sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 1973

Magic Ball 4 1 0

Magic Ball 4 1 0

F1 Lives
Hit F1 and you get 5 lives you wont notice till you lose a life
F2 Diamonds
Hit F2 and you get 9 diamonds so you only need to collect 1 to
collect 10/10 must hit f2 at start of each level F3 Points
Hit F3 for a million point starting bonus only use once, as it
writes directly to the address storing points F4 Ammo
When you hit F4 any cannon, gun, etc... you collect the ammo will
never run out must enable at start of each level

BUY Magic Ball 4 1 0 5$

TAGS download Magic Ball 4 1 0, order Magic Ball 4 1 0, discount Magic Ball 4 1 0

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