vineri, 20 aprilie 2001

Lynda InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training 1 cd

Lynda InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training 1 cd

InCopy and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training introduces designers and
copy editors to a dynamic creative process. Anne Marie Concepcion demonstrates
how InCopy integrates with InDesign to make publishing faster, more efficient,
and more collaborative. She shows the steps editors and designers can take to
work concurrently, reducing the number of revision rounds and offering editors
more control over the final publication. For those familiar with this workflow,
Anne Marie highlights several new CS4 features, including automatic cross
references, conditional text, built in screen sharing, and the ability to edit
table text in Story view or Galley view.
Exercise files accompany the course.

BUY Lynda InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training 1 cd 20$

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