sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2007

Source Insight 3 50 0039

Source Insight 3 50 0039


Source Insight. is a project oriented program editor and code browser,
with built in analysis for C/C++, C, and Java programs. Source Insight
parses your source code and maintains its own database of symbolic
information dynamically while you work, and presents useful contextual
information to you automatically. Not only is Source Insight a great
program editor, but it also can display reference trees, class
inheritance diagrams, and call trees. Source Insight features the
quickest navigation of source code and source information of any
programming editor. Source Insight features quick and innovative
access to source code and source information. Unlike many other editor
products, Source Insight parses your source code and gives you useful
information and analysis right away, while you edit.

BUY Source Insight 3 50 0039 15$

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