sâmbătă, 24 martie 2007

Adobe Premiere Pro 1 5 1 cd

Adobe Premiere Pro 1 5 1 cd

Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 softwarerevolutionizes nonlinear video editing,giving you precise control to take video andaudio production to an entirely new level.Render less, edit moreReal time editing experience View effects,transitions, motion paths, and more withreal time, full resolution playback on NTSC,PAL, and VGA monitors.Multiple, nestable timelines Experimentmore freely and easily manage complexprojects more efficiently using multiple,nestable timelines.

Project management tools Quickly removeunused material from your project andconsolidate the projects media into onelocation for easy archiving with the ProjectManager.

Advanced color correction Use colorcorrection tools to adjust hue, saturation,and lightness for highlights, midtones, andshadows; replace a color throughout a clipwith a single selection; and more.

Enhanced audio editing Produce richer, morevibrant audio using sample level editing,track based effects, 5.1 surround sound, andsupport for VST filters. You’ll get a jumpstart with a library of included VST plug ins.
BUY Adobe Premiere Pro 1 5 1 cd 50$

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