joi, 22 februarie 2007

Autodesk Revit 5 1 for WinNT and WinXP

Autodesk Revit 5 1 for WinNT and WinXP

note: No resources included.

Revit is the first parametric building modeler. Revits parametricbuilding modeler comprises intelligent building components, views,and annotations. All are both parametric and are associatedbi directionally through a high performance change propagationengine. Revit encourages design changes anywhere, anytime byrippling any and all design modifications instantly and completelythrough the entire documentation set.

Parametric building technology empowers architects to create designsin ways never before possible. Revit lets architects speak thelanguage of design while it takes care of all the CAD chores.Revits integrated building model is the foundation on which theentire industry architects, engineers, owner/operators, andconstruction professionals will transform the process by whichbuildings are designed, constructed, and operated over theirlifecycle. Revits parametric building technology is a pivot pointin the history of computers and buildings. Revit has revolutionizedbuilding design.

How does parametric building modeling change my work?

Think of the parametric building modeler in Revit working for you onmultiple levels to ease the task of designing buildings while at thesame time improving the quality of those designs.

For example, a parametric wall understands its relationship to otherbuilding components. The wall might have a fixed height, or it mightextend up to the next story, or it might be attached to the roof.This design intent is captured in the component. But you might needto change the pitch of the roof above the wall. That change willinstantly modify the geometry of the wall without any explicitaction required by the user. This, in tu, will "revit" or reviseinstantly all plans, elevations, sections, schedules, dimensionsand other elements.

Now consider how Revits revolutionary bi directional associativityallows you to work in new ways. In Revit, you can drag a wall whichchanges its dimension. But more importantly, you can quickly sketcha rough layout of your walls and then simply type the dimensionvalues to refine your design. Changes ripple in all appropriatedirections when you change a parametric design element in Revit.

And without any programming, you can create your own parametriccomponents in the system by simply sketching them. Your componentshave all the power of the built in Revit components.

With Revit, design as never before

Imagine being able to change the scale of a view while the gridbubbles, line styles, and other parametric annotations updateautomatically. Picture being able to change the building and watchthe square footage update in Revits live area schedule. Think ofbeing able to collaborate as a team in the design process, usingparametric building technology to merge changes from different teammembers.

Now, and for the first time, designers can focus on design, whilethe software automatically recognizes relationships that capturedesign intent. At the users discretion, these relationships canexpress setbacks, code requirements and other important client anddesign constraints.
BUY Autodesk Revit 5 1 for WinNT and WinXP 35$

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