marți, 1 septembrie 2009

Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12

Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12

Have you ever wondered how does the professional set up of HI END rendering? Archinteriors gives you this possibility.
Look how does it look from the backstage. Buy Archinteriors CD and lea commercial rendering set up. Make money from
professional visualizations. Archinteriors vol. 12 comprises of 10 textured and shadered visualization scenes ready to
be rendered.

In all scenes we used Ligth Cache and Irradiance Maps to calculate GI. Render times are relatively low. If you want
have faster render times just change preset for the Irradiance map. If you want use this technique for animation just
switch mode for Irradiance map to "Multiframe incremental" and for Light Cache to "Fly through".

This CD is prepared for Vray 1.5 SP1 or newest and 3ds max 9. In older version of 3ds max it wouldnt open.

BUY Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12 15$

TAGS cheap Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12, low cost Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12, low cost Evermotion ArchInteriors Vol 12

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