duminică, 27 ianuarie 1991

ModelRight Professional 3 0 069

ModelRight Professional 3 0 069

Do you need to design, visualize or document your database?
ModelRight can reverse engineer your existing database to
get a graphical view of it, generate all the SQL statements
to create the database, or synchronize your database model
with the database to keep your design up to date.

Do you need to control the most detailed aspects of your
physical database?
ModelRight has more complete and in depth support for your
databases currently Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and database
via ODBC most advanced features. In addition, it includes a
sophisticated mode user interface that will allow you to
edit your diagrams and navigate among them with ease.

ModelRight provides all of these powerful features and many
more to help you produce the most complete and efficient
database designs possible.Whether you are a beginner or an
expert database modeler, ModelRight is your answer when you
need a database modeling tool that surpasses the "least common
denominator" approach taken by others.

BUY ModelRight Professional 3 0 069 15$

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