sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 1987

VTC Crystal Reports XI Beginner 1 cd

VTC Crystal Reports XI Beginner 1 cd

Crystal is a user friendly database reporting tool that allows users
to visually create reports and change them to virtually any format
imaginable. This allows users with little to no knowlege of SQL or
databases to quickly create, distribute, and analyze reports from
virtually any data source. In addition, the multiple export formats
can ensure that your data can get from point A to point B in almost
any format needed. This hands on Crystal Reports XI: Beginner course
by expert instructor Kurt Dunlap will teach you what is needed to
start creating reports in Crystal XI right away. The source reports
and test database are also provided so that users can follow along
with ease.

vtc/products/Crystal Reports XI Beginner Tutorials.htm

BUY VTC Crystal Reports XI Beginner 1 cd 15$

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