duminică, 9 mai 2004

Syngress Integrating ISA Server 2006 with Microsoft Exchange 2007 Jun 2008 eBook

Syngress Integrating ISA Server 2006 with Microsoft Exchange 2007 Jun 2008 eBook

This book is a convenient, targeted, single source guide to
integrating Microsofts ISA Server with Exchange 2007 SP1. Unlike
longwinded 34;comprehensive resources34; it doesnt waste time
re hashing general information on the architectures and purposes of
ISA and Exchange for raw beginners. Instead, its pragmatic purpose
is to smooth the path of the busy administrator who is under
pressure to get the integration done quickly, and done right, the
first time. It features 34;break out sessions34; for issues
that require in depth discussion, 34;tips and tricks34;
sections that hone in on and demystify trouble spots, and
34;FAQs34; alphabetized by topic that act as a quick reference
for readers who just want a quick answer to a specific question.

Readers will lea how to:
Create the protocol definitions and firewall policy to allow only
authorized users to connect to your Exchange Server
Configure SMTP Filtering and SMTP Message Screener
Troubleshoot the SSL connection to your Exchange Server
Take advantage of ISA 2006s integrated Exchange 2007 support
Enable forms based authentication for Outlook Web Access
Leverage unified SSL, VPN, application layer filtering and
endpoint security
to optimize access for mobile devices
Configure user based settings to provide pre authenticated access
to specific Web applications
and much more!

Practical and focused, this guide explains explains everything you
need to know in order to successfully integrate ISA 2006 and
Exchange 2007, without wasting time on minutiae
Tips and tricks from the expert author help you avoid pitfalls
before you stumble into them, troubleshoot problems with ease, and
optimize performance
In depth coverage of Exchange SP1 highlights the many security
enhancements that optimize integration with ISA

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