duminică, 29 iulie 1990

AV4 Customer Management System Professional 5 12 3

AV4 Customer Management System Professional 5 12 3

AV4 Customer Management System


Stores customer demographic information. Name, Address, Phone
numbers, Comments
Easy customer order entry with automatic fill of description /
shade / size / amount based on catalog number.
Keeps customer prior order history by campaign and year.
View order history by customer.
Search entire order history to find who has ordered a particular
View campaign summary by customer.
Adds entries to the product file as items are entered on an order.
Feature to maintain product file correct, add, delete entries.
Options for tax rate, processing charge, customer discounts, line
item discounts.
Option to print up to a five line global message on every order.
Ability to print a custom message for each customer.
Customer report that prints all demographic information.
Campaign summary of customers with orders.
Order summary to assist with filling out purchase order.
Campaign total report shows summary information at the campaign
Create / Maintain multiple customer databases.
Support 2 tax rates for Canada

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