marți, 3 februarie 2009

Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 Supplement Three 4 disk 1 dvd

Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 Supplement Three 4 disk 1 dvd

Computer Science
Gale Schlager Science and Its Times

Biology\Molecular Biology
1. The Biological Roots of Human Nature T. Goldsmith Oxford, 1991 pdf
2. The Selfish Gene R. Dawkins 1976 pdf
3. Vegetarian Nutrition J. Sabate CRC, 2001 pdf

1. Bioreaction Engineering Principles 2nd ed J. Nielsen, et al.,

1. Basic Lab Procedures in Clinical Bacteriology 2nd ed
2. Fungi Experimental Methods in Biology R. Maheshwari
3. Gillespie Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology
4. Talaro Foundations in Microbiology 4e.pdf

1. The Brain A Very Short Introduction M. OShea Oxford, 2005
2. Webster Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function.pdf

Chemistry\Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry\Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed
1. Armarego Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 5e.pdf
2. Chemistry 4th ed J. Olmsted, G. Williams Wiley, 2005 pdf
3. Clinical Chemistry A Laboratory Perspective W. Aeson, J. Brickell
4. Laboratory Exercises in Inorganic Chemistry J. Norris, K. Mark
5. Silberberg Chemistry Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 4e.pdf
6. Whitten General Chemistry.pdf

1. Mode Practice of Gas Chromatography R. Grob, E. Bar

1. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 01 0001 0029 Simple Model for Ch
2. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 02 0030 0060 Organic Compounds,
3. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 03 0061 0102 Orbitals and Bondin
4. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 04 0103 0141 Acid Base Reactions
5. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 05 0142 0177 Functional Groups a
6. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 06 0178 0218 Stereochemistry I.p
7. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 07 0219 0256 Stereochemistry II.
8. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 08 0257 0312 Nucleophilic Substi
9. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 09 0313 0347 Elimination Reactio
10. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 10 0348 0403 Synthetic Uses of
11. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 11 0404 0465 Addition of Hydrog
12. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 12 0466 0499 Functional Groups
13. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 13 00466 0542 Infrared Spectros
14. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 14 0543 0608 Nuclear Magnetic R
15. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 15 0609 0641 UV Spectrosocopy a
16. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 16 0642 0670 Benzene and Aromat
17. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 17 0671 0738 Aromatic Substitut
18. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 18 0739 0802 Additions to the C
19. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 19 0803 0856 Subsitutions at th
20. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 20 0857 0917 Enolate and Other
21. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 21 0918 0955 Chemistry of Radic
22. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 22 0956 1010 Pericyclic Reactio
23. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 23 1011 1052 Synthesis of Organ
24. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 24 1053 1084 Synthetic Polymers
25. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 25 1085 1122 Carbohydrates.pdf
26. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 26 1123 1161 Amino Acids, Pepti
27. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 27 1162 1183 Nucleotides and Nu
28. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter 28 1184 1219 Other Natural Prod
29. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter A i vi Media Integration Guide.
30. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter B vii x Copyright Info.pdf
31. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter C xi xxii Contents.pdf
32. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter D xxiii xxxii List of Mechanism
33. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter E Appendix.pdf
34. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Chapter F Glossary.pdf
35. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Extras Approximate Chemical Shifts Bac
36. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Extras Common Functional Groups.pdf
37. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Extras Periodic Table Front Flap.pdf
38. Hoback Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed\Organic Chemistry 2nd Edition by Hoba

1. Ammeraal Computer Graphics for Java Programmers 2e.chm
2. Wright OpenGL SuperBible 4e.pdf

1. Engineering Digital Design 2nd ed. R. Tinder 2000 pdf
2. Floyd Electronic Devices CC 7e.iso
3. Floyd Electronic Devices CC 7e.pdf
4. Gray,Hurst Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 4e SOLUTI
5. Gray,Hurst Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 4e.pdf

1. Science and Its Times Vol 1 2000 BC to 699
2. Science and Its Times Vol 2 700 to 1449.pd
3. Science and Its Times Vol 3 1450 to 1699.p
4. Science and Its Times Vol 4 1700 to 1799.p
5. Science and Its Times Vol 5 1800 to 1899.p
6. Science and Its Times Vol 6 1900 to 1949.p
7. Science and Its Times Vol 7 1950 to Presen

Physics\Astronomy Cosmology
1. Fishbane Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Mode Physics 3e.pdf

1. Fundamental Astronomy 5th ed H. Karttunen, et al., Sp

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