marți, 25 decembrie 1990

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics Thermo Prop 1 4

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics Thermo Prop 1 4

Major thermophysical property data are of fundamental importance to
accurate and reliable design of melting and casting processes. These
data must be known for the entire temperature range of interest. In
addition, computer algorithms for predicting microstructure require
that precision data within the critical mushy zone also be known.
Typical thermophysical properties of casting alloys of interest to
foundrymen include: transformation temperatures, density, specific
heat, latent heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, electrical
resistivity, surface tension and viscosity.

In order to optimize casting processes, computational models of
solidification have proven to be very valuable to foundrymen.
Current computer models can predict casting feedability, macroporosity
formation, and even the development of grain structure in some alloys.
The accuracy and efficacy of computer simulations depend decisively
upon the accurate thermophysical properties of the alloys over a wide
range of temperatures, including the mushy zone and the completely
molten temperature region.

Summarily, accurate input data are critical for successful computer
simulation of casting processes. As computer algorithms are
increasingly called upon to model more complex solidification events
and predict microstructures and mechanical properties, reliable
thermophysical property data are important.

At the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics affiliated with the
National Academy of Sciences, a Thermo Prop software has been
developed to calculate important material properties needed in
modelling and simulation. Thermo Prop software is a database of
thermophysical property data specifically for ferrous, copper and
aluminium alloys. The calculations of the Thermo Prop software have
been validated with numerous experiments. A key feature of the
measurement activity is the development of techniques to cross check
property data to increase reliability.

Thermo Prop software is an important new data source for all metals
refiners, metallurgists, materials scientists and engineers needing
to understand the thermophysical properties of alloys for casting,
primary or secondary refining. The software is also indispensable to
all users of mathematical modelling processes.

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