Stata 10 0 1 cd
Stata v10.0 c StataCorp LP
Stata is a general purposestatisticalpackage for researchers
of all disciplines.
Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Most computers
purchasedsincemid 2006 cantake advantage of the advanced
multiprocessing of Stata/MP.
Stata/MP isa version of Stata/SE that runson
multiprocessor computers. Stata/MP provides the most extensive support
for multiple processor computers and dual core computersofany
statistics and data management package.
The exciting thing about Stata/MP, and the only difference between
Stata/MP and Stata/SE, is that Stata/MP runs faster\x97much faster.
Stata/MP lets you analyze data in one half to two thirds of the time of
Stata/SE on inexpensive, dual core desktops. Stata/MP runs even faster
on industrial grade multiprocessor servers. Stata/MP supports up to 32
BUY Stata 10 0 1 cd 15$
TAGS order Stata 10 0 1 cd, oem Stata 10 0 1 cd, low cost Stata 10 0 1 cd
marți, 24 iunie 2008
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