sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2009

Lynda Harry Marks Creative Inspirations 1 cd

Lynda Harry Marks Creative Inspirations 1 cd

Harry Marks is considered by many to be the godfather of
broadcast design. More than any other individual, he changed
television by doing things with graphics that had never been
attempted before. Not only did he pioneer the use of emerging
imaging technologies, but he did so with style and reason.
His pioneering work in the field of CGI brought him into
collaboration with many other industry pioneers, including
Douglas Trumbull, Robert Abel, Carl Rosendahl whose company
evolved into DreamWorks Animation, and Dale Herigstad. In the
early 80s, Harry had the idea of bringing together people who
work in the disparate fields of technology, entertainment, and
design, so he partnered with Richard Saul Wurman and the TED
Conference was bo. This installment of Creative Inspirations
takes viewers on a historic jouey through the extraordinary
career of Harry Marks.

BUY Lynda Harry Marks Creative Inspirations 1 cd 20$

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