marți, 26 februarie 2008

Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER

Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER

The game used to get stuck when you took the "Time
Square Project" and you destroyed a "City Deli", this is
now fixed.
The "Saved Games" list is now properly sorted in the
patch version.
A minor vehicle bug that caused cars to stop half way
through an intersection as been fixed.
A problem with the mouse controls when placing a
building when the building menu was on top of the where
you wanted to build, which has now been fixed.
Loading times have been improved and stabilized.

Ripped: Speech, Some movies

Multi5: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian

Previous addons can be use with our proper

Game is update to

BUY Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER 15$

TAGS low cost Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER, download Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER, buy Tycoon City New York Multi5 PROPER

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