luni, 24 septembrie 2007

TraCFoil 3 1 20

TraCFoil 3 1 20

With TraCFoil you can edit and print your ribs and airfoils templates from data, and :

Draw shetting thickness, Leading Edge V notch square stock, Trailing Edge.
Build 12 spars rectangular or rond location in units ou from L.E or T.E, at position under airfoil, under sheeting .
Build 12 holes rectangular or rond location in units ou from L.E or T.E, ....
Rib levelling heel.
Draw station lines and washout for template foam cutting.
Compare 2 airfoils.
Generate full set of ribs in straight taper, and save ribs on you disk.
Modify airfoil thickness and camber
Rib Oblique
Compute the dihedral.
Create new coordinates file. Print the airfoil with differents colors and style.
Export the Airfoil on a DXF file.
Save and open the differents airfoil components spars, holes, L.E., T.E., template, ....
English or metric units.
When you run for the fisrt time go the View menu, select Template defaults, in the frame Units, you can choose English unit.

Website: jean claude.etiemble/tracfoil

BUY TraCFoil 3 1 20 15$

TAGS buy TraCFoil 3 1 20, low cost TraCFoil 3 1 20, buy TraCFoil 3 1 20

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