Information Availability, Virtualization and Security considerations.
BUY EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd 15$
TAGS oem EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd, low cost EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd, oem EMC Technology Foundations IT Training Video 1 cd
Eat 3D Autodesk 3ds Max 101 2 dvds
Eat 3D Autodesk 3ds Max 101 2 dvds
In this demonstration the instructor dives into the wonderful world
of computer graphics by walking the viewer through the many fundamental
concepts and techniques necessary to create a successful project. He
starts off with an around the world tour of the 3D Studio Max interface
stopping at key areas to discuss proper viewport navigation, selecting
objects, moving objects around your scene and combining basic shapes to
flesh out an idea.
Once the foundation is in place, the instructor takes the viewer through
a wide range of techniques for modeling, texturing, lighting, and animating
their creations to complete a city scene. The pros and cons of each method
are discussed in detail and the viewer is given the context necessary to
take the core techniques and apply them successfully to whatever their end
goal or respective industry may be.
This DVD has over 20 hours of training and can be considered the ultimate
guide for those new to 3D Studio Max or those wanting to round out their
skill set for any market.
BUY Eat 3D Autodesk 3ds Max 101 2 dvds 15$
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In this demonstration the instructor dives into the wonderful world
of computer graphics by walking the viewer through the many fundamental
concepts and techniques necessary to create a successful project. He
starts off with an around the world tour of the 3D Studio Max interface
stopping at key areas to discuss proper viewport navigation, selecting
objects, moving objects around your scene and combining basic shapes to
flesh out an idea.
Once the foundation is in place, the instructor takes the viewer through
a wide range of techniques for modeling, texturing, lighting, and animating
their creations to complete a city scene. The pros and cons of each method
are discussed in detail and the viewer is given the context necessary to
take the core techniques and apply them successfully to whatever their end
goal or respective industry may be.
This DVD has over 20 hours of training and can be considered the ultimate
guide for those new to 3D Studio Max or those wanting to round out their
skill set for any market.
BUY Eat 3D Autodesk 3ds Max 101 2 dvds 15$
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Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd
Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd
Bietet komplette Vorlagensets fur samtliche Anwendungsfalle Musik CDs, Foto CDs,
Video CDs und DVDs
Integrierter Design Generator mit DCT Technologie zum komfortablen Variieren der
Perfekter Ausdruck uber Tintenstrahl oder Farblaserdrucker
Unterstutzt quasi alle Papierformate namhafter Hersteller
Einfache Druckerjustierung
Inklusive Schriften, ClipArts und Fotos zur perfekten Gestaltung Die Komplettausstattung
fur Ihre Selbstgebrannten.
Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen CD Labels und Einleger schnell und leicht mit wenigen Mausklicks.
Wahlen Sie einfach ein fertiges Layout aus oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes Fotomaterial zur
perfekten Gestaltung. Die Inhalte Ihrer CDs bzw. DVDs z. B. MP3 Titel oder Dateinamen lassen
sich automatisch auslesen und direkt auf die Einleger drucken. Das ist
Komfort pur!
Mit dieser sensationellen Drucksoftware machen Sie aus Ihrem Drucker ein Druckcenter. Selbst
ausgefallenen Gestaltungsideen sind dank der umfassenden Grafikbibliothek keine Grenzen gesetzt:
uber 5.000 ClipArts, Profifotos, Hintergrunde, Schriften und jede Menge Rahmen und Passepartouts.
Es werden Papiere folgender Hersteller unterstutzt: Apli, Avery Zweckform, Data Becker, Decadry,
Herma, Jackstadt, Kronenberg, Laserware, Mayspies, Pelikan, Pearl und Sigel.
BUY Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd 10$
TAGS low cost Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd, low price Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd, download Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd
Bietet komplette Vorlagensets fur samtliche Anwendungsfalle Musik CDs, Foto CDs,
Video CDs und DVDs
Integrierter Design Generator mit DCT Technologie zum komfortablen Variieren der
Perfekter Ausdruck uber Tintenstrahl oder Farblaserdrucker
Unterstutzt quasi alle Papierformate namhafter Hersteller
Einfache Druckerjustierung
Inklusive Schriften, ClipArts und Fotos zur perfekten Gestaltung Die Komplettausstattung
fur Ihre Selbstgebrannten.
Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen CD Labels und Einleger schnell und leicht mit wenigen Mausklicks.
Wahlen Sie einfach ein fertiges Layout aus oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes Fotomaterial zur
perfekten Gestaltung. Die Inhalte Ihrer CDs bzw. DVDs z. B. MP3 Titel oder Dateinamen lassen
sich automatisch auslesen und direkt auf die Einleger drucken. Das ist
Komfort pur!
Mit dieser sensationellen Drucksoftware machen Sie aus Ihrem Drucker ein Druckcenter. Selbst
ausgefallenen Gestaltungsideen sind dank der umfassenden Grafikbibliothek keine Grenzen gesetzt:
uber 5.000 ClipArts, Profifotos, Hintergrunde, Schriften und jede Menge Rahmen und Passepartouts.
Es werden Papiere folgender Hersteller unterstutzt: Apli, Avery Zweckform, Data Becker, Decadry,
Herma, Jackstadt, Kronenberg, Laserware, Mayspies, Pelikan, Pearl und Sigel.
BUY Franzis Druckstudio 100000 CD und Label German 1 cd 10$
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Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering In Maya 2009
Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering In Maya 2009
This tutorial and asset group includes everything you need to understand Sketch
and Cell rendering in Maya.
In this video Christophe Desse show us his workflow for the creation of his sketch
and cell rendering in Maya 2009. This tutorial includes setting up the shaders and
all the steps necessary to render them in Maya. He also details the compositing and
finaling stages in Photoshop CSDownload the video tutorial here.
BUY Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering In Maya 2009 15$
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This tutorial and asset group includes everything you need to understand Sketch
and Cell rendering in Maya.
In this video Christophe Desse show us his workflow for the creation of his sketch
and cell rendering in Maya 2009. This tutorial includes setting up the shaders and
all the steps necessary to render them in Maya. He also details the compositing and
finaling stages in Photoshop CSDownload the video tutorial here.
BUY Gnomology Mental Ray Sketch and Cell Rendering In Maya 2009 15$
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Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd
Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd
In this DVD, Aaron Sims shows how he uses Adobe Photoshop. to create
and design characters and creatures. Aaron covers many of his
techniques for designing character concepts and discusses the logic
behind his methods. He shows you the entire process including
sketching and drawing in Photoshop., and manipulating, warping and
blending photos to develop interesting features, backgrounds and
textures. Aaron explains how to effectively design with tools like
Warp, Liquify and different layer blend modes for quick results. He
also demonstrates how to paint in finer details such as wrinkles,
scars and hair. Finally, Aaron covers some of his techniques for
unifying an image and giving it a more finished look.
BUY Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd 15$
TAGS download Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd, download Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd, low cost Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd
In this DVD, Aaron Sims shows how he uses Adobe Photoshop. to create
and design characters and creatures. Aaron covers many of his
techniques for designing character concepts and discusses the logic
behind his methods. He shows you the entire process including
sketching and drawing in Photoshop., and manipulating, warping and
blending photos to develop interesting features, backgrounds and
textures. Aaron explains how to effectively design with tools like
Warp, Liquify and different layer blend modes for quick results. He
also demonstrates how to paint in finer details such as wrinkles,
scars and hair. Finally, Aaron covers some of his techniques for
unifying an image and giving it a more finished look.
BUY Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd 15$
TAGS download Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd, download Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd, low cost Gnomon Designing Creatures In Adobe Photoshop 1 cd
Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd
Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd
In this second of three DVDs in a series, James will cover a wide range
of Adobe Photoshop. techniques that he uses as a concept designer in the
feature film industry. Focusing on the subject of historical architectural
landscapes, James jumps into subjects such as keeping a rendering loose
while maintaining presentation level quality and how to reinforce the
visual narrative. Setting itself apart from other concept art techniques,
this DVD concentrates heavily on the smooth integration of photo reference
and high end conceptualization ideas, or what James terms .Photoshop. kit
bashing., blurring the line between photo and ideation rendering. Subjects
such as .painting in. a mask, strong lighting technique and character
indication are also covered.
BUY Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd 10$
TAGS low cost Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd, oem Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd, low price Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd
In this second of three DVDs in a series, James will cover a wide range
of Adobe Photoshop. techniques that he uses as a concept designer in the
feature film industry. Focusing on the subject of historical architectural
landscapes, James jumps into subjects such as keeping a rendering loose
while maintaining presentation level quality and how to reinforce the
visual narrative. Setting itself apart from other concept art techniques,
this DVD concentrates heavily on the smooth integration of photo reference
and high end conceptualization ideas, or what James terms .Photoshop. kit
bashing., blurring the line between photo and ideation rendering. Subjects
such as .painting in. a mask, strong lighting technique and character
indication are also covered.
BUY Gnomon Digital Training Historical Set Design DDE 1 cd 10$
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Gnomon Maya Training Mentalray Fundamentals FULLY UPDATED 1 dvd
Gnomon Maya Training Mentalray Fundamentals FULLY UPDATED 1 dvd
On this DVD, Matt focuses on the fundamental implementation and functionality of Mental Ray
from within Maya. He covers many areas, beginning with an in depth exploration of the interface
of Mental Ray, including the use of MEL scripts to access custom features. Next, he shows an
initial scene setup using a custom naming script to label files automatically and correctly as
they are output. Many other topics are covered in depth, including setting up basic frame buffers,
using diagnostics to debug your scenes, various implementations of motion blur including the
rasterizer rapid motion, lens shaders, a custom shader allowing you to blur in post, depth of
field, displacement utilizing the latest techniques, including a thorough explanation of
ccmeshes Catmull Clark meshes and how to access them from within Mental Ray for Maya.
BUY Gnomon Maya Training Mentalray Fundamentals FULLY UPDATED 1 dvd 15$
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On this DVD, Matt focuses on the fundamental implementation and functionality of Mental Ray
from within Maya. He covers many areas, beginning with an in depth exploration of the interface
of Mental Ray, including the use of MEL scripts to access custom features. Next, he shows an
initial scene setup using a custom naming script to label files automatically and correctly as
they are output. Many other topics are covered in depth, including setting up basic frame buffers,
using diagnostics to debug your scenes, various implementations of motion blur including the
rasterizer rapid motion, lens shaders, a custom shader allowing you to blur in post, depth of
field, displacement utilizing the latest techniques, including a thorough explanation of
ccmeshes Catmull Clark meshes and how to access them from within Mental Ray for Maya.
BUY Gnomon Maya Training Mentalray Fundamentals FULLY UPDATED 1 dvd 15$
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Gnomon School of Visual Effects Blur Studio The Making of Warhammer Online 1 cd
Gnomon School of Visual Effects Blur Studio The Making of Warhammer Online 1 cd
Blur Studio shares details of the production process behind the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning cinematic trailer.
BUY Gnomon School of Visual Effects Blur Studio The Making of Warhammer Online 1 cd 15$
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Blur Studio shares details of the production process behind the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning cinematic trailer.
BUY Gnomon School of Visual Effects Blur Studio The Making of Warhammer Online 1 cd 15$
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Gnomonology Subsurfacing Sushi 1 cd
Gnomonology Subsurfacing Sushi 1 cd
Subsurfacing Sushi creates fish from Maya wood procedure. It then delves
into the network of the mental ray fast_simple subsurface scattering
material. Even subsurface pros will lea something as hidden and
underused parameters are uncovered from the depths. The lesson concludes
with Depth of Field as a post process in Photoshop.
BUY Gnomonology Subsurfacing Sushi 1 cd 10$
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Subsurfacing Sushi creates fish from Maya wood procedure. It then delves
into the network of the mental ray fast_simple subsurface scattering
material. Even subsurface pros will lea something as hidden and
underused parameters are uncovered from the depths. The lesson concludes
with Depth of Field as a post process in Photoshop.
BUY Gnomonology Subsurfacing Sushi 1 cd 10$
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Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd
Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd
With this DVD you will lea the step by step process of using Adobe Photoshop
retouching techniques to transform and prepare images for production level
commercial photography. Meghan Farrell will walk you through the steps of
retouching a fashion shoot as a basis for leaing the primary skill sets to
make skin and hair look flawless without looking artificial. You will lea how
to retouch and maintain natural skin, hair and hands and reshape the body. You
ll be introduced to indispensable methods of using adjustment layers, layer
masks and color correction. The techniques demonstrated in this DVD will help
you retouch like a professional, whether working on your own images or for
those of a client. The cutting edge techniques demonstrated in this DVD will
help you stand out when seeking work in this fast paced industry.
157 Minutes of Lecture.
BUY Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd 10$
TAGS buy Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd, low cost Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd, order Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd
With this DVD you will lea the step by step process of using Adobe Photoshop
retouching techniques to transform and prepare images for production level
commercial photography. Meghan Farrell will walk you through the steps of
retouching a fashion shoot as a basis for leaing the primary skill sets to
make skin and hair look flawless without looking artificial. You will lea how
to retouch and maintain natural skin, hair and hands and reshape the body. You
ll be introduced to indispensable methods of using adjustment layers, layer
masks and color correction. The techniques demonstrated in this DVD will help
you retouch like a professional, whether working on your own images or for
those of a client. The cutting edge techniques demonstrated in this DVD will
help you stand out when seeking work in this fast paced industry.
157 Minutes of Lecture.
BUY Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd 10$
TAGS buy Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd, low cost Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd, order Gnomonworkshop Photographic Retouching In Adobe Photoshop 1 dvd
Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds
Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds
Fresh fun, Lil Kids Templates is a set of high resolution drag drop
layouts for books cards. Saved as 300DPI layered PSD files, the Lil Kids
Templates are fully editable. The set is complete with a printed thumbnail
graphicauthority/products/lil kids
BUY Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds 25$
TAGS buy Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds, low price Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds, low cost Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds
Fresh fun, Lil Kids Templates is a set of high resolution drag drop
layouts for books cards. Saved as 300DPI layered PSD files, the Lil Kids
Templates are fully editable. The set is complete with a printed thumbnail
graphicauthority/products/lil kids
BUY Graphic Authority Lil Kids 1 2 dvds 25$
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luni, 28 septembrie 2009
Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd
Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd
Senior Styles is a set of 27 templates saved as layered Photoshop files. The
templates are completly editable.
Drag drop your image into the frame portion of the document, add text and
graphicauthority/products/senior style
BUY Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd 15$
TAGS download Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd, cheap Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd, low price Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd
Senior Styles is a set of 27 templates saved as layered Photoshop files. The
templates are completly editable.
Drag drop your image into the frame portion of the document, add text and
graphicauthority/products/senior style
BUY Graphic Authority Senior Styles 1 dvd 15$
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Graphic Authority Vector Art Vol 1 Hybrid 1 cd
Graphic Authority Vector Art Vol 1 Hybrid 1 cd
Its simple really, load the vectors into your custom shapes pallette. Choose
the one you like, then drag them over the image. Stretch them, flip them,
colorize size. Create something great.
Vector Art contains over 100 unique shapes for use in Photoshop. Choose from
coers, tops bottom, frames textures.
graphicauthority/products/vector art
BUY Graphic Authority Vector Art Vol 1 Hybrid 1 cd 10$
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Its simple really, load the vectors into your custom shapes pallette. Choose
the one you like, then drag them over the image. Stretch them, flip them,
colorize size. Create something great.
Vector Art contains over 100 unique shapes for use in Photoshop. Choose from
coers, tops bottom, frames textures.
graphicauthority/products/vector art
BUY Graphic Authority Vector Art Vol 1 Hybrid 1 cd 10$
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Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 1 Disk 3 1 cd
Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 1 Disk 3 1 cd
Wedding Templates volume 1 is a set of high resolution drag drop layouts for
books cards. Saved as 300DPI
BUY Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 1 Disk 3 1 cd 10$
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Wedding Templates volume 1 is a set of high resolution drag drop layouts for
books cards. Saved as 300DPI
BUY Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 1 Disk 3 1 cd 10$
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Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 2 Disk 1 1 dvd
Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 2 Disk 1 1 dvd
Wedding Templates Volume 2 is a set of high resolution layouts for books
cards, provided in three unique styles. Drag, drop size your image Saved as
300 DPI layered PSD files, the Wedding Templates are fully editable. The set is
complete with a printed thumbnail reference card.
BUY Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 2 Disk 1 1 dvd 15$
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Wedding Templates Volume 2 is a set of high resolution layouts for books
cards, provided in three unique styles. Drag, drop size your image Saved as
300 DPI layered PSD files, the Wedding Templates are fully editable. The set is
complete with a printed thumbnail reference card.
BUY Graphic Authority Wedding Templates 2 Disk 1 1 dvd 15$
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I3D Introduction To 3ds Max 2009 1 cd
I3D Introduction To 3ds Max 2009 1 cd
What is covered in this training series?
The basic and fundamental skills that are required by students and
newcomers to 3d animation are thought with this product. The material
covered in this training series is vital and builds the foundation for
further advancement into 3d animation. Without the fundamental skills
leaed in this training series, it will be difficult to impossible to
be able to continue into advanced 3d animation and digital content
BUY I3D Introduction To 3ds Max 2009 1 cd 15$
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What is covered in this training series?
The basic and fundamental skills that are required by students and
newcomers to 3d animation are thought with this product. The material
covered in this training series is vital and builds the foundation for
further advancement into 3d animation. Without the fundamental skills
leaed in this training series, it will be difficult to impossible to
be able to continue into advanced 3d animation and digital content
BUY I3D Introduction To 3ds Max 2009 1 cd 15$
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IBM Lotus Domino Server 8 5 1 cd
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8 5 1 cd
Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Domino Server 8 5 1 cd 20$
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Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Domino Server 8 5 1 cd 20$
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IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 1 cd
IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 1 cd
Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 1 cd 25$
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Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 1 cd 25$
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IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 for Mac 1 cd
IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 for Mac 1 cd
Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 for Mac 1 cd 25$
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Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Client 8 5 for Mac 1 cd 25$
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IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer and Admin Client 8 5 1 cd
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer and Admin Client 8 5 1 cd
Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer and Admin Client 8 5 1 cd 25$
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Enterprise collaboration software that can help people
effectively create, discover, and share information, make
business decisions quickly, and streamline the way they
BUY IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer and Admin Client 8 5 1 cd 25$
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Inspired CSS Styling For A Beautiful Web 1 dvd
Inspired CSS Styling For A Beautiful Web 1 dvd
In Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design New Riders, renowned
designer and author Andy Clarke set the stage for the development of progressive Web
site design using XHTML, CSS and other Web standards technologies. In this new DVD ROM
video, Andy follows up on the core principles of transcendent CSS, taking you even
further along the path to creating beautiful and accessible Web sites using minimal,
semantic markup. In Inspired CSS: Styling for a Beautiful Web, Andy Clarke shows you
how to take your design to the next level using typography, microformats, advanced CSS
selectors, layout techniques employing floats, positioning, and margins, and CSS3.
Throughout the video, Andy demonstrates these concepts using examples from a fictitious
Web site he created. Files are included so you can follow along.
With over 2 hours of instruction, youll discover:
Proven techniques for creating inspiring designs that use semantic markup and CSS
The latest advances in Web design, including the emerging CSS3 specification
Inspiration from leading designers who embrace Web standards in their own work
Advanced instruction on topics including relative and absolute positioning, attribute
selectors and pseudo elements, the multiple column and media query modules in CSS3, and many more
Mechanisms for binding your style to HTML documents using microformats and CSS selectors
BUY Inspired CSS Styling For A Beautiful Web 1 dvd 15$
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In Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design New Riders, renowned
designer and author Andy Clarke set the stage for the development of progressive Web
site design using XHTML, CSS and other Web standards technologies. In this new DVD ROM
video, Andy follows up on the core principles of transcendent CSS, taking you even
further along the path to creating beautiful and accessible Web sites using minimal,
semantic markup. In Inspired CSS: Styling for a Beautiful Web, Andy Clarke shows you
how to take your design to the next level using typography, microformats, advanced CSS
selectors, layout techniques employing floats, positioning, and margins, and CSS3.
Throughout the video, Andy demonstrates these concepts using examples from a fictitious
Web site he created. Files are included so you can follow along.
With over 2 hours of instruction, youll discover:
Proven techniques for creating inspiring designs that use semantic markup and CSS
The latest advances in Web design, including the emerging CSS3 specification
Inspiration from leading designers who embrace Web standards in their own work
Advanced instruction on topics including relative and absolute positioning, attribute
selectors and pseudo elements, the multiple column and media query modules in CSS3, and many more
Mechanisms for binding your style to HTML documents using microformats and CSS selectors
BUY Inspired CSS Styling For A Beautiful Web 1 dvd 15$
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John Foxx Background Series 13 Typographic Backgrounds 1 cd
John Foxx Background Series 13 Typographic Backgrounds 1 cd
60 Images, 40MB, 8.5x11" 300 dpi
The perfect collection for integrating photos type.
Mainly shot in Italy these images combine elegance and
history in a refined way.
fotosearch/john foxx/typographic backgrounds/JFI174/
BUY John Foxx Background Series 13 Typographic Backgrounds 1 cd 10$
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60 Images, 40MB, 8.5x11" 300 dpi
The perfect collection for integrating photos type.
Mainly shot in Italy these images combine elegance and
history in a refined way.
fotosearch/john foxx/typographic backgrounds/JFI174/
BUY John Foxx Background Series 13 Typographic Backgrounds 1 cd 10$
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Kelby Training Building Your Own Studio From Scratch 1 cd
Kelby Training Building Your Own Studio From Scratch 1 cd
Starting with an empty space, Andy will take you step by step through
setting up a professional quality photography studio.
BUY Kelby Training Building Your Own Studio From Scratch 1 cd 15$
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Starting with an empty space, Andy will take you step by step through
setting up a professional quality photography studio.
BUY Kelby Training Building Your Own Studio From Scratch 1 cd 15$
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Kelby Training Extracting In Photoshop CS4 1 cd
Kelby Training Extracting In Photoshop CS4 1 cd
Photoshop instructor Matt Kloskowski uses this course to cover the fundamentals
of making an extraction in Photoshop and placing that extraction into a new
BUY Kelby Training Extracting In Photoshop CS4 1 cd 15$
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Photoshop instructor Matt Kloskowski uses this course to cover the fundamentals
of making an extraction in Photoshop and placing that extraction into a new
BUY Kelby Training Extracting In Photoshop CS4 1 cd 15$
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Kelby Training Introduction To Photoshop Lab Color 1 cd
Kelby Training Introduction To Photoshop Lab Color 1 cd
LABs power in creating believable separation of colors has made it the venue of
choice for many outdoor photographers. These lessons explore not only the basic
structure of LAB and its common uses, but expands into several advanced
retouching areas.
BUY Kelby Training Introduction To Photoshop Lab Color 1 cd 15$
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LABs power in creating believable separation of colors has made it the venue of
choice for many outdoor photographers. These lessons explore not only the basic
structure of LAB and its common uses, but expands into several advanced
retouching areas.
BUY Kelby Training Introduction To Photoshop Lab Color 1 cd 15$
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Kelby Training Lightroom 2 A Creative Approach Part 1 and 2 1 dvd
Kelby Training Lightroom 2 A Creative Approach Part 1 and 2 1 dvd
With Photoshop Lightroom 2 Adobe has introduced tools that have the power to
completely change the way we shape our photography. Instead of working one
image at a time, one step at a time, now the vast majority of our photographic
finishing can be done quickly, elegantly and nondestructively in one place.
BUY Kelby Training Lightroom 2 A Creative Approach Part 1 and 2 1 dvd 15$
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With Photoshop Lightroom 2 Adobe has introduced tools that have the power to
completely change the way we shape our photography. Instead of working one
image at a time, one step at a time, now the vast majority of our photographic
finishing can be done quickly, elegantly and nondestructively in one place.
BUY Kelby Training Lightroom 2 A Creative Approach Part 1 and 2 1 dvd 15$
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duminică, 27 septembrie 2009
Lick Library Lea To Play Brian Setzer 1 dvd
Lick Library Lea To Play Brian Setzer 1 dvd
This superb DVD will teach you five classic tracks from this legendary
Rockabilly guitarist. Lea every riff and solo note for note! Tracks
Stray Cat Strut
Rock This Town
Runaway Boys
Built For Speed
Rumble In Brighton
licklibrary/store/stuart bull/15679/lea to play brian setzer
BUY Lick Library Lea To Play Brian Setzer 1 dvd 15$
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This superb DVD will teach you five classic tracks from this legendary
Rockabilly guitarist. Lea every riff and solo note for note! Tracks
Stray Cat Strut
Rock This Town
Runaway Boys
Built For Speed
Rumble In Brighton
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BUY Lick Library Lea To Play Brian Setzer 1 dvd 15$
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Lick Library Lea To Play Hank Marvin 1 dvd
Lick Library Lea To Play Hank Marvin 1 dvd
Lea five Shadows tracks note for note with Lee Hodgson. This excellent DVD
will show you how to perfect Hanks classic echo based sound! Tracks
include: Apache, Wonderful Land, Man Of Mystery, F.B.I., Guitar Tango.
Lee Hodgson is a versatile studio musician and vastly experienced stage
performer. He is also a regularly featured columnist and transcriber for
both Guitarist and Guitar Techniques magazine.
Lea all the lead and rhythm guitar parts with the ultimate DVD guitar
licklibrary/store/lee hodgson/11128/lea to play hank marvin dvd
BUY Lick Library Lea To Play Hank Marvin 1 dvd 15$
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Lea five Shadows tracks note for note with Lee Hodgson. This excellent DVD
will show you how to perfect Hanks classic echo based sound! Tracks
include: Apache, Wonderful Land, Man Of Mystery, F.B.I., Guitar Tango.
Lee Hodgson is a versatile studio musician and vastly experienced stage
performer. He is also a regularly featured columnist and transcriber for
both Guitarist and Guitar Techniques magazine.
Lea all the lead and rhythm guitar parts with the ultimate DVD guitar
licklibrary/store/lee hodgson/11128/lea to play hank marvin dvd
BUY Lick Library Lea To Play Hank Marvin 1 dvd 15$
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Lick Library Lea To Play The Darkness 1 dvd
Lick Library Lea To Play The Darkness 1 dvd
Lea five Darkness tracks note for note with Danny Gill.
This excellent DVD will teach you the riffs and solos that influenced a
million rock guitarists! The DVD also includes complete performance tracks
to practice alongside and perfect your technique. Tracks include:
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Black Shuck
Friday Night
Love Is Only A Feeling
Get Your Hands Off My Woman
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BUY Lick Library Lea To Play The Darkness 1 dvd 15$
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Lea five Darkness tracks note for note with Danny Gill.
This excellent DVD will teach you the riffs and solos that influenced a
million rock guitarists! The DVD also includes complete performance tracks
to practice alongside and perfect your technique. Tracks include:
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Black Shuck
Friday Night
Love Is Only A Feeling
Get Your Hands Off My Woman
licklibrary/store/danny gill/11085/lea to play the darkness
BUY Lick Library Lea To Play The Darkness 1 dvd 15$
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Lynda GarageBand 09 Essential Training 1 dvd
Lynda GarageBand 09 Essential Training 1 dvd
Amateurs and professionals alike can use GarageBand to produce
and share great music. In GarageBand 09 Essential Training,
composer Damian Allen shows how GarageBand has broadened the
spectrum of musical possibilities and made composing more
accessible, even for beginners. He explains the basics of how
GarageBands tracks work with the loops provided, then discusses
recording live instruments, working with the new virtual guitar
rigs, creating custom loops, and playing GarageBands built in
software instruments. He also demonstrates how to apply processor
effects and use the applications audio editing tools to mix and
master a final song. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda GarageBand 09 Essential Training 1 dvd 20$
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Amateurs and professionals alike can use GarageBand to produce
and share great music. In GarageBand 09 Essential Training,
composer Damian Allen shows how GarageBand has broadened the
spectrum of musical possibilities and made composing more
accessible, even for beginners. He explains the basics of how
GarageBands tracks work with the loops provided, then discusses
recording live instruments, working with the new virtual guitar
rigs, creating custom loops, and playing GarageBands built in
software instruments. He also demonstrates how to apply processor
effects and use the applications audio editing tools to mix and
master a final song. Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda GarageBand 09 Essential Training 1 dvd 20$
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Lynda Getting Started with GridIron Flow 1 cd
Lynda Getting Started with GridIron Flow 1 cd
In Getting Started with GridIron Flow, designer Mordy Golding
sets project managers and designers on the path to getting
organized using Flow.s intuitive interface. Mordy shows how
Flow can search for files in a whole new way, and demonstrates
its ability to collect or package all the files in a project.
He also teaches Flow.s ability to track all the versions of a
file and log time spent working on specific files or entire
BUY Lynda Getting Started with GridIron Flow 1 cd 5$
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In Getting Started with GridIron Flow, designer Mordy Golding
sets project managers and designers on the path to getting
organized using Flow.s intuitive interface. Mordy shows how
Flow can search for files in a whole new way, and demonstrates
its ability to collect or package all the files in a project.
He also teaches Flow.s ability to track all the versions of a
file and log time spent working on specific files or entire
BUY Lynda Getting Started with GridIron Flow 1 cd 5$
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Lynda Pages 09 Essential Training 1 cd
Lynda Pages 09 Essential Training 1 cd
In Pages 09 Essential Training, David Rivers teaches many
creative, time saving features that will help both experienced
and first time users of Apples word processing and page layout
tool. David explains how to get started by customizing the user
interface; then shows how to create unique, eye catching documents
using the text tools, templates, and styles in Pages 09.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Pages 09 Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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In Pages 09 Essential Training, David Rivers teaches many
creative, time saving features that will help both experienced
and first time users of Apples word processing and page layout
tool. David explains how to get started by customizing the user
interface; then shows how to create unique, eye catching documents
using the text tools, templates, and styles in Pages 09.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Pages 09 Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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Lynda Photoshop CS4 One on One Advanced 1 dvd
Lynda Photoshop CS4 One on One Advanced 1 dvd
Photoshop is one of the world.s most powerful image editors, and it
can be daunting to try to use skillfully. Photoshop CS4 One on One:
Advanced, the second part of the popular and comprehensive series,
follows inteationally renowned Photoshop guru Deke McClelland as
he dives into the workings of Photoshop. He explores such digital age
wonders as the Levels and Curves commands, edge detection filters,
advanced compositing techniques, vector based text, the Liquify filter,
and Camera Raw. Deke also teaches tried and true methods for sharpening
details, smoothing over wrinkles and imperfections, and enhancing colors
without harming the original image.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Photoshop CS4 One on One Advanced 1 dvd 25$
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Photoshop is one of the world.s most powerful image editors, and it
can be daunting to try to use skillfully. Photoshop CS4 One on One:
Advanced, the second part of the popular and comprehensive series,
follows inteationally renowned Photoshop guru Deke McClelland as
he dives into the workings of Photoshop. He explores such digital age
wonders as the Levels and Curves commands, edge detection filters,
advanced compositing techniques, vector based text, the Liquify filter,
and Camera Raw. Deke also teaches tried and true methods for sharpening
details, smoothing over wrinkles and imperfections, and enhancing colors
without harming the original image.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda Photoshop CS4 One on One Advanced 1 dvd 25$
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Lynda iPhoto 09 Essential Training 1 cd
Lynda iPhoto 09 Essential Training 1 cd
iPhoto 09 transforms the way photo libraries are organized with
its new Faces and Places features. In iPhoto 09 Essential
Training, instructor Damian Allen reveals how to make an iPhoto
library easily searchable using the new automated facial
recognition technology, and he demonstrates how to organize and
find photos based on where they were taken using geotagging. He
explains in simple terms the process of professional editing and
color correction, and the best way to share photo collections
both online and through professional books, calendars, and cards.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda iPhoto 09 Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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iPhoto 09 transforms the way photo libraries are organized with
its new Faces and Places features. In iPhoto 09 Essential
Training, instructor Damian Allen reveals how to make an iPhoto
library easily searchable using the new automated facial
recognition technology, and he demonstrates how to organize and
find photos based on where they were taken using geotagging. He
explains in simple terms the process of professional editing and
color correction, and the best way to share photo collections
both online and through professional books, calendars, and cards.
Exercise files accompany the course.
BUY Lynda iPhoto 09 Essential Training 1 cd 15$
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MyEclipse Blue Edition 7 1 1 1 dvd
MyEclipse Blue Edition 7 1 1 1 dvd
MyEclipse Blue Edition is a powerful IDE for IBM WebSphere developers.
With advanced WebSphere specific features and customized connectors,
MyEclipse Blue Edition is the lightweight, powerful solution that keeps
todays disceing IBM shops ahead of the technology curve.
Compatible with WebSphere 5.x, 6.0, 6.1, 7.
BUY MyEclipse Blue Edition 7 1 1 1 dvd 15$
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MyEclipse Blue Edition is a powerful IDE for IBM WebSphere developers.
With advanced WebSphere specific features and customized connectors,
MyEclipse Blue Edition is the lightweight, powerful solution that keeps
todays disceing IBM shops ahead of the technology curve.
Compatible with WebSphere 5.x, 6.0, 6.1, 7.
BUY MyEclipse Blue Edition 7 1 1 1 dvd 15$
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Peepcode Objective C For Rubyists 1 cd
Peepcode Objective C For Rubyists 1 cd
If you know Ruby and you want to write applications for Mac OS X or the iPhone, in a great place to start! This concise and content packed 80 minute
screencast will teach you what you need to know to start programming in Objective C.
Objective C and Ruby both share many features, thanks to their shared inspirations
from Smalltalk. You can use your knowledge of Ruby or even Python to understand
many of the core concepts of Objective C. This screencast also covers crucial
concepts that are not part of Ruby, such as memory management and the extensive use
of the delegate patte.
Better yet, you.ll lea how to do Test Driven Development in Objective C as you
lea the language!
BUY Peepcode Objective C For Rubyists 1 cd 5$
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If you know Ruby and you want to write applications for Mac OS X or the iPhone, in a great place to start! This concise and content packed 80 minute
screencast will teach you what you need to know to start programming in Objective C.
Objective C and Ruby both share many features, thanks to their shared inspirations
from Smalltalk. You can use your knowledge of Ruby or even Python to understand
many of the core concepts of Objective C. This screencast also covers crucial
concepts that are not part of Ruby, such as memory management and the extensive use
of the delegate patte.
Better yet, you.ll lea how to do Test Driven Development in Objective C as you
lea the language!
BUY Peepcode Objective C For Rubyists 1 cd 5$
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Photoshopcafe Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Digital Photographers 2 dvds
Photoshopcafe Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Digital Photographers 2 dvds
This is the most comprehensive video on the market for Lightroom. Lea how to import,
organize, develop and output all your captures with effortless ease. Enjoy
in depth coverage, pro techniques, secret tips and Colin.s way of breaking down
even the most complex tasks into quick and easy to understand techniques.
You.ll spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the camera!
BUY Photoshopcafe Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Digital Photographers 2 dvds 20$
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This is the most comprehensive video on the market for Lightroom. Lea how to import,
organize, develop and output all your captures with effortless ease. Enjoy
in depth coverage, pro techniques, secret tips and Colin.s way of breaking down
even the most complex tasks into quick and easy to understand techniques.
You.ll spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the camera!
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Pragmatic Bookshelf Coding in Objective C 2 0 1 cd
Pragmatic Bookshelf Coding in Objective C 2 0 1 cd
Objective C is the programming language for writing native iPhone and Mac applications.
It.s also the language that Apple uses to build their own applications and frameworks.
So, if you know Objective C, you have a lot of power at your fingertips. But if
new to C or object oriented programming, then Objective C can seem a little awkward at
first. These screencasts by Bill Dudney, an experienced Objective C programmer, will help
you quickly get up to speed on Objective C 2.0 basics.
After watching these video tutorials, you.ll be more confident to start writing high quality
iPhone and Mac applications. You.ll not just know how to write code, you.ll also understand
why it works. You.ll feel more comfortable with the Objective C syntax and object oriented
programming in general. You.ll also be able to manage memory wisely and diagnose common
memory problems. You.ll have added yet another programming language to your toolbox, and
your resume!
BUY Pragmatic Bookshelf Coding in Objective C 2 0 1 cd 10$
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Objective C is the programming language for writing native iPhone and Mac applications.
It.s also the language that Apple uses to build their own applications and frameworks.
So, if you know Objective C, you have a lot of power at your fingertips. But if
new to C or object oriented programming, then Objective C can seem a little awkward at
first. These screencasts by Bill Dudney, an experienced Objective C programmer, will help
you quickly get up to speed on Objective C 2.0 basics.
After watching these video tutorials, you.ll be more confident to start writing high quality
iPhone and Mac applications. You.ll not just know how to write code, you.ll also understand
why it works. You.ll feel more comfortable with the Objective C syntax and object oriented
programming in general. You.ll also be able to manage memory wisely and diagnose common
memory problems. You.ll have added yet another programming language to your toolbox, and
your resume!
BUY Pragmatic Bookshelf Coding in Objective C 2 0 1 cd 10$
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Symantec pcAnywhere Corporate Edition 12 5 0 442 1 cd
Symantec pcAnywhere Corporate Edition 12 5 0 442 1 cd
The number one best selling remote control software
Access vital data and applications from anywhere
The Symantec pcAnywhere 12.5 Host and Remote Standard License
software enables one computer to remotely control and access
another computer, establishing a one to one connection. Both host
and remote components can be installed together on the same
computer or separately on different computers.
Key Technologies
Remote Access and Remote Control
Key Benefits
Reliable, protected remote connectivity Gateway functionality
makes it easier for remote users to find the hosts they need
even when behind firewalls or routers or that don.t
have fixed or public IP addresses.
Support for multiple platforms Users can connect to and
manage computers running Microsoft. Windows., Linux., Mac OS. X
Universal, or Microsoft Pocket PC operating systems.
Efficient remote troubleshooting Best selling Symantec
pcAnywhere gives technical support personnel powerful remote
management and problem solving tools. Problems can be diagnosed
quickly and corrected on desktops, laptops, and servers by
viewing and controlling them remotely. If necessary, users
can even run crucial operating system utilities on a remote
system. Robust file transfer capabilities include support
for efficient batch transfers.
Simple and quick navigation Users enjoy a familiar interface
and automated connections.
Symantec pcAnywhere 12.5 employs a single setup for all
supported languages.
Lightweight Quick Connect application allows simple access to
frequently used remote connections.
Multiple monitor support allows you to specify a monitor to
view or to scroll among all attached monitors on the host computer.
Languages: cn, en, es, fr, de, it, jp, kr
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The number one best selling remote control software
Access vital data and applications from anywhere
The Symantec pcAnywhere 12.5 Host and Remote Standard License
software enables one computer to remotely control and access
another computer, establishing a one to one connection. Both host
and remote components can be installed together on the same
computer or separately on different computers.
Key Technologies
Remote Access and Remote Control
Key Benefits
Reliable, protected remote connectivity Gateway functionality
makes it easier for remote users to find the hosts they need
even when behind firewalls or routers or that don.t
have fixed or public IP addresses.
Support for multiple platforms Users can connect to and
manage computers running Microsoft. Windows., Linux., Mac OS. X
Universal, or Microsoft Pocket PC operating systems.
Efficient remote troubleshooting Best selling Symantec
pcAnywhere gives technical support personnel powerful remote
management and problem solving tools. Problems can be diagnosed
quickly and corrected on desktops, laptops, and servers by
viewing and controlling them remotely. If necessary, users
can even run crucial operating system utilities on a remote
system. Robust file transfer capabilities include support
for efficient batch transfers.
Simple and quick navigation Users enjoy a familiar interface
and automated connections.
Symantec pcAnywhere 12.5 employs a single setup for all
supported languages.
Lightweight Quick Connect application allows simple access to
frequently used remote connections.
Multiple monitor support allows you to specify a monitor to
view or to scroll among all attached monitors on the host computer.
Languages: cn, en, es, fr, de, it, jp, kr
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TomTom Maps of Weste and Central Europe 8 30 2305 1 dvd
TomTom Maps of Weste and Central Europe 8 30 2305 1 dvd
TomTom Maps of Weste and Central Europe Full
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TomTom Maps of Weste and Central Europe Full
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Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques 1 cd
Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques 1 cd
This series introduces you to the new and enhanced Flash CS4 animation
features; Motion Tween, 3D properties, and the new IK animation tool
so you can begin using them in your Flash projects. The enhanced Motion
Tween will change the way you work in Flash forever. It.s much easier to
work with and more powerful, plus it includes the new Motion Editor Panel.
This series guides you through the new 3D properties, which will let you
control your objects in full 3D space in both the timeline and using
ActionScript 3. Plus, lea how to use the new Inverse Kinematics IK
animation tools for both MovieClips and Shapes.
BUY Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques 1 cd 15$
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This series introduces you to the new and enhanced Flash CS4 animation
features; Motion Tween, 3D properties, and the new IK animation tool
so you can begin using them in your Flash projects. The enhanced Motion
Tween will change the way you work in Flash forever. It.s much easier to
work with and more powerful, plus it includes the new Motion Editor Panel.
This series guides you through the new 3D properties, which will let you
control your objects in full 3D space in both the timeline and using
ActionScript 3. Plus, lea how to use the new Inverse Kinematics IK
animation tools for both MovieClips and Shapes.
BUY Total Training Adobe Flash CS4 Professional New Animation Techniques 1 cd 15$
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sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009
Total Training Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 1 dvd
Total Training Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 1 dvd
With Total Training for Adobe Photoshop Elements 7, you.ll lea best
practices for editing, organizing and correcting your photos. The series
introduces you to the new features of Elements 7, plus explores key Photoshop
Elements fundamentals including acquiring photos from your camera, editing and
enhancing photos, and then sharing them with family and friends. This training
is just what you need to be well on your way to creating impressive images using
Photoshop Elements 7!
BUY Total Training Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 1 dvd 20$
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With Total Training for Adobe Photoshop Elements 7, you.ll lea best
practices for editing, organizing and correcting your photos. The series
introduces you to the new features of Elements 7, plus explores key Photoshop
Elements fundamentals including acquiring photos from your camera, editing and
enhancing photos, and then sharing them with family and friends. This training
is just what you need to be well on your way to creating impressive images using
Photoshop Elements 7!
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Train Signal Exchange 2007 Backup And Recovery 2 dvds
Train Signal Exchange 2007 Backup And Recovery 2 dvds
If you want to develop hands on experience in Exchange Server 2007 and
lea the details of backup and recovery in Exchange 2007, then this
course is for you! Whether you are looking to develop your own
Exchange Backup and Recovery Architecture or install, configure, and
use the Data Protection Manager, this course will guide you into
becoming an Exchange Server 2007 expert.
trainsignal/Exchange Server 2007 Backup Recovery Training P37.aspx
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If you want to develop hands on experience in Exchange Server 2007 and
lea the details of backup and recovery in Exchange 2007, then this
course is for you! Whether you are looking to develop your own
Exchange Backup and Recovery Architecture or install, configure, and
use the Data Protection Manager, this course will guide you into
becoming an Exchange Server 2007 expert.
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Train Signal Exchange Server 2007 Training 2 cds
Train Signal Exchange Server 2007 Training 2 cds
If you want to develop hands on experience in Exchange Server 2007 and
lea the details of backup and recovery in Exchange 2007, then this
course is for you! Whether you are looking to develop your own
Exchange Backup and Recovery Architecture or install, configure, and
use the Data Protection Manager, this course will guide you into
becoming an Exchange Server 2007 expert.
trainsignal/Exchange Server 2007 Backup Recovery Training P37.aspx
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If you want to develop hands on experience in Exchange Server 2007 and
lea the details of backup and recovery in Exchange 2007, then this
course is for you! Whether you are looking to develop your own
Exchange Backup and Recovery Architecture or install, configure, and
use the Data Protection Manager, this course will guide you into
becoming an Exchange Server 2007 expert.
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Train Signal Upgrading Your MCSE MCSA On Windows Server 2003 To Windows Server 2008 MCTS 70 648 And 70 649 2 dvds
Train Signal Upgrading Your MCSE MCSA On Windows Server 2003 To Windows Server 2008 MCTS 70 648 And 70 649 2 dvds
If you want to upgrade your MCSE or MCSA in Server 2003 to an MCITP
in Server 2008, then this course is for you!
trainsignal/Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 MCTS P60C17.aspx
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If you want to upgrade your MCSE or MCSA in Server 2003 to an MCITP
in Server 2008, then this course is for you!
trainsignal/Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 MCTS P60C17.aspx
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VTC Introduction to Drupal 6 1 dvd
VTC Introduction to Drupal 6 1 dvd
Drupal is an open source content management framework that allows you to
develop and deploy simple and complex Web sites rapidly. This practical
"how to" course by VTC author and Drupal expert, Trevor James, begins by
showing you how to install and configure Drupal and progresses into showing
you how to build functional blogs, polls, forms, podcasts, and photo galleries,
and the specific modules and themes you need to use to do so. After taking
the course you.ll be on your way to becoming a Drupal expert and look forward
to designing state of the art Web sites using this powerful open source tool.
The course uses the latest version of Drupal 6.x. To begin leaing, simply
click the movie links.
BUY VTC Introduction to Drupal 6 1 dvd 15$
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Drupal is an open source content management framework that allows you to
develop and deploy simple and complex Web sites rapidly. This practical
"how to" course by VTC author and Drupal expert, Trevor James, begins by
showing you how to install and configure Drupal and progresses into showing
you how to build functional blogs, polls, forms, podcasts, and photo galleries,
and the specific modules and themes you need to use to do so. After taking
the course you.ll be on your way to becoming a Drupal expert and look forward
to designing state of the art Web sites using this powerful open source tool.
The course uses the latest version of Drupal 6.x. To begin leaing, simply
click the movie links.
BUY VTC Introduction to Drupal 6 1 dvd 15$
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VTC MasterClass Adobe Acrobat Forms 1 cd
VTC MasterClass Adobe Acrobat Forms 1 cd
PDF based Acrobat forms provide a solution for creating and distributing
forms on all levels while maintaining design integrity. In this MasterClass!
course, users will quickly lea how to create rich, interactive form
objects like text fields, drop down menus, and radio groups, before
discovering how to build buttons and make forms interactive. Lea about
reset and print buttons, and of course, how to create buttons to submit
form data. Then follow along as submitted form data is collected, managed
and exported from the Acrobat environment. Work Files are included. To begin
leaing, simply click on one of the video topics.
BUY VTC MasterClass Adobe Acrobat Forms 1 cd 15$
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PDF based Acrobat forms provide a solution for creating and distributing
forms on all levels while maintaining design integrity. In this MasterClass!
course, users will quickly lea how to create rich, interactive form
objects like text fields, drop down menus, and radio groups, before
discovering how to build buttons and make forms interactive. Lea about
reset and print buttons, and of course, how to create buttons to submit
form data. Then follow along as submitted form data is collected, managed
and exported from the Acrobat environment. Work Files are included. To begin
leaing, simply click on one of the video topics.
BUY VTC MasterClass Adobe Acrobat Forms 1 cd 15$
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VTC MasterClass Cubase 5 Recording and Mastering 1 cd
VTC MasterClass Cubase 5 Recording and Mastering 1 cd
Steinbergs Cubase 5 is highly regarded as one of the best, and
certainly one of the easiest to master, digital audio workstations.
In this VTC MasterClass! course, seasoned Cubase expert Mark Struthers
teaches students how to record a song in its entirety before going on
to mix and master the final tracks. Work Files are included so students
can create their own version of the song.
BUY VTC MasterClass Cubase 5 Recording and Mastering 1 cd 15$
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Steinbergs Cubase 5 is highly regarded as one of the best, and
certainly one of the easiest to master, digital audio workstations.
In this VTC MasterClass! course, seasoned Cubase expert Mark Struthers
teaches students how to record a song in its entirety before going on
to mix and master the final tracks. Work Files are included so students
can create their own version of the song.
BUY VTC MasterClass Cubase 5 Recording and Mastering 1 cd 15$
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ViDEC MelSYS 4 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd
ViDEC MelSYS 4 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd
The MelSYS software package enables the transmission of alarms and events
from automation systems to pagers, fax devices, telephone systems and via
e mail. It supports the continuous monitoring of systems, particularly
when they are unmanned. The alarms received by the control system are
sent directly and automatically to the receivers. The messages can be
transmitted as text or as text to speech alarm annunciation and can be
remotely acknowledged right through to the PLC level. The system has an
integrated automatic redial and can switch to a different receiver in the
event of a fault. It offers a project management option for several systems
and intuitive drag and drop configuration. MelSYS has following advantages:
Cost reducing in stand by personel
Reduction of driving distances
Increase of availability of an automated plant
Reduction of down times
Check of the application while launch
The schedule is easy to configure
Very fast configuration through Import/Export function
Flow trace for safety and controll
Connections to iFIX, InTouch, WinCC, OPC and DDE
Redundance possible
Week and year scheduler
Escalation concepts
D1, D2 E plus, Cityruf, E Mail, Fax etc.
Integrated speechengine
Acknowledgeable down to the PLC level
Direct text tranfer out of the SCADA System
Easy and fast project planning
High avalability
BUY ViDEC MelSYS 4 0 SP1 Multilanguage 1 dvd 20$
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The MelSYS software package enables the transmission of alarms and events
from automation systems to pagers, fax devices, telephone systems and via
e mail. It supports the continuous monitoring of systems, particularly
when they are unmanned. The alarms received by the control system are
sent directly and automatically to the receivers. The messages can be
transmitted as text or as text to speech alarm annunciation and can be
remotely acknowledged right through to the PLC level. The system has an
integrated automatic redial and can switch to a different receiver in the
event of a fault. It offers a project management option for several systems
and intuitive drag and drop configuration. MelSYS has following advantages:
Cost reducing in stand by personel
Reduction of driving distances
Increase of availability of an automated plant
Reduction of down times
Check of the application while launch
The schedule is easy to configure
Very fast configuration through Import/Export function
Flow trace for safety and controll
Connections to iFIX, InTouch, WinCC, OPC and DDE
Redundance possible
Week and year scheduler
Escalation concepts
D1, D2 E plus, Cityruf, E Mail, Fax etc.
Integrated speechengine
Acknowledgeable down to the PLC level
Direct text tranfer out of the SCADA System
Easy and fast project planning
High avalability
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Volkswagen DVD Navigation Europa West 3 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Volkswagen DVD Navigation Europa West 3 2009 Multilanguage 1 dvd
Einsetzbar fuer Volkswagen [RNS 510], Seat [Mediasystem], Skoda [RNS Trinax
RNS Columbus]
Enthaltenes Kartenmaterial: Andorra, Belgien, Daenemark, Deutschland,
Finnland, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Grossbritanien, Irland, Italien,
Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Norwegen, Oesterreich,
Polen, Portugal, San Marino, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Spanien,
Tschechische Republik, Unga, Staat Vatikanstadt
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Einsetzbar fuer Volkswagen [RNS 510], Seat [Mediasystem], Skoda [RNS Trinax
RNS Columbus]
Enthaltenes Kartenmaterial: Andorra, Belgien, Daenemark, Deutschland,
Finnland, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Grossbritanien, Irland, Italien,
Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Norwegen, Oesterreich,
Polen, Portugal, San Marino, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Spanien,
Tschechische Republik, Unga, Staat Vatikanstadt
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5 Alarm Music 80s FA67A 1 cd
5 Alarm Music 80s FA67A 1 cd
80s Pop Music Flashback Complete with Electro Dance
Beats, New Wave and Arena Rock. FA67A is a Full Vocal
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80s Pop Music Flashback Complete with Electro Dance
Beats, New Wave and Arena Rock. FA67A is a Full Vocal
BUY 5 Alarm Music 80s FA67A 1 cd 20$
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5 Alarm Music 80s FA67B 1 cd
5 Alarm Music 80s FA67B 1 cd
80s Pop Music Flashback Complete with Electro Dance
Beats, New Wave and Arena Rock. FA67B is an
Instrumental Version of Songs 1 11.
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80s Pop Music Flashback Complete with Electro Dance
Beats, New Wave and Arena Rock. FA67B is an
Instrumental Version of Songs 1 11.
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5 Alarm Music Classic Rock FA65 1 cd
5 Alarm Music Classic Rock FA65 1 cd
Relive the glory days of rock roll in this classic
rock retrospective. All styles ranging from arena rock
to southe rock, with vocals and instrumental version.
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Relive the glory days of rock roll in this classic
rock retrospective. All styles ranging from arena rock
to southe rock, with vocals and instrumental version.
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5 Alarm Music Jangle Pop Rock FA64 1 cd
5 Alarm Music Jangle Pop Rock FA64 1 cd
Light, positive and crisp acoustic and electric guitar
driven tracks.
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Light, positive and crisp acoustic and electric guitar
driven tracks.
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Autodesk Maya Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging Part IIIA 1 cd
Autodesk Maya Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging Part IIIA 1 cd
Created by experienced animator Jason Schleifer
Part III A,B C will continue on the creation of a biped rig and focus on the
arms and hands
Determine the needs of the rig in advance so that you can make the best
possible decisions when building it
Examine the various part of the rig in detail to understand their functions
Lea helpful solutions to ensure you fulfill those needs
Leaing Objectives
Each section will include specifics on:
Acquiring reference
Analyzing reference
Breaking apart the rig into appropriate segments
Process for analyzing every control
Isolate section of body and analyze its motion
Determine motion requirements
Analyze possible control solutions
Explore ideas
Analyze animator interaction
Weigh control vs. speed
Automation vs. control
Part IIIA covers rigging the arms for the biped rig
BUY Autodesk Maya Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging Part IIIA 1 cd 10$
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Created by experienced animator Jason Schleifer
Part III A,B C will continue on the creation of a biped rig and focus on the
arms and hands
Determine the needs of the rig in advance so that you can make the best
possible decisions when building it
Examine the various part of the rig in detail to understand their functions
Lea helpful solutions to ensure you fulfill those needs
Leaing Objectives
Each section will include specifics on:
Acquiring reference
Analyzing reference
Breaking apart the rig into appropriate segments
Process for analyzing every control
Isolate section of body and analyze its motion
Determine motion requirements
Analyze possible control solutions
Explore ideas
Analyze animator interaction
Weigh control vs. speed
Automation vs. control
Part IIIA covers rigging the arms for the biped rig
BUY Autodesk Maya Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging Part IIIA 1 cd 10$
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Autodesk Maya Techniques FBX SDK 1 cd
Autodesk Maya Techniques FBX SDK 1 cd
Leaing Objectives
What is in a FBX Scene
SDK Basic Examples
SDK Advanced Examples
Interchange Tips Tricks
Conclusion / Questions
Reasons to Buy
With this talk you will understand what composes a FBX file.
Lea how to use the FBX SDK to expose the content of a file, how to apply conversion routines,
how to extend the SDK object model, and how to attach custom data to FBX objects.
You will know how to prepare your assets to be compatible with your tool pipeline.
This session is designed for developers who are interested in leaing more about FBX. A basic
hands on knowledge of the SDK is preferable.
BUY Autodesk Maya Techniques FBX SDK 1 cd 10$
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Leaing Objectives
What is in a FBX Scene
SDK Basic Examples
SDK Advanced Examples
Interchange Tips Tricks
Conclusion / Questions
Reasons to Buy
With this talk you will understand what composes a FBX file.
Lea how to use the FBX SDK to expose the content of a file, how to apply conversion routines,
how to extend the SDK object model, and how to attach custom data to FBX objects.
You will know how to prepare your assets to be compatible with your tool pipeline.
This session is designed for developers who are interested in leaing more about FBX. A basic
hands on knowledge of the SDK is preferable.
BUY Autodesk Maya Techniques FBX SDK 1 cd 10$
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vineri, 25 septembrie 2009
Bozzio And Wackerman Solos And Duet Tutorial 1 dvd
Bozzio And Wackerman Solos And Duet Tutorial 1 dvd
Bozzio: Live in Concert. Recorded live at Musician.s
Institute, Hollywood, CA.
Solos Duets features the incredible drumming of
two of todays most exciting drum artists, Terry
Bozzio Frank Zappa, Missing Persons, Steve Vai and
Chad Wackerman Men At Work, Frank Zappa, Allan
Holdsworth. Included along with the spectacular
individual and duo performances are interviews as
well as the drummers note perfect duet of Zappas
infamous oBlack Page 1."
BUY Bozzio And Wackerman Solos And Duet Tutorial 1 dvd 20$
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Bozzio: Live in Concert. Recorded live at Musician.s
Institute, Hollywood, CA.
Solos Duets features the incredible drumming of
two of todays most exciting drum artists, Terry
Bozzio Frank Zappa, Missing Persons, Steve Vai and
Chad Wackerman Men At Work, Frank Zappa, Allan
Holdsworth. Included along with the spectacular
individual and duo performances are interviews as
well as the drummers note perfect duet of Zappas
infamous oBlack Page 1."
BUY Bozzio And Wackerman Solos And Duet Tutorial 1 dvd 20$
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7 0 1 dvd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7 0 1 dvd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is the powerful call processing component of the
Cisco Unified Communications Solution. It is a scalable, distributable, and highly
available enterprise IP telephony call processing solution.
Features Highlights and Benefits
As user needs evolve, Cisco Unified Communications Manager continues to evolve to meet
those needs. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 7.0 aims to lower the total
cost of ownership for organizations and improve the calling experience for end users as
well as system administrators. Some of the key features of the recent release follow:
Local route groups and transformation pattes greatly reduce the configuration effort
to create dial plans.
Intelligent bridge selection saves you money by optimizing the use of video bridge
Trusted relay points facilitate trusted quality of service QoS and Call Admission
Control CAC, as well as trusted VLAN traversal for Cisco Unified Communications software
Early offer support with support of G.729 on Session Initiation Protocol SIP trunks
provides the savings of low bandwidth codecs
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager is the powerful call processing component of the
Cisco Unified Communications Solution. It is a scalable, distributable, and highly
available enterprise IP telephony call processing solution.
Features Highlights and Benefits
As user needs evolve, Cisco Unified Communications Manager continues to evolve to meet
those needs. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 7.0 aims to lower the total
cost of ownership for organizations and improve the calling experience for end users as
well as system administrators. Some of the key features of the recent release follow:
Local route groups and transformation pattes greatly reduce the configuration effort
to create dial plans.
Intelligent bridge selection saves you money by optimizing the use of video bridge
Trusted relay points facilitate trusted quality of service QoS and Call Admission
Control CAC, as well as trusted VLAN traversal for Cisco Unified Communications software
Early offer support with support of G.729 on Session Initiation Protocol SIP trunks
provides the savings of low bandwidth codecs
cisco/en/US/prod/collateral/voicesw/ps6788/vcallcon/ps556/data_sheet_c78 485333
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Cisco Unified Presence 6 0 1 dvd
Cisco Unified Presence 6 0 1 dvd
Cisco Unified Presence takes advantage of Session Initiation Protocol SIP technology to
support new voice services in the enterprise environment. SIP enhances the voice network
by providing a core set of behaviors for session establishment and control that can be
applied in a wide array of features and services. In addition to core SIP support, Cisco
Unified Presence uses SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions SIMPLE
technology to support both instant messaging and presence. Cisco Unified Presence consists
of a SIP presence engine and a SIP proxy function. The presence engine collects user presence
information such as busy, idle, away, or available status as well as user capabilities such
as the capability to support voice, video, instant messaging, and Web collaboration and
compiles the data in a repository for each user. This repository is accessed by the
applications and features that each user employs. Unique user rules and privacy can be
applied by each user to help ensure that only authorized applications and users have access
to presence information. The SIP proxy function facilitates efficient and accurate routing
of both presence and general SIP messaging through the enterprise. Cisco Unified Presence is
tightly integrated with various desktop clients and applications. It helps Cisco Unified
Personal Communicator, the Cisco enterprise desktop client, to perform numerous functions
such as click to dial and phone control and voice, video, and Web collaboration. In addition,
Cisco Unified Presence provides a core instant messaging service for Cisco Unified IP Phones
connected to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Presence also supports
interoperability with enterprise desktop applications such as IBM Sametime and Microsoft Office
Communicator, allowing these desktop applications to operate in conjunction with Cisco Unified
IP Phones supported on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
BUY Cisco Unified Presence 6 0 1 dvd 25$
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Cisco Unified Presence takes advantage of Session Initiation Protocol SIP technology to
support new voice services in the enterprise environment. SIP enhances the voice network
by providing a core set of behaviors for session establishment and control that can be
applied in a wide array of features and services. In addition to core SIP support, Cisco
Unified Presence uses SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions SIMPLE
technology to support both instant messaging and presence. Cisco Unified Presence consists
of a SIP presence engine and a SIP proxy function. The presence engine collects user presence
information such as busy, idle, away, or available status as well as user capabilities such
as the capability to support voice, video, instant messaging, and Web collaboration and
compiles the data in a repository for each user. This repository is accessed by the
applications and features that each user employs. Unique user rules and privacy can be
applied by each user to help ensure that only authorized applications and users have access
to presence information. The SIP proxy function facilitates efficient and accurate routing
of both presence and general SIP messaging through the enterprise. Cisco Unified Presence is
tightly integrated with various desktop clients and applications. It helps Cisco Unified
Personal Communicator, the Cisco enterprise desktop client, to perform numerous functions
such as click to dial and phone control and voice, video, and Web collaboration. In addition,
Cisco Unified Presence provides a core instant messaging service for Cisco Unified IP Phones
connected to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Presence also supports
interoperability with enterprise desktop applications such as IBM Sametime and Microsoft Office
Communicator, allowing these desktop applications to operate in conjunction with Cisco Unified
IP Phones supported on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
BUY Cisco Unified Presence 6 0 1 dvd 25$
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Corel DVD Moviefactory Pro 7 00 3 cds
Corel DVD Moviefactory Pro 7 00 3 cds
DVD MovieFactory 7 is DVD creation software that lets anyone
design stunning menus and bu DVDs with their favorite photos
and videos, to share with family and friends. Work with any kind
of video or photos, and let DVD MovieFactory help you tu them
into DVDs everyone will love to watch.
Grab photos and video from anywhere
Design stunning Hollywood style menus
Create movie slideshow discs
Bu copy any kind of disc
DVD MovieFactory Pro 7
All in one HD disc creation and buing software for quickly
tuing photos and home videos into professional quality DVD,
AVCHD and Blu ray discs. Contains all the great features of
the standard edition, PLUS:
End to end HD support capture, author and bu AVCHD and
Blu ray discs
Included free:
WinDVD 8 Silver the worlds number 1 DVD and video
playback software. Play AVCHD video!
DVD Copy 6 Copy and convert DVDs and video!
CD1 Application
CD2 Bonus
CD3 Corel Direct DiscRecorder
BUY Corel DVD Moviefactory Pro 7 00 3 cds 25$
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DVD MovieFactory 7 is DVD creation software that lets anyone
design stunning menus and bu DVDs with their favorite photos
and videos, to share with family and friends. Work with any kind
of video or photos, and let DVD MovieFactory help you tu them
into DVDs everyone will love to watch.
Grab photos and video from anywhere
Design stunning Hollywood style menus
Create movie slideshow discs
Bu copy any kind of disc
DVD MovieFactory Pro 7
All in one HD disc creation and buing software for quickly
tuing photos and home videos into professional quality DVD,
AVCHD and Blu ray discs. Contains all the great features of
the standard edition, PLUS:
End to end HD support capture, author and bu AVCHD and
Blu ray discs
Included free:
WinDVD 8 Silver the worlds number 1 DVD and video
playback software. Play AVCHD video!
DVD Copy 6 Copy and convert DVDs and video!
CD1 Application
CD2 Bonus
CD3 Corel Direct DiscRecorder
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Corel Professional Photos Orange 1 cd
Corel Professional Photos Orange 1 cd
100 Images, 18MB, 6x10" 300dpi
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100 Images, 18MB, 6x10" 300dpi
BUY Corel Professional Photos Orange 1 cd 10$
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Corel Videostudio Ultimate X2 12 0 3 cds
Corel Videostudio Ultimate X2 12 0 3 cds
VideoStudio is easy to use video editing and disc authoring
software for creating professional looking videos and slide shows.
Produce complete movies with the time saving Movie Wizard or use
easy editing tools. Share your creation in any format from DVD to
mobile phones to the latest high definition home theater systems.
Even upload directly to YouTube to let the whole world in on the
Grab photos and video from anywhere camcorders, cameras or TV
Edit with the easy Movie Wizard, or with hands on professional
editing tools
Make movies pop by adding titles, music and special effects
Create movie slideshow discs to share with family and friends
VideoStudio Pro X2 Ultimate
Ideal for advanced hobbyists who want to take their video
production to the next level. Includes the following:
VideoStudio Pro X2 . Complete, easy and powerful video editing
Steinberg. WaveLab. LE 6 Audio Editor . Easily edit and enhance
Corel. WinDVD. 9 Plus Blu Ray . The worlds No 1 DVD Blu ray
Disc. playback software
DVD Copy 6 Plus . Copy convert discs or video for the Web or
mobile devices
Disk Content:
CD1 Application
CD2 Ultimate Bonus CD
CD3 Content Addons
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VideoStudio is easy to use video editing and disc authoring
software for creating professional looking videos and slide shows.
Produce complete movies with the time saving Movie Wizard or use
easy editing tools. Share your creation in any format from DVD to
mobile phones to the latest high definition home theater systems.
Even upload directly to YouTube to let the whole world in on the
Grab photos and video from anywhere camcorders, cameras or TV
Edit with the easy Movie Wizard, or with hands on professional
editing tools
Make movies pop by adding titles, music and special effects
Create movie slideshow discs to share with family and friends
VideoStudio Pro X2 Ultimate
Ideal for advanced hobbyists who want to take their video
production to the next level. Includes the following:
VideoStudio Pro X2 . Complete, easy and powerful video editing
Steinberg. WaveLab. LE 6 Audio Editor . Easily edit and enhance
Corel. WinDVD. 9 Plus Blu Ray . The worlds No 1 DVD Blu ray
Disc. playback software
DVD Copy 6 Plus . Copy convert discs or video for the Web or
mobile devices
Disk Content:
CD1 Application
CD2 Ultimate Bonus CD
CD3 Content Addons
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Corel Videostudio Ultimate X2 12 0 German 2 cds
Corel Videostudio Ultimate X2 12 0 German 2 cds
VideoStudio. ist eine benutzerfreundliche Videobearbeitungs und
Disc Erstellungssoftware fШr die Produktion professionell wirkender
Videos und Diashows. Mit dem zeitsparenden Filmassistenten oder mit
den leicht zu handhabenden Bearbeitungswerkzeugen lassen sich
vollstДndige Filme produzieren. PrДsentieren Sie Ihre Kreation in
einem beliebigen Format von DVDs, Mobiltelefonen bis hin zu den
neuesten HD Heimkinos. Sie kГnnen Ihr Werk sogar direkt auf
YouTube. hochladen und Benutzer in der ganzen Welt daran teilhaben
Fotos und Videos lassen sich aus beliebigen Quellen
importieren: aus Camcorde, Kameras oder vom Feseher.
Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Fotos und Videos mit dem
benutzerfreundlichen Filmassistenten oder mit den
praktischen professionellen Bearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Peppen Sie Ihre Filme auf, indem Sie Titel, Musik und
Spezialeffekte hinzufШgen.
Brennen Sie Ihre Filme und Diashows auf Discs und
prДsentieren Sie sie Ihren Freunden und Verwandten.
VideoStudio Pro X2 Ultimate
Ideal fШr den fortgeschrittenen Hobbyfilmemacher, der seine
Videoproduktion noch verbesse mГchte. Im Lieferumfang enthalten:
VideoStudio Pro X2 . Komplette, benutzerfreundliche und
leistungsstarke Bearbeitungswerkzeuge
Steinberg. WaveLab. LE 6 Audio Editor . Einfache Bearbeitung
und Verbesserung von Audio Daten
Corel. WinDVD. 9 Plus Blu ray . Optimale Wiedergabe von
DVDs und Blu Ray Discs.
Corel. DVD Copy. 6 Plus Kopieren und konvertieren von
Discs oder Videos fШr das Inteet oder fШr MobilgerДte
Disk Content:
CD1 Application
CD2 Ultimate Bonus CD
BUY Corel Videostudio Ultimate X2 12 0 German 2 cds 25$
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VideoStudio. ist eine benutzerfreundliche Videobearbeitungs und
Disc Erstellungssoftware fШr die Produktion professionell wirkender
Videos und Diashows. Mit dem zeitsparenden Filmassistenten oder mit
den leicht zu handhabenden Bearbeitungswerkzeugen lassen sich
vollstДndige Filme produzieren. PrДsentieren Sie Ihre Kreation in
einem beliebigen Format von DVDs, Mobiltelefonen bis hin zu den
neuesten HD Heimkinos. Sie kГnnen Ihr Werk sogar direkt auf
YouTube. hochladen und Benutzer in der ganzen Welt daran teilhaben
Fotos und Videos lassen sich aus beliebigen Quellen
importieren: aus Camcorde, Kameras oder vom Feseher.
Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Fotos und Videos mit dem
benutzerfreundlichen Filmassistenten oder mit den
praktischen professionellen Bearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Peppen Sie Ihre Filme auf, indem Sie Titel, Musik und
Spezialeffekte hinzufШgen.
Brennen Sie Ihre Filme und Diashows auf Discs und
prДsentieren Sie sie Ihren Freunden und Verwandten.
VideoStudio Pro X2 Ultimate
Ideal fШr den fortgeschrittenen Hobbyfilmemacher, der seine
Videoproduktion noch verbesse mГchte. Im Lieferumfang enthalten:
VideoStudio Pro X2 . Komplette, benutzerfreundliche und
leistungsstarke Bearbeitungswerkzeuge
Steinberg. WaveLab. LE 6 Audio Editor . Einfache Bearbeitung
und Verbesserung von Audio Daten
Corel. WinDVD. 9 Plus Blu ray . Optimale Wiedergabe von
DVDs und Blu Ray Discs.
Corel. DVD Copy. 6 Plus Kopieren und konvertieren von
Discs oder Videos fШr das Inteet oder fШr MobilgerДte
Disk Content:
CD1 Application
CD2 Ultimate Bonus CD
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DVD Lekurs Sibelius Videolekurs Teil 1 German 1 dvd
DVD Lekurs Sibelius Videolekurs Teil 1 German 1 dvd
Dieser Videolekurs ist das ideale Lemedium fur alle, die sich von Grund auf
in Sibelius oder Sibelius First einarbeiten mochten.
Schritt fur Schritt und fur jeden verstandlich, machen wir Sie in anschaulichen
Praxisbeispielen mit allen wichtigen Funktionen zur Partiturerstellung vertraut.
Dabei werden nicht nur Themen zur Bedienung angesprochen, sonde auch hilfreiche
Tipps zu Problemen aus der Praxis, zu Programmeinstellungen und zur Audio
Konfiguration gegeben. Wie immer in gewohnter DVD Lekurs Qualitat und komplett
auf Deutsch.
Aus dem Inhalt
Installation und Einrichtung
Wichtige Grundeinstellungen
Grundlagen der Bedienung
Arbeiten mit dem Assistenten
Erstellen eigener Partituren
Eingabe von Noten und Notationssymbolen
Noteneingabe uber MIDI extees Keyboard
Live einspielen Flexi Time
Selektionsmethoden und spezielle Auswahlfunktionen
Arbeiten mit Filte
Tipps zum Kopieren, Ersetzen und Einfugen
Akkorde und Mehrklange
Dynamik und Interpretation
Eingabe von Liedtexten
Eigene Tastaturkurzel
Partitur Layout
Akkordsymbole und Akkordraster
Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis
Geeignet fur Anwender von:
Sibelius First
Das bietet Ihnen diese Lekurs DVD fur PC und Mac:
Knapp 4 Stunden Video Lektionen
Gestochen scharfe Videos in voller Auflosung
Integrierte Lektionsbeschreibungen
Setzen von eigenen Lesezeichen
Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden gewunschter Themenbereiche
Windows PC ab 1,6 GHz, min. 512 MB Speicher
Mac ab OS 9, min. 512 MB Speicher
min. 1024x768 Bildschirmauflosung,
Soundkarte und DVD Laufwerk
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Dieser Videolekurs ist das ideale Lemedium fur alle, die sich von Grund auf
in Sibelius oder Sibelius First einarbeiten mochten.
Schritt fur Schritt und fur jeden verstandlich, machen wir Sie in anschaulichen
Praxisbeispielen mit allen wichtigen Funktionen zur Partiturerstellung vertraut.
Dabei werden nicht nur Themen zur Bedienung angesprochen, sonde auch hilfreiche
Tipps zu Problemen aus der Praxis, zu Programmeinstellungen und zur Audio
Konfiguration gegeben. Wie immer in gewohnter DVD Lekurs Qualitat und komplett
auf Deutsch.
Aus dem Inhalt
Installation und Einrichtung
Wichtige Grundeinstellungen
Grundlagen der Bedienung
Arbeiten mit dem Assistenten
Erstellen eigener Partituren
Eingabe von Noten und Notationssymbolen
Noteneingabe uber MIDI extees Keyboard
Live einspielen Flexi Time
Selektionsmethoden und spezielle Auswahlfunktionen
Arbeiten mit Filte
Tipps zum Kopieren, Ersetzen und Einfugen
Akkorde und Mehrklange
Dynamik und Interpretation
Eingabe von Liedtexten
Eigene Tastaturkurzel
Partitur Layout
Akkordsymbole und Akkordraster
Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis
Geeignet fur Anwender von:
Sibelius First
Das bietet Ihnen diese Lekurs DVD fur PC und Mac:
Knapp 4 Stunden Video Lektionen
Gestochen scharfe Videos in voller Auflosung
Integrierte Lektionsbeschreibungen
Setzen von eigenen Lesezeichen
Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden gewunschter Themenbereiche
Windows PC ab 1,6 GHz, min. 512 MB Speicher
Mac ab OS 9, min. 512 MB Speicher
min. 1024x768 Bildschirmauflosung,
Soundkarte und DVD Laufwerk
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Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts2 Part1 1 dvd
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
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Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new DJ
Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font Family has more
layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more looks,
and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
weve ever released.
Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line contains 10 unique DJ Font
Families, over 400 ready to use DJ Standard Fonts, over 60 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
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