sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2007

South End Press The Secret Wars of Judi Bari A Car Bomb the Fight for the Redwood and the End of Earth First 1St Ed PDF eBook

South End Press The Secret Wars of Judi Bari A Car Bomb the Fight for the Redwood and the End of Earth First 1St Ed PDF eBook

Readers anxious about civil liberties under George W. Bush will
find fodder for fears and suggestions for activism in The COINTELP
Papers. Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Walls expose of Americas
political police force, the FBI, reveals the steel fist
undergirding "compassionate conservatisms" velvet glove. Using
original FBI memos, the authors provide extensive analysis of the
agencys treatment of the left, from the Communist Party in the
1950s to the Central America solidarity movement in the 1980s.
The authors new introduction posits likely trajectories for
domestic repression.

amazon/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ /0896086488/

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