marți, 3 februarie 2009

Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 Supplement Four 5 disk 1 dvd

Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 Supplement Four 5 disk 1 dvd

For each subject in this collection there are a few general
introductory textbooks that are especially well suited for beginning
students, autodidacts and homeleaers.


Wesner, Nustad Elementary Algebra with Applications 3e
Olive Maths A Students Survival Guide
Beecher,Penna Algebra and Trigonometry
Wesner, Nustad College Algebra and Trig. with Applications
Thomas Calculus 11th Edition
Stewart Calculus Concepts and Contexts
Stroud Engineering Mathematics
Stroud Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics


Hewitt Conceptual Physics
Serway College Physics
Halliday, Resnick, Walker Fundamentals of Physics
Fishbane Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Mode Physics
Mode Physics An Introductory Text J. Pfeffer, S. Nir
McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Physics
Physics Over Easy Breakfast With Beth and Physics L. Azaroff


Suchocki Conceptual Chemistry
McMurry,Fay Chemistry
Silberberg Chemistry Molecular Nature of Matter and Change
Hoback Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 5th Edition McMurry, John
McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Chemistry


Raven,Johnson Biology
Belk,Borden Biology Science for Life
Campbell,Reece Biology
Enger Ross Concepts in Biology
Mader Biology Inquiry into Life
Purves Life The Science of Biology
Cain Discover Biology
Postlethwait,Hopson Holt Mode Biology
McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Biology

Computer Science Electronics:

Brookshear Computer Science: An Overview
How Computers Do Math C. Maxfield, A. Brown
Floyd Digital Fundamentals
Floyd Principles of Electric Circuits
Foley Introduction to Computer Graphics
Cormen Introduction to Algorithms
Irvine Assembly Language for Intel based Computers
Silberschatz,Galvin Operating System Concepts
Silberschatz Database System Concepts
Russell,Norvig AI Artificial Intelligence A Mode Approach
Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum


Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Stafford Psychedelics Encyclopedia


Algebra Trigonometry
Computer Science
History and Philosophy of Science

Algebra Trigonometry\Geometry
1. \Algebra Trigonometry\Benson Music A Mathematical Offering Aug 2007.pdf
2. \Algebra Trigonometry\Clifford A. Pickover A Passion for Mathematics.pdf
3. \Algebra Trigonometry\David Darling The Universal Book of Mathematics.pdf
4. \Algebra Trigonometry\Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis G. W. Collins
5. \Algebra Trigonometry\Fundamentals of Wavelets Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
6. \Algebra Trigonometry\Huettenmueller College Algebra Demystified.pdf
7. \Algebra Trigonometry\Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9e BW.pdf
8. \Algebra Trigonometry\Mathematical Tools for Physicists G. Trigg Wiley, 2005 pd
9. \Algebra Trigonometry\Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 2nd ed. J. Hoff
10. \Algebra Trigonometry\Numerical Recipes in C The Art Of Scientific Computing
11. \Algebra Trigonometry\Peter D. Schumer Mathematical Joueys.pdf
12. \Algebra Trigonometry\Practical Applied Math. Modelling, Analysis, Approximation
13. \Algebra Trigonometry\Roger Penrose The Road to Reality.pdf
14. \Algebra Trigonometry\Rosser Basic Mathematics for Economists 2e.pdf
15. \Algebra Trigonometry\The Finite Element Method in Engineering 4th ed S. Rao Els
16. \Algebra Trigonometry\The Mathematical Nature of the Living World G. Chauvet World
17. \Algebra Trigonometry\The Structure of Intelligence B. Goertzel pdf
18. \Algebra Trigonometry\Theory and Applications of Numerical Analysis 2nd ed. G. Phil

1. \Algebra Trigonometry\Geometry\Mode Differential Geometry for Physicists 2nd ed.
2. \Algebra Trigonometry\Geometry\Non Euclidean Geometry 6th ed. H.S.M. Coxeter 1998
3. \Algebra Trigonometry\Geometry\Wentworth Textbook of Geometry 1898.pdf

Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life
Biology\Molecular Biology
1. \Biology\Anatomy at a Glance O. Faiz, D. Moffat Blackwell, 2002 pdf
2. \Biology\Bell,Hemsley Green Plants Their Origin and Diversity 2e.pdf
3. \Biology\Biology Demystified D. Layman McGraw Hill, 2003 pdf
4. \Biology\Brownson Applied Epidemiology Theory to Practice.pdf
5. \Biology\Cancer Biology 4th ed R. Ruddon Oxford, 2007 pdf
6. \Biology\Cecil Textbook of Medicine.pdf
7. \Biology\Faller et al. The Human Body.pdf
8. \Biology\Fundamentals of Anesthesia C. Pinnock, T. Lin, T. Smith GMM, 1999 pdf
9. \Biology\Gabbard Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy 1e.chm
10. \Biology\Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 2ed.pdf
11. \Biology\Human Evolution An Illustrated Introduction, 5th Edition.pdf
12. \Biology\Kaplan, Sadock Textbook of Psychiatry 7ed.pdf
13. \Biology\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Biology 11 v3.pdf
14. \Biology\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Biology 12 v2.pdf
15. \Biology\Nutrition Almanac 5th ed L. Dunne McGraw Hill, 2002 pdf
16. \Biology\Physiology 3rd ed L. Costanzo Saunders, 2006 chm
17. \Biology\Psychophysiology Human Behavior and Physiological Response 4th ed J. Andre
18. \Biology\Smith Clean A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity.pdf
19. \Biology\Stem Cell Research Medical Applications and Ethical Controversy J. Panno
20. \Biology\The Biology of the Eye J. Fischbarg Elsevier, 2006 pdf

1. \Biology\Biochemistry\Koolman, Roehm Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed.pdf
2. \Biology\Biochemistry\Pharmacology 6th ed Katzung, Trevor djvu
3. \Biology\Biochemistry\Textbook of Receptor Pharmacology 2nd ed J. Foreman, T. Johansen

1. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt01.pdf
2. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt02.pdf
3. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt03.pdf
4. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt04.pdf
5. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt05.pdf
6. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt06.pdf
7. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt07.pdf
8. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt08.pdf
9. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt09.pdf
10. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt10.pdf
11. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt11.pdf
12. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt12.pdf
13. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt13.pdf
14. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt14.pdf
15. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt15.pdf
16. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt16.pdf
17. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt17.pdf
18. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt18.pdf
19. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt19.pdf
20. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt20.pdf
21. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt21.pdf
22. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt22.pdf
23. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt23.pdf
24. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt24.pdf
25. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt25.pdf
26. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt26.pdf
27. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt27.pdf
28. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt28.pdf
29. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt29.pdf
30. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt30.pdf
31. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt31.pdf
32. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt32.pdf
33. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt33.pdf
34. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt34.pdf
35. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt35.pdf
36. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Chapt36.pdf
37. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\End of Book.pdf
38. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\GLOSSARY.pdf
39. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\help.pdf
40. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\letter2.pdf
41. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\main.pdf
42. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\Preface.pdf
43. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh01.pdf
44. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh02.pdf
45. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh03.pdf
46. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCH04.pdf
47. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh05.pdf
48. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh06.pdf
49. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh07.pdf
50. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh08.pdf
51. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh09.pdf
52. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh10.pdf
53. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh11.pdf
54. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh12.pdf
55. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh13.pdf
56. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh14.pdf
57. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh15.pdf
58. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh16.pdf
59. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh17.pdf
60. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh18.pdf
61. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh19.pdf
62. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh20.pdf
63. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh21.pdf
64. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh22.pdf
65. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh23.pdf
66. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh24.pdf
67. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh25.pdf
68. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh26.pdf
69. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh27.pdf
70. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh28.pdf
71. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh29.pdf
72. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh30.pdf
73. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh31.pdf
74. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh32.pdf
75. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh33.pdf
76. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh34.pdf
77. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh35.pdf
78. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\SGCh36.pdf
79. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\sgTOC.pdf
80. \Biology\Mader Biology Inquiry into Life 9e\toc.pdf

1. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles C. Mullins Kluwer, 2005
2. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune System E. Gundelfi
3. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Cell Cell Channels F. Baluska, et al., Springer, 2006
4. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Cohen A Computer Scientists Guide to Cell Biology.pdf
5. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Food and Nutritional Toxicology S. Omaye CRC, 2004 pdf
6. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology 3rd ed B. Leonard Wiley
7. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Genomics The Science and Tech Behind the Human Genome Proje
8. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Hunter Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology.pdf
9. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Introduction to Protein Architecture A. Lesk Oxford, 2001
10. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Janicak Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy
11. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Lab Manual and Workbook in Microbiology 7th ed J. Morello,
12. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Lullmann et al. Color atlas of pharmacology, 2nd Ed.pdf
13. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Molecular Biology 2nd ed R. Weaver McGraw Hill, 2002
14. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Physics in Molecular Biology K. Sneppen, G. Zocchi Cambri
15. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and St
16. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Principles of Molecular Medicine J. Jameson Humana, 1998
17. \Biology\Molecular Biology\The Art of Genes How Organisms Make Themselves E. Coen
18. \Biology\Molecular Biology\The Language Of Life How Cells Communicate In Health Dis
19. \Biology\Molecular Biology\Visions of The Future Chemistry and Life Science J. Thom

1. \Biology\Neuroscience\Developmental Neurobiology 4th ed M. Rao, M. Jacobson Kluwer,
2. \Biology\Neuroscience\From Computer to Brain Foundations of Computational Neuroscience
3. \Biology\Neuroscience\Kandel Principles of Neural Science 4e.pdf
4. \Biology\Neuroscience\Neuroimmunology of Sleep S. Pandi Perumal, et al., Springer,
5. \Biology\Neuroscience\The Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry E. Higgins, M. George L

Calculus\Differential Equations 2007 10 15 09:24
1. \Calculus\Huettenmueller Business Calculus Demystified.pdf
2. \Calculus\Snyder Elementary Textbook on the Calculus 1918.pdf
3. \Calculus\Thompson Calculus Made Easy 1914.djvu

1. \Calculus\Differential Equations\Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applic

Chemistry\Organic Chemistry 2007 10 16 00:22
1. \Chemistry\Chemical Engineering Modelling, Simulation and Similitude T. Dobre, J. Ma
2. \Chemistry\Crystals and Crystal Structures R. Tilley Wiley, 2006 pdf
3. \Chemistry\Materials Chemistry M. Fahlman Springer, 2007 pdf
4. \Chemistry\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Chemistry 11 v3.pdf
5. \Chemistry\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Chemistry 12 v2.pdf
6. \Chemistry\Smith Psychedelic Chemistry 2e HTML.rar
7. \Chemistry\Stafford Psychedelics Encyclopedia 3e HQ.pdf
8. \Chemistry\Weil From Chocolate To Morphine Mind Altering Drugs.pdf

1. \Chemistry\Organic Chemistry\Alonso The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry.pd
2. \Chemistry\Organic Chemistry\Organic Chemistry of Explosives J. Agrawal, R. Hodgson W
3. \Chemistry\Organic Chemistry\The Art of Drug Synthesis D. Johnson, J. Li Wiley, 2007

Computer Science\Cryptography
Computer Science\Discrete Mathematics
Computer Science\Methodology
Computer Science\Networks
1. \Computer Science\Aold Embedded Controller Hardware Design.pdf
2. \Computer Science\Axelson USB Complete 3e.pdf
3. \Computer Science\Balaji,Frontline Embedded System Design Using 8051 Microcontrollers.
4. \Computer Science\Bishop Computer Security Art And Science.chm
5. \Computer Science\Brookshear Computer Science An Overview 9e.pdf
6. \Computer Science\Communicating Systems Ntwks Traffic, Performance G. Fiche, G. He
7. \Computer Science\Computer Viruses From Theory to Applications E. Filiol Springer,
8. \Computer Science\Detmer Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architec
9. \Computer Science\Guide to RISC Processors For Programmers and Engineers S. Dandamud
10. \Computer Science\Hardware and Computer Organization Software Perspective A. Berger
11. \Computer Science\Huurdemann The Worldwide History of Telecommunications.pdf
12. \Computer Science\Irvine Assembly Language for Intel based Computers 4e.iso
13. \Computer Science\Irvine Assembly Language for Intel based Computers 4e.pdf
14. \Computer Science\PCI Bus Demystified D. Abbott LLH, 2000 pdf
15. \Computer Science\PCI Express System Architecture R. Budruk, D. Anderson, T. Shanley
16. \Computer Science\Ponniah Data Modelling Fundamentals.pdf
17. \Computer Science\Rosch Hardware Bible 6e.chm
18. \Computer Science\Szor The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense.chm
19. \Computer Science\Taylor DVD Demystified 2e.pdf
20. \Computer Science\The First Computers History and Architectures R. Rojas, U. Hashag
21. \Computer Science\USB Mass Storage Designing and Pgmg Devices, Embedded Hosts J. Ax

1. \Computer Science\Cryptography\Cryptography for Developers Simon Johnson.pdf
2. \Computer Science\Cryptography\Friedman Military Cryptanalysis.pdf
3. \Computer Science\Cryptography\Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography Darrel Hankerson.p
4. \Computer Science\Cryptography\Handbook of Applied Cryptography Alfred J. Menezes.pdf
5. \Computer Science\Cryptography\Oppliger Contemporary Cryptography.pdf

1. \Computer Science\Discrete Mathematics\McIney Being Logical A Guide To Good Thinki
2. \Computer Science\Discrete Mathematics\The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs 3rd ed A. Cupillar

1. \Computer Science\Methodology\Greene Applied Software Project Management OReilly,
2. \Computer Science\Methodology\Keogh OOP Demystified.chm
3. \Computer Science\Methodology\Pressman Software Engineering A Practitioners Approac
4. \Computer Science\Methodology\Software Project Management For Dummies T. Luckey, J. Ph

1. \Computer Science\Networks\Doyle Cisco Routing TCP IP Volume 1.pdf
2. \Computer Science\Networks\Doyle Cisco Routing TCP IP Volume 2.pdf
3. \Computer Science\Networks\Etheet Networks 4th ed. G. Held Wiley, 2003 pdf
4. \Computer Science\Networks\Hall Inteet Core Protocols The Definitive Guide.chm
5. \Computer Science\Networks\Hunt TCP IP Network Administration 3e.chm
6. \Computer Science\Networks\Intro to Network Analysis 2nd ed. L. Chappell Podbooks,
7. \Computer Science\Networks\Lewis Wireless Networks For Dummies.pdf
8. \Computer Science\Networks\Lowe Networking For Dummies 7e.pdf
9. \Computer Science\Networks\McCabe Network Analysis, Architecture and Design 3e.pdf
10. \Computer Science\Networks\Spurgeon Etheet The Definitive Guide.pdf
11. \Computer Science\Networks\Stevens TCP IP Illustrated Volume 1.chm
12. \Computer Science\Networks\Stevens TCP IP Illustrated Volume 2.chm

Electronics\Mano,Kime Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 3e
1. \Electronics\A First Lab in Circuits and Electronics Y. Tsividis Wiley, 2001 pdf
2. \Electronics\Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Ctl Sys Apps J. Luecke 2005
3. \Electronics\Cathey Electronic Devices and Circuits 2e Schaums Outlines.pdf
4. \Electronics\Circuit Design with VHDL V.Pedroni 2004 pdf
5. \Electronics\Collins Fundamentals of Digital Television Transmission.pdf
6. \Electronics\Digital Audio Broadcasting 2nd ed W. Hoeg, T. Lauterbach Wiley, 2003 WW
7. \Electronics\Electrical Engineers Reference Book 16th ed. M. Laughton, D. Wae 2002
8. \Electronics\Electricity Demystified S. Gibilisco McGraw Hill, 2005 pdf
9. \Electronics\Fund Of Digital Logic With VHDL Design 2nd ed S. Brown, Z. Vranesic 2005
10. \Electronics\Fundamentals of Liquid Crystal Devices D. Yang, S. Wu Wiley, 2006 p
11. \Electronics\Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control G. May,
12. \Electronics\GPRS for Mobile Inteet E. Seurre, P. Savelli Artech House, 2003 c
13. \Electronics\GPS Theory, Algorithms and Applications 2nd ed G. Xu Springer, 2007
14. \Electronics\GSM Networks Protocols, Terminology, Implementation G. Heine Artech H
15. \Electronics\Ham Radio For Dummies W. Silver 2004 pdf
16. \Electronics\High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals 2nd ed. E. Kuffel, W. Zaengl, J.
17. \Electronics\Intro To Telephony J. Laino 1999 pdf
18. \Electronics\Intro. to Medical Electronics Applications D. Dennings, A. Flint, B. Tur
19. \Electronics\Introducing Molecular Electronics G. Cuniberti, et al., Springer, 2005
20. \Electronics\Mastering Audio The Art and the Science B. Katz 2002 pdf
21. \Electronics\Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology 3rd ed. E. Trundle
22. \Electronics\Oscilloscope Applications Guide Book 3rd ed. BK 2001 pdf
23. \Electronics\Practical and Experimental Robotics F. Sahin, P. Kachroo CRC, 2008
24. \Electronics\Printed Circuits Handbook 5th ed C. Coombs McGraw Hill, 2001 pdf
25. \Electronics\Programmable Controllers An Engineers Guide 3rd ed E. Parr Newnes,
26. \Electronics\Radio and Electronics Cookbook G. Brown Newnes, 2001 pdf
27. \Electronics\Real World Digital Audio P. Ki Peachpit, 2005 chm
28. \Electronics\RF Components and Circuits J. Carr Newnes, 2002 pdf
29. \Electronics\RF Transistors Principles and Practical Applications 2nd ed. N. Dye, H
30. \Electronics\Robbins Circuit Analysis with Devices Theory and Practice 3e.pdf
31. \Electronics\Robot Mechanisms And Mech. Devices Illus. P. Sandin 2003 pdf
32. \Electronics\Soldering of Electrical and Electronic Assemblies MIL HDBK 2000 US DOD
33. \Electronics\Telecommunications Essentials L. Goleniewski 2001 chm
34. \Electronics\Television Technology Demystified A. Todorovic Elsevier, 2006 pdf
35. \Electronics\The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design J. Williams Newnes, 1998
36. \Electronics\Theory and Technique of Electronic Music M. Puckette 2006 pdf
37. \Electronics\UMTS The Fundamentals B. Walke, et al., Wiley, 2003 pdf
38. \Electronics\Understanding Telephone Electronics 4th ed. S. Bigelow, J. Carr, S. Wind
39. \Electronics\Widmann Technology of Integrated Circuits.pdf

1. \Electronics\Mano,Kime Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 3e\Mano,Kime Logic and
2. \Electronics\Mano,Kime Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals 3e\Mano,Kime Logic and

1. \Geology\Planet Formation Theory, Observations and Experiments H. Klahr, W. Brandner

1. \History and Philosophy of Science\Boyd,Gasper,Trout The Philosophy of Science.pdf
2. \History and Philosophy of Science\Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3e.pdf
3. \History and Philosophy of Science\The Timeline Book of Science Geroge Ochoa.pdf

Physics\Astronomy Cosmology
Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e
Physics\Electromagnetics Electrodynamics
Physics\Quantum Physics
1. \Physics\Batchelor An Intro to Fluid Dynamics.djvu
2. \Physics\Building Blocks of Matter J. Ridgen 2003 pdf
3. \Physics\Cutnell,Johnson Physics 7e HTML.rar
4. \Physics\Fundamentals Of Plasma Physics P. Bellan 2004 pdf
5. \Physics\Hollas Mode Spectroscopy 4e.pdf
6. \Physics\Jacobs 5 Steps to a 5 AP Physics B and C.pdf
7. \Physics\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Physics 11 v3.pdf
8. \Physics\McGraw Hill Ryerson High School Physics 12 v2.pdf
9. \Physics\Physics Over Easy Breakfast With Beth and Physics L. Azaroff World, 1996
10. \Physics\Rules of Thumb in Engineering Practice D. Woods Wiley, 2007 pdf
11. \Physics\The Fourth State Of Matter An Intro To Plasma Science S. Eliezer, Y. Eliez 1
12. \Physics\The Meaning of Relativity 6th ed A. Einstein Routledge, 1956 pdf
13. \Physics\The Works of Archimedes T. Heath Cambridge pdf
14. \Physics\Thermodynamics Fundamentals for Applications J. OConnell, J. Haile Cambr

1. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Astronomy Encyclopedia P. Moore Phillips, 2002 pdf
2. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Cosmology The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure
3. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\From Dust to Stars Studies of Formation and Early Evolu
4. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Galaxies And How to Observe Them W. Steinicke, R. Jak
5. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Intelligent Life in the Universe 2nd ed P. Ulmschneider
6. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology J. Ple
7. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Lights in the Sky Identifying and Understanding Astrono
8. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Mode Astronomy Expanding the Universe L. Yount 200
9. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System 2nd ed J. Lew
10. \Physics\Astronomy Cosmology\Supersymmetry Theory, Experiment and Cosmology P. Bi

1. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\answers.pdf
2. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\app a.pdf
3. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\app b.pdf
4. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\app c.pdf
5. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\app d.pdf
6. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\app e.pdf
7. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap01.pdf
8. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap02.pdf
9. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap03.pdf
10. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap03 c.pdf
11. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap04.pdf
12. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap04 c.pdf
13. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap05.pdf
14. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap05 c.pdf
15. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap06.pdf
16. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap07.pdf
17. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap07 c.pdf
18. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap08.pdf
19. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap08 c.pdf
20. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap09.pdf
21. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap09 c.pdf
22. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap10.pdf
23. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap10 c.pdf
24. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap11.pdf
25. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap11 c.pdf
26. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap12.pdf
27. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap12 c.pdf
28. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap13.pdf
29. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap13 c.pdf
30. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap14 c.pdf
31. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap15 c.pdf
32. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap16 c.pdf
33. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap17 c.pdf
34. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap18 c.pdf
35. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap19 c.pdf
36. \Physics\Callister Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e\chap20 c.pdf
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