marți, 1 octombrie 1985

Altera Quartus II DSP Bulider 9 0 1 cd

Altera Quartus II DSP Bulider 9 0 1 cd

A major challenge facing embedded developers is selecting a processor that
best fits their applications. without overspending for performance or
sacrificing features.

Nios. II processors, the ideal embedded solution, allow you to:

Choose the exact set of CPUs, peripherals, and interfaces needed for your
application Remotely upgrade in the field to stay competitive and address
changing requirements Increase performance without changing your board
design.accelerating only functions that need it Eliminate the risk of processor
and ASSP obsolescence Lower overall cost, complexity, and power consumption.
combining many functions onto one chip With the perfect fit of CPUs,
peripherals, memory interfaces, and custom hardware accelerators, Nios II
processors offer you tremendous flexibility, where and when you need it, to
meet the unique demands of every new design cycle.


BUY Altera Quartus II DSP Bulider 9 0 1 cd 20$

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