marți, 11 septembrie 1990

BUW SmartHolechart 6 0

BUW SmartHolechart 6 0

SmartHolechart enables you to output hole information in Pro/ENGINEER models to
drawing tables or ASCII files. Unlike other holechart programms for Pro/ENGINEER
the recognition of holes in SmartHolechart is not based on recognition of feature
types or UDFs but on a geometry based feature recognition.

You can define your own bore types with the basic elements cylinder,
cone chamfer, radius and thread.

Guided by a graphic editor you can define the table formats, the dimensions to
show and their format as well as sorting criterias for the tables.

You get a table on the drawing and notes to mark the holes in the drawing. Optional
for each direction you get an ASCII file with the hole information and a special
output format for further usage of the hole information in manufacturing process.

Advantages of SmartHolechart are:

Recognition of all rotation symmetric geometry elements
Graphic interactive definition of hole types
Free definition of output parameters and dimensions
Graphic interactive configuration of output format
Setting of different sorting criterias with priorities

buw soft/content/en/produkte/buw_holechart.php?pMwNA

BUY BUW SmartHolechart 6 0 10$

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