marți, 2 septembrie 2008

Altova XMLSpy Enterprise 2008 2

Altova XMLSpy Enterprise 2008 2

Altova XMLSpy 2008 is the industry standard XML
development environment for modeling, editing,
debugging, and transforming all XML technologies,
then automatically generating runtime code in
multiple programming languages. XMLSpy 2008 is the
ultimate productivity enhancer for J2EE, .NET,
Eclipse, and database developers that need the
latest XML, Web services, and database technologies.

Today, eXtensible Markup Language XML technologies
play a critical role in all software development
projects. XML has received widespread support and
adoption in the computer industry because of its
simplicity, extensibility, interoperability, and
flexibility, all of which stem from its power to
represent data independent of programming language,
platform, or operating system. In XML based
applications, XML is used alongside complementary
technologies such as XML Schema, XSLT, XQuery, Web
services, and others. Todays developer needs a tool
for creating, editing, and debugging these and other
XML related technologies in an efficient,
standards based manner.

BUY Altova XMLSpy Enterprise 2008 2 25$

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