marți, 25 decembrie 2007

JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut 3 8 3 For Maya 7 0

JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut 3 8 3 For Maya 7 0

Shaves integration into Maya is so smooth, that you might just think its
just a plugin. It is not. It is a complete modeler, a full dynamics
simulation system, it is a complete renderer, and it is a compositor. Most
plugins that have such deep integration are entirely closed systems, and
make you do everything their way, or the highway. Highend companies want


Every hair solution has to deal with rendering. Although we give our
renderer away with the base license, we dont skimp on rendering.

Superior Self and Cast Shadows "Deep Accumulation"

Shave renders a Deep Accumulation for all shadows. This means several
things. With Shaves Deep Accumulation, light filters into the hair mass,
creating a natural softness that you just cant achieve with a Z buffer.
This lighting model much more naturally emulates the way light interacts
hair, and has much the same effect as Pixars Deep Shadow method.

Integrates with Mayas render

Shaves render, integrates tightly with Mayas own. Not only does it match
camera, aspect ratio, aperature, etc.. but it also works with Maya 2D post
process effects like depth of field, and fog . Additionally, if you want to
render the hair with Mayas render or any render for that matter you can

just tu on polygonal model hair generation.

Not Just for Hair and Grass

With shave, you can actually replace hair geometry with anything you can
model. This feature, called Instancing, allows you to grow things like
trees, leaves, cows ... anything.

Shave works from a 3 dimensional flow feild bounded by something called
hair guides left. When guides are emmitted from a surface nurb or
poly, a whole field of them are created. The number of guides relate
directly to
the number of CVs in the emmiting surface. They define the general shape of

the hair.

The actual hair can be previewed at lower counts in the viewer, is an even
distribution accross the emission surface, and has nothing to do with how
many guides you have. Initially the hair is grown as a straight
interpolation of the guides, then displaced by parameters suchas kink and

Creating so many guides assures good local control on hair shape, and steady

dynamics. But controling and combing so many guides comes with its
challenges too, which is why we include a custom interface just for combing.


Shaves guides have our dynamics engine built in.. To create dynamic hair
with Shave, you point and click.

Each and every hair guide you create with Shave is a dynamic,
bi directional, gimbal lock free, dynamic chain. Dynamic properteies can be
set with sliders and panels, but can also be painted with wieghtmaps and

BUY JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut 3 8 3 For Maya 7 0 25$

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